Apple Pay launches in UK with 250K stores, 8 banks participating



  • Reply 21 of 53
    sflagelsflagel Posts: 838member
    chia wrote: »

    A subtlety in semantics I believe anantksundaram has astutely picked up on, from what I understand the merchants' terminals aren't checking how much money you've got in your account or available to spend, they're asking approval (or pre-approval) to withdraw a specific amount from the account.

    good point.
  • Reply 22 of 53

    Originally Posted by konqerror View Post


    The problem with Europe and the rest of world's PIN system is that the card itself verifies the PIN internally. This can't happen on a contactless transaction since the card is removed before the PIN is entered.


    In the US, transactions above $50 are verified by a signature, so it doesn't affect contactless.


    Rest of the world isn't very accurate 


    In Australia the contactless transaction limit is variable based on the vendor's arrangement with their payment processor.


    And by limit I mean without any further verification. If the amount is higher further verification is required and then it is via PIN and that does not happen with the card anywhere near the terminal.


    Signatures are finished here and on the way out in the USA as well

  • Reply 23 of 53
    chiachia Posts: 714member
    konqerror wrote: »

    Despite what people think, EMV is not way ahead. EMV was first developed in 1995

    Whatever you or other people think, the fact is the major card organizations of the world have adopted it and view it as the way ahead.

    Worldwide EMV Deployment Statistics

    Besides, like USB, SATA and Thunderbolt, it is a standard which has evolved over the years.
  • Reply 24 of 53
    konqerrorkonqerror Posts: 685member
    Originally Posted by cy_starkman View Post



    Rest of the world isn't very accurate 


    In Australia the contactless transaction limit is variable based on the vendor's arrangement with their payment processor.


    And by limit I mean without any further verification. If the amount is higher further verification is required and then it is via PIN and that does not happen with the card anywhere near the terminal.


    Signatures are finished here and on the way out in the USA as well


    This is called the floor limit. Below the floor limit, no verification, signature or authorization is necessary. I didn't say anything about that. I said PIN CVM is used in the rest of the world. Europe's cards are set for offline PIN, which is why the card in contact with the PIN pad. You in Australia have one of the few deployments of online PIN.


    The US is not switching to PIN on credit. You need to show proof.

  • Reply 25 of 53
    HSBC debit card and at 6.30am and still can't add my card
  • Reply 26 of 53

    Loaded up a Nationwide debit cad and NatWest credit card.  Just tried in Costa, terminal shows apple pay but we couldn't get it to work, guess might be OK later in the day.


    Up and running yippee!!


    Barclays better get a move on or that debit card is for the scissors!!

  • Reply 27 of 53
    adybadyb Posts: 205member

    That's my Amex card set up although it was easier to add the card via the Apple Watch app than do it through Passbook.


    Time to go to Pret & see if I can pay by Apple Watch!!


    Edit 07:18 - it works although I paid by phone this time. I just need to watch my pronunciation of Apple Pay & apple pie.


    Passbook has also updated with details on how to add a card

  • Reply 28 of 53
    inotropeinotrope Posts: 14member
    Yup, active (load cards via settings / passbook and Apple Pay [new option!])

    Apple website updated accordingly.

    Now to find somewhere to use it!
  • Reply 29 of 53

    Sorry if this is a stupid user question but how did Apple activate my iP 6 to allow card loading.  I thought I'd have to wait for iOS 9.

  • Reply 30 of 53
    ljc94512ljc94512 Posts: 54member

    What on earth? HSBC backed out last minute.  I can't register my card now.  Not happy about that

  • Reply 31 of 53


  • Reply 32 of 53
    Yes! Ability to add UK debit card kicked in at 6:30am (BST) today (Ihad tried a few minutes earlier but no joy).

    My Santander debit card is added to Passbook and I'm off to try it out on the
    London Transport system shortly.

    [IMG ALT=""][/IMG]
  • Reply 33 of 53
    Debit card uploaded at 6:33 this morning!
  • Reply 34 of 53
    It worked for me this morning.
  • Reply 35 of 53
    dachardachar Posts: 330member
    I can't add cards to Passbook with iPnone 5 and Apple Watch.

    Update. Half way there now. I have never run Passbook on my Watch. After I ran this i was then able to add a card to the Apple Watch Passbook on my iPhone. This has half worked. My card has appeared but seems to be stuck in Activating.
  • Reply 36 of 53

    No. It was included in iOS 8 with the iPhone 6 and 6 plus.  

  • Reply 37 of 53
    chiachia Posts: 714member
    Hooray. Nationwide card active now on iPhone 5 and Apple Watch.
    No hiccups at all with activation from Passbook and Apple Pay section within Ape Watch app on iPhone.

    It must have been activated sometime between 6am and 8 am.
    Now to go and try to spend with the system!
  • Reply 38 of 53
    lymflymf Posts: 65member
    In the U.S., it's generally lower credit quality consumers who use debit cards.

    Maybe that's because we don't have the same mentality and system for credit cards?

    Most credit cards companies here on mainland Europe (I'm separating the UK which usually is closer to the U.S. On this) will bill you the full amount of what you used at the end of the month. You can do it also by paying it off a bit every month but the interest rate is higher.

    Also, a credit card is an open credit line, so having 1 or multiple credit cards decrease your score when it comes to getting a loan from the bank for a car or a house, therefore increasing the interest rate you'd get on such loan.

    Many people here prefer to use their real money to pay (cf debit cards) to avoid these bad surprise at the end of the month when you spent your whole credit limit but are unable to pay back with what is in your bank account. It's a much safer way to manage your finances. For example in 2010 Germany had only 4 millions credit cards in circulation, while they had over 90 millions debit cards in use, being the most populated country in Europe. France was higher yet with quite a drop compare to the U.S. And the UK. In Belgium, to encourage the use of the credit cards, banks are giving them for free (in the limit of your financial qualification) if you use it at least 12 times per year. It may sound like a ridiculous number for most American (and I get it, when I travel to the U.S. I probably do 12 transaction per day if not more) but it gives an idea of how people see the credit card versus the debit card.

    Finally, the banks here are also checking your financial stability more when delivering a new credit card to make sure you can actually pay back if you use them. That is to avoid situations where people create a debt on one credit card and just get another one to continue to dig their debt deeper and end up in a situation where they are virtually and physically unable to ever pay back. Therefore, if you have already one credit card, you have to make quite a lot of money (and be able to prove it) to be allowed a second credit card. If you want to increase that credit card limit, you have to have a history of sufficient funds on your account to cover the new limit. Etc... Etc... Etc...

    One of the consequence is that for example kids will not be allowed to receive a credit card. They can receive a debit card (because of the instant checking of your balance), and "prepaid credit cards" if their parents want to allow them to manage their own iTunes account for example, but these prepaid cards act more as a debit card, though are usually compatible with merchants only accepting credit cards.vor sometimes they get micro credit cards with a limit of 250$ per month. Yet I know no kid with such card, mainly adults who need a credit card for some online payments but don't want the temptation of being able to overspend.

    To go back on the statistics, in the USA in 2010, over 50% of Americans with a credit card had a balance of over 11000$.

    UK is slightly different than mainland Europe as it is the second biggest credit card user after the U.S., yet the debt is still lower.

    Some numbers from 2009...
    Who Owes the Most?

    With increased credit card usage comes increased credit card debt (with as we have mentioned the apparent exception of China!) As of 2009 according to US News and World Report the following countries were carrying the biggest credit card debt burdens (figures are in billions of dollars!)

    US – $775.0

    UK – $87.5

    Canada – $73.9

    Australia – $40.4

    Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying Europe is perfect, far from it (just read about the Greece crisis) but there is a major difference I believe on how individuals perceive a debt. And most people try to avoid debts, and consider the credit card as one of them.

    As for my personal experience, compared to the people around me, I am a big credit card user, mainly because I use a lot of only services, and travel outside of Europe more than them, therefore I use my credit card more. But for most expenses, I will give priority to my debit card, allowing me to manage finances better, kind of like everyone around here. My debt? 0€! the only reasons that would push me to open a credit line and contract s debt would be the purchase of a car and a purchase of a house. My mentality for the rest is: if I can't afford it then I should wait until I can to get it. That's how a lot of people act (obviously not everyone).

    I'll finish reinstating that I do not dislike the U.S. On the contrary. I'm just showing the difference between the two cultures when it comes to consumerism and credit cards. A person without a credit card here isn't necessarily a person with a bad finance situation, they just don't see the need for it when the debit card work and they can manage their accounts more precisely.
  • Reply 39 of 53
    lymflymf Posts: 65member
    And my whole previous long message is probably why Apple is launching only in the UK and not mainland Europe yet. The credit card use being lower, if they want to achieve succes with Apple Pay in Europe, they need deals with main banks to accept Apple pay on debit cards, and that requires more time due to the number of debit card companies compared to credit cards I guess. Though on this one I'm not certain.
  • Reply 40 of 53
    richlrichl Posts: 2,213member

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