Apple could be held liable for supporting terrorism with strong iOS encryption, experts theorize



  • Reply 61 of 183
    Ridiculous - get a life.
    Terrorism needs to be fought in other ways. In teaching kids values, offering opportunities and providing a future. Not going after Apple.
    Terrorists, by the way, can do what they want (as they always had - Osama and 9/11 anyone?????) without Apple. And children have been kidnapped etc without any smartphones, for decades....
  • Reply 62 of 183
    What so they want? Everyone to buy IBM PCs running Windows 95? That would ensure that they could spy on everyone, and would make the Internet useless for everyone but hackers, malware writers and scammers.

    Alternatively, they could support the closing up of the obvious flaws in the HTTP protocol that allows people to post information onto the Internet without verifiable identifying information. If information is stored on the Internet, or transmitted through the Internet, the unique identifier of its author should be stored or transmitted with it.
  • Reply 63 of 183
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,920member

    Same argument can be made for legal alcohol, legal marijuana, legal guns, etc. which becomes tool/medium one or other way and hurts innocent people. So, who do you punish ?  The most controversial issue is gun in America. Do you punish gun manufacturers, NRA who stops bringing sensible gun control laws to pass, Do you punish people who owns guns but so careless that their 15 year insane kid takes out parents gun and shoot school children. Corporations ruins environment which put everyone at risk of extinct from this earth ? now you know, Apple is targeted as scape goat.  You can't have both as seeking for privacy of your own information and also allow to be easily violated.

  • Reply 64 of 183
    uraharaurahara Posts: 733member

    Originally Posted by muppetry View Post


    Critical masses explode. 

    The world is bigger than you might think.


    1. Any mass can become a black hole if it collapses down to the Schwarzschild radius - but if a mass is over some critical value between 2 and 3 solar masses and has no fusion process to keep it from collapsing, then gravitational forces alone make the collapse to a black hole inevitable.

  • Reply 65 of 183
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    I'll add my condemnation of this supposition to the pile. It's completely absurd on many levels. Even the comparison to Arab Bank is ridiculous. The government would have to show that Apple knew specific users were engaging in terrorism, and show negligence by looking the other way. There are some good examples here of how crazy this logic is if carried forward to other products. Under the standardfor criminal and civil liability the authors describe, any company could be held liable for any terrorist act so long as the terrorists used their products beforehand. Cars. Guns. Gas. Technology. Finance. Hardware and building materials. Do they sue fertilizer manufacturers when someone makes a ANFO bomb? How about oil companies when someone makes the same? I have an idea...let's sue manufacturers of door locks. They prevent the police from entering a suspected terrorist's residence! On a positive note, I think we now know what happened to VHS tapes. Manufacturers were sued because their products were used to make threat videos!
  • Reply 66 of 183
    of course this does not apply to government giving weapons to ISIS and other terrorists in middle east.

    We also know government would never interfere in our private lives without proper procedure and warrant under reasonable cause, so why would we need encryption?

    No really... just hope the encryption being used is really true and not already broken by some top secret quantum computer in langley.
  • Reply 67 of 183
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,020member
    pakitt wrote: »
    Ridiculous - get a life.
    Terrorism needs to be fought in other ways. In teaching kids values, offering opportunities and providing a future. Not going after Apple.
    Terrorists, by the way, can do what they want (as they always had - Osama and 9/11 anyone?????) without Apple. And children have been kidnapped etc without any smartphones, for decades....

    You sound as delusional as the idiots working at State. Providing opportunity and a future. Jesus Christ.
  • Reply 68 of 183
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    bugsnw wrote: »
    Empty, soulless, unethical lawyers. They need to clean out their own profession.
    It's reminiscent of the people who 10 years ago concocted the legal arguments for waterboarding and rendition. This latest assault on constitutional privacy protection is by trying to crminalize even those who try to advance that privacy protection. This is not simply a theory that supports government overreach. It's the behavior of despots and authoritarians.
  • Reply 69 of 183
    mike1mike1 Posts: 3,328member

    Originally Posted by JDW View Post

    Lawyers and neocons unite in scaremongering American firms to make your electronic devices less secure. How lovely.

    Don't blame conservatives for this one. It's the socialist Obama and his cronies who are pushing this.

  • Reply 70 of 183
    rob53rob53 Posts: 3,267member

    "Under the civil remedies provision of the Antiterrorism Act (18 U.S. Code ?2333), victims of international terrorism can sue, Lawfare explains, adding that an act violating criminal law is required to meet section definitions."


    The stupid thing about this comment is that the US government is one of the largest terrorist organizations in the world but we can't sue them (we can try but no judge would ever hear the case). They demand the toughest encryption possible, which is why they are now using iOS devices and should be using more Macs than they do, especially on mobile devices. They want the encryption but only for themselves. I agree with the McCarthyism statement and it will take the same amount of citizen's revolt to get our government to realize how insane they are being. It would also help if they realized how pushy they are around the world and understand our constitution doesn't give them the right to be the world's cop. We don't need a civil war or revolt, we just need to slap those war monger right-wing radicals around a bit who still proliferate government offices in Washington DC and cut the ties with the military machine manufacturers (Cheny's cronies). I don't think people realize the military is the largest employer in the US. For all those who want smaller government, I guess the military isn't included in that discussion. You want lower taxes? Reduce the military. The protection of the US won't be harmed because the vast majority of the US military are stationed around the world trying to justify their presence by saying they're protection the interests of the US. 

  • Reply 71 of 183

    Let's keep our eye on the ball people.

  • Reply 72 of 183
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    The same argument can be used against lots of companies. You have anonymous VPN and email companies out there. Also what about people using PGP to encrypted their communications.

    They are basically saying only the government can have secret communications.
  • Reply 73 of 183
    rob53rob53 Posts: 3,267member

    Originally Posted by mike1 View Post


    Don't blame conservatives for this one. It's the socialist Obama and his cronies who are pushing this.

    It's both sides. Obama didn't get rid of everyone in the NSA, DHS or other government agencies. He only changed the top level Secretaries. The others were government workers he couldn't fire. As everyone knows, the top person of a large organization rarely has any control of everyday operations. Once the DHS was formed and the NSA, CIA, and FBI were allowed to do whatever they could get away with (starting way back in J Edgar Hoover's time), it didn't matter who the president was, they had their charter and took full advantage of it. We only hear the tiniest amount of real information about what they are doing. Yes, Obama hears more which is why his hair is almost totally gray. The Bushes agreed with more of what was happening but it doesn't matter what the people want, the actions of the government are deeply rooted and like weeds and ivy, it is nearly impossible to get rid of them. 

  • Reply 74 of 183
    longpathlongpath Posts: 394member
    At some point, you have to recognize that this was all set in motion when revolutionaries made revolution a capital offense. The "war on" whatever would not have been possible under the Articles, and it was only by manufacturing a crisis that Hamilton and the Federalists were able to manipulate the Founders into forming what we have now.
  • Reply 75 of 183
    mike1mike1 Posts: 3,328member

    This is just a thought excercise. Doesn't mean it would happen or that anyone is advocating for it. You can bet Apple's legal team has done the same thing in assessing the risk for every one of their privacy policies.

  • Reply 76 of 183
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    The Arab Bank comparison is a false analogy. They were knowingly doing business with people were members of an identified terrorist organization. A more equivalent situation would be if Apple were informed by the government that one of their customers was a known terrorist and they continued to let them use their services. However, forcing them to weaken the encryption for everyone would be more akin to the governoment insisting they needed to review all of the bank's customers' transactions to make sure none of them were doing anything "suspicious."  Apple is legally not allowed to do business with known terrorists. They aren't compelled to become a branch of the national surveillance program.

    To your point the government would never tell Apple a person they were monitoring was a terrorist because Apple would have to shut off their access which would let the terrorist know the government is on to them. If the government would go after Apple for this they would have to go after the cell phone companies any Wi-Fi company and third party software companies since they are all would be involved.
  • Reply 77 of 183
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    It's interesting how people, this author included, write about the government as an entity separate from the people. In this case vs. people. There's definitely some truth to it, but ultimately the people are in charge of this country if they'd wake up and care.

    "What society does to its children, so will its
    children do to society." - Cicero -
  • Reply 78 of 183
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,920member

    Originally Posted by SDW2001 View Post

    You sound as delusional as the idiots working at State. Providing opportunity and a future. Jesus Christ.

    Of course, if you provide opportunity, money, support, bla,bla to all kids,youngs,adults in world than there won't be any terrorism. For that you need to kill all religion and make humanity as religion. Than you need to have one kid rule and if you break than one of parent die so overall world population is leveled. With that world environment and resources won't be depleted so fast and everyone has enough and some more to live happily and not turn to terrorism,war, etc. Can human every do that ? Not really and we are genetically designed(matrix movie) to destroy ourselves at the end.

  • Reply 79 of 183
    We have far more to fear from our own government than any terrorist. What's it going to take before people stand up to this bs?
  • Reply 80 of 183
    roakeroake Posts: 821member
    adhir wrote: »
    If Apple can be held liable for making iPhones, why shouldn't the gun manufacturers be held liable for making the guns that domestic terrorists are using to shoot up our schools and malls?

    People (idiots) have tried to make that case already. They will continue to do so.

    It won't be long until someone picks up a rock and kills a person, and their family tries to sue God for making the Earth.
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