iOS 9 Safari content blockers debut to demand, denouncement & a high-profile delisting



  • Reply 221 of 421
    I believe the publishers will be fine. They can make the user opt-in to accept advertising to gain access to the site.
  • Reply 222 of 421

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    Originally Posted by TechLover View Post

    Did you not read the Marco's tweet that was already posted in response to you by Crowley?

    It's okay I will post it again for you.

    And if you don't want to click here it is:

    "If buyers want to keep using the app, it’ll probably work for a pretty long time, with the auto-updater getting new trackers periodically."

    It will PROBABLY work.

    Just like you probabily not die from eating this mushroom. Give me a break. He should continue to provide updates for 1 year.

    Then take the refund. 


    You are seriously making a mountain out of a molehill. I can't believe you are this upset over this. It's actually comical. 

  • Reply 223 of 421
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post

    I didnt buy the app.




    What a goddamn waste of everyone's time.

  • Reply 224 of 421

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    Originally Posted by TechLover View Post

    Then take the refund. 

    You are seriously making a mountain out of a molehill. I can't believe you are this upset over this. It's actually comical. 

    I didnt buy the app.

    It is a big deal since it was the best selling app at release.

    Good grief after all of this you didn't even buy the app?


    I had no idea you were such a champion of the poor huddled masses who did buy it.


    That makes it even more comical.

  • Reply 225 of 421
    crowley wrote: »
    The app did not stop working, and the refund process is the normal Apple refund process. What more did you expect him to do? He has no access to customer details.

    without dev support the app will degrade.
  • Reply 226 of 421
    misa wrote: »
    That's the point. Plenty of people have installed ADP because their more tech-savvy friend installed it for them without even explaining what it does. There's also plenty of people who don't even know how ADP works. There are sites that straight-up break because of ADP being present because ADP blindly blocks certain DOM elements. For example any css element starting with "ad" like "adventure" gets blocked.

    So if I politely want you to turn ADP off, I'll enclose the entire content in a known css element id so that you have to turn ADP off. If you're a smartass, you'd realize you can whitelist the site itself and continue to block everything but the in-house ads. In fact the most profitable site I manage does this. If you browse the site with ADP turned on, only one of the in-house ads show, and it has a much higher click-through rate.

    So, yes, people who install ADP are missing much more than just advertisements.

    no, you miss the point -- any site that blocks its content and instead renders a nastygram ISNT going to get another second of attention from me. tab closed. done.

    you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.
  • Reply 227 of 421
    crowley wrote: »

    "Or the p?eudo writers will disapeer and you'll be back to the best content getting money through subscription, mix of subscription and tasteful ads (like old time Newspapers and radio) or a curated experience with a bit more ads, but a lot less than we have now."
  • Reply 228 of 421
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    I can also bet that nobody has ever taken away your method of making money.

    "taken away". you mean like, "voting with your feet" -- the phrase used when consumers decide they don't like something and go elsewhere, where hey like it better?

    yeah, happens all the time. get over yourself....nobody is stealing bread out of your child's mouth.
  • Reply 229 of 421
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Unless you're a coroner, or tax collector.

    None of those jobs were impacted immediately. This has the potential to hurt a website(s) overnight.

    what happens when a restaurant gets bad reviews from its customers? business drops. it may even go out of business. are you honestly suggesting there is a moral imperative not to allow that to happen?
  • Reply 230 of 421
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Aren't iOS users flush with cash? It's just a few dollars. Quit your crying already

    you've lost the argument.
  • Reply 231 of 421
    crowley wrote: »

    What a goddamn waste of everyone's time.

    not at all. we discuss ideas here. it needn't be about your situation.
  • Reply 232 of 421
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    sog35 wrote: »

    I hope Google gets smashed by this.

    They had a nice thing going with Search and they took it way too far. They did anything to get more ad revenue even if it meant stealing valuable IP ( copying iOS with Android ), violating people's privacy, and allowing the internet to become the bloated cesspool of crap that it is today.

    Google thinks they rule the internet and have the right to collect data on anyone who goes on it.  And then sell that data to anyone who wants to advertise on it.  Basically they became the Mafia gangster who keeps raising the cost of protection money until it became such a burden the people revolted.  

    If only Google was more ethical. They still could have been a very succesful company but they wanted world domination.  They back stabbed Apple multiple times by trying to undercut Apple's chief source of revenue (iPhones) by giving Android away for free. 

    And the publishers are not innocent either.  If they gave a single damn about the user experience they would have know that these obnixous ads were horrible.  They would know that tracking and spying on users is unethical and amoral. But the publishers have been so use to the $$ that Google/Advertisers gave them each month they turn the other way while their loyal customers were tortured by ads and got their privacy raped. So now that the $$$ stops they blame us the loyal customer?  Hell no.  It was your GREED and TOTAL DISREGUARD for our Privacy, Time, and Money that lead to this.

    The system needs to BURN DOWN.  I will not turn off ad-blockers even on site thats I like.  That would be akin to putting a band-aid on a man shot in the head. The system MUST DIE.  Band-aids will only slow the process that must take place.  The internet must be run by CONTENT and CUSTOMER DEMAND not ADVERTISERS and BIG DATA COLLECTORS.  Google has proven beyond any doubt that they are not good custodians of the internet.  They need to be stripped of their power. No longer should the internet be at their mercy and will to bend.  The system must BURN and with it GOOGLE.

    It's going to be interesting to watch and see how Google try to circumvent this. Hopefully your wishes come true.
  • Reply 233 of 421
    nolamacguy wrote: »
    dasanman69 wrote: »
    Aren't iOS users flush with cash? It's just a few dollars. Quit your crying already

    you've lost the argument.

    What argument?
  • Reply 234 of 421
    crowley wrote: »
    Apple take the payment (and take their 30%) and keep the customer information.  How is Marco supposed to refund the customers directly?

    The app didn't stop working.  Customers can carry on using it, and it's apparently very good.

    If you have reservations you shoudl work for free?  When has that ever been a thing?

    Cut off your nose to spite no one in particular.

    Apple will refund 100% if the purchase price to customer. Apple will refund the 30% so the developer is not pay anything. I am saying this from personal experience as a developer.
  • Reply 235 of 421
    mstone wrote: »
    I read that he is offering a full refund.

    Apple has already refunded me for "Peace".
  • Reply 236 of 421
    I just have to thank Apple for caring about the user experience on their devices much more than content providers - who have gotten greedy. You can't just say the content is great. Maybe it is. But, when i go to get it, you torture me. It's like if Apple made the iPhone home button out of ground up razor blades to maximize their profits. It might be the best smartphone in the world, but your fingers bleed every time you use it.

    With a blocker, my iPhone 6 Plus with an A8 processor no longer performs like an iPhone 1. Hooray. Moore's Law no longer exists solely to keep up with mobile ads.
  • Reply 237 of 421
    Just installed Purify content blocker. To me the sites seemed to load faster in Peace....Dammit.....Rest in Peace.
    Someone needs to take up the Peace mantle and license the Ghostery database the way Marco did. His app worked VERY well.

    A smart developer will rush out another blocker app and call it Peace to fill the void caused by Arment's gutless decision.
  • Reply 238 of 421
    It's going to be interesting to watch and see how Google try to circumvent this. Hopefully your wishes come true.

    Google has nothing to worry about. There are billions of Android phones out there and iPhones don't matter...right? Right? /s
  • Reply 239 of 421
    jdwjdw Posts: 1,417member
    bsenka wrote: »
    AdBlock works just fine on my first gen iPad Mini. It's 32-bit.
    Quoted for truth.

    So some ad blockers require 64-bit while others require 32?

    We're talking MS Windows level stupidity if that's true.

    All ad blockers should work on all iOS9 devices, PERIOD.
  • Reply 240 of 421
    jdwjdw Posts: 1,417member
    Whether sites drop dead because of ad blocking on iOS is, quite frankly, not an issue that matters to me. I just don't care. I simply want the same amazing level of blocking that AdBlock on my Mac gives me. On my Mac, I can right click annoying ads or even stupid sidebar news content (which is infuriatingly distracting at times), I then get a little slider that lets me gradually block content to the DIV level. It's superb. I want to selectively block like web content that on all iOS9 devices. And I know you kindred souls at there do too. But where's the app that does that? If it doesn't yet exist, why doesn't it exist?
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