Apple sells blockbuster 13 million iPhone 6s, 6s Plus units in launch weekend



  • Reply 41 of 88

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    So 3M more than last year but this year included China in the initial launch. Considering Apple's website is showing no phones available to ship today my guess is Apple is selling as many phones as they can make. So the number is a function of supply more than demand.


    So you are poo pooing 13 million phones sold in one weekend?  LOL.


    He is saying they could have sold more if they had more available. I agree with his assessment.

  • Reply 42 of 88
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,311member

    Originally Posted by sog35 View Post


    but, but, but, but, everyone bought the 6 and won't upgrade to 6s.

    but, but, but, but, China can't afford iPhone anymore.


    I'm sure only a tiny fraction of sales went to 6 and 6+ users!!!  Majority of I phone 6 and 6+ users were not iPhone Upgrades.   I'm sure a lot of them were older iPhone Upgrader's like my brother.  While myself with the 6 is perfectly happy with what I already have.   With China in the Mix for launch this time unlike last year, did that help get to 13 Million?  or would Apple have sold those phones in the U.S. anyway if they were available?  Who know, and really, does it matter?  A sold phone is a sold phone.  It's wither sales continue on throughout the year, and drop drop off a cliff like a Android phone.

  • Reply 43 of 88
    mac_128mac_128 Posts: 3,454member

    I take it as not building them fast enough.

    Comprehension is becoming a lost art these days....
    What do you expect when people start their posts with "but, but, but ..." -- that really should be a bannable offense. Fortunately anybody likely to do this on these forums is probably already on my blocked list.
  • Reply 44 of 88
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,311member

    Originally Posted by justp1ayin View Post

    Doesn't matter, and if it was supple constraints, it would benefit Apple next year if they can make 14 million phones


    It's not just making Millions of phones, but now you need a lot of warehouse space for them, AND you have to update iOS on them to the release version which isn't finalized until shortly before the phones launch.  All those phones already made have to get Updated and then packaged.  How fast can that get done?   Apple isn't waiting around until iOS is done and then start making them.  They would have no where near the number of iPhones ready to be sold.

  • Reply 45 of 88
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Elsewhere I'm seeing some people attribute the increase to the pre-order window being 2 weeks whereas last year it was just one. Why does that matter though? Why does it matter if somebody who wanted the phone ordered it two weeks before it officially went on sale or just one week? It's not like fewer people would have had the ability to order the phone if pre orders started later. And China was included in the 5S launch which sold 9M on launch weekend.
  • Reply 46 of 88
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,311member

    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    I found this to be quite interesting but I can't verify (nor can they I think) whether it's accurate or not.

    Regardless, this flippin' counter is more fun and positive than watching the American debt ticker spiral! image

    Since the launch of the iPhone 6s in the UK on the 25th September 2015 at 8.00AM, Apple has sold


    That's American Government Debt, which each Man, Woman and Child owes, last last I heard 40+ grand, each and continues to go up.

  • Reply 47 of 88
    Comments about people upgrading from the 6 to 6s. It's easily affordable if you don't live off of Mcdonalds paychecks. And even if you do, it's still affordable!

    Most phone companies that sell these phones, (AT&T, Verizon, etc. etc.) offer trade in values around 400 dollars for your iPhone 6. Go on their new leasing plans (maybe you already did) for about 6 months, trade in your phone, and pay 50 dollars more and you just got your 6s for 50 dollars.

    Just make sure you get a case and a screen protector. :)
  • Reply 48 of 88
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,311member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    I am curious to know what Apple means when they say "just three days after launch". Pre-orders started on the 12th. I'm assuming the 13M includes any ordered phones that customers received on Friday or over the weekend?


    A Pre-Sale is NOT a sale!  It didn't get to the customer until launch day.  Try dealing with 13 million+ people in 3 days, ya right.   It doesn't matter what someone ordered earlier if he/she doesn't have it.  Sales start launch day of being able to get the phone and for that 3 days.


    Unlike Samsung which Counts launched (Into the Distribution Network, not actually sold to people)

  • Reply 49 of 88

    Originally Posted by justp1ayin View Post

    Doesn't matter, and if it was supple constraints...


    "Tee hee", thinks my 13 year old self.

  • Reply 50 of 88
    sphericspheric Posts: 2,623member

    Originally Posted by JBDragon View Post



    That's American Government Debt, which each Man, Woman and Child owes, last last I heard 40+ grand, each and continues to go up.

    That's because debt drives the economy. 


    National budgets do not work the way your grandma's pillowcase did.

  • Reply 51 of 88
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    So 3M more than last year but this year included China in the initial launch. Considering Apple's website is showing no phones available to ship today my guess is Apple is selling as many phones as they can make. So the number is a function of supply more than demand.


    You'd have to view this as a positive...realistically there are only so many phones that can be churned out within a reasonable period of time.

  • Reply 52 of 88
    Call me doom and gloom but given they had an additional week for pre-order - AND china, it's no surprise. And relatively modest growth..

    I'd love to know how many %uF8FF sold of the iPhone 6/6 Plus by the same DATE last year (aka 10 days pre-order plus a week of full availability online - as the time they've essentially pushed back the results announcement...) PLUS the equivalent time for China.
  • Reply 53 of 88
    I am sure Apple is controlling how many phones are produced and sold (I would be doing this also) in order to ramp things up over time. If they sell 20M and then 19 the next year it is bad so they are simply throttling the roll outs. IMO only no facts to back this up.

    Regardless this is an amazing feat.

    I remember decades ago saying to myself why doesn't Microsoft go to 64 bit and optimize for it, why doesn't Microsoft address the poor battery life of laptops and Why, Why, Why.

    What is my point? Apple is constantly improving every aspect of their products and software to benefit the customer and technology in general. They have done this over and over again with the iPhone and they are being rewarded for it. If you make the right decisions you will have success.
  • Reply 54 of 88

    Traded in my 5 for a 6S on Friday after work at Best Buy. Got a good trade in price for it, could not be happier with my 6S so far.

  • Reply 55 of 88
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    wdowell wrote: »
    Call me doom and gloom but given they had an additional week for pre-order - AND china, it's no surprise. And relatively modest growth..

    I'd love to know how many %uF8FF sold of the iPhone 6/6 Plus by the same DATE last year (aka 10 days pre-order plus a week of full availability online - as the time they've essentially pushed back the results announcement...) PLUS the equivalent time for China.

    Who cares if there was an additional week for pre-orders? Whether you ordered your phone on the 12th or the 22nd you still didn't get it until the 25th. Do you think if pre-orders started four days later fewer people would've ordered the phone? I don't.
  • Reply 56 of 88
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    sog35 wrote: »
    I agree with this. They are just playing Wall Streets game.  

    Pretty sure the sold way more than 10 million last year and could have easily sold 15 million this year if they wanted to.

    I'm sure Jeff Williams in operations has this down to a science. Increasing capacity for peak demand obviously costs money, and so does inventory. Obviously Apple knew they needed to beat last year's number, which they did, but no sense spending money increasing capacity if a couple months from now when peak demand has dropped you have a bunch of equipment sitting idle. That's a waste of capital.
  • Reply 57 of 88
    rogifan wrote: »
    I'm sure Jeff Williams in operations has this down to a science. Increasing capacity for peak demand obviously costs money, and so does inventory. Obviously Apple knew they needed to beat last year's number, which they did, but no sense spending money increasing capacity if a couple months from now when peak demand has dropped you have a bunch of equipment sitting idle. That's a waste of capital.
    Foxconn laid off a lot of workforce, who made these 13M? WS game will meet Apple's game where Apple control their sale just to beat last year with enough margin to shut up WS. I can predict an easy 15M sale when iPhone 7 is launch. I myself didn't expect "s" version would have been this many but within 10M-11M units.
  • Reply 58 of 88
    snailer wrote: »
    ...and the stock goes down in three, two, one...

    And it did. Utterly predictable. For Apple, no good deed goes unpunished.
  • Reply 59 of 88
    wdowell wrote: »
    Call me doom and gloom but given they had an additional week for pre-order - AND china, it's no surprise. And relatively modest growth..

    I'd love to know how many %uF8FF sold of the iPhone 6/6 Plus by the same DATE last year (aka 10 days pre-order plus a week of full availability online - as the time they've essentially pushed back the results announcement...) PLUS the equivalent time for China.

    Additional week of preorders mean nothing. None of those people received it before launch unless there's an error.
  • Reply 60 of 88
    wdowell wrote: »
    Call me doom and gloom but given they had an additional week for pre-order - AND china, it's no surprise. And relatively modest growth..

    I'd love to know how many %uF8FF sold of the iPhone 6/6 Plus by the same DATE last year (aka 10 days pre-order plus a week of full availability online - as the time they've essentially pushed back the results announcement...) PLUS the equivalent time for China.
    Apple wouldn't count a sale until the phone is shipped. Does it matter if you have 1 week, 1 month or 1 quarter more to preorder? Besides, Apple predicted sale number for weekend launch and set aside a number of phones that would reach the customers on 25th which was 13M. Any number went beyond that, it's back ordered.
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