Google announces ad-free YouTube Red subscriptions with Music service & offline caching



  • Reply 21 of 39

    Originally Posted by irnchriz View Post

    Pay for YouTube ? Eh, naw. Plus it sounds like a porn version of YouTube with that name

    YouPorn and XTube!

  • Reply 22 of 39

    Originally Posted by AppleZilla View Post


    No thanks. Skipping commercials at YouTube is easy and none of the rest interests me.


    Just say no to Google and their data-stealing/selling scheme.

    I generally download any YouTube video I am interested in using YTD on the desktop. It gives me the option to retain the video if I like it. 

    I don't watch Youtube on my mobile devices.

  • Reply 23 of 39

    Originally Posted by AppleZilla View Post


    No thanks. Skipping commercials at YouTube is easy and none of the rest interests me.


    Just say no to Google and their data-stealing/selling scheme.

    So skipping Ads in UT is easy.... But for how long will that remain the case?

    IMHO it is time people started to reconsider their overall engangement with ALL social media sites.

    The increasing level of ads and data slurping has made a few on my friends start to limit their use of Twitter and Facebook.

    This brings a smile to me because I am a proud social media refusenik. I decided to NOT signup any of the sites after spending 18 months working for one of their forefathers. I saw the writing on the wall of where all this would end up.

  • Reply 24 of 39

    AdBlock+ClickToFlash=QuickTime window with better controls, no ads, and a native right-click to download.


    Enjoy, Google!

  • Reply 25 of 39
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Why do I want to pay for something that used to be free?
  • Reply 26 of 39
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member

    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post

    Why do I want to pay for something that used to be free?

    No ads.  Pay attention.

  • Reply 27 of 39
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by Crowley View Post


    No ads.  Pay attention.

    I wouldn't mind ad if it's free. I can skip it in 5 seconds. When it becomes more annoying I'd rather stop using YouTube.

    Why do I want to pay to watch cat videos?

  • Reply 28 of 39
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    matrix07 wrote: »
    Why do I want to pay for something that used to be free?

    I have to think Apple's tactics are damaging Google's bottom line. Less and less revenue is coming from iOS and OS X and bugger all from their own crappy Android to start with. Now Ad Blocking in iOS . This is the slippery slope for Google, the more they do this sort of thing the more the losses will grow. This is an opportunity for Apple to offer an 'AppleTube' service, get revenues from hardware sales and give away the service.
  • Reply 29 of 39
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I have to think Apple's tactics are damaging Google's bottom line. Less and less revenue is coming from iOS and OS X and bugger all from their own crappy Android to start with. Now Ad Blocking in iOS . This is the slippery slope for Google, the more they do this sort of thing the more the losses will grow. This is an opportunity for Apple to offer an 'AppleTube' service, get revenues from hardware sales and give away the service.

    Hmm.. You may be onto something here.

  • Reply 30 of 39

    It should be noted that iOS users can avoid the higher subscription cost and still use it on their iOS devices by purchasing from google directly. The $13 charge only applies to subscriptions bought via Apple's App Store.

  • Reply 31 of 39

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    I have to think Apple's tactics are damaging Google's bottom line. Less and less revenue is coming from iOS and OS X and bugger all from their own crappy Android to start with. Now Ad Blocking in iOS . This is the slippery slope for Google, the more they do this sort of thing the more the losses will grow. This is an opportunity for Apple to offer an 'AppleTube' service, get revenues from hardware sales and give away the service.


    Actually, 70% of Google's revenue arises from AdWords rather than AdSense, so for the large part should be unaffected by adblockers.


    Ad blocking has existed on almost literally every other internet capable platform for a while now; adding iOS to the fray isn't impacting it too much considering it's only about 9% of all internet traffic (Adding OSX - it's floating about 15%) . It's a drop sure, but they're already suffering that without even iOS having ad blocking.


    Also, I'd like to know on what basis you are claiming Google's current market strategy will cause losses to grow - they've improved net income almost every single quarter for a decade (investor relations). As far as I can tell, alongside Apple, they're an incredibly safe company to invest in.

  • Reply 32 of 39
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    matrix07 wrote: »

    I wouldn't mind ad if it's free. I can skip it in 5 seconds. When it becomes more annoying I'd rather stop using YouTube.
    Why do I want to pay to watch cat videos?
    Don't then, no one is making you.

    Never understand these pointless questions posed by people who have no interest in a product. If you don't mind ads then of course a subscription to remove ads will be of limited interest. Some other people don't like ads and are willing to pay to avoid them.
  • Reply 33 of 39
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    matrix07 wrote: »

    I wouldn't mind ad if it's free. I can skip it in 5 seconds. When it becomes more annoying I'd rather stop using YouTube.
    Why do I want to pay to watch cat videos?
    There's junk on YouTube just as there is on every form of media. Some segment of the population even thinks some of what you and I probably think is worthless is intead worthwhile. Different strokes as ever. Personally some of the channels there are darn good IMHO.

    Sog would like this one, sports news and highlights better perhaps than ESPN:

    Architecture, arts and the like:

    For Foodies:

    Inspiring and challenging:

    or just quirky fun:

    ..and that doesn't even touch the thousands of training and education videos found there. I used to think of Youtube as pretty much "Cat video" like stuff too and tended to ignore it. Over the past couple of years it's become much more IMHO. Since it's apparently a free addition to my current Google Play Music subscription and lets me skip ads as a bonus what's to complain about? What happened to the kudos from AI members who claimed they'll happily pay to avoid ads given the option?

    What I found more interesting about YouTube Red is Google taking a page from Apple's hard-ball negotiating booklet. Are you a partner creator on YouTube but don't want to be a supporter of their subscription service? Tough. Support Google's program or have your video's hidden away. That's your choice.
  • Reply 34 of 39
    Some time ago they introduced (at a premium price for the buyer, no doubt) fifteen second unskippable ads. In the last month or so, they've now introduced the thirty second unskippable ad. It's easy to see where that's going to lead.

    Half-hour "infomercials".
  • Reply 35 of 39

    Ghostery and uBlock...what ads on YouTube?

    I try to avoid watching YouTube videos on my iPhone and iPad.

  • Reply 36 of 39
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    ds92jz wrote: »
    Ghostery and uBlock...what ads on YouTube?
    I try to avoid watching YouTube videos on my iPhone and iPad.
    The better question would be what content won't you be able to view. No ads is just a by-product of a paid subscription. Your ad blocker won't give you access to the premium content whether it had advertisements or not....

    and of course it won't have ads anyway if you can view it, no ad-blocker required.
    Google on Wednesday revealed YouTube Red, a $10-per-month subscription plan that will lift some of the limits of regular YouTube while also revamping Music Key as YouTube Music.

    Red includes free access to both YouTube Music and Google Play Music. Subscribers to the latter, in fact, will be able to use Red's video functions, which could make the service more competitive with rivals like Spotify and Apple Music
    More competitive? That statement would seem to imply Google Play Music did not already have competitive features, which of course it did. Both Apple Music and Google Music have "radio stations" curated by humans as well as machine, both offer custom playlists, both offer storage for your own music, while all three have the same general number of tracks available, are similarly priced and have (or have announced) family plans. The additional included music video features, off-line viewing/listening, and original content offered thru Google Play Music and Red aren't matched by either Apple Music or Spotify.
  • Reply 37 of 39

    The problem coming now is that we're fast approaching complete a la carte content.  $9.95 here, $10 there....pretty soon it all adds up to real money.  If you wanted Amazon Prime, Hulu, Netflix, Youtube Red, HBO Now and Apple Music/Spotify/Tidal as well as CBS and the other major broadcast companies offerings, you're getting into bills rivaled by cable.

  • Reply 38 of 39

    I guess the name "Redtube" was already taken.  I'm sure that will be an unexpected Google search for a lot of people.

  • Reply 39 of 39
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    There's junk on YouTube just as there is on every form of media. Some segment of the population even thinks some of what you and I probably think is worthless is intead worthwhile. Different strokes as ever. Personally some of the channels there are darn good IMHO.

    Sog would like this one, sports news and highlights better perhaps than ESPN:

    Architecture, arts and the like:

    For Foodies:

    Inspiring and challenging:

    or just quirky fun:

    ..and that doesn't even touch the thousands of training and education videos found there. I used to think of Youtube as pretty much "Cat video" like stuff too and tended to ignore it. Over the past couple of years it's become much more IMHO. Since it's apparently a free addition to my current Google Play Music subscription and lets me skip ads as a bonus what's to complain about? What happened to the kudos from AI members who claimed they'll happily pay to avoid ads given the option?

    What I found more interesting about YouTube Red is Google taking a page from Apple's hard-ball negotiating booklet. Are you a partner creator on YouTube but don't want to be a supporter of their subscription service? Tough. Support Google's program or have your video's hidden away. That's your choice.

    If it has exclusive Season 6th of Game of Throne I might be interested but amateur videos that used to be free and before that used to be ad-free? No way. I just watch it on other platforms or won't bother with it completely.

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