The Guardian trots out notorious Mike Daisey to speculate about how Apple could be doomed



  • Reply 41 of 128

    If you open a new account at the Guardian and at many other web sites too, all your posts on any subject are liable to be pre-moderated.  The real complaint is that people with long standing, sensible and non-contentious posting histories at the Guardian are currently being censored for trying to make critical comments about this article.

  • Reply 42 of 128
    bobschlobbobschlob Posts: 1,074member

    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    What do you expect from a left-wing rag?

    Maybe support of a left-wing company? Who knows?

  • Reply 43 of 128

    There is no such thing as bad press, unless they spell your name wrong. And in the case of the former, this very long blog entry goes very far to giving him what he wants: publicity. Not that one is unsympathetic to the urge to correct the record, of course. 

  • Reply 44 of 128
    retrogustoretrogusto Posts: 1,128member

    I love that Daisey's bio says he's "known for theatrical works that blur lines around the world." That's a euphemism for lying on a massive scale, right?


    I would pay money to see a one-on-one DED vs. Daisey debate/smackdown live. Can somebody please organize that?

  • Reply 45 of 128
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    I usually like the Guardian but this is ridiculous.
  • Reply 46 of 128
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,815member
    retrogusto wrote: »
    I love that Daisey's bio says he's "known for theatrical works that blur lines around the world." That's a euphemism for lying on a massive scale, right?

    I would pay money to see a one-on-one DED vs. Daisey debate/smackdown live. Can somebody please organize that?

    In an arena ... I'd hand DED a sledge hammer and be done with Daisey once and for all.
  • Reply 47 of 128
    “And that they published it 7 months late for April Fools Day.”

    I thought they were five months early.
  • Reply 48 of 128

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    The Guardian has done some amazing exposes and investigative journalism in the past, a lot of it far bolder and more hard-hitting than their US counterparts.

    However, in the last year or so, the newspaper has become more and more of a rabid piece of progressive trash, peppered with cheap, sensational journalism and outright lies...

    It's just unfortunate that the news media is becoming politically bifurcated in this fashion. And no wonder that millions are turning to blogs like these instead.

    One has to wonder, though, how many angry people here defending Apple were cheering The Guardian on when they ran stories about super thief Edward Snowden. Completely different topics, to be sure, but it is not *that* unreasonable, given the proclivities of techie guys, to defend passionately a company they like while not bothering to defend their own country, even if it was bitter pill to do so.

  • Reply 49 of 128
    jakebjakeb Posts: 563member

     delivered on time "like clockwork,"


    I don't even know what to say about this. Public companies do quarterly reports. There's a schedule to it. Does he not trust anything with a schedule?

  • Reply 50 of 128

    Among tried-and-true naysayers, "there's no denying Apple's had an incredible run," has become the de facto standard way to claim impartiality just before casting mindless, purely speculative aspersions on the company's future. Just ask Fabrice Grinda, Joe Wilcox, Jeff Bertolucci, Adam Fischbaum, and TCGeeks's "Shane." Daisey's in great company.

  • Reply 51 of 128
    koopkoop Posts: 337member

    I can't imagine he's too upset with this hate piece on him. I bet you redirected a bit of your traffic to his piece, and all the better for The Guardian. Share the clicks I suppose. The cyclical nature of finger pointing and fanboyism in the technosphere is a symbiotic relationship of mud, puke and money.


    As much time as you spent slandering him, that opinion piece was really friggin' tame man. He basically copied numbers from USA Today, said the same stuff any skeptic says when analyzing Apple and called it a day. You also need to grow up and not feel the need to drop an angry BM every time someone posts something mean about Apple. How paranoid are you about your stock price? His article was boring and simple, your response was over the top and pointless. Stop being a terrible internet troll Dan.


    He's sitting at a ton of clicks and every angry apple user wants to comment in his article. I think this whole thing backfired for you guys. Serves you all right for having the thinnest skins on the planet. 

  • Reply 52 of 128
    Do you actually read the Guardian? It has it's faults but it isn't that bad.

    How many people will actually read the article before commenting? It is an interesting piece and whilst I disagree with his premises it's a concise article that doesn't amble over everything to make a point.

    As a normally evidenced based and informed forum we need to be careful we don't fall into the same trap as the fandroid's who populate the guardian blogs. Singularity is entirely correct, the guardian is better than most in the quality of its journalism. Sure I read things in it that I don't agree with, but exposure to such views and forming a logical and evidenced based counter argument is an essential part of democratic society. I find the trend to Apple abuse in the reader comments very disappointing and their moderators should be more active - demanding intellectual content from posters. In some ways I enjoy these stories as they will provide in 6 months, a year, 2 years the basis of killer argument to dismiss the latest round of doom laden predictions. The guardian are very good at publicly retracting when they get things wrong. This is an opportunity to put it to the test. Reading, thinking and responding to this in a calm logical manner makes our case stronger. The guardian imho got this wrong, but it doesn't mean they get everything wrong.
  • Reply 53 of 128
    Originally Posted by Elian Gonzalez View Post

    One has to wonder, though, how many angry people here defending Apple were cheering The Guardian on when they ran stories about super thief Edward Snowden. Completely different topics, to be sure, but it is not *that* unreasonable, given the proclivities of techie guys, to defend passionately a company they like while not bothering to defend their own country, even if it was bitter pill to do so.

    I think that their investigative reporting into the Snowden/NSA surveillance, the UK pedophile scandal, and the Murdoch phone hacking scandal were truly great accomplishments of modern journalism.


    We need more newspapers and reporters like that, and I couldn't care less if they were going after the Left or the Right.


    It is sad to see that type of incredible currency and gravitas being tarnished by pandering to the trashy types like Mike Daisey.

  • Reply 54 of 128

    One has to wonder, though, how many angry people here defending Apple were cheering The Guardian on when they ran stories about super thief Edward Snowden. Completely different topics, to be sure, but it is not *that* unreasonable, given the proclivities of techie guys, to defend passionately a company they like while not bothering to defend their own country, even if it was bitter pill to do so.

    This is simply psychology. Overall, people tend to read and believe news that are in line with their preferences or opinion. It has become rare to see people explicitly sourcing news from known different positions, such as left/right wing. News that doesn't fit their views is critics more easily and strongly.

    All this, however, has nothing to do with the guardian publishing such bs. This is pouring a bottle of fresh blood into the sea and waiting for the inevitable shark show to begin. Some call it "information", some "infotainment". I prefer to call it cheap sensationalism and disgusting.
  • Reply 55 of 128
    While having DED deconstruct the nonsense of Mike Daisey is a little like kicking a dead whale down the beach, it's still nice to see Daisey taken to task for his stream of lies and sly innuendo.

    It was a pretty funny read - DED goes so far in the other direction with his over the top fanboyism
  • Reply 56 of 128

    koop: Probably most of the Dilger-generated clicks from this article are coming to AppleInsider, not to The Guardian. And if you're really bothered by the smell of thin-skinned people pooping their pants, it might be past time to change your own underwear. ;) 

  • Reply 57 of 128
    Originally Posted by orange whip View Post


    Boy, its lucky the world has Fox, to provide the balance in the world. They are possibly the only the bastions of balanced and non-sensationalised reporting. Everyone from the Left is a complete nutter whose only mission in life to turn the world in to a commie nightmare…..

    …no really. Best hide under the bed, lest it happen.

    Is this sarcasm?


    Fox has been PROVEN by several non-partisan and even non-American companies to be wrong MORE often than any other 'news' source.  People who DIDN'T watch had more correct information than those who did.


    This has to be a joke.

  • Reply 58 of 128

    Originally Posted by Jessi View Post

    Good Stuff. This is the kind of article I like to see in AI.

    Daisy was a douchebag in Seattle who worked at Amazon and then trashed that place and got some success.

    At least in that case, Amazon really is a hellish place to work.

    But of course, Apple is more famous and so, why not make shit up about Apple?

    But the thing is-- he's basically your standard issue Sanders voter.

    He can't tell reality from fantasy.

    You had me until the end.


    Sanders voter?  WTF are you talking about?  More like Trump voter.


    Bernie Sanders is THE ONLY PERSON running who wants to overturn Citizen's United and get the money out of Washington.




    And until we do that no amount of squabbling over left, right, Dem, Republican, means a thing.  The billionaires will buy BOTH parties and do what they want, regardless of what ANY of us thinks.


    Tell me what 'Freedoms' you think you'll have then.  NONE.

  • Reply 59 of 128
    jessi wrote: »
    But the thing is-- he's basically your standard issue Sanders voter.

    total nonsense. this man and Bernie Sanders arent linked in any way, and shame on you for trying to suggest they are.

    its not Sanders' fault the GOP presidential candidates are a total shit show and are completely un-electable. their debates were so bad (again) now theyre hating on their own party who organized the events!
  • Reply 60 of 128
    rogifan wrote: »
    What do you expect from a left-wing rag?

    how do you explain the WSJ? they also publish troll nonsense about apple. Washington Post as well. are they too a left-wing rags?

    or how about....posting troll nonsense has nothing to do w/ your political leanings? maybe?
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