Apple again breaks Touch ID for some iPhone and iPad users with iOS 9.1



  • Reply 21 of 40
    Whilst I have not encountered any issues with Touch ID, iOS 9 has categorically broken email for pop/smtp users. The Apple forum has a very well evidenced thread to back up this claim. What is interesting is the Apple response to customers raising the issue. A large percentage got very simplistic and ineffective advice that was not based on the evidence (it's your email provider, delete and re-setup your account), more tech savvy customers that persisted received a disappointing view of apple support staff knowledge (I don't really understand the differences between pop and imap) and finally, after a lot of pressure and some persistent and well informed customers continued to press Apple they finally admitted the problem and that they were struggling to find a solution. So far there have been 3 releases of iOS 9 and the issue remains, for a lot of Apple business customers this has been a real knock to confidence in iOS as a enterprise product. It resulted in the devices clearing out, in some cases, hundreds of emails that had been downloaded and, quite reasonably in the minds of those customers, "saved" to their personal device (hence their decision to use pop vice imap). iOS 9 without prompt or warning deleted them. This has knocked my confidence in iOS as a repository for my data (back ups and cloud storage accepted). The point that relates to this article is both the impact of bugs given the increasing importance of our devices in daily life (think of 10 years time when you've dumped your wallet and use Apple Pay for everything) and apple's response to those issues.
  • Reply 22 of 40
    I have exactly faced with this issue on iphone6s tkwo days ago. Malfunction on touchId lead to delay in unlocking and even i press on the home button with no response! Apple had to fix this!
  • Reply 23 of 40
    maxitmaxit Posts: 222member

    Originally Posted by Bat Cat View Post

    Whilst I have not encountered any issues with Touch ID, iOS 9 has categorically broken email for pop/smtp users. The Apple forum has a very well evidenced thread to back up this claim. What is interesting is the Apple response to customers raising the issue. A large percentage got very simplistic and ineffective advice that was not based on the evidence (it's your email provider, delete and re-setup your account), more tech savvy customers that persisted received a disappointing view of apple support staff knowledge (I don't really understand the differences between pop and imap) and finally, after a lot of pressure and some persistent and well informed customers continued to press Apple they finally admitted the problem and that they were struggling to find a solution. So far there have been 3 releases of iOS 9 and the issue remains, for a lot of Apple business customers this has been a real knock to confidence in iOS as a enterprise product. It resulted in the devices clearing out, in some cases, hundreds of emails that had been downloaded and, quite reasonably in the minds of those customers, "saved" to their personal device (hence their decision to use pop vice imap). iOS 9 without prompt or warning deleted them. This has knocked my confidence in iOS as a repository for my data (back ups and cloud storage accepted). The point that relates to this article is both the impact of bugs given the increasing importance of our devices in daily life (think of 10 years time when you've dumped your wallet and use Apple Pay for everything) and apple's response to those issues.

    there are no Apple response in Apple Forum, since it is a user to user community just hosted by Apple....


    TouchID is working just fine on any of mine device since iPhone 5S.

  • Reply 24 of 40

    Touch ID working perfectly on my iP6 as well.


    However, since the update to iOS 9, sometimes the Apple Pay screen randomly appears when I unlock - even though I'm nowhere near an Apple Pay terminal. In fact, I've never even used Apple pay since I've never been anywhere that accepts it (small town livin'). My brother has an iP6+ that is doing the same thing.

  • Reply 25 of 40
    just another friggin' reason why i'm not update it to 9.1
  • Reply 26 of 40
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Originally Posted by wjdzm View Post

    just another friggin' reason why i'm not update it to 9.1

    Switch platforms. Buy something else. If you are that upset, if you think Apple produces junk, why stay? Oh wait! I just checked your posting history. You’re a Samsung ringer. Well that explains everything. Never mind.

  • Reply 27 of 40
    The 6s is my first touch id device. I got it right when 9.1 was released. Can't say as I've been thrilled. It will occasionally not accept any of my programmed fingers, and I end up having to use a passcode. I'd say it fails once in ten. Didn't expect that high of a failure rate.
  • Reply 28 of 40
    I haven't had any problems since upgrading to iOS 9.1. I have a 64g iPhone 6.
  • Reply 29 of 40
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,655member

    No problems at all with Touch ID on my iPhone6, but since upgrading the OS, some emails come in with a "not downloaded from server" message.   The same emails come in to Outlook fine on my Mac.


    I have noticed that Apple Pay frequently does not come up reliably.  


    The other thing I've noticed since upgrading the Mac to 10.11.1 is that Outlook no longer remembers its window size and column widths (although there was also an Office upgrade, so I don't truly know where the problem is).   I also still use Garage Band 4.1.2 because newer versions won't support very long tracks and all the colors inside the Garage Band UI have mysteriously changed since the OS upgrade.   Not a real big deal, but slightly annoying.  

  • Reply 30 of 40
    Well according to the comments on this post it's officially a non issue. Those threads about the issue on Apples support page must be Android trolls trying to create an issue. Just a slow news day so the media scrapping the bottom of the barrel on Apple.
  • Reply 31 of 40

    No such problem with Touch ID on my devices with the notable exception of the iPod Touch ;)

  • Reply 32 of 40
    No problems unlocking either my 6s Plus or iPad Air 2 with Touch ID, though I have gotten an incorrect message telling me to enter my password because I didn't unlock my iPad for 48 hours, when I had used it that morning.

    My 6s Plus also has issues where once it unlocks, everything freezes for about two seconds and the status bar disappears and finally reappears. That's really annoying when I want to do something quickly, but I have to wait for the phone to stop lagging after unlocking. That problem isn't new to iOS 9.1 though.
  • Reply 33 of 40

    No problems unlocking either my 6s Plus or iPad Air 2 with Touch ID, though I have gotten an incorrect message telling me to enter my password because I didn't unlock my iPad for 48 hours, when I had used it that morning.


    My 6s Plus also has issues where once it unlocks, everything freezes for about two seconds and the status bar disappears and finally reappears.  That's really annoying when I want to do something quickly, but I have to wait for the phone to stop lagging after unlocking.  That problem isn't new to iOS 9.1 though.

  • Reply 34 of 40
    I wish it were SLOWER. If I just want to check a message preview on the lock screen I have to remember to use a finger that is not registered because even the fastest click with my thumb will unlock it. Sure I could use the on/off button on the side but that's less convenient a lot of the time.
  • Reply 35 of 40
    charlesncharlesn Posts: 1,036member

    As someone who was plagued by the "amnesia issue" with Touch ID when I bought my 5s, I feel the pain for those now having problems with 9.1. (About 20% of users inexplcably experienced the amnesia issue, where Touch ID would intially work fine, then gradually "forget" your fingerprint within hours or days. Even more inexplicable: exchanging for a new phone did not help. But Apple finally fixed it in software after about six months.) I'm fortunately not having problems with 9.1 and my 6s, but please don't doubt the experiences reported by those who are. I still remember the needlessly bitchy posts by those who questioned the validity of the amnesia issue, just because their phones worked fine. 

  • Reply 36 of 40
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,326member
    And of course, Forbes is all over it. Someone has to hold up the Apple is Doomed™ banner.
  • Reply 37 of 40
    Only morons have this issue
  • Reply 38 of 40
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member

    Originally Posted by Ignomini View Post

    The 6s is my first touch id device. I got it right when 9.1 was released. Can't say as I've been thrilled. It will occasionally not accept any of my programmed fingers, and I end up having to use a passcode. I'd say it fails once in ten. Didn't expect that high of a failure rate.


    Trying registering the same finger several time as a different finger, might help...

    Most people have close to a 100% success, so wonder what's different with you? Clammy hands?

  • Reply 39 of 40
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member

    Originally Posted by charlesn View Post


    As someone who was plagued by the "amnesia issue" with Touch ID when I bought my 5s, I feel the pain for those now having problems with 9.1. (About 20% of users inexplcably experienced the amnesia issue, where Touch ID would intially work fine, then gradually "forget" your fingerprint within hours or days. Even more inexplicable: exchanging for a new phone did not help. But Apple finally fixed it in software after about six months.) I'm fortunately not having problems with 9.1 and my 6s, but please don't doubt the experiences reported by those who are. I still remember the needlessly bitchy posts by those who questioned the validity of the amnesia issue, just because their phones worked fine. 

    The amnesia thing was widespread and well documented, this sound like FUD.

  • Reply 40 of 40
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    castcore wrote: »
    Only morons have this issue

    They should cancel their subscription.
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