Brean Capital tells investors to ignore 'noisy' supply chain, focus on longterm iPhone success



  • Reply 41 of 75
    Blame it on Apple being added to the Dow. I wish it had never been added.
  • Reply 42 of 75

    sog35 said:
    vvswarup said:
    I get it that you're upset that Apple's stock is getting hammered based on lies. I think it's a travesty that despite posting twice as much revenue and profit than Google or Amazon while still showing better revenue growth, Apple trades at a low P/E. What do you want Tim Cook to do to "stop the bleeding?" 
    Cook needs to be more proactive in fighting off manipulators. The last 2 months there has been a news report of supply chain weakness or an analysist dropping their target price almost on a daily basis.  And each day the stock drops a few billion. He should have stopped this bullshit long time ago.
    oh, you mean like when he said this (quoted in this very article which you evidently didn't actually read):

    "The supply chain is very complex, and we obviously have multiple sources for things," Cook said. "Even if a particular data point were factual, it would be impossible to interpret that data point as to what it meant for our business."

    ...if it was easy as you say, that should have done it. right? riiiight.
    edited December 2015 damonf
  • Reply 43 of 75

    cnocbui said:
    sog35 said:
    Apple is down another $6 billion today.  Over $16 billion the last two days.  Thats a WHOLE YEAR of Dividends.

    Yet Cook does absolutely NOTHING. He sits on his ASS and does NOTHING.

    The stock is down over $200 BILLION because of totally baseless LIES and SPECULATION.  Yet Cooks does nothing.  He sits there on his ASS and worries about gay rights instead of the $200 BILLION that shareholders and employees have lost.  He spent $120 BILLION on buyback and half of that is now in the RED.  IN a few weeks the entire buyback will be in the RED and will be a total waste of money.

    Stock is down $16 billion because of a fucking $300 million tax bill.  How the FUCK does that makes sense. Where the FUCK is Tim Cook to stop the bleeding? 

    As has already been pointed out to you, Apple's income is a one-trick-iPony. 
    what nonsense. apple's non-iPhone income is greater than most of the other tech players. even if iPhone were wiped out tomorrow apple's income would be fantastic. durr
  • Reply 44 of 75

    slurpy said:
    sog35 said:
    Apple is down another $6 billion today.  Over $16 billion the last two days.  Thats a WHOLE YEAR of Dividends.

    Yet Cook does absolutely NOTHING. He sits on his ASS and does NOTHING.

    The stock is down over $200 BILLION because of totally baseless LIES and SPECULATION.  Yet Cooks does nothing.  He sits there on his ASS and worries about gay rights instead of the $200 BILLION that shareholders and employees have lost.  He spent $120 BILLION on buyback and half of that is now in the RED.  IN a few weeks the entire buyback will be in the RED and will be a total waste of money.

    Stock is down $16 billion because of a fucking $300 million tax bill.  How the FUCK does that makes sense. Where the FUCK is Tim Cook to stop the bleeding? 

    I just registered again on this board only in order to ask you to shut the fuck up- and I think I speak for everyone. Your insanity was cute for a while, but your vile messages are now just nauseating in their pitifulness, and you infect every single thread you post in with your screeching, nasty craziness. It's almost scary how little you understand about anything, your childish assumptions (IF COOK ONLY STATES SUPPLY CHAIN UNRELIABLE APPLE STOCK WOULD BE SO MUCH HIGHER!! COOK IS SITTING ON HIS ASS DOING NOTHING!!!) and the misplaced hatred you have towards Cook.

    In the same post you state that Apple makes the best products in the world, as well as the most profitable, and yet Cook is a complete failure of a CEO and "pathetic". How the fuck are those 2 statements compatible? Apparently, in your view, the primary job of a CEO is to micromanage short term stock prices, and not run a great company. Your statements about "waste of money" buybacks is hilarious, as if these are short-term focused moves. You've made a fuckload of money on Apple stock, yet you're a spoiled, greedy, nasty piece of work that is now spending all his time and energy throwing barbs at Cook because the stock isn't a fucking daily money-making machine for you. Take my advise- please sell your holdings, so you can shut the fuck up and stop trolling this board with your CAPS-ridden, insane non-sense. 
    standing ovation!
  • Reply 45 of 75
    robbyxrobbyx Posts: 479member

    cnocbui said:

    As has already been pointed out to you, Apple's income is a one-trick-iPony. 
    what nonsense. apple's non-iPhone income is greater than most of the other tech players. even if iPhone were wiped out tomorrow apple's income would be fantastic. door

    Wrong.  How much of that non-iPhone revenue depends upon the iPhone, directly or not?  How many jobs would be lost?  How many stores would close?  Apple Watch would go poof.  Apple Music and Apple Pay would go poof.  If iPhone were wiped out tomorrow, Apple would be gutted.  When 70% of your revenue comes from one product and an additional chunk comes from services and accessories that depend upon that product, it's a one trick pony.
  • Reply 46 of 75
    ac1234ac1234 Posts: 138member

    cnocbui said:

    As has already been pointed out to you, Apple's income is a one-trick-iPony. 
    what nonsense. apple's non-iPhone income is greater than most of the other tech players. even if iPhone were wiped out tomorrow apple's income would be fantastic. durr
    From an investor perspective, your comment has to be one of the most idiotic I have ever read on any forum.
  • Reply 47 of 75
    fallenjt said:
    sog35 said:
    This just shows what an ABSOLUTE FAILURE Tim Cook is.

    The entire Wall Street and Investors still believe that all Apple is is the iPhone.
    That is a massive FAILURE on Tim Cooks part.  He had 4 years to rewrite the message that Apple is an ecosystem company not a pure hardware company. He has FAILED.  He either has to hire someone who can articulate the vision or he needs to step down.
    I fucking agree with you. Sog is all about his investment. When AAPL Goes south, he gets cold feet and blames Cook. I'm deep in AAPL too and don't give the fuck. It's my long term investment and I ignore the fluctuations. Apple is still the best company in the world for its products, operations, customer cares and honesty. Sog played games with WS and, he finds someone to blame of course.
    nailed it. he's a crybaby troll. should have read this and understood it:
    edited December 2015 brucemc
  • Reply 48 of 75
    robbyx said:

    what nonsense. apple's non-iPhone income is greater than most of the other tech players. even if iPhone were wiped out tomorrow apple's income would be fantastic. door

    Wrong.  How much of that non-iPhone revenue depends upon the iPhone, directly or not?  How many jobs would be lost?  How many stores would close?  Apple Watch would go poof.  Apple Music and Apple Pay would go poof.  If iPhone were wiped out tomorrow, Apple would be gutted.  When 70% of your revenue comes from one product and an additional chunk comes from services and accessories that depend upon that product, it's a one trick pony.
    And? Google is 90% advertising. Nobody calls them a one trick pony. Same with Facebook. 
  • Reply 49 of 75

    ac1234 said:

    what nonsense. apple's non-iPhone income is greater than most of the other tech players. even if iPhone were wiped out tomorrow apple's income would be fantastic. durr
    From an investor perspective, your comment has to be one of the most idiotic I have ever read on any forum.
    So is Google a one trick pony? Or does that not matter?
  • Reply 50 of 75
    robbyx said:

    what nonsense. apple's non-iPhone income is greater than most of the other tech players. even if iPhone were wiped out tomorrow apple's income would be fantastic. door

    Wrong.  How much of that non-iPhone revenue depends upon the iPhone, directly or not?  How many jobs would be lost?  How many stores would close?  Apple Watch would go poof.  Apple Music and Apple Pay would go poof.  If iPhone were wiped out tomorrow, Apple would be gutted.  When 70% of your revenue comes from one product and an additional chunk comes from services and accessories that depend upon that product, it's a one trick pony.

    apple still makes nearly ALL the profit of the PC industry, makes nearly ALL the profit of tablets, and makes GOOD revenue from content media.

    contrast that with:

    - if google's advertising revenue went poof tomorrow, where would their revenue come from?

    - if microsoft's Windows revenue went poof tomorrow, where would their revenue come from?

    - if amazon's...oh wait, amazon doesnt have revenue.

    ....get it yet?
  • Reply 51 of 75
    ac1234ac1234 Posts: 138member

    ac1234 said:
    From an investor perspective, your comment has to be one of the most idiotic I have ever read on any forum.
    So is Google a one trick pony? Or does that not matter?
    What is you point in asking that?  The comment I responded to was:"...even if iPhone were wiped out tomorrow apple's income would be fantastic. durr"

    What would AAPL be trading at if the iPhone revenue / profit and associated service/product streams were wiped out?
  • Reply 52 of 75

    ac1234 said:

    what nonsense. apple's non-iPhone income is greater than most of the other tech players. even if iPhone were wiped out tomorrow apple's income would be fantastic. durr
    From an investor perspective, your comment has to be one of the most idiotic I have ever read on any forum.

    iPhone business is great, a real once-in-a-lifetime hit. and it dwarves their other business lines. but make no mistake -- those other lines are still more valuable than entire other companies.

    if you dont get this....dont give up your day job.
    edited January 2016 brucemc
  • Reply 53 of 75
    ac1234 said:

    So is Google a one trick pony? Or does that not matter?
    What is you point in asking that?  The comment I responded to was:"...even if iPhone were wiped out tomorrow apple's income would be fantastic. durr"

    What would AAPL be trading at if the iPhone revenue / profit and associated service/product streams were wiped out?
    you're being absurd. I'm looking at the numbers, not discussing a real-world catastrophic event that literally vaporized the iPhone. they have other business lines. and those lines earn more than the other companies you refuse to acknowledge are TRUE one-trick ponies -- like Facebook and Google. 

    apple has other products & services to fall back on (mac, iPad, iTunes). what does Google have? Facebook? 

    be specific.
  • Reply 54 of 75
    ac1234ac1234 Posts: 138member
    ac1234 said:
    What is you point in asking that?  The comment I responded to was:"...even if iPhone were wiped out tomorrow apple's income would be fantastic. durr"

    What would AAPL be trading at if the iPhone revenue / profit and associated service/product streams were wiped out?
    you're being absurd. I'm looking at the numbers, not discussing a real-world catastrophic event that literally vaporized the iPhone. they have other business lines. and those lines earn more than the other companies you refuse to acknowledge are TRUE one-trick ponies -- like Facebook and Google. 

    apple has other products & services to fall back on (mac, iPad, iTunes). what does Google have? Facebook? 

    be specific.
    You are the one being absurd - the entire gist of this thread is about the low performance of AAPL and opinions on why that is and what to do about it.  In that context, you postulated that w/o iPhone Apple's income would be fantastic.  That is absurd.  
  • Reply 55 of 75
    ac1234 said:
    you're being absurd. I'm looking at the numbers, not discussing a real-world catastrophic event that literally vaporized the iPhone. they have other business lines. and those lines earn more than the other companies you refuse to acknowledge are TRUE one-trick ponies -- like Facebook and Google. 

    apple has other products & services to fall back on (mac, iPad, iTunes). what does Google have? Facebook? 

    be specific.
    You are the one being absurd - the entire gist of this thread is about the low performance of AAPL and opinions on why that is and what to do about it.  In that context, you postulated that w/o iPhone Apple's income would be fantastic.  That is absurd.  
    so you refuse to answer? very well, ill answer for you -- Google, Facebook, etc, have NO OTHER income, and are by any definition one-trick ponies. they have nothing to fall back on.

    and yes, apple's non-iphone business is in the billions. they own PC. they own tablet. they do killer media. look up the numbers from the last financials report -- the income from these lines is greater than google or amazon's one-trick income.

    thanks of playing.
  • Reply 56 of 75
    I'm not seeing it. All growth from the past year has been wiped out, leaving shareholders with their dividends this year. I'm not really putting all the blame on Apple. The economy is being killed by Fed policy and excessive regulation, not to mention we are now in a deflationary period caused by Boomer retirements. The full weight of Obamacare also has not yet fallen on the majority of the population, but it does in 2016. All of the bad foundation that has been prolonging our shaky economy remains and may not easily change no matter who comes into office in the upcoming election. We're entering dire times.
    did you say the same w/ Bush was in office? cuz the economy was put into the shitter. and yet here we are, 8 years later and things are vastly improved. "Thanks, Obama!"
    In fact, I was a critic of Bush. Obama has been steering the Titanic for nearly 8 years, so I think he absolutely should be held to account for the catastrophic ACA and unconstitutional actions he's taken.

    "Thanks, Obama!"... Indeed.

    edited December 2015
  • Reply 57 of 75
    did you say the same w/ Bush was in office? cuz the economy was put into the shitter. and yet here we are, 8 years later and things are vastly improved. "Thanks, Obama!"
    In fact, I was a critic of Bush. Obama has been steering the Titanic for nearly 8 years, so I think he absolutely should be held to account for the catastrophic ACA and unconstitutional actions he's taken.

    "Thanks, Obama!"... Indeed.

    im not referring to the infringements on our civil rights (especially since Bush proved the GOP will willingly take whatever they want while in office as well). I'm talking the economy -- which is better today by every metric than it was 8 years ago.
    edited December 2015 damonf
  • Reply 58 of 75
    ac1234 said:

    So is Google a one trick pony? Or does that not matter?
    What is you point in asking that?  The comment I responded to was:"...even if iPhone were wiped out tomorrow apple's income would be fantastic. durr"

    What would AAPL be trading at if the iPhone revenue / profit and associated service/product streams were wiped out?
    What's your point? What would happen to Ford if everyone stopped driving cars?
  • Reply 59 of 75
    robbyx said:

    Wrong.  How much of that non-iPhone revenue depends upon the iPhone, directly or not?  How many jobs would be lost?  How many stores would close?  Apple Watch would go poof.  Apple Music and Apple Pay would go poof.  If iPhone were wiped out tomorrow, Apple would be gutted.  When 70% of your revenue comes from one product and an additional chunk comes from services and accessories that depend upon that product, it's a one trick pony.
    And? Google is 90% advertising. Nobody calls them a one trick pony. Same with Facebook. 
    Hey, I never said it was fair.  Read other things I've written.  I completely believe that Apple is held to a different standard.  But that's not the point.  If Google's ad revenue went away, they would crater too.  The comment to which I responded suggested that Apple would be just fine if the iPhone went away, which is nothing short of utter nonsense.
  • Reply 60 of 75

    robbyx said:

    Wrong.  How much of that non-iPhone revenue depends upon the iPhone, directly or not?  How many jobs would be lost?  How many stores would close?  Apple Watch would go poof.  Apple Music and Apple Pay would go poof.  If iPhone were wiped out tomorrow, Apple would be gutted.  When 70% of your revenue comes from one product and an additional chunk comes from services and accessories that depend upon that product, it's a one trick pony.

    apple still makes nearly ALL the profit of the PC industry, makes nearly ALL the profit of tablets, and makes GOOD revenue from content media.

    contrast that with:

    - if google's advertising revenue went poof tomorrow, where would their revenue come from?

    - if microsoft's Windows revenue went poof tomorrow, where would their revenue come from?

    - if amazon's...oh wait, amazon doesnt have revenue.

    ....get it yet?
    Yeah, I get that you're a fanboy in the extreme sense of the word.  That's about all I get.

    If iPhone and related services revenue went away, Apple would dramatically contract in size.  Hundreds of thousands of people around the world would lose jobs.  The spaceship campus would be a ghost ship.  Would Apple disappear?  No.  As you point out, they do have other revenue streams that are independent of the iPhone, but do you really think those would remain as healthy as they are today?  If the iPhone vanished, do you really think iPad sales would thrive?  Mac sales?  No.  Everything would suffer and Apple would be hollowed out.  Only the most diehard fanboy would suggest otherwise.

    Same for Google.  Same for Microsoft.  Same for any other company that were to suddenly lose the lion's share of its revenue and its hallmark/signature product.

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