Wells Fargo cuts Apple price target as stock hovers just above $100



  • Reply 41 of 61
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member

    enature said:
    I don't know if you are valuation blind or what. I've been following this stock very closely for the last 11 years. It is clear as day, that AAPL profit growth can't support its current stock market. Please, do not refer to Apple's low P/E ratio or other backward statistics that essentially boils down to "look, Apple was great in the past, so it must be great in the future"

    At the very heart of the ongoing demise of Apple is that its products are not that impressive relative to competition as they had been before. As Jobs said, Cook is not a product guy. Job's foresight is evident in the several misguided steps that Cook took in product development and personnel.
    For example, take a look at Cook's promotion of Jony Ivy. The guy is a very good hardware designer but he is not a software guy. Ivy tries to perfect minute OS details like curvature or spacing of letters (San Francisco font anyone?), but fails to address the elephant in the room: Apple sucks, and sucks mightily, in the cloud! Without a strong cloud and everything that comes with it (effortless syncing, AI assistance, ability to move smoothly from one device to another), today's smartphone or computer company can't succeed. Apple Watch is another manifestation of Ivy's misguided drive for perfection. I could go on but am afraid Apple die hards would call me a troll (you probably would call me a troll anyway because you are so invested in Apple that it hurts to hear the painful truth).

    In short, under Cook's wings Apple products are not so much above and beyond the competition to justify Apple being the most valuable company in the world. The profit growth will decline, low P/E be damned, and with the lower profit growth so will go AAPL price. Mark my words, the day is coming when Apple will be dethroned from its "the most valuable" title, as said as it might be.
    so youre concerned, huh?
  • Reply 42 of 61
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    This is a pretty good comment on the state of AAPL IMHO


    Look at the whole market right now. Stocks are getting killed right now. For example, Chipotle Mexican Grill (which has grown spectacularly over the past several years) is down 40% over just one month (although it should be noted they had some serious food problems recently).
    Isn't that likely due more to the e.Coli incidents?
  • Reply 43 of 61
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    latifbp said:
    eightzero said:
    I see an opportunity for Sog: timcook.sucks is an available domain name. Go get it. Write editorials. Invite others to join in the discussion. Have members indicate if they are a shareholder. Offer petitions to the Apple board. Offer to post any rebuttals from Apple for a fee. Sell advertizing and get filthy disgusting rich. But please, just go. 
    I'll follow Sog there, and want him to remain here as well. Stop harassing Sog! Ignore his comments if you don't like them.
    per the forum rules (which were posted on the forums), trolling is not permitted. attempting to rerail threads, using sock puppets, etc, are forms of trolling.
  • Reply 44 of 61
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    nolamacguy said:

    using sock puppets, etc, are forms of trolling.
    Is that a new one?  Given that one of the AI contributors was previously well known for using an alias to post on the forum, often condescendingly and (at least) passive-aggressively towards other forum members, it seems a little off.
  • Reply 45 of 61
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    crowley said:
    nolamacguy said:

    using sock puppets, etc, are forms of trolling.
    Is that a new one?  Given that one of the AI contributors was previously well known for using an alias to post on the forum, often condescendingly and (at least) passive-aggressively towards other forum members, it seems a little off.
    1) Most of us are using an alias. That's not the problem. AI has stated they have rules for their regular forum members where they can't have more than one active account.

    2) Clearly you're referring to DED posting as Corrections. Does he actively use any other alias (see point 1), or is Corrections the only alias he's posting under as a forum member? Even if he had a dozen forum names, it would still be a moot point.
  • Reply 46 of 61
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    tmay said:
    latifbp said:
    I'll follow Sog there, and want him to remain here as well. Stop harassing Sog! Ignore his comments if you don't like them.
    Sog is repetitious to a fault on stock matters and has become mean spirited towards Tim Cook and irrational.

    Add to that, Sog lost his bet, and now has reneged on his promise.

    Let's all go back and read Sog's previous posts where he reveals his genius for investing.
    I'm happy to kick that off:

    I just bought 10x $140 Jan2016 calls for $1.05.  So about $2100 'investment'
    If Apple reaches $150 at any time before the end of the year I'll make about $20,000 in profit.
    At this point its a long shot but I like my 10 to 1 odds.

    I'd call it gambling but in fairness, he probably would too.
    edited January 2016 Solitmay
  • Reply 47 of 61
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,453member
    cnocbui said:
    tmay said:
    Sog is repetitious to a fault on stock matters and has become mean spirited towards Tim Cook and irrational.

    Add to that, Sog lost his bet, and now has reneged on his promise.

    Let's all go back and read Sog's previous posts where he reveals his genius for investing.
    I'm happy to kick that off:

    I just bought 10x $140 Jan2016 calls for $1.05.  So about $2100 'investment'
    If Apple reaches $150 at any time before the end of the year I'll make about $20,000 in profit.
    At this point its a long shot but I like my 10 to 1 odds.

    I'd call it gambling but in fairness, he probably would too.
    Thank you!!
  • Reply 48 of 61
    Soli said:
    crowley said:
    Is that a new one?  Given that one of the AI contributors was previously well known for using an alias to post on the forum, often condescendingly and (at least) passive-aggressively towards other forum members, it seems a little off.
    1) Most of us are using an alias. That's not the problem. AI has stated they have rules for their regular forum members where they can't have more than one active account.

    2) Clearly you're referring to DED posting as Corrections. Does he actively use any other alias (see point 1), or is Corrections the only alias he's posting under as a forum member? Even if he had a dozen forum names, it would still be a moot point.
    Also, I think DED is now posting under his real name, no longer using Corrections.
  • Reply 49 of 61
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    cnocbui said:
    tmay said:
    Sog is repetitious to a fault on stock matters and has become mean spirited towards Tim Cook and irrational.

    Add to that, Sog lost his bet, and now has reneged on his promise.

    Let's all go back and read Sog's previous posts where he reveals his genius for investing.
    I'm happy to kick that off:

    I just bought 10x $140 Jan2016 calls for $1.05.  So about $2100 'investment'
    If Apple reaches $150 at any time before the end of the year I'll make about $20,000 in profit.
    At this point its a long shot but I like my 10 to 1 odds.

    I'd call it gambling but in fairness, he probably would too.
    I hope you meant Jan2017 calls.  The Jan2016 calls expire in about 10 days.
  • Reply 50 of 61
    Per CNBC:

    BREAKING: China markets halted for the remainder of day after CSI 300 falls 7% after 15 minute circuit breaker.

    That should be good for another 2% drop in Apple's stock tomorrow.
  • Reply 51 of 61
    This is a pretty good comment on the state of AAPL IMHO


    Look at the whole market right now. Stocks are getting killed right now. For example, Chipotle Mexican Grill (which has grown spectacularly over the past several years) is down 40% over just one month (although it should be noted they had some serious food problems recently).
    In the past 3 months Microsoft is up 15%, Google 13%, Amazon 17%, Netflix 9% while Apple is down 9%. 1 year change for Apple: down 5% while Microsoft is up 18%, Google up 50%, Amazon up 114% and Netflix up 153%. The sad thing is Apple stock has been tanking because of these supply chain rumors so you would think bad news is already priced into the stock yet if December is 'meh' and March guidance is light the stock will probably drop another 5-10% after hours. And if the numbers are better than expected it won't do much at all and analysts will explain it away saying the bar was set so low that Apple beating it is no big deal.
  • Reply 52 of 61
    China trading news aside does anyone believe that these analysts are trying to scare the weak hands out of the stock so they can load up big before something big happens? I ask that this way because we know they can make money shorting but do they have actual motivation to accumulate and hold longer-term. AAPL is a super popular retail stock so you have many individuals like us that all have their breaking points. They can afford to wait it out. I'm really trying to understand the HEAVY, almost echo-chamber like narrative going on. Apple's stock troubles are getting a lot of mainstream press which probably scares the hell out of people who don't think much about the market in general but know that they hold AAPL. 
    My thought and hope is that Mr. Market wants another big success story and needs to create the story to move it up to record highs and beyond. As much as they bash and downplay for 2% moves I'm sure they would equally like to ride AAPL 70% this year and who better to make it all happen?

  • Reply 53 of 61
    cornchipcornchip Posts: 1,954member
    cnocbui said:
    SOG is going on as if his stake is more like that of Carl Icahn - someone who probably is really not pleased with the current turn of events.

    Could  Carl makes a move on the Apple board and Tim Cook?  Is his holding big enough to have an impact?  Is he so quiet because he's up to something?  Pressuring Cook to buy back Apple stock while he hangs on to his own chunk would surely serve to increase the voting influence of his holding.  Wait for a rough patch, get some fund managers on-side and go for a spill?

    Apple's cash hoard must be such a tempting target.

    I'm probably severely overestimating the relative importance of his stake and spouting a load of nonsense. :-)
    I don't trust Icahn as far as I can piss.
  • Reply 54 of 61
    Soli said:
    crowley said:
    Is that a new one?  Given that one of the AI contributors was previously well known for using an alias to post on the forum, often condescendingly and (at least) passive-aggressively towards other forum members, it seems a little off.
    1) Most of us are using an alias. That's not the problem. AI has stated they have rules for their regular forum members where they can't have more than one active account.

    2) Clearly you're referring to DED posting as Corrections. Does he actively use any other alias (see point 1), or is Corrections the only alias he's posting under as a forum member? Even if he had a dozen forum names, it would still be a moot point.
    Now he posts directly with his name, as @"Daniel Eran Dilger". One less thing for people to attack him about. I haven't seen a Corrections post since the new forum started.
    edited January 2016 SpamSandwich
  • Reply 55 of 61
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    enature said:
    I don't know if you are valuation blind or what. I've been following this stock very closely for the last 11 years. It is clear as day, that AAPL profit growth can't support its current stock market. Please, do not refer to Apple's low P/E ratio or other backward statistics that essentially boils down to "look, Apple was great in the past, so it must be great in the future"

    At the very heart of the ongoing demise of Apple is that its products are not that impressive relative to competition as they had been before. As Jobs said, Cook is not a product guy. Job's foresight is evident in the several misguided steps that Cook took in product development and personnel.
    For example, take a look at Cook's promotion of Jony Ivy. The guy is a very good hardware designer but he is not a software guy. Ivy tries to perfect minute OS details like curvature or spacing of letters (San Francisco font anyone?), but fails to address the elephant in the room: Apple sucks, and sucks mightily, in the cloud! Without a strong cloud and everything that comes with it (effortless syncing, AI assistance, ability to move smoothly from one device to another), today's smartphone or computer company can't succeed. Apple Watch is another manifestation of Ivy's misguided drive for perfection. I could go on but am afraid Apple die hards would call me a troll (you probably would call me a troll anyway because you are so invested in Apple that it hurts to hear the painful truth).

    In short, under Cook's wings Apple products are not so much above and beyond the competition to justify Apple being the most valuable company in the world. The profit growth will decline, low P/E be damned, and with the lower profit growth so will go AAPL price. Mark my words, the day is coming when Apple will be dethroned from its "the most valuable" title, as said as it might be.
    So, much words for so little arguments.
     Who else uses controlling 95% of profits of PC, Smartphones, Tablets, streamers, etc... And say "demise"... Are you fracking serious!!

    Stock is down, that's all you can say right now.
     Even if Iphone sales went down, they'd likely still control 95% (or even 100% if Samsung's profits go to nearly 0) of every industry their in.

    Apple could lose profits for 5 years and still make more profits than Google.
    They could lose profits for 20 years and still make more profits than Amazon.

    Even if it only relied only sold PC's,, it would still beat Amazon handily in profits for years to come.

    So, stop talking total nonsense.

    If volume sales go down a lot (while still controlling profits), that would mean the rest of the tech industry is in a deep hole; that includes all the rest of those big PE companies you and your ilks are in love with.

  • Reply 56 of 61
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    quinney said:
    cnocbui said:
    I'm happy to kick that off:

    I just bought 10x $140 Jan2016 calls for $1.05.  So about $2100 'investment'
    If Apple reaches $150 at any time before the end of the year I'll make about $20,000 in profit.
    At this point its a long shot but I like my 10 to 1 odds.

    I'd call it gambling but in fairness, he probably would too.
    I hope you meant Jan2017 calls.  The Jan2016 calls expire in about 10 days.
    I just posted verbatim what SOG reported.  http://forums.appleinsider.com/discussion/187857

  • Reply 57 of 61
    Stocks taking a beating this morning. Apple down 3% pre-market.
  • Reply 58 of 61
    singularitysingularity Posts: 1,328member
    Stocks taking a beating this morning. Apple down 3% pre-market.
    Well obviously that is down to Tim not doing anything. Sack him /s
  • Reply 59 of 61
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    Stocks taking a beating this morning. Apple down 3% pre-market.
    Europe is down 3%, the Australian dollar is down 2.1 % against the Euro and Sog told me I don't understand the Chinese Stock market.
  • Reply 60 of 61
    Oh yeah? Well, I'm downgrading Wells Fargo from a Hold to a Sell on reduced expectations of more rate hikes.

    Here at NostraThomas, we see Wells Fargo's stock pricing in four, 1/4% rate hikes in 2016. Given the recent devaluation of the Yuan, we see the Fed reducing the number of rate hikes to two, instead of four– or, possibly only one. (Fed rate hikes cause a stronger dollar, hurting US exports.)
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