Apple's competition is going to have a tough year in 2016



  • Reply 21 of 89
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    I hate these kinds of articles.  DED I presume?  AppleInsider doesn't do itself any favours by printing this kind of one-sided garbage.  A "year in review" type of article should contain the minuses as well as the plusses.  

    A few that come to mind:

    - the very, very late debut of the very, very expensive Apple Watch
    - Apple TV being so delayed that it actually has last year's internals (for twice the price)
    - the most talked about feature of the new Apple TV (skinny cable package) pulled at last second. 
    - finally updating the iPad mini after three full years of languor. 
    - the new $200 trackpad!  
    - the new iPad that's more expensive than a laptop but half as capable.  
    - Advertisements in the OS

    I know others won't necessarily agree with me on all of these but the point is that there are many points of view and also pros and cons.  

    These long, poorly written articles full of bitterness, that praise Apple to the heavens, while jousting against imaginary critics are tiresome, unfair, and uninteresting once you realize how biased they are.  Please stop. Someone knock that chip off Daniel's shoulder so he can write properly.  
    Huh? Half as capable, can't take you seriously there. BTW, it's not a laptop so I don't get your point.

    Apple watch is not expensive since it sold 20 to 1 more than the competition, and I'm not talking $50 fitness bracelets here.
    So, it was the price the market was willing to bear; get a book capitalism...

    Do you actually read yourself, you're list is extremely biased, with an assessments that doesn't even jibe with reality.

    You also mix things from rumors with reality in your list; quit doing that.

    edited January 2016 calilkruppchiaJamesBBnolamacguyDan Andersensuddenly newtonbrucemcpianophilefastasleep
  • Reply 22 of 89

    These long, poorly written articles full of bitterness, that praise Apple to the heavens, while jousting against imaginary critics are tiresome, unfair, and uninteresting once you realize how biased they are.  Please stop. Someone knock that chip off Daniel's shoulder so he can write properly.  
    Why do you read them and then comment?  They're easy to avoid.  Do something with your time that you enjoy.  
    Dan_DilgerchianolamacguygtrDan Andersenbrucemcneil andersonfastasleepargonaut
  • Reply 23 of 89

    These long, poorly written articles full of bitterness, that praise Apple to the heavens, while jousting against imaginary critics are tiresome, unfair, and uninteresting once you realize how biased they are.  Please stop. Someone knock that chip off Daniel's shoulder so he can write properly.  
    Why do you read them and then comment?  They're easy to avoid.  Do something with your time that you enjoy.  
    I can only surmise that she enjoys making lists of things that don't work at Apple. which makes me wonder if she owns 
    Apple products or just gets a kick from being noticed. I don't own a nickel's worth of A stock and we use A laptops, editing bays, iPhones, and a device I don't think she understands at all the uses for, the new iPad, which our graphic/pr/art directors/set designers, costume designers use, now, on a regular basis. Have not followed this person's post but interested if this is just par for the course. We will see.
  • Reply 24 of 89
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member

    While Apple is working on refinements and new features for iOS 10, Google is busy working to remove copyright infringing code from the next Android N, busywork that does nothing for Android users but delay other planned new features and fixes, with the potential side effect of introducing new bugs.

    Daniel, if Google haven't been found guilty of violating copyright, why would you make a statement that are are doing something to remove infringing code?  Or is this a case of not letting the facts getting in the way of a rubbish story?

  • Reply 25 of 89
    jfanning said:

    While Apple is working on refinements and new features for iOS 10, Google is busy working to remove copyright infringing code from the next Android N, busywork that does nothing for Android users but delay other planned new features and fixes, with the potential side effect of introducing new bugs.

    Daniel, if Google haven't been found guilty of violating copyright, why would you make a statement that are are doing something to remove infringing code?  Or is this a case of not letting the facts getting in the way of a rubbish story?

    Have you been following the case at all? It's pretty clear Aslup was wrong the first time around and Oracle will prevail. It's not a stretch at all to say a big factor in Google doing this now is the upcoming trial (where they will very likely lose).
  • Reply 26 of 89
    I like this article because it helps illustrate how myopic Wall Street with respect to Apple and its competitors.  It’s like the market gets tricked by a bunch of high-tech fantasies and it can’t see the big picture clearly.  

    Google has only enjoyed one significant source of income, and now, search in the well-moneyed mobile space (i.e., the iPhone) is in a precarious position.  We don’t know what Apple is going to do, but the rumors are that Google will no longer be the default search at the end of the year, not to mention the decreasing importance of ad-supported search compared to other discovery technologies.  This isn’t exactly an existential threat to Google, but it could seriously hurt their top and bottom line.  The market apparently has almost no awareness of this threat.

    Similarly, the market is too impressed with Microsoft’s new CEO.  They’re expecting magic from this human being.  Microsoft  is, in a sense, better diversified than Google since it’s done well both with Windows and Office; but Windows today is clearly not what anyone in Redmond wanted.  It plays no role in the mobile space and it’s being given away on the desktop.  The problem is far bigger than their CEO, but the market wants to believe that Balmer was a bum and Nadella is a savior, but this all smacks of desperation.  

    Kudos to DED for shining a light on these truths.

  • Reply 27 of 89
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member
    Have you been following the case at all? It's pretty clear Aslup was wrong the first time around and Oracle will prevail. It's not a stretch at all to say a big factor in Google doing this now is the upcoming trial (where they will very likely lose).
    ok, let's try this again.  If Google hasn't been found guilty of anything, why would they say they are going to do this because they are violating code, I'll give you the answer, they won't.

  • Reply 28 of 89
    jfanning said:
    Have you been following the case at all? It's pretty clear Aslup was wrong the first time around and Oracle will prevail. It's not a stretch at all to say a big factor in Google doing this now is the upcoming trial (where they will very likely lose).
    ok, let's try this again.  If Google hasn't been found guilty of anything, why would they say they are going to do this because they are violating code, I'll give you the answer, they won't.

    They haven't been found guilty, but they will. And that's a pretty big motivation.
  • Reply 29 of 89
    I hate these kinds of articles.  DED I presume?  AppleInsider doesn't do itself any favours by printing this kind of one-sided garbage.  A "year in review" type of article should contain the minuses as well as the plusses.  

    A few that come to mind:

    - the very, very late debut of the very, very expensive Apple Watch
    - Apple TV being so delayed that it actually has last year's internals (for twice the price)
    - the most talked about feature of the new Apple TV (skinny cable package) pulled at last second. 
    - finally updating the iPad mini after three full years of languor. 
    - the new $200 trackpad!  
    - the new iPad that's more expensive than a laptop but half as capable.  
    - Advertisements in the OS

    I know others won't necessarily agree with me on all of these but the point is that there are many points of view and also pros and cons.  

    These long, poorly written articles full of bitterness, that praise Apple to the heavens, while jousting against imaginary critics are tiresome, unfair, and uninteresting once you realize how biased they are.  Please stop. Someone knock that chip off Daniel's shoulder so he can write properly.  
    Boy, I'd rather read DeD articles than the crap in your post.  This article is factual.  He's writing about the health of the company in terms of revenue, market share and earnings.  You are whining about specific products.  From an investors standpoint, I don't see a single negative thing about anything in your list - and it's hilarious that you are attributing a "negative" to Apple for failing to deliver a skinny bundle of channels - claiming that it was pulled at the last minute!  I must have missed the press conference when Tim Cook announced that they were pulling it.  Duh!  It was an unconfirmed rumour!!!  Your list shows just how out of touch with reality you actually are.  Daniels articles may sound one-sided but they are in fact accurate and factual.  You claim that any worthwhile article should be balanced and if its going to include positive things, it should also include negative things - so It's funny/strange that I don't see you commenting on the overwhelmingly negative articles that get posted almost daily.  Why aren't you chastising those writers for not including any pluses?  Oh!  Because you're a troll!  Got it.  Thanks.

    ps:  if you're going to say something negative about DED, you should also say something positive as any good comment should contain balance.

    Loved this article Daniel - thanks for aggregating and analyzing the data and for sharing it!
    igrouchogtranantksundaramnolamacguypalomineDan Andersenjax44brucemcpianophileneil anderson
  • Reply 30 of 89
    I totally agree with the premise of this article; Going into 2016, any potential competitors to Apple are weak. In fact the weakest they have ever been. Especially as iPhone competitors.

    In this described situation, I can see Apple absorbing more of the current Android market share... at least that portion where there is profit to be made. As far as the commodity, low-end portion—nobody's a winner in that segment. Maybe Apple's 4" iPhone may even skim some of the cream off that segment but Apple can leave that up to Chinese brands to satisfy. 

    The only problem Apple has is being too successful with the iPhone—I remember how the pundits hooted and Ballmer giggled when Apple moved into the smart phone market. Since then Apple has become the biggest success at smart watches, tablets, and mobile laptops too, however the smart phone business eclipses all those successes so well that Wall Street forgets any other company out there would welcome those other Apple product numbers; quantities and profits. Even Apple's services business is huge. Apple is currently a five-trick pony, but the iPhone trick makes the others pale by comparison.

    Now that Apple has proved its chops in the fashion business (through the Apple Watch), they may come out with some other things to build on that strength...I can't imagine what that might be, but autos would fit into the category. 
    michael scripnolamacguylostkiwiargonaut
  • Reply 31 of 89
    xbitxbit Posts: 395member
    lkrupp said:
    I skipped the first paragraph and then read the click bait legend part. I thought DeD had finally come to terms with what he is... Then I re-read everything...
    DeD has better writing skills than any tech writer I have read online. What, you think he’s a clickbait author because he writes positively about Apple instead of regurgitating the negative pablum we have come to expect from AI trolls? Do you think trolls repeating their mantra of MARKET SHARE, MAKRET SHARE, MARKET SHARE means Apple is a failure? Then there’s the malcontent caterwauling away about Apple’s QA, alleged loss of innovation, and “Steve would never have allowed this” bawling. You prefer that to a positive perspective? You call this clickbait? You’d rather wallow in the negativity?
    I prefer John Gruber's writing. Gruber clearly writes from the perspective of an Apple fan but still manages to maintain some objectivity. Gruber builds such a compelling (and concise!) case, when he writes, that he never needs to make spurious statements like '[Apple] sold the only profitable tablets and smartwatch'.
  • Reply 32 of 89
    This Wall Street play strategy is no different from previous cycles.

    Plaster the media with negative bias in the exact period between earnings where TC can't correct them or state the facts and can't repurchase shares... (which takes a decent share of buy volume out of the equation).

    Once we reach historically low forward PE's (which we are getting close to), then they start buying back during the days/week(s) up to the actual earnings where the inevitable happens...

    Eventually the stock retraces and hits new highs, but few retail investors can stand the interim pain of 20-30% losses, so they sell at the worst possible time, whether they believe the choir of false prophets or not. 

    Still waiting for a nice re-entry this or next week before rumors and fear mongering media eventually gives way to facts during the earnings call.
    edited January 2016 nolamacguypalominelostkiwi
  • Reply 33 of 89
    Everyone talks about the iPhone (which will likely continue to grow by the way), but the number of meaningful (high growth/high margin) revenue streams is steadily expanding. Analyst predictions are almost entirely based on existing products. But why would the largest company on earth not expand their product portfolio and think about the future?

    They may become a car company, media company or a produce other ingenious things that nobody thought about... Whatever it is, it will be high growth/high margin and will have a thick moat around it.

    The real strength of a company is based on the ability to continuously evolve from status quo. Apple has in this respect the best foundation of any company. Their possibilities are endless. They have the financial strength, the intellectual capacity and an inherited zen-like capacity from Steve Jobs to focus on what is really important, and they are not playing defense, like everyone else.

    None of that is modeled into any analyst forecast. The ingenious "predictions" of analysts are limited to something that resembles iPhone cycles of the past. 7/7S, 8/8S, 9/9S...

    Not too long ago, Apple was an iPod maker... (and by the way only Apple figured out how to generate billions from a fancy USB stick with a headphone jack!)
    edited January 2016 nolamacguylostkiwifastasleep
  • Reply 34 of 89
    I hate these kinds of articles.  DED I presume?  AppleInsider doesn't do itself any favours by printing this kind of one-sided garbage.  A "year in review" type of article should contain the minuses as well as the plusses.  

    A few that come to mind:

    - the very, very late debut of the very, very expensive Apple Watch
    - Apple TV being so delayed that it actually has last year's internals (for twice the price)
    - the most talked about feature of the new Apple TV (skinny cable package) pulled at last second. 
    - finally updating the iPad mini after three full years of languor. 
    - the new $200 trackpad!  
    - the new iPad that's more expensive than a laptop but half as capable.  
    - Advertisements in the OS

    I know others won't necessarily agree with me on all of these but the point is that there are many points of view and also pros and cons.  

    These long, poorly written articles full of bitterness, that praise Apple to the heavens, while jousting against imaginary critics are tiresome, unfair, and uninteresting once you realize how biased they are.  Please stop. Someone knock that chip off Daniel's shoulder so he can write properly.  
    Dear "Professor", you joined this forum in Dec 2015 and have since made 115 negatively biased comments about Apple... Is that your full-time occupation? Or perhaps part of the internet media army trying to portray problems that don't really exist because you have an agenda?  :*
    gtranantksundarampalomineDan Andersenjax44brucemcpianophilefastasleepnetmagenolamacguy
  • Reply 35 of 89
    xbit said:
    lkrupp said:
    DeD has better writing skills than any tech writer I have read online. What, you think he’s a clickbait author because he writes positively about Apple instead of regurgitating the negative pablum we have come to expect from AI trolls? Do you think trolls repeating their mantra of MARKET SHARE, MAKRET SHARE, MARKET SHARE means Apple is a failure? Then there’s the malcontent caterwauling away about Apple’s QA, alleged loss of innovation, and “Steve would never have allowed this” bawling. You prefer that to a positive perspective? You call this clickbait? You’d rather wallow in the negativity?
    I prefer John Gruber's writing. Gruber clearly writes from the perspective of an Apple fan but still manages to maintain some objectivity. Gruber builds such a compelling (and concise!) case, when he writes, that he never needs to make spurious statements like '[Apple] sold the only profitable tablets and smartwatch'.
    That is the problem with articles written by DED. He seems to lack the ability to be concise, which IMHO detracts from the message. Why use 10 words when 1000 will do. Also the almost inevitable diatribe against Google/Android. 
    dasanman69nolamacguyfreshmakerDan Andersennetmage
  • Reply 36 of 89
    cnocbuicnocbui Posts: 3,613member
    xbit said:
    I prefer John Gruber's writing. Gruber clearly writes from the perspective of an Apple fan but still manages to maintain some objectivity. Gruber builds such a compelling (and concise!) case, when he writes, that he never needs to make spurious statements like '[Apple] sold the only profitable tablets and smartwatch'.
    That is the problem with articles written by DED. He seems to lack the ability to be concise, which IMHO detracts from the message. Why use 10 words when 1000 will do. Also the almost inevitable diatribe against Google/Android. 
    He writes as if he had an Aspergers-like fixation on Apple.
  • Reply 37 of 89
    josujosu Posts: 217member

    Virtually all of the established PC makers seemed to be evaluating how to get out of the business, even as Apple's premium-class Mac sales gained significant new ground. 
    That's something I was thinking about the other day.

    Apple has been selling Macs for over 30 years. But how many PC manufacturers have come and gone during that time?

    Either they go out of business... or they are in bad enough shape that they get acquired by another (possibly failing) PC maker.  Hell... I remember when HP was talking about getting out of the PC business because they couldn't make money. And they were one of the big ones!  Times are tough when you sell a commodity item.  There are dozens of companies making very similar PCs with little differentiation. And they are all competing (price dropping) with each other.  No one wins.

    Then there's Apple... who is the only maker of the Macintosh.  Sure they don't sell the volume of all Windows PC makers combined... but Apple sells more than enough.

    And the same thing is happening in smartphones... except there are hundreds of Android phone makers.  They're all fighting with each other to sell you an "Android phone" while slashing prices to unsustainable levels. No one wins.

    Then there's Apple... who is the only maker of the iPhone.  Sure they don't sell the volume of all Android OEMs combined... but Apple sells more than enough.

    And if you think about it... no one is really competing with Apple since they cannot sell the same things Apple is selling.  They'll sell you an Android phone or Windows laptop.... but that doesn't mean a lot if you're looking for an iPhone or Mac laptop.
    All of them. At least the ones that entered the PC business at the time Apple was. Maybe Toshiba still is there, and of course HP, but they started before the PC era.
  • Reply 38 of 89
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,797member
    tjwolf said:
    Excellent article - wish it would get published where investors could read.  Here it is kind of like preaching to the choir.
    I would expect it will be references by PED on the Fortune web site.
  • Reply 39 of 89
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,797member

    Unfortunately in the year 2106, Apple's current stock price says nothing about the basic soundness and operation of the company! Whereas once a stock price pre-1990s, reflected the earrings, revenues and debt healthiness - today it is mere stock speculation and manipulation that drives a stock price as witness the irrational enthuasim for Amazon's highly inflated stock price in relation to its profits, revenues and zero dividends.
    I agree and I think it is ridiculous for that very reason when i hear new reports saying the 'economy' is in a bad way when they are referring the the stock market.  The stock market is more like a casino these days.
  • Reply 40 of 89
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Is it true Apple earned 94% of global smartphone profit for 2015? I could have sworn that was for a specific part of the year.
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