Apple increases iOS App Store revenue lead, now earns 75% more than Android's Google Play
Despite a huge jump in Android app downloads from Google Play fueled by the company's expansion into developing markets, Apple's iOS App Store continues to bring in more money and has actually increased its lead in profitability over Android's official store.

Source: App Annie
According to a report by mobile marketer App Annie, in 2015 Google began servicing twice as many app downloads as the iOS App Store, but that hasn't translated into greater earning power. Despite all those downloads, iOS now earns 75 percent more, an increase over Apple's 2014 lead of 70 percent greater trackable revenues than Google Play.
"While Android is making inroads on Apple's U.S. market share [among trackable app downloads], its revenue lags," the report noted. "Google must continue to evolve its strategy to help drive more revenue for its developers; that said, Android market share needs to grow at the high end of the smartphone market to meaningfully drive more revenue share."
App Annie download statistics only pertain to apps the company can track, so downloads of Apple's own first party apps (such as Keynote, Garage Band, iTunes U and Apple Music) don't appear, and neither do bundled apps such as Maps, News and Wallet.
"App Annie is used by more than 1 million apps to track their performance," the company's report states, "and now has over 500,000 registered members -- including 94 of the top 100 publishers."
That makes it difficult to make direct comparisons between the two platforms in overall download counts, but it does show that among monetized apps tracked by advertisers, iOS is earning far more money for developers than Android is, despite the fact that much of Android's apps are free/ad supported titles that Google cultivates, because it is primarily an advertising company.
App Annie's figures for the top ten music streaming apps doesn't even mention Apple Music, for example, despite the new service pulling in ten million paid subscribers and likely many times more that in app downloads.
Conversely, in App Annie's rankings of top apps by platform, YouTube is the third most popular app listed for iOS, but doesn't even show up in Android's top ten because it's included with Android.

Source: App Annie
App Annie also reports no data for Google Play in China because Google has virtually no presence there. On the other hand, Apple's app revenue China (related to the titles App Annie can track) has doubled, making China Apple's third largest App Store market, and "within striking distance" of displacing Japan for second place. In app download counts, China has surpassed the U.S. to now be first.
In addition to earning more for app developers, Apple's platform also represents most of the online orders made from mobile devices. Custora noted over the holidays that iOS accounted for 78 percent of mobile sales last fall.

Source: App Annie
According to a report by mobile marketer App Annie, in 2015 Google began servicing twice as many app downloads as the iOS App Store, but that hasn't translated into greater earning power. Despite all those downloads, iOS now earns 75 percent more, an increase over Apple's 2014 lead of 70 percent greater trackable revenues than Google Play.
"While Android is making inroads on Apple's U.S. market share [among trackable app downloads], its revenue lags," the report noted. "Google must continue to evolve its strategy to help drive more revenue for its developers; that said, Android market share needs to grow at the high end of the smartphone market to meaningfully drive more revenue share."
Limited data
App Annie download statistics only pertain to apps the company can track, so downloads of Apple's own first party apps (such as Keynote, Garage Band, iTunes U and Apple Music) don't appear, and neither do bundled apps such as Maps, News and Wallet.
"App Annie is used by more than 1 million apps to track their performance," the company's report states, "and now has over 500,000 registered members -- including 94 of the top 100 publishers."
That makes it difficult to make direct comparisons between the two platforms in overall download counts, but it does show that among monetized apps tracked by advertisers, iOS is earning far more money for developers than Android is, despite the fact that much of Android's apps are free/ad supported titles that Google cultivates, because it is primarily an advertising company.
App Annie's figures for the top ten music streaming apps doesn't even mention Apple Music, for example, despite the new service pulling in ten million paid subscribers and likely many times more that in app downloads.
Conversely, in App Annie's rankings of top apps by platform, YouTube is the third most popular app listed for iOS, but doesn't even show up in Android's top ten because it's included with Android.

Source: App Annie
App Annie also reports no data for Google Play in China because Google has virtually no presence there. On the other hand, Apple's app revenue China (related to the titles App Annie can track) has doubled, making China Apple's third largest App Store market, and "within striking distance" of displacing Japan for second place. In app download counts, China has surpassed the U.S. to now be first.
In addition to earning more for app developers, Apple's platform also represents most of the online orders made from mobile devices. Custora noted over the holidays that iOS accounted for 78 percent of mobile sales last fall.
1 Facebook (Facebook)
2 Facebook Messenger (Facebook)
3 YouTube (Google)
4 WhatsApp Messenger (Facebook)
5 Instagram (Facebook)
6 Google Maps (Google)
7 Twitter (Twitter)
8 Snapchat (Snapchat)
9 Google (Google)
10 Gmail (Google)
Oh, depending on how you view it, iOS actually were 100% more revenue then Google Play in 2013......
No, not curious at all.
First off, there have been studies that say the most used Windows program is Solitaire. Just because every PC comes with Solitaire, and just about everybody plays it from time to time, doesn't mean all they do on their PCs all day is play Solitaire.
Second, the list you provided is actually titled "Monthly Active Users". However your sentence states "most used month after month". Why do you continue to intentionally make slight changes to the wording to alter the meanings of reports/articles/studies? Never mind, after years why should things be different now?
I have 8 of those 10 on my iPhone (no Google or Gmail). Their COMBINED usage adds up to about 20% (according to my Battery Usage report on my iPhone). Today the only Apps I used off that list were YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. 15% of the battery was for YouTube (I watched a few more videos than usual today). Instagram and Snapchat I use a couple times a month tops. But because I use them each month they show up as a "monthly active user".
Hardly an accurate representation of how much time people actually "use" each App.
The Apple Music app is included in iOS and can't be avoided unless you don't upgrade iOS.
Apple Music is one of those Apple apps that is baked into iOS by Apple and can not be deleted. If you don't use Apple Music you can only hide it in your garbage folder with all the other Apple apps that can't be deleted.
By the way, you mentioned Windows Solitaire so this may be more to your liking since the discussion of AppStore apps doesn't. Fun fact at least.
And the long version, actually interesting if you have a couple of minutes.
Whats the dfference? Stop playing dumb. I explained clearly in my post already, but here we go again for the kiddies.
Users refers to the number of people who have an App installed and actually use it.
Usage refers to the number of hours a user spends in an App.
The App I spend the most time on, by far, is Safari. Same goes for my wife and kids (I often check their usage numbers to weed out battery hogs).
Your implication by posting that one snippet from their report is that Google (since everyone knows your their biggest shill) are the most USED Apps on iOS devices. Sorry, not true at all.
You apparently believe that "most often used" and "highest usage" carry the same meaning. I don't which is why I don't see anything wrong with the original statement as written. IMO one refers to the number of times used whereas the second, which you are talking about, refers to time (or miles or whatever depending on what is being reported). If you misunderstood what was reported or said perhaps that clears it up for you.
Saying the list I posted represents the most often used apps from the App Store month after month this past year is absolutely spot on (assuming AppAnnie is accurate). You could also be correct that Safari is used more hours in a month, Heck Candy Crush might be used more hours in a month for that matter. But as for Safari...
Safari would not be on the list in the first place if you understand what the list reports on, 3rd party apps available from the App Store.
This kind of arguing in bad faith with essentially a wall, eventually tires out anyone and the only solution is not responding.
I'd normally call this kind of troll, the teacher troll (want to make sure we don't misrepresenting "facts" (sic)),
but by being unrelentingly disingenuous I'd have to call it something else, not sure what.
I can't fathom the motivation for this kind of long term action.