Samsung planning to bring many new apps to iOS, rumor claims

in iPhone
Samsung will allegedly port a number of apps to iOS later this year as it tries to increase the cross-platform appeal of its devices, including speakers, tablets, and fitness trackers.

A version of Gear Fit Manager, for instance, will let people pair a Gear Fit with an iPhone, sources explained to SamMobile. Accordingly, Samsung is also said to be working on an iPhone version of S Health, which logs things like activity, food, and sleep. The app normally comes preinstalled on Samsung phones.

Going a step further, the company may also release an app for its Level audio accessories, and two apps -- Remote Control and Family Square -- for the Galaxy View. The View is a deliberately oversized tablet that behaves like a streaming-based portable TV.

Samsung already has a Smart Camera app for iOS that connects with some of its compact cameras, but the company is reportedly planning an update that might bring a new interface. In its current form the app can copy images and videos, as well as handle some remote control functions, including serving as a viewfinder.

Samsung recently announced that it would add iOS support to its Gear S2 smartwatch. By comparison, Apple has virtually no presence on Samsung devices -- the Apple Watch is only compatible with iPhones for example, and there are only two Apple-made Android apps -- Apple Music and Move to iOS.


  • Reply 1 of 22
    Wouldn't touch Samsung or its apps with a 10 foot pole.
  • Reply 2 of 22
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    Well there are a bunch of rip-off apps in the App Store, what's a few more?
  • Reply 3 of 22
    There's ZERO chance that I'll ever own anything with a Samsung logo on it... corporate thievery should not be tolerated.
  • Reply 4 of 22
    Google is the true corporate thief. Samsung never had a corporate executive sit in on the iPhone/iOS development process like Eric Schmidt of Google did. 

    When Google released Android, if my recollection is correct, it was first released on Motorola's Droid. And that phone was essentially a clone of the iPhone. 

    Samsung was an opportunist, but can they really be blamed? Sony, HTC, LG, Motorola, Xiaomi and Huawei also produce Android based clones. 

    Samsung makes nice products. Their DRAM and flash memory products are top notch. They as a company would actually like to abandon Android all together with Tizen now being used in all of their wearables. Tying those wearables into iOS is a good thing. Samsung is following a proprietary vertically integrated model like Apple as opposed to the commodity model of Intel and Google. 

    Samsung and LG are going to produce components for Apple. While TSMC is able to build CPUs, they don't build displays and they don't build memory. 

    At least Samsung is moving away from Android unlike the rest of the handset makers. 

    I actually like many of Samsung's products including the chip and memory inside of my iPhone 6S. Google on the other hand is a totally different story. 
  • Reply 5 of 22
    Hell will freeze over before I load any apps from Samsung onto my iOS devices. BTW, I will also never purchase any product from Samsung.
  • Reply 6 of 22
    metrixmetrix Posts: 256member
    rhbellmor said:
    Hell will freeze over before I load any apps from Samsung onto my iOS devices. BTW, I will also never purchase any product from Samsung.
    What he said!
  • Reply 7 of 22
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    Google is the true corporate thief. Samsung never had a corporate executive sit in on the iPhone/iOS development process like Eric Schmidt of Google did. 

    When Google released Android, if my recollection is correct, it was first released on Motorola's Droid. And that phone was essentially a clone of the iPhone. 
    Well, besides the shape, hardware keyboard, home-screen, device size, notification bar, home button and a few other things yeah the Droid was identical to the iPhone 3GS available at the time of release.  Plainly cloned. ;),Apple-iPhone-3GS/phones/3853,3774

    You've also probably forgotten that Mr Schmidt was not the only Apple board member with a tie to Google, and in fact that person remain connected to the two companies after Eric resigned. Do you remember who he was? 
    edited January 2016
  • Reply 8 of 22
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Google is the true corporate thief. Samsung never had a corporate executive sit in on the iPhone/iOS development process like Eric Schmidt of Google did. 

    When Google released Android, if my recollection is correct, it was first released on Motorola's Droid. And that phone was essentially a clone of the iPhone. 

    Samsung was an opportunist, but can they really be blamed? Sony, HTC, LG, Motorola, Xiaomi and Huawei also produce Android based clones. 

    Samsung makes nice products. Their DRAM and flash memory products are top notch. They as a company would actually like to abandon Android all together with Tizen now being used in all of their wearables. Tying those wearables into iOS is a good thing. Samsung is following a proprietary vertically integrated model like Apple as opposed to the commodity model of Intel and Google. 

    Samsung and LG are going to produce components for Apple. While TSMC is able to build CPUs, they don't build displays and they don't build memory. 

    At least Samsung is moving away from Android unlike the rest of the handset makers. 

    I actually like many of Samsung's products including the chip and memory inside of my iPhone 6S. Google on the other hand is a totally different story. 
    Your recollection is all wrong. The HTC Dream (T-Mobile G1) was the first Android phone and the Droid with its slide out keyboard and 16:9 aspect ratio looked very little like an iPhone. 
  • Reply 9 of 22
    I hope they have a different and better team for these iOS apps than they do for my Samsung "Smart" TV (running Tizen, which uses JavaScript) because while the picture quality is pretty good (4K TV) their software quality control leaves EVERYTHING to be desired, including not falling for the "JavaScript is good everywhere" trap so many people have fallen for: the remote control interaction is a pure nightmare because it can't maintain proper timing with even the TV, let alone controlling other things via its "Universal" control due to how sloppy JavaScript combined with the random timing issues caused by garbage collection.

    JavaScript has its place, but where timing and reliability are critical, not there!

    I have never had a remote/TV combination as remotely unreliable as this thing in my life, nor have I used one someone else owned.
  • Reply 10 of 22
    There's ZERO chance that I'll ever own anything with a Samsung logo on it... corporate thievery should not be tolerated.
    Forget about the logo.

    What is the chance you own right now something with at least one part made by Samsung.

    Hate them you will, avoid them you try. 

    Reality is they are making bits and pieces for just about everything.
  • Reply 11 of 22
    jbdragonjbdragon Posts: 2,312member
    techlover said:
    There's ZERO chance that I'll ever own anything with a Samsung logo on it... corporate thievery should not be tolerated.
    Forget about the logo.

    What is the chance you own right now something with at least one part made by Samsung.

    Hate them you will, avoid them you try. 

    Reality is they are making bits and pieces for just about everything.
    Should be more clear!.  Won't buy anything with a Samsung logo on it.  You can't help what's internally on a device. 
  • Reply 12 of 22
    Google is the true corporate thief. Samsung never had a corporate executive sit in on the iPhone/iOS development process like Eric Schmidt of Google did. 

    When Google released Android, if my recollection is correct, it was first released on Motorola's Droid. And that phone was essentially a clone of the iPhone. 

    Samsung was an opportunist, but can they really be blamed? Sony, HTC, LG, Motorola, Xiaomi and Huawei also produce Android based clones. 

    Samsung makes nice products. Their DRAM and flash memory products are top notch. They as a company would actually like to abandon Android all together with Tizen now being used in all of their wearables. Tying those wearables into iOS is a good thing. Samsung is following a proprietary vertically integrated model like Apple as opposed to the commodity model of Intel and Google. 

    Samsung and LG are going to produce components for Apple. While TSMC is able to build CPUs, they don't build displays and they don't build memory. 

    At least Samsung is moving away from Android unlike the rest of the handset makers. 

    I actually like many of Samsung's products including the chip and memory inside of my iPhone 6S. Google on the other hand is a totally different story. 
    Order of magnitude shouldn't excuse a company for theft.   You're essentially saying that Samsung isn't all
    that bad just because Google is worse.

    Theyre both thieves and they should both be punished and boycotted whenever possible.
  • Reply 13 of 22

    jsmythe00 said:
    rhbellmor said:
    Hell will freeze over before I load any apps from Samsung onto my iOS devices. BTW, I will also never purchase any product from Samsung.
    That was my first thought but I'll download just to give it 1 star. Like you I buy no Samsung products. I'm also raising a generation that is pro Apple/anti Samsung 
    Wow!  And you still have time to post?  How long does it take to raise an entire generation?  I'm only raising a single child and it take a ton of my time.  I can't imagine how much time and effort it would take to raise a generation!  /s
  • Reply 14 of 22
    Actually, the way I read it, by offering these Samsung apps, people will be able to use their iPhones with Samsung wearables that they may have gotten as a gift by some well-meaning but clueless relative.

    I suspect Samsung thinks they will look like cool beans by having their shit on an iPhone, while making fun of the iPhone with their ads...which are also a rip-off of Apple ads...
  • Reply 15 of 22
    Perhaps Samsung will charge for these Apps on IOS and then promote them by
    making them free on their ONLY Android devices

    "See how much you can save by switching to a Galaxy S9999? Get one today!"

  • Reply 16 of 22
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    If you can't beat 'em....
  • Reply 17 of 22
    From experience I think these apps will be full of bugs. Samsung has a poor track record for their apps on their own Android phones let alone a foreign OS. If I ranked the Major developers ability to cross platform my order would be:

    1. Google - lets face it they are best at programing on any OS. Their iOS apps are top notch. They sometimes release updates and apps to competitors platforms before their own.

    2. Microsoft- they are more hit or miss tending to make large power draining programs.

    3. Apple- ITunes for windows. 'nough said

    4. A drunken clown. 

    5. Samsung- seriously get your stuff together on Android before you veture out. Samsung makes the most powerful Android devices and they are slugs thanks to Samsung's  customizations. The fact they are venturing into foreign waters scare me. 

    Just my objective analysis. 
  • Reply 18 of 22
    croprcropr Posts: 1,140member
    rhbellmor said:
    Hell will freeze over before I load any apps from Samsung onto my iOS devices. BTW, I will also never purchase any product from Samsung.
    But you did buy products with Samsung components
  • Reply 19 of 22
    icoco3icoco3 Posts: 1,474member
    cropr said:
    rhbellmor said:
    Hell will freeze over before I load any apps from Samsung onto my iOS devices. BTW, I will also never purchase any product from Samsung.
    But you did buy products with Samsung components
    And in my opinion, Samsung makes the best SSD's
  • Reply 20 of 22
    steviestevie Posts: 956member
    SameSong only has one product:  being a copycat.
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