IIRC, the p3 was about 140% the speed of a similarly clocked P4. at the same time, i believe the G4 was approx. 25% - 30% faster than the P3 at the same clock speeds.
<strong>Macs are Saabs. PCs are hondas. to put it simply. No matter how many street races you go to, you will never see a suped up Saab, because they dont need to be. If you see a honda that isnt suped. it would be destroyed.
- Xidius</strong><hr></blockquote>
My Athlon is like my Mustang. It's loud, inexpensive, and will kick the ass of any Saab. <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
<strong>IIRC, the p3 was about 140% the speed of a similarly clocked P4. at the same time, i believe the G4 was approx. 25% - 30% faster than the P3 at the same clock speeds.
just to help put things in perspective here.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Sounds reasonable. That would mean a 1 GHz G4 would perform like a 1.75 GHz - 1.82 GHz P4.
Here is a simple question. Is the introduction of all these new and faster chips doing anything to help the slumping PC industry? Other than Dell, the answer seems to be no. So, it would seem to me that Intel would be smart to milk the current chips for as long as possible because the introduction of a faster chip will do nothing to increase their sales significantly. Just my opinion.
The P4 is like a Honda Vtec Engine. On paper you see a 4 banger cranking out 240HP and you're amazed until you drive while and realize that the full power isn't derived until you've hit 7-8k RPM. Now drive a car that hit's it's peak HP at 6000rpm and you tell me which one if the funner one to drive.
obviously you've never driven an S2000.
DAMN STRAIGHT!! The S2000 is DA BOMB, I have driven one several times and am fully in lust with this car, let me tell ya, if apple could make the powermac like the S2000 they wouldnt be able to make enough of 'em. As for the 3.0 Gizzilionhtz P4, it should finally be able to provide that nice all-over heat I require to grill my Steaks to perfection...
It's funny the 3GHz PIV has been planned for a late Q4 release for quite some time. It was always just a matter of if Intel decided to release it rather than if it would be ready.
[quote]Originally posted by Thereubster:
<strong>obviously you've never driven an S2000.
DAMN STRAIGHT!! The S2000 is DA BOMB, I have driven one several times and am fully in lust with this car, let me tell ya, if apple could make the powermac like the S2000 they wouldnt be able to make enough of 'em. </strong><hr></blockquote>
I have to agree on this one I love the S2000.
I have to say though I saw my sister the other day (wedding) and got to take her husband's Lotus while they were away...damn I love that car.
It's just heaven...unless of course you want to go over a speed bump and I really worried about leaving it somewhere semi-public. Oh and then there was the whole it wouldn't go down my driveway thing <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
That's a car designed to make driving a pleasure and get you fined a lot of money for speeding though I ended up heading out to the country for a couple days so I could just enjoy the sheer driving experience. That's a car I'm truly in lust with and now I can fully understand why, come my next mid-life crisis, I'm going to buy a Lotus instead of taking other options
Dont worry, talking about Lotus's and S2000's is way more interesting then a P4/3Gig (I mean... BFD really, its a PC chip, woopee) <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
Hahaha, this thread has everything. Mac speed bitching, PC speed bitching, unfounded assumptions and comparisons of speed, Mac vs. PC car analogies, Apple apologists, and even a few digs at Windows Product Activation and digital rights management.
<strong>Hahaha, this thread has everything. Mac speed bitching, PC speed bitching, unfounded assumptions and comparisons of speed, Mac vs. PC car analogies, Apple apologists, and even a few digs at Windows Product Activation and digital rights management. </strong><hr></blockquote>
just to help put things in perspective here.
<strong>Macs are Saabs. PCs are hondas. to put it simply. No matter how many street races you go to, you will never see a suped up Saab, because they dont need to be. If you see a honda that isnt suped. it would be destroyed.
- Xidius</strong><hr></blockquote>
My Athlon is like my Mustang. It's loud, inexpensive, and will kick the ass of any Saab. <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
<strong>IIRC, the p3 was about 140% the speed of a similarly clocked P4. at the same time, i believe the G4 was approx. 25% - 30% faster than the P3 at the same clock speeds.
just to help put things in perspective here.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Sounds reasonable. That would mean a 1 GHz G4 would perform like a 1.75 GHz - 1.82 GHz P4.
G4 clockspeed no DDR * 1.1 = Pentium clock speed DDR
G4 clockspeed DDR * 1.3 = Pentium clock speed DDR
G5 clockspeed DDR * 1.5 = Pentium clock speed DDR
with a 2.26 GHz P4 with DDR vs 1 GHz G4 -> Macs are 51 % slower (for 2 G4 same speed)
with a 3.0 GHz P4 vs the same G4 -> Macs are 63 % slower (for 2 G4 26% slower)
with a 3.0 GHz P4 vs G4 at 1.4 GHz with DDR -> Mac are 40% slower (for 2 G4 same speed)
with a 3.0 GHz P4 vs G5 at 2.0 GHz with DDR -> Mac equals P4 !!!! (so with two G5...)
[ 07-24-2002: Message edited by: Appleworm ]</p>
The P4 is like a Honda Vtec Engine. On paper you see a 4 banger cranking out 240HP and you're amazed until you drive while and realize that the full power isn't derived until you've hit 7-8k RPM. Now drive a car that hit's it's peak HP at 6000rpm and you tell me which one if the funner one to drive.
obviously you've never driven an S2000.
DAMN STRAIGHT!! The S2000 is DA BOMB, I have driven one several times and am fully in lust with this car, let me tell ya, if apple could make the powermac like the S2000 they wouldnt be able to make enough of 'em. As for the 3.0 Gizzilionhtz P4, it should finally be able to provide that nice all-over heat I require to grill my Steaks to perfection...
[quote]Originally posted by Thereubster:
<strong>obviously you've never driven an S2000.
DAMN STRAIGHT!! The S2000 is DA BOMB, I have driven one several times and am fully in lust with this car, let me tell ya, if apple could make the powermac like the S2000 they wouldnt be able to make enough of 'em. </strong><hr></blockquote>
I have to agree on this one I love the S2000.
I have to say though I saw my sister the other day (wedding) and got to take her husband's Lotus while they were away...damn I love that car.
It's just heaven...unless of course you want to go over a speed bump and I really worried about leaving it somewhere semi-public. Oh and then there was the whole it wouldn't go down my driveway thing <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
That's a car designed to make driving a pleasure and get you fined a lot of money for speeding though
Sorry for the drool and interruption
<strong>Hahaha, this thread has everything. Mac speed bitching, PC speed bitching, unfounded assumptions and comparisons of speed, Mac vs. PC car analogies, Apple apologists, and even a few digs at Windows Product Activation and digital rights management.
Sometimes heuristics help a lot