Avid iPhone user Donald Trump calls for Apple boycott over encryption fight



  • Reply 121 of 170
    Kind of funny everyone bashing Trump, yet not saying a peep about Obama. Last I checked, Obama is the one trying to force Apple to create a back door. 
    Idiot Trump is the one said boycott Apple, not Obama!
  • Reply 122 of 170
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,674member
    I think it's time to quit blaming these politicians for their stupidity because the American public is allowing these misfits to carry on their charades by voting them into office or supporting their cause. The US has turned into an angry, pissed off, frustrated, lazy, and compassionless society struggling to find a purpose and is in desperate search of an inspiring leader.

    Donald Trump thrives on energy whether it's for him or against him. To him and several of the political players this is all a big game and the public is an audience that is used to determine the game score. He's also a narcissistic showman who knows how to play a crowd to draw out the emotional biases of those who believe in him or think he's a blathering idiot.

    The reality is that Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and the rest of the remaining candidates aren't really that different than Trump, they're simply employing a different game plan rather than Trump's Angry White Guy (AWG) approach. The AWG game plan mixed with a Portfolio of False Promises, Fear Mongering, Blamestorming, Wildly Unrealistic Expectations, Diffraction of Truth, with a side of Bombastic Bluster, and you have the perfect formula for either the next WWE "professional wrestling" superstar or perfect presidential candidate of the Worlds Most Pissed Off Society.

    If The Donald donned a mask, shiny tights, and took to the ring under a flashy pseudonym we would chuckle at his antics. But when he conducts himself in the same WWE fashion while dressed in a fancy suit with a cartoonish thinning Man Bouffant we want him to be our next president. Same dude, same act, same distortion of "professional," and sorry to say - same outcome. As nice as it would be to see him tap out, there's nobody standing on the side who's any better, just a different actor in a different costume.

    We are so screwed...
    singularitymr opalomine
  • Reply 123 of 170
    Trump's strategy to grandstand against anybody and anything he doesn't like or can't understand you'd think would take a toll:

    So far.... he's successfully alienated all voters who are of Mexican decent, or have Mexican friends, Muslims, women, Catholics and/or fans of the Pope, voters against water-boarding and torture, voters against using nuclear weapons more often, voters against carpet-bombing the Middle-east, voters against One Percenters who made their billions in real estate deals –– the same industry that helped wreck the economy in 2008... and now he's alienated over 500,000 loyal Apple customers.

    “Forget it, Donny, you're out of your element!” – Walter Sobchak

  • Reply 124 of 170
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Donald Trump said:
    "What I think you oughta do is boycott Apple"
    and instead support that Korean company. 

    Say what you want but at least get some staff to research and brief you with actual facts on topics which you know nothing about before you spout off.
    Not suggesting you spin stuff but that's exactly what you are doing here. 

    edited February 2016
  • Reply 125 of 170
    Apple is very un-American in my view. They don't pay tax for their overpriced gadgets in a number of markets and refuse to repatriate monies held abroad to the US. Only crooks worry about encryption IMO. PS Giving a megalomaniac the chance to press the button is down right scary. I would be more comfortable if Dr Evil or Ernst Blowjob was commander-in-chief.
  • Reply 126 of 170
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Apple is very un-American in my view. They don't pay tax for their overpriced gadgets in a number of marketsert
    Why would Apple (or any company) pay taxes on the products they sell?
    The consumer pays the taxes.
     and refuse to repatriate monies held abroad to the US.
    Apple and all other companies are under no obligation to bring money earned overseas to the US.
     Only crooks worry about encryption 

    So you leave you car and house unlocked at all times?

    And you leave you credit cards & bank account numbers just laying on your desk?

    You don’t have a passcode on your phone or computer, do you?

    or are you a crook?


    It can only be your opinion ‘cause there are certainly no facts there.

  • Reply 127 of 170
    "I just thought of that"... Donald Trump is actually thinking??
  • Reply 128 of 170
    My 2 pence, coming from the UK Trump is the biggest bellend I have had ever heard. Believe me that is some statement when we have the pig f*cker Cameron over here.
  • Reply 129 of 170
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Just another Trumpertantrum folks, nothing to see here, if all goes well this idiot will be back in Dump Tower in a few months.
    It was probably more about distracting the press and media from his Pope tirade.  He had to quickly say something else outrageously stupid and it worked.  The media's willingness to market the man for free since day one is beyond amazing.  

    Now he has to think of some other wild stupid thing to yell about if he wants  all the iPhones and iPads his organization use every day, to be seen in public again.
  • Reply 130 of 170
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member
    gbdoc said:
    What's this "Obama ordered it", "Obama's DOJ ordered it" cr**??? What are you people smoking? Do some of you honestly believe either the FBI or Judge Sheri Pym were acting on Obama's orders, or consulted with him on this? I don't understand how you can believe Rush Limbaugh on the one hand and still think Trump's an idiot. C'mon, at least be consistent.
    As President, the FBI, CIA and NSA are answerable to Obama. He's the Commander-In-Chief!

    Truth is that the FBI is somewhat independent from the President since Watergate. The FBI director gets a 10 year appointment.   That's why Louis Freeh was investigating Bill Clinton in the 90's.   Interfering in this investigation by the FBI would be crime.

    Of course Obama could issue an executive order prohibiting government agencies from purchasing iPhones or any Apple equipment and prohibiting any contractor from using iPhones on government jobs.    That could get Apple's attention.
  • Reply 131 of 170
    jax44 said:
    apple ][ said:
    He's an iPhone user. Has he said which phone he will use instead?

    The FBI has many instances where they would like to track extremely dangerous individuals.  These individuals are using the iPhone encryption as the tool de jour to facilitate their murderous, terrorist ends. Believe me, the FBI is not concerned about who you are going out with on Saturday night, or if you paid your parking ticket.  Cooperation between the CIA, FBI and Apple/Samsung would help stop future mass murders and terrorist attacks such as in France and San Bernardino. The software should still remain under the control of Apple or Samsung, as the government has recently offered, this to safeguard the right of privacy where law enforcement activities are not involved.
  • Reply 132 of 170
    A mistake Donald!  

    With 16% of the USA distrusting Government and 46% of smart phone users on the iPhone you are instilling in the minds of iPhone users that YOU ARE BIG Government!  Get a grip and call Tim Cook or one of your Google buddies and get some facts before you speak!
  • Reply 133 of 170
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    jax44 said:

    The FBI has many instances where they would like to track extremely dangerous individuals.  These individuals are using the iPhone encryption as the tool de jour to facilitate their murderous, terrorist ends. Believe me, the FBI is not concerned about who you are going out with on Saturday night, or if you paid your parking ticket. 
    then they don’t need to even be able to access my stuff.
    The software should still remain under the control of Apple or Samsung, as the government has recently offered, this to safeguard the right of privacy where law enforcement activities are not involved.


    edited February 2016
  • Reply 134 of 170
    jax44 said:

    The FBI has many instances where they would like to track extremely dangerous individuals.  These individuals are using the iPhone encryption as the tool de jour to facilitate their murderous, terrorist ends. Believe me, the FBI is not concerned about who you are going out with on Saturday night, or if you paid your parking ticket.  Cooperation between the CIA, FBI and Apple/Samsung would help stop future mass murders and terrorist attacks such as in France and San Bernardino. The software should still remain under the control of Apple or Samsung, as the government has recently offered, this to safeguard the right of privacy where law enforcement activities are not involved.
    As far as we know the Paris terrorists responsible didn't use encryption in any way shape or form, and they were already known to the security services. Instead of just waiting for a phone to fall in your lap, how about some good old fashioned detective work? Please don't be offended here, but on your second point of mass murders - have you ever thought of doing something about the ridiculous gun laws in the good old US of A? That would be a start.
    I'm assuming that you are American by the way.
  • Reply 135 of 170
    Apple ][ : "And before any Obamatons come here to criticize me or my post..." Obamatons? Seriously? You mock Obama supporters while you actually admit supporting a lying, egomaniacal, racist, flip-flopping demagogue? You are absurd.
  • Reply 136 of 170
    postman said:
    he's successfully alienated all voters who are of Mexican decent, or have Mexican friends
    He’s polling best among hispanics, I believe.
    Catholics and/or fans of the Pope
    Who redacted his claim, since it was complete bullshit? I don’t think so.
    “Forget it, Donny, you're out of your element!” – Walter Sobchak

    Moral cowardice that keeps us from speaking our minds is as dangerous to this country as irresponsible talk. The right ways is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character.

    – Margaret Chase Smith

  • Reply 137 of 170
    Hoping that someone will soon break into Trump's android phone...
  • Reply 138 of 170
    As an avid compulsory user of Apple and a semi (Trump is better than Bernie supporter) I am torn on his response. Privacy is a feature that I enjoy and relate to my experience of Apple products. In reading some of the reports I believe this is a work issued phone provided by the San Bernadino County. If this is the case than they only need the counties permission to open the phone. After all it does not belong to the terrorist. I my thoughts are wrong then they can go to the cell phone provider and get the transcripts of the phone calls (Remember Edward Snowden). None the less if it is so important to make all Apple users vulnerable for the FBI to know what a terrorist iTunes playlist looks like than they can go pound sand
  • Reply 139 of 170
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,226member
    On the other hand... of the two San Bernadino shooters, one was already an American citizen, so the argument that it could've been stopped if "Muslims" had not been allowed to immigrate to the US is also debatable. There's an election going on, so there is propaganda from every corner right now and it's all being broadcast at maximum volume.
    Since the U.S. government consciously chose to ignore the pro-ISIS postings on Facebook made by the Pakistani and allowed her to immigrate to the U.S., the FBI is essentially trying to compensate for the government's own screw-up. It behooves the public (including Apple) to hold the government accountable for its errors and to prevent it from making further mistakes.
    edited February 2016 anantksundaramtallest skil
  • Reply 140 of 170
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    jax44 said:

    The FBI has many instances where they would like to track extremely dangerous individuals.  These individuals are using the iPhone encryption as the tool de jour to facilitate their murderous, terrorist ends. Believe me, the FBI is not concerned about who you are going out with on Saturday night, or if you paid your parking ticket.  Cooperation between the CIA, FBI and Apple/Samsung would help stop future mass murders and terrorist attacks such as in France and San Bernardino. The software should still remain under the control of Apple or Samsung, as the government has recently offered, this to safeguard the right of privacy where law enforcement activities are not involved.
    Right... BS buddy, Criminals are criminals without their phones. If they know their phones are by default unsecure, they won't put anything that can compromise them on it, use coded words in the open and continue killing and maiming. In the old days, tapping a phones was hard work (you also had to listen to a lot of conversations) so criminals assumed most phones would be secure, but in the digital age, they would assume the opposite and not communicate over them in plain language for operational reasons.
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