Avid iPhone user Donald Trump calls for Apple boycott over encryption fight



  • Reply 101 of 170
    slurpy said:
    apple ][ said:
    As is clearly evident from my Avatar, I'm a Trump fan, but he couldn't be more wrong about this issue, in my opinion.

    And before any Obamatons come here to criticize me or my post, remember one thing: It is your Obama that is in charge and who is behind this latest attack on Apple by the Obama DOJ, so there are many people who are wrong about this encryption issue on both sides of the aisle.

    For starters, I doubt that there is anything of importance at all on the phone. The two terrorists completely destroyed two other phones, and I believe there is a harddrive that is also missing. That is where any important info would have been. Not on a work iPhone that they didn't even bother to destroy.

    Tim Cook should be prepared to go to jail, if it comes to that. I think that it would be great publicity for Apple on a level that we haven't seen before.
    So: Not only are you a Trump fan, you also believe the CEO of Apple going to jail would be "great publicity" for the company. The only conclusion is that you're an insufferable moron, but then again everyone on this board already knows this. Obviously the only thing that attracts you to Trump is his hatred, xenophobia, and bigotry. Which of course far outweighs any disagreements you have with him on issues such as this.
    To be fair, Trump has not actually made arguments which would conclusively identify him as a racist or a bigot. He said Muslims from other countries could and should be stopped from entering the US, and like it or not that is a power that a US President has at his or her disposal. Persons from other countries are not afforded the same rights as American citizens.

    On the other hand... of the two San Bernadino shooters, one was already an American citizen, so the argument that it could've been stopped if "Muslims" had not been allowed to immigrate to the US is also debatable. There's an election going on, so there is propaganda from every corner right now and it's all being broadcast at maximum volume.
    edited February 2016 cornchip
  • Reply 102 of 170
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    foggyhill said:
    Torture doesn't work (proven) and waterboarding is torture; you lose.
    I disagree. I see some people claiming that from time to time, but I have yet to see any scientific proof or an overwhelming consensus of evidence which proves your assertion correct. 

    I am in favor of bringing it back. It is you who will end up losing.
  • Reply 103 of 170

    idrey said:
    Wow. Screw him.

    On the other hand... where is the Apple defense among the Democrats? 
    Waiting for Obama to get out of office ;)
    Sounds just about right.
  • Reply 104 of 170
    apple ][ said:
    cornchip said:
    Someone please hack into this guy's droid
    He's an iPhone user. Has he said which phone he will use instead?

  • Reply 105 of 170
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    apple ][ said:
    I love how certain hypocritical liberals are down voting certain posts, while totally ignoring the facts, that it is the Obama DOJ that is currently going after Apple in the courts.

    Talk about a bunch of hypocritical, ignorant clowns. If Trump is a traitor, then Obama is 100 x worse.
    Donald Trump has shown himself to be incapable of reasoned, critical thought.  His entire persona is nothing more than The Donald going off half cocked.  That's true, regardless of how you personally feel about Obama. Maybe look up "false dichotomy" some time...
  • Reply 106 of 170
    jungmark said:
    Trump and Obama are both wrong on this issue. Obama does not have the guts to stand up to his own DoJ, while Trump does not have the brains to think before he speaks. Someone in the media might also ask Trump whether he'll now stop tweeting since Dorsey has come out in support of Apple and Cook. 

    Moreover, not a single other Presidential candidate has come out in favor of Apple's stance to favor privacy. At at the end of the day, they're all a bunch of scared, clueless, dissembling hypocrites.
    While not directly supporting Apple, Rubio came close stating its complicated and there shouldn't be a rush job. 
    He's just waffling, just as he does on a lot of issues. At this point, Presidential candidates have had a lot of time of think about the dilemma of security versus privacy, and I expect them to have a clear point of view. 
  • Reply 107 of 170
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    jax44 said:
    apple ][ said:
    He's an iPhone user. Has he said which phone he will use instead?
    Interesting choice, given his recent comments about South Korea and Korean companies, including LG and Samsung.
    edited February 2016 cornchip
  • Reply 108 of 170
    All of you name callers... You remind me of Trump! And.. it's irrelevant if he uses an iPhone or not before he calls for a boycott.

    I've been trying to find out if the governments request will affect just the 1 phone or all iPhones.  

    If it is all of them, then I agree with Cookie.  If it is just the one in question, then I agree 100% with Trump.
    edited February 2016
  • Reply 109 of 170
    Any American who thinks Trump should be President is also a clown. You churn out a lot of them in the US. 
    Sad but true ... Trump continually reminds me of a quote from Abraham Lincoln - "Better to Remain Silent and Be Thought a Fool than to Speak and Remove All Doubt". Not going to happen with Trump.
  • Reply 110 of 170
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Trump and Obama are both wrong on this issue. Obama does not have the guts to stand up to his own DoJ [...]
    As I have to keep reminding you youngsters, the last president to stand up to the DOJ (FBI and connected intel apparatus) was JFK. Ask him how that worked out, or any of the mysteriously liquidated people involved with his fate.

    There's the elected government, then there's the real government. Let's not be naive. 

    Doesn't keep me from being disappointed with the vocal support from the Whire House, though. 

    A petition to the White House you can sign, via SactoJoe's post on Philip Elmer-DeWitt's blog at Fortune:

    edited February 2016 john.bcornchippscooter63propodpalomine
  • Reply 111 of 170
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member

    gbdoc said:
    What's this "Obama ordered it", "Obama's DOJ ordered it" cr**??? What are you people smoking? Do some of you honestly believe either the FBI or Judge Sheri Pym were acting on Obama's orders, or consulted with him on this? I don't understand how you can believe Rush Limbaugh on the one hand and still think Trump's an idiot. C'mon, at least be consistent.
    As President, the FBI, CIA and NSA are answerable to Obama. He's the Commander-In-Chief!
    Likewise, let's not be naive. Re post 115 above.
  • Reply 112 of 170
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member
    dws-2 said:
    apple ][ said:
    I love how certain hypocritical liberals are down voting certain posts, while totally ignoring the facts, that it is the Obama DOJ that is currently going after Apple in the courts.

    Talk about a bunch of hypocritical, ignorant clowns. If Trump is a traitor, then Obama is 100 x worse.
    People can get stuck in their politics.

    Instead of focusing on the politicians, let's try to explain the facts. This is a complicated issue without a clear analogy in the physical world. Obviously, if there was some way to guarantee that just this one phone would be "opened", then Apple should do it. The trouble is that this cannot happen. Opening one phone means that now Apple has software out there to do it. And if the U.S. can request this from Apple, it makes it seem much more reasonable when China or Russia for example want it. And once they get it, it then can be used to spy on Americans. In fact, a some point a hacker group could obtain it (either from Apple or from some country), and then maybe even terrorists could use it to plan an attack (as just one of many, many examples, they could find out where some official would be based on spying into their phones).

    In other words, the repercussions of this "one exception" are not immediately clear. It's called the law of unforeseen consequences, and it frequently bites us in the butt. For example, many of our present day terrorists were funded and developed by the U.S. in the past. These particular consequences could be even more severe, in particular because of the precedent this sets both for the U.S. and other countries.
    People don't understand the issue here. Once, that piece of software is created, it becomes a fucking "Precious" ring, One Ring To Rule Them All. Everyone will go after that piece of software with all cost. The engineer who creates that software may keep it at Apple, but if the offer is $100,000,000 or even $Billions, he won't be able to refuse. That's fucking dangerous just like Tim said.
  • Reply 113 of 170
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    flaneur said:

    As President, the FBI, CIA and NSA are answerable to Obama. He's the Commander-In-Chief!
    Likewise, let's not be naive. Re post 115 above.
    Quit protecting the evil one as if he's some sort of innocent bystander here.
  • Reply 114 of 170
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    All of you name callers... You remind me of Trump! And.. it's irrelevant if he uses an iPhone or not before he calls for a boycott.

    I've been trying to find out if the governments request will affect just the 1 phone or all iPhones.  

    If it is all of them, then I agree with Cookie.  If it is just the one in question, then I agree 100% with Trump.
    Right... The "just looking for the truth" stance... Good grief.
    You understand perfectly well what's at stake here; don't play innocent.
    You already support Trump, it's obvious from your whole post... Cookie... Well that says it all hmmm "non name caller" (sic).
  • Reply 115 of 170
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    So who a Trump really meant to boycott is the FBI and San Bernardino County?

    "In the government’s Friday filing,  the Justice Department acknowledged that the password was re-set in the hours after the attack by authorities with San Bernardino County. The county owned the phone and provided it to Farook for work."
    edited February 2016
  • Reply 116 of 170
    jfc1138jfc1138 Posts: 3,090member
    This just became my litmus test for who I'll be financially supporting this election cycle. 

    And I'm  letting them know it. 
  • Reply 117 of 170
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,431member
    apple ][ said:
    foggyhill said:
    Torture doesn't work (proven) and waterboarding is torture; you lose.
    I disagree. I see some people claiming that from time to time, but I have yet to see any scientific proof or an overwhelming consensus of evidence which proves your assertion correct. 

    I am in favor of bringing it back. It is you who will end up losing.
    How about this:


    The consensus is that it isn't effective.
  • Reply 118 of 170
    Donald Trump, who is seeking the U.S. Republican presidential nomination, on Friday said consumers should boycott Apple until the company complies with government requests to help unlock an iPhone 5c tied to last year's San Bernardino massacre.

    Trump's off-the-cuff statement came during a campaign rally in South Carolina on Friday, where the outspoken businessman magnate urged constituents to stop using Apple products until the company gave in to law enforcement demands.

    "First of all Apple should give the security for that phone, okay?" Trump said. "What I think you oughta do is boycott Apple until such time as they give that security number. How do you like...I just thought of that."

    The crowd responded with a rousing cheer as Trump dropped more fact bombs, clarifying that the iPhone in question is in fact owned by the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health, not the "young thug" that "killed all these people." He was referring to Syed Ryzwan Farook who, with the help of his wife Tashfeen Malik, killed 14 coworkers in a surprise attack last December.

    FBI agents recovered Farook's iPhone 5c from a related crime scene but has so far been unsuccessful in circumventing the device's passcode lock. Earlier this week a federal judge ordered Apple to comply with FBI requests to assist in bypassing the phone's security barrier, which would require the company to create a software workaround that effectively breaks its own encryption protocol.

    Seemingly caught up in his own rhetoric, Trump forgot he himself frequently uses an iPhone to post both personal and professional tweets. But he was on a roll.

    "Not even his phone, we don't even have to go that far," Trump said. "But Tim Cook is looking to do a big number, probably to show how liberal he is. But Apple should give up -- they should get the security -- you'll find other people."

    Trump most recently tweeted from his iPhone less than an hour prior to this article's publication. Following today's remarks, Trump in a tweet sent from Twitter's Web client admitted to using Apple's products, but claimed to also use Samsung devices, which he would switch to exclusively until Apple complies with FBI demands.

    Trump later committed his boycott Apple message to the digital record in yet another tweet. But this time he used an Android device.

    He opens his mouth about everything but knows nothing. He's a total idiot!
  • Reply 119 of 170
    r2d2r2d2 Posts: 95member
    apple ][ said:

    Quit protecting the evil one as if he's some sort of innocent bystander here.
    Your obsessive paranoia just revealed itself with that statement.
  • Reply 120 of 170
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,926member
    All of you name callers... You remind me of Trump! And.. it's irrelevant if he uses an iPhone or not before he calls for a boycott.

    I've been trying to find out if the governments request will affect just the 1 phone or all iPhones.  

    If it is all of them, then I agree with Cookie.  If it is just the one in question, then I agree 100% with Trump.
    It's never just one phone. If Apple does it once, the govt will find more ways to have Apple do it again. Not only that, every country will do the same. 
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