New iPhone 7 case rumor depicts thinner body, nearly flush camera



  • Reply 21 of 45
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Gorecki said:
    The back looks EXACTLY like the iPod Touch. The location of camera, its size, the flash. Except for the antenna separators. (

    Come on Apple, you can do better than this!

    Btw, the iPhone 6S is 7.1 mm thick, iPod Touch is 6.1 mm, and still has the audiojack.
    Yes, but it doesn't need one with lightning EarPods and third party lightning products and that's important. If it doesn't need something it shouldn't have it, even it it's inconvenient for a while and Apple revives backlash for it — for a while (and for several years from stubborn people and some conspiracy theorists). It's a solve-able problem. Additional battery life on the other hand cannot be changed without spending money to make the iPhone an awful lot less pocketable, more ugly and significantly thicker. And if removing the headphone port means they can move some internal components down a bit to build in an even larger battery to a 6.9 mm iPhone 7 then that's an even greater reason to do this.
    edited March 2016 nolamacguy
  • Reply 22 of 45
    rogifan_newrogifan_new Posts: 4,297member
    "seems slightly thinner than the iPhone 6s"

    So people are in fits of rage over this? Dear me there are enough legit things to be angry about in this world. An iPhone case rumor isn't one of them.
  • Reply 23 of 45
    (First post, longtime reader, very happy iPhone 6/iPad mini owner)

    I almost always strongly support most of the things Apple does. That said, I do not like the rumored absence of a standard headphone jack in the iPhone 7. It won't be a deal-killer for me, but I'm not happy about it.

    In general, I have found the lightening ports to be very delicate... in other words they break (internally) quite easily. And I take good care of my iPhone, always have always will. But, have found the lightening port cables to be quite delicate.

    Also, I have quite a few expensive headphones that I really don't want to have to buy adaptors for (yes, I know I only need one, but in reality...)

    Please Apple rethink this move: it may be a deal-killer for many casual buyers. 


  • Reply 24 of 45
    peteraltpeteralt Posts: 155member
    oscarg said:
    More idiotic regressions from Apple. This "thinner" mania has rendered its products nearly useless. Oh, unless you want to bury your "thin, elegant" iPhone in a bulky, tacky battery case. When Apple itself has to introduced a humpbacked silicone sarcophagus to make its own phone useful, you have utter design failure. And that's what the pompous hack Jony Ive brings to the table: no advancement, but rather regressions that cripple Apple's products to the point of uselessness. NO HEADPHONE JACK? You have to be kidding. Nobody but NOBODY should vote for that stupidity with their money. It's as if Apple can't learn. Remember the disastrous Shuffle that had no controls and required special headphones with a button in their cord and a gimped Morse code to control the thing? Even Apple yanked it off the market and replaced it with the previous design. Then there's the idiotic MacBook that has only one port: an outdated USB port. It doesn't even utilize the modern and extremely versatile Thunderbolt port, which Apple championed! Instead, you get a computer that you can't charge while using peripherals, and has no video output for TVs, projectors, or external monitors. Apple is done. Consumers: Send a message. Don't buy stupidity.
    In a world where everything is going wireless, including an archaic feature that compromises its design is "stupid". I'm sure they will make lightning adapters for those who absolutely must have a tethered earphone.
  • Reply 25 of 45
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    Please, Apple. Not thinner.
    you cant get the fantast devices of the future (see Expanse, etc) without learning how to make things thinner today. its a progression thing.
  • Reply 26 of 45
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    ireland said:
    If thinning out this new phone means people even lose an additional 30 minutes over the life it would have had it's not a good decision.
    uh, dude? when has a newer iphone *ever* had less battery life than a previous version? ill tell you when -- never. never is when thats happened. 

    it's silly to suggest thats what theyre going to do now.
    edited March 2016
  • Reply 27 of 45
    I don't doubt for a second they'll make adaptors. In fact I said so clearly in my post. 
    As I said it's not a deal-breaker for me, but my preference is to have have simple and universal headphone jack. My guess (and yes, it's a guess!) is that most consumers will want a headphone jack.... since that's what about 99% of the population uses... and not just for headphones. 

    If the headphone jack goes, so be it. But wireless equipment is more complex and needs power. 

    This is simply my opinion... nothing more, nothing less.

  • Reply 28 of 45
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    ireland said:
    roake said:
    Looks like the dual-camera system will wait for 2017 or 2018. I guess the advantage to the wait is that Apple will refine the design more.
    No, the goal here as per the Apple up-sell model is to market the dual camera system for a special version of the 7 and charge more for that, $100-200. After all the goal of making the best products in the world is not number 1 for Apple. The goal is to maximise profit for shortterm-inspired monetary gain.
    what utter bullshit, which is the norm for you. 

    apple makes the best products in their category in the world, and that hasnt changed. people line up to throw money at them for this very reason, so your tinfoil hat crackpot hypothesis (not even a theory) that theyre focusing on short-term profits is ludicrous. again.
    edited March 2016
  • Reply 29 of 45
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    ireland said:
    Just do the same thing I do.  Put it in low power mode all the time.
    Or, you know, don't thin the phone.
    nonsensical bullshit. each iphone revision has gotten thinner while *increasing* battery life, or at the least keeping it the same. so thinning clearly isnt a problem. my 6s enjoys far better battery life today than my 3G did.
    edited March 2016 asdasd
  • Reply 30 of 45
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    If all the 7 is offering is thinner and a bump to new processor then I expect the stock price to tank. I sold all my remaining appl stock last Friday 
    cool story bro. post a screenshot.
  • Reply 31 of 45
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    oscarg said:
    More idiotic regressions from Apple. This "thinner" mania has rendered its products nearly useless. 
    yes, so idiotic and useless that the ENTIRE INDUSTRY is scrambling to copy them in the hopes of earning a fraction of the insane profit apple reaps from all its happy customers who literally line up to throw money at apple for these products.

    welcome, troll. 
    edited March 2016 patchythepirate
  • Reply 32 of 45
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    Wouldn't get my knickers in a twist for a(nother) rumour. The rendered update of the flush camera and redesigned antenna line, however, looks exactly like what Apple should have done already for the iPhone 6S, had they actually paid attention to the customer/press criticism, and rather insubstantial in terms of a two-year device cycle. While Apple indeed doesn't have to redefine the wheel with each iPhone generation, it can sure afford to push the industrial design of its wheels much further. Its current product line, from phones to computers, reeks of complacency and overconfidence.
    utter nonsense. (when did the haters and trolls take over AI too? what will be the next non-troll website?)

    apple wouldnt redesign the case from the 6 to the 6s; the whole point of their two-year tick-tock design schedule is to reap some efficiency by not having to retool all their manufacturing equipment.

    there is no complacency here -- just the world's leading products, admired by millions and millions and copied by nearly every other manufacturer. them's facts.
    edited March 2016 patchythepirate
  • Reply 33 of 45
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    Martin57 said:
    (First post, longtime reader, very happy iPhone 6/iPad mini owner)

    I almost always strongly support most of the things Apple does. That said, I do not like the rumored absence of a standard headphone jack in the iPhone 7. It won't be a deal-killer for me, but I'm not happy about it.

    In general, I have found the lightening ports to be very delicate... in other words they break (internally) quite easily. And I take good care of my iPhone, always have always will. But, have found the lightening port cables to be quite delicate.

    Also, I have quite a few expensive headphones that I really don't want to have to buy adaptors for (yes, I know I only need one, but in reality...)

    Please Apple rethink this move: it may be a deal-killer for many casual buyers. 
    1) just how many lightning ports have you found to be very delicate? what does that even mean? ive never known a single person to complain about the port. 

    2) casual buyers will not care about the shift from 3.5mm to lightning. because theyre casual, theyll use whatever solution is supplied in the box. 

    3) apple doesnt rethink its long-calculated plans (whatever those may be) because of a post on a rumors site.
    edited March 2016 asdasd
  • Reply 34 of 45
    Wouldn't get my knickers in a twist for a(nother) rumour. The rendered update of the flush camera and redesigned antenna line, however, looks exactly like what Apple should have done already for the iPhone 6S, had they actually paid attention to the customer/press criticism, and rather insubstantial in terms of a two-year device cycle. While Apple indeed doesn't have to redefine the wheel with each iPhone generation, it can sure afford to push the industrial design of its wheels much further. Its current product line, from phones to computers, reeks of complacency and overconfidence.
    utter nonsense. (when did the haters and trolls take over AI too? what will be the next non-troll website?)

    apple wouldnt redesign the case from the 6 to the 6s; the whole point of their two-year tick-tock design schedule is to reap some efficiency by not having to retool all their manufacturing equipment.

    there is no complacency here -- just the world's leading products, admired by millions and millions and copied by nearly every other manufacturer. them's facts.
    Actually, it's your knee-jerk apologist mini rants that qualify as utterly nonsensical trolling. We are all Apple brand loyalists here, it's just that some of us wish to see the company improve and reclaim its ability to amaze, and others like you fawn to the point of grovelling subservience. Apple designs have gotten overly self confident and stale to an annoyingly boring degree. Don't want to admit it? Too bad. It's a fact your opinion won't change. 

    The iPhone 6S is simply a solid device. Nothing more, nothing less. Speaking of 'tocks', the iPhone 5S was a better polished and refined tock (despite using a form factor that was already 3 years old). The Mac family is stuck in time in 2013. And I'm not sure if the TV and Watch delivered on their original promise. But that's another matter altogether.

    I'm hoping to see Apple change the way we use electronics again, you know, "round pegs in the square holes" style -not "we shaved another 3mm off the iPhone this year".
  • Reply 35 of 45
    peteraltpeteralt Posts: 155member
    If all the 7 is offering is thinner and a bump to new processor then I expect the stock price to tank. I sold all my remaining appl stock last Friday 
    That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. You sold you stock based on a rumor - and not even a complete one, at that. You have no idea what features will be included in the next iPhone, other than a few leaked likely details. Apple sometimes has a way of keeping its most  impressive details secret. For example, no one saw the 64-bit A-series CPU coming until it was announced.
  • Reply 36 of 45
    jason98jason98 Posts: 768member
    roake said:
    Looks like the dual-camera system will wait for 2017 or 2018.  I guess the advantage to the wait is that Apple will refine the design more; I expect 3D photography (at least where you can change perspective parallax-style) and ability to change focus after the photo.  Also better photon-gathering for low light photography, multi-focus stills, etc.

    Still, the camera is one of the few components that gets nicely upgraded every single iteration of the iPhone.  I'm curious what will come with this upgrade, other than thinner design, of course.
    The case on this leak is depicted for the iPhone 7.  All rumors that I've read thus far claim that the dual-lens camera system is for the iPhone 7 Plus or possibly iPhone 7 Pro, which is a new addition to the iPhone Plus models. So there's still a good chance that we see that this year.

    So what do you think is going to be a selling point of iPhone 7 (not Plus/Pro)? So far, starting from iPhone 4, Apple was always been able to throw in some sort of innovation or at least a noticeable improvement in every iPhone release:

    iPhone 4 - retina display
    iPhone 4s - Siri, navigation
    iPhone 5 - 4" display
    iPhone 5s - touch id
    iPhone 6 - 4.5" display
    iPhone 6s - 3d touch
    iPhone 7 - ???

  • Reply 37 of 45
    peteraltpeteralt Posts: 155member
    utter nonsense. (when did the haters and trolls take over AI too? what will be the next non-troll website?)

    apple wouldnt redesign the case from the 6 to the 6s; the whole point of their two-year tick-tock design schedule is to reap some efficiency by not having to retool all their manufacturing equipment.

    there is no complacency here -- just the world's leading products, admired by millions and millions and copied by nearly every other manufacturer. them's facts.
    Actually, it's your knee-jerk apologist mini rants that qualify as utterly nonsensical trolling. We are all Apple brand loyalists here, it's just that some of us wish to see the company improve and reclaim its ability to amaze, and others like you fawn to the point of grovelling subservience. Apple designs have gotten overly self confident and stale to an annoyingly boring degree. Don't want to admit it? Too bad. It's a fact your opinion won't change. 

    The iPhone 6S is simply a solid device. Nothing more, nothing less. Speaking of 'tocks', the iPhone 5S was a better polished and refined tock (despite using a form factor that was already 3 years old). The Mac family is stuck in time in 2013. And I'm not sure if the TV and Watch delivered on their original promise. But that's another matter altogether.

    I'm hoping to see Apple change the way we use electronics again, you know, "round pegs in the square holes" style -not "we shaved another 3mm off the iPhone this year".
    Are you saying that Apple is "stuck in time" as a result of the death of its co-founder. This is wrong on so many levels. First of all, Apple is not "stuck in time". The Apple Watch, for example, was developed entirely under Tim Cook; and, Jobs had nothing to do with it. Second, many of the decisions in the years prior to his death were made by Cook and not Jobs, since Jobs spent less and less time at the company because of his illness. The only project that was in the pipeline that Jobs had anything to do with was the alleged television project, which Cook may have decided to abandon for any number of good reasons.
  • Reply 38 of 45
    jason98 said:
    The case on this leak is depicted for the iPhone 7.  All rumors that I've read thus far claim that the dual-lens camera system is for the iPhone 7 Plus or possibly iPhone 7 Pro, which is a new addition to the iPhone Plus models. So there's still a good chance that we see that this year.

    So what do you think is going to be a selling point of iPhone 7 (not Plus/Pro)? So far, starting from iPhone 4, Apple was always been able to throw in some sort of innovation or at least a noticeable improvement in every iPhone release:

    iPhone 4 - retina display
    iPhone 4s - Siri, navigation
    iPhone 5 - 4" display
    iPhone 5s - touch id
    iPhone 6 - 4.5" display
    iPhone 6s - 3d touch
    iPhone 7 - ???

    It would be awesome if Apple's design team would throw in their all-glass housing, Liquidmetal 3D Printing and bent OLED display patents to produce a radically new form factor that could allow for eg. a non physical home button, inductive charging, smaller or no bezels. Preferably not any thinner than it already is, and with a totally flush camera module. 

    Another interesting question is: what do you think will be the defining characteristic of iOS 10? Because that could go in tandem with the new device's functionality.
  • Reply 39 of 45
    peteralt said:
    Actually, it's your knee-jerk apologist mini rants that qualify as utterly nonsensical trolling. We are all Apple brand loyalists here, it's just that some of us wish to see the company improve and reclaim its ability to amaze, and others like you fawn to the point of grovelling subservience. Apple designs have gotten overly self confident and stale to an annoyingly boring degree. Don't want to admit it? Too bad. It's a fact your opinion won't change. 

    The iPhone 6S is simply a solid device. Nothing more, nothing less. Speaking of 'tocks', the iPhone 5S was a better polished and refined tock (despite using a form factor that was already 3 years old). The Mac family is stuck in time in 2013. And I'm not sure if the TV and Watch delivered on their original promise. But that's another matter altogether.

    I'm hoping to see Apple change the way we use electronics again, you know, "round pegs in the square holes" style -not "we shaved another 3mm off the iPhone this year".
    Are you saying that Apple is "stuck in time" as a result of the death of its co-founder. This is wrong on so many levels. First of all, Apple is not "stuck in time". The Apple Watch, for example, was developed entirely under Tim Cook; and, Jobs had nothing to do with it. Second, many of the decisions in the years prior to his death were made by Cook and not Jobs, since Jobs spent less and less time at the company because of his illness. The only project that was in the pipeline that Jobs had anything to do with was the alleged television project, which Cook may have decided to abandon for any number of good reasons.
    No, I said that the Mac is stuck in time in 2013 (Macbook Pro, iMac, Mac Mini, Mac Pro). Please read more carefully.
  • Reply 40 of 45
    Martin57 said:
    (First post, longtime reader, very happy iPhone 6/iPad mini owner)

    I almost always strongly support most of the things Apple does. That said, I do not like the rumored absence of a standard headphone jack in the iPhone 7. It won't be a deal-killer for me, but I'm not happy about it.

    In general, I have found the lightening ports to be very delicate... in other words they break (internally) quite easily. And I take good care of my iPhone, always have always will. But, have found the lightening port cables to be quite delicate.

    Also, I have quite a few expensive headphones that I really don't want to have to buy adaptors for (yes, I know I only need one, but in reality...)

    Please Apple rethink this move: it may be a deal-killer for many casual buyers. 
    1) just how many lightning ports have you found to be very delicate? what does that even mean? ive never known a single person to complain about the port. 

    2) casual buyers will not care about the shift from 3.5mm to lightning. because theyre casual, theyll use whatever solution is supplied in the box. 

    3) apple doesnt rethink its long-calculated plans (whatever those may be) because of a post on a rumors site.
    By bad, I meant the lighting cables not the actual ports. 

    Just stating an opinion, I don't expect Apple to change its plans based upon my opinions. Why would I? 

    Anyway. Sorry I posted in the first place. 

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