Why Apple is announcing a new 4-inch 'iPhone SE' in March



  • Reply 41 of 52
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    If the SE includes significantly better battery life and a larger screen (by way of home button removal) then I will upgrade from my 5S as I definitely prefer the pocket-sized, more bend-resistant 5 design over the 6's.
    there is no bend problem with the 6s, due to harder materials. note the absence of crazed hysteria on the matter.
  • Reply 42 of 52
    My wife is still using the 4s and likes it. She may go with the SE because of the size. I on the other hand, have the 6 and have no intentions of upgrading any time soon. It has everything I need 
  • Reply 43 of 52

    I bought the iPhone 5s just after the 6 came out as the 6 was just too big for me. 

    Now, when I see a 4/4s, I admit I think of these people with sympathy as that phone is simply too small!  :)  That said, I think the perfect-sized phone for me is a tiny bit bigger (or at least a screen that's a tiny bit bigger) than the 5s's (i.e., 4.25"-4.5").  I think Apple simply went too big with the 6. 


  • Reply 44 of 52
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    shanejay said:
    paxman said:
    I doubt if the screen will be 'significantly' bigger. I'd have thought it more likely the phone be shorter if it comes without the home button. If the home button is removed (I doubt it) and the screen size increased you are talking new aspect ration and I find that possibility unlikely. But as far as battery life it must be significantly better than the 5s which absolutely sucks. Since the 9 upgrade I have seen significant battery loss. The phone kept cutting out at any temperature below -5c (ish), so I had it replaced by Apple recently. Apart from the fact that it no longer cuts out the battery life still stinks.
    The fact you've had a new phone and the battery lift is still poor, shows that it's your usage, not the phone itself. 

    Dont expect the new phone to improve battery life if you're going to drive your car 100mph and moan when it runs out of petrol
    Your first paragraph makes no sense. In my experience the 5s was adversely affected by the 9 upgrade. 

    I do expect the new phone to have a much better battery life from the 5s. As for your metaphor, well it sucks because it assumes everything else is constant except me. You  know jack about me, my phone and what I have done to remedy the situation, so without asking any questions you shouldn't go lecturing about whats right and wrong. Don't they teach you that at school?
  • Reply 45 of 52
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member

    foggyhill said:
    paxman said:
    I doubt if the screen will be 'significantly' bigger. I'd have thought it more likely the phone be shorter if it comes without the home button. If the home button is removed (I doubt it) and the screen size increased you are talking new aspect ration and I find that possibility unlikely. But as far as battery life it must be significantly better than the 5s which absolutely sucks. Since the 9 upgrade I have seen significant battery loss. The phone kept cutting out at any temperature below -5c (ish), so I had it replaced by Apple recently. Apart from the fact that it no longer cuts out the battery life still stinks.
    Not sure 9 would stink, got IOS 9 on a Ipad 2 and battery life is actually better than 7 or 8. The 5S has a more recent SOC so it should do much better. Maybe you're just using it more intensely than when you got it, which seems to be a pattern with most smart phones. Look at all your settings too, both for Apps and the OS (each upgrades people complain of battery life and most times its one or the other).

    I have had no issues on my iPad Air. I suspect it the battery drain is related to app up-grades following IOS 9 release and also to the 5s itself. I may be using my phone more than I used to but that would have been a gradual increase. The difference was pretty instant when IOS 9 was released. At the Apple Store they shrugged and replaced the phone. The new one is better but I can no longer go through a full day without having to recharge. And, yes, I do keep an eye on battery use and percentage wise there is not really much of a change - the overall drain just happens faster.  IOS 9 was terrible, subsequent upgrades improved the situation somewhat. I live in a part of the world where it is cold during winter and the 5s definitely does not like cold weather. The 6 and 6s are both significantly better and there is a technical reason for this I won't go into here. All to say in my experience the 5s struggles with battery where the 6 and 6s do not. We have two 5s's and two 6's in the family and the 5s's will be upgraded this fall. Not to the SE but the 7.
  • Reply 46 of 52
    cornchipcornchip Posts: 1,954member
    ireland said:
    Since the day I've owned my iPhone 6 I found it too big.
    My uncle is 6'4" and misses his 5s. 4" is a great size… for some things.
  • Reply 47 of 52

    After quite a few months, I picked up my iPhone 4 and was so surprised by how tiny it was. It is my favourite iPhone, as far as external design is concerned. I'd love the big-ass Plus variants being glass sandwiches like that.

    But as far as features are concerned, I love the latest one. We had a party recently and for the first time ever, I didn't even bother to charge my stand-alone camera. The iPhone was enough to capture all the moments, given that I wasn't planning on taking prints bigger than 4x7".

    If the new one has 6S internals, I'd probably pick it up for my wife, though she's not complaining about the 6 she currently uses.

  • Reply 48 of 52
    fallenjtfallenjt Posts: 4,056member

    I bought the iPhone 5s just after the 6 came out as the 6 was just too big for me. 

    Now, when I see a 4/4s, I admit I think of these people with sympathy as that phone is simply too small!    That said, I think the perfect-sized phone for me is a tiny bit bigger (or at least a screen that's a tiny bit bigger) than the 5s's (i.e., 4.25"-4.5").  I think Apple simply went too big with the 6. 


    I was wishing 4.5" 6 and 5.0" 6+. But I believe Apple didn't want to give Samsung anymore advantage, so Apple hit right on the spots with 4.7" and 5.5" which beat crap out of Samsung GS & Note at a 5" and 5.7".
    edited March 2016
  • Reply 49 of 52
    tenlytenly Posts: 710member
    Two things....

    I really think that Apple should try to reverse the general opinion that smaller should equal cheaper and not full-featured.  I would like size to just become another personal preference - like color.  When they release their flagship phone each year, it should come in multiple colours and multiple sizes - with each size and color phone being full-featured and the exact same price.  If they want to create a budget phone as well - that's fine.  I know several people that want the latest and greatest in a 4" or even 3.5" form factor and they are willing to pay the full price for it.  They are a tad miffed that to get the size they like - they have to be willing to take fewer features (or otherwise give something up).  I personally carry the 6s+ and I love it.  I don't find it too big at all - but different lifestyles and use patterns, or some peoples insistence that their phone must support 1-handed use means that there is no single "perfect" size that is ideal for everyone.  It's a personal preference - and I'd like to see a product line up that gives everybody a chance to get the flagship product in the size they like best!

    As for the new phone about to be released - as a shareholder - I would LOVE to see Apple include a brand new feature not currently available in the 6s - perhaps the new camera or maybe something else from the upcoming iPhone 7.  The early release of the upcoming new feature will both extend the staying power of the new phone - as well as entice some mainstream users to upgrade now and then upgrade again in October which will really help their numbers!  If the phone only includes features that already exist in the 6s - the only incentive to purchase the new phone would be if you prefer the smaller size.  There's no doubt that if they do this, they will piss off a handful of users that think Apple is FORCING them to upgrade twice in a year - but f**k 'em - if they don't have the willpower to hold off and wait a few months - and if they convince themselves that they NEED to have the new feature(s) immediately - that's their problem - not Apples!
    edited March 2016
  • Reply 50 of 52
    imagladryimagladry Posts: 106member
    A8 vs. A9 Maybe Apple doesn't want to release a phone that is already obsolete. For instance, the 5C, which I have, was obsolete on release day. It has a 32 processor, so newer 64 bits can not run on it.
  • Reply 51 of 52
    joshajosha Posts: 901member
    ireland said:
    Since the day I've owned my iPhone 6 I found it too big.
    Yes I've held the iPhone 6 several times and tried it in my pockets.
    It's size did turn me off buying it. 
    Just to  large for me, although it would make a nice micro iPad !    :p
  • Reply 52 of 52
    iushntiushnt Posts: 23member
    cali said:
    I've been saying it for over a year, but for those who don't know, I believe a smaller "c" iPhone released mid-cycle(March) would disrupt the competition and give them no air to breathe. Year round iPhone hype.

    We are in the non-iPhone hype season(February-May). 6 months after an iPhone releases the copy cats get to show off their new phones and talk about how much better they are than the iPhone(Sammy S7). A new iPhone this month would generate a ton of money for Apple and steal hype from the iKnockoffs.
    Chill bro.. Don't dive in too deep
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