Apple, other tech companies decry North Carolina anti-LGBT law



  • Reply 121 of 131
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    designr said:

    I agree. And if, as an organization, you don't want to be subject to such government mandates, then don't make a deal with the devil by taking their money. 
    Actually I slightly misstated that earlier comment. It is not just receiving public funding but also contracting on government projects. I'll give you an example: Say you have a video editing business creating a television advertisement to promote a government program. It is possible for the government to require certain stipulations be abided to or you don't get the job. Regarding bathrooms, unlikely, but possible. It is sort like them requiring you have insurance and a reseller ID but to a much more extreme degree.
  • Reply 122 of 131
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    tallest skil said:

    I’d rather the mentally ill get actual help rather than enabling. 
    You better than anyone should know that testing people to see if they are cross dressers and need therapy takes away everyone's personal freedom.
  • Reply 123 of 131
    xbitxbit Posts: 395member
    mytdave said:

    As for the elephant in the room: If you have a Y chromosome you're a man, damnit, and you have no business using the same restroom that my wife and daughter use!
    Watch out, I'm about to blow your mind...

    In Europe, some places have gender neutral restrooms! The cubicles mean that no-one sees genitalia that they don't want to see. Do you have cubicles where you live or do people shit in a hole?
    edited March 2016 singularity
  • Reply 124 of 131
    buzdotsbuzdots Posts: 452member
    volcan said:
    gloriainexcel said:

     It says you must go the the potty based on gender indicated on your birth certificate.
    In terms of what sex a person is, I think perhaps it should be the sex indicated on their passport or driver's license. You can legally change that, such as the case of Katelin Jenner. You cannot change your birth certificate. 
    In the case of North Carolina you are absolutely WRONG. - 

    This is existing North Carolina Statute:
    Direct your attention to (b) (4)

    § 130A-118.  Amendment of birth and death certificates.

    (a)        After acceptance for registration by the State Registrar, no record made in accordance with this Article shall be altered or changed, except by a request for amendment. The State Registrar may adopt rules governing the form of these requests and the type and amount of proof required.

    (b)        A new certificate of birth shall be made by the State Registrar when:

    (1)        Proof is submitted to the State Registrar that the previously unwed parents of a person have intermarried subsequent to the birth of the person;

    (2)        Notification is received by the State Registrar from the clerk of a court of competent jurisdiction of a judgment, order or decree disclosing different or additional information relating to the parentage of a person;

    (3)        Satisfactory proof is submitted to the State Registrar that there has been entered in a court of competent jurisdiction a judgment, order or decree disclosing different or additional information relating to the parentage of a person; or

    (4)        A written request from an individual is received by the State Registrar to change the sex on that individual's birth record because of sex reassignment surgery, if the request is accompanied by a notarized statement from the physician who performed the sex reassignment surgery or from a physician licensed to practice medicine who has examined the individual and can certify that the person has undergone sex reassignment surgery.

    (c)        A new birth certificate issued under subsection (b) may reflect a change in surname when:

    (1)        A child is legitimated by subsequent marriage and the parents agree and request that the child's surname be changed; or

    (2)        A child is legitimated under G.S. 49-10 and the parents agree and request that the child's surname be changed, or the court orders a change in surname after determination that the change is in the best interests of the child.

    (d)       For the amendment of a certificate of birth or death after its acceptance for filing, or for the making of a new certificate of birth under this Article, the State Registrar shall be entitled to a fee not to exceed fifteen dollars ($15.00) to be paid by the applicant.

    (e)        When a new certificate of birth is made, the State Registrar shall substitute the new certificate for the certificate of birth then on file, and shall forward a copy of the new certificate to the register of deeds of the county of birth. The copy of the certificate of birth on file with the register of deeds, if any, shall be forwarded to the State Registrar within five days. The State Registrar shall place under seal the original certificate of birth, the copy forwarded by the register of deeds and all papers relating to the original certificate of birth. The seal shall not be broken except by an order of a court of competent jurisdiction. Thereafter, when a certified copy of the certificate of birth of the person is issued, it shall be a copy of the new certificate of birth, except when an order of a court of competent jurisdiction shall require the issuance of a copy of the original certificate of birth. (1957, c. 1357, s. 1; 1969, c. 1031, s. 1; 1975, c. 556; 1977, c. 1110, s. 4; 1983, c. 891, s. 2; 2002-126, s. 29A.18(b).)


    There is so much BS, sniveling and nashing of teeth on this subject I can now understand why underinformed people cry foul the loudest.

    edited March 2016 stourqueajiitai
  • Reply 125 of 131
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    buzdots said:

    In the case of North Carolina you are absolutely WRONG. - 

    This is existing North Carolina Statute:
    Direct your attention to (b) (4)


    There is so much BS, sniveling and nashing of teeth on this subject I can now understand why underinformed people cry foul the loudest.

    Can you change the record of sex at birth? It would no longer be a birth certificate. I know you can make corrections to vital records but is changing your sex as an adult really considered a correction to a birth certificate? Perhaps an amendment but not changing it.
    edited March 2016 ewtheckman
  • Reply 126 of 131
    I for one agree 100% with this law as it's pretty simple to figure out what gender someone is. It's called DNA and it doesn't lie people. I don't want my daughter alone in a bathroom with a male no matter what he pretends to be.
    edited March 2016 tallest skilbuzdotsewtheckmangloriainexcel
  • Reply 127 of 131
    So are Apple and other companies saying that only their opinion matters? Are they better than the voters of North Carolina that wanted this? I thought the left didn't like big business and money in politics?
    Actually what the legislature and governor did was overturn an LGBT anti-discrimination law passed in Charlotte. The legislature called a special session introduced the bill in the morning, passed it in the afternoon, and the governor signed the bill that night at 10PM. What they did was make it so that local governments cannot pass LGBT protections, and they can't change the minimum wage, only the state government can. So they hate gay people so much that they go out of there way to make life difficult. Oh and the minimum wage thing. I guess they love poor people. That's why they want to make sure they stay poor.
  • Reply 128 of 131
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    I never realized bathrooms were such dangerous places where little girls are guaranteed to be molested by any male who is able to overcome the legal protections enforced at the door.
  • Reply 129 of 131
    John-El said:
    I for one agree 100% with this law as it's pretty simple to figure out what gender someone is. It's called DNA and it doesn't lie people. I don't want my daughter alone in a bathroom with a male no matter what he pretends to be.
    News reports already out about males who falsely use the 'transgender loophole' found to be hanging out in women's bathrooms.  
    edited April 2016 tallest skil
  • Reply 130 of 131
    ajiitaiajiitai Posts: 1member
    Seems appropriate 

    Totally non relavant and absolutely irreverent. Has nothing to do with this discussion.
    tallest skil
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