Apple hands out rainbow Apple Watch bands to commemorate LGBT Pride



  • Reply 101 of 182
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    wizard69 said:
    why- said:

    when you get physically attacked/raped/abused/sent to "correctional therapy"/threatened/abandoned for being straight let me know. I don't know why you have such a problem with people celebrating something they fought hard to be able to express
    People get attacked everyday for all sorts of perverse issues the attacker may have. The idea that the LGBT community is special in this regard is non sense. Further in many cases members of the LGBT community instigate these attacks and in doing so end up getting exactly what the deserve. It really blows my mind that the LGBT community thinks it is so damn special when there is nothing happening in this country that they haven't brought on themselves.
    oh so now youre blaming victims of violence, that they instigated it and got what they deserved? i bet you blame women for being raped too.
    edited June 2016 why-ericthehalfbeelondorfastasleepdsd
  • Reply 102 of 182
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    jbdragon said:
    What a waste of time! Thanks for ruining the Rainbow for me!!! Where's the Straight Pride Parade? Why does there need to be a parade at all, let alone shoved into my face? I don't care what you want to do in your bedroom. Thanks to this so called group, we now have predators in some woman's bathrooms. Even in schools. It's getting ridiculous. The way it's going, there won't be a Men's and Woman's bathroom anymore, it's the IT/THING bathroom. Anyone can uses no matter if you're a Man, Woman, IT or THING. In Schools, Restaurants, and the Gym. Everyone's else's rights have been thrown right out of the window. Hey Apple, why not go and hand out some of these bands in a few other countries you sell phones at and see what happens.
    nope, pure bullshit nonsense spewing out of your mouth. the trans-predator is a myth. years & decades of these policies in other cities & states have shown this:

    your kids will be raped & molested by people you know -- brothers, fathers, uncles, clergy. not somebody who looks exactly like a woman peeing in a stall. get fucking real or at least just close your mouth a little and spare us the spew splatter.
  • Reply 103 of 182
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    levi said:
    walter77 said:
    levi said:
    He likely picked him for his good business sense, judgement, and values, which he and staff are demonstrating. Also, guess you didn't read the part about Apple's 30 years sponsoring the event.
    The 30 year sponsorship might be a defense, except his anti-Trump position will hurt Apple if Trump wins. Large corporation should be more neutral in presidential politics and other controversial areas. Tim needs to keep his politics to himself...
    Large corporations might be a little concerned that Trump is 1) alienating thier customers (non-whites, non-Christians, women, etc) 2) would be a disaster to our economy (default on US debt, raise trade barriers, alienate economic and political allies, mandate domestic manufacturering). Even Republicans are beginning to jump ship - Hank Paulson, George Will, Rubio, Cruz, Romney, the Bush family. Glad to see a corporation on the side of basic decency.
    There is a lot of negativity with respect to what Trump MIGHT do. However there is little in the way of acknowledgement as to how we got in this situation in the first place. A change is needed in Washington and frankly Trump is the only one that seems to realize this. Elect Clinton and you just increase the dept load that somebody has to pay down the road. As far as mandated manufacturing, we are actually behind the times there. There are many countries in this world where you don't have a chance in hell of selling product without some local manufacturing. Take Brazil for example. Demanding local manufacturing is actually a common practice.
  • Reply 104 of 182
    nolamacguynolamacguy Posts: 4,758member
    wizard69 said:
    Being homophobic is one thing, but trying to hide your obvious homophobia behind a set of weak reasons is gutless. People like you are why there are pride parades.
    I don't have a problem here, it is a waste because most of the people at Apple don't give a damn one way or the other. All these give aways do is make the leadership feel good. In the end the crap ends up in the trash. It has nothing to do with being homophobic it is directly related to the fact that it is a massive waste. It isn't like I haven't seen these sorts of corporate give aways locally. The reasoning may be different but in the end people end up feeling exploited for cheap Chinese that ends up in a landfill.
    yeah right -- youve already said gay victims of violence deserved and youve already shown youre a fearful hater who doesnt like things different from himself, so to preten this is all about landfill waste is an insult to everyone else's intelligence (no comment on yours). your stance has jack all to do w/ landfills, else you could refer us to your posts about this serious problem which youve surely made somewhere else over the years before now. right?
  • Reply 105 of 182
    why-why- Posts: 305member
    wizard69 said:
    why- said:

    when you get physically attacked/raped/abused/sent to "correctional therapy"/threatened/abandoned for being straight let me know. I don't know why you have such a problem with people celebrating something they fought hard to be able to express
    People get attacked everyday for all sorts of perverse issues the attacker may have. The idea that the LGBT community is special in this regard is non sense. Further in many cases members of the LGBT community instigate these attacks and in doing so end up getting exactly what the deserve. It really blows my mind that the LGBT community thinks it is so damn special when there is nothing happening in this country that they haven't brought on themselves.
    are you seriously saying that all homophobia in america is gay peoples' fault? because honestly if that's your viewpoint I really don't know what to say to you
  • Reply 106 of 182
    singularitysingularity Posts: 1,328member
    I see tallest is still spouting his homophobic hate and still trying to defend the indefensible.

    If you want to organise a straight pride march go ahead. No one is stopping you. Tell the newspapers and TV stations, get some coverage.
     Or is it so much easier being a troll spouting rubbish to reinforce an outdated thought process that in the 21st century has no place?
  • Reply 107 of 182
    xbitxbit Posts: 398member
    tallest skil said:

    Where are the straight pride parades?
    You want a straight pride parade? Go organise one. No-one is going to stop you.
  • Reply 108 of 182
    why-why- Posts: 305member
    you know what never mind
    edited June 2016 londordsd
  • Reply 109 of 182
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    I see tallest is still spouting his homophobic
    No. one. is. afraid. of. homosexuals. Stop projecting your bullshit.
    defend the indefensible.
    Logic and reason are “indefensible”?
    Medical science is “indefensible”?
    Neurology is “indefensible”?

    Seek help immediately.
    an outdated thought process that in the 21st century has no place?
    This is how pathetic your argument actually is.'

    If you want to organise a straight pride march go ahead. No one is stopping you.
    xbit said:
    You want a straight pride parade? Go organise one. No-one is going to stop you.
    Oh, yeah. This isn’t suspicious in any way, shape, or form. This isn’t evidence that none of you have anything but copied and pasted talking points (LONG disproven) and have to resort to thinking that projecting your emotions onto others stands in for a real argument...

  • Reply 110 of 182
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    crowley said:
    TS... ...seems to have immunity from any punitive action
    There you go, saying things you know are lies, again.
    What a bizarre claim. How perchance do I know this is a lie?

    Reminder: I cannot read your mind, and I do not know everything that has happened to you.
  • Reply 111 of 182
    My two previous comments were just to bring some levity to this argument.

    I'm just an outsider looking in. I'm very conservative but not hateful. The Liberals carry enough hate to go around.

    I have a gay friend who is extremely conservative. A member of NRA and a staunch believer in the 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights.
    He does not view the whole LBGT movement in a positive light. He said "all this does is bring negative opinions and feelings. I just want to live my life in peace. My partner and I are accepted in this community for what we are. We don't need this radicalism; it just draws negative attention."

    Personally, I could give a shit. I'm just tired of the PC Police shoving it down my throat (no pun intended).

    tallest skildocno42
  • Reply 112 of 182
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    TurboPGT said:
    Yes, this is what it has come to. The bought and paid for media has done wonders following through with the divide and conquer agenda, and has convinced minority groups that need special treatment. Equality isn't enough. It is not something that any rational human being should be in favor of, but unfortunately people are suceptible to all kinds of mental programming and conditioning. Trust me if it weren't being broadcast 24/7, it wouldn't exist.
    what nonsense. equality hasnt even been reached yet -- the SCOTUS only just ruled on gay marriage. many states and communities are still trying to figure out ways around it. maybe you havent heard of some of these govt workers refusing to issue permits, etc...
    Looking forward to the day the Federal government has no influence over what are obviously personal and/or religious issues. Marriage licenses should be eliminated in favor of contractual agreements. Marriage ceremonies should face zero influence from government.
    tallest skil
  • Reply 113 of 182
    singularitysingularity Posts: 1,328member
    I see tallest is still spouting his homophobic
    No. one. is. afraid. of. homosexuals. Stop projecting your bullshit.
    Logic and reason are “indefensible”?
    Medical science is “indefensible”?
    Neurology is “indefensible”?

    Seek help immediately.
    This is how pathetic your argument actually is.'

    Oh, yeah. This isn’t suspicious in any way, shape, or form. This isn’t evidence that none of you have anything but copied and pasted talking points (LONG disproven) and have to resort to thinking that projecting your emotions onto others stands in for a real argument...

    You have issues with homosexuality. You have decided it is degenerate and think by constant spouting about it the rest of the world will suddenly agree.

    As for accusing me of copy and pasting arguments, the pot wants you to stop calling it black, a simple coincidence but you'll probably disagree with that.
    Your use of logic and reason is.. lacking in at least reason.

    Medical and neurology... really?
    Maybe you need to use a few swear words and fulls fullstops in any answer, that always sways the crowd!
    I genuinely feel sorry for you for having this degenerate ideology about your fellow man (or woman etc).
    Somehow you have the need to rail against two adults having a consensual loving relationship. When I see that I think "good on you" but then again maybe it's because I'm a total degenerate!!
  • Reply 114 of 182
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    crowley said:

    TS and Apple][ seems to have immunity from any punitive action,
    They are their own punishment. It must be a living hell to be that angry.
  • Reply 115 of 182
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    These are awesome! I almost thought they handed these out at the parade.
    edited June 2016 londorferdinandcc
  • Reply 116 of 182
    retrogustoretrogusto Posts: 1,128member
    OK, let's imagine that you were born with red hair in a country where people were routinely discriminated against, harassed, assaulted and murdered just for having red hair, so a large percentage if not a majority of redheads felt they needed to dye their hair just to avoid all of these dangers. Then imagine you were so smart and talented that you managed to become the head of a hugely successful company that makes profits in the tens of billions. Wouldn't it seem ok to give out a few freakin' watch bands to show support for your fellow redheads for having to live in this environment of totally irrational hatred, and shouldn't you be able to do it without a bunch of whiners complaining about "how come I don't get one for being blonde?" or "can't you just focus on making better toys for me?"
    edited June 2016 why-londorfastasleepferdinandcc
  • Reply 117 of 182
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    Borderdog said:
    My two previous comments were just to bring some levity to this argument.

    I'm just an outsider looking in. I'm very conservative but not hateful. The Liberals carry enough hate to go around.

    I have a gay friend who is extremely conservative. A member of NRA and a staunch believer in the 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights.
    He does not view the whole LBGT movement in a positive light. He said "all this does is bring negative opinions and feelings. I just want to live my life in peace. My partner and I are accepted in this community for what we are. We don't need this radicalism; it just draws negative attention."

    Personally, I could give a shit. I'm just tired of the PC Police shoving it down my throat (no pun intended).

    Oh, you have a "gay fucking friend". I don'believe you buddy unless he's some closeted 1950s like Log Cabin GOP throwback.
    About 1% of gays are in that group; that's how representative that guy is.

    "Living it peace" is code word for hide away in the shadows and be exactly like everyone else.
    If for some reason, someone finds out you are gay. well you didn't hide hard enough and everything that happens you deserved it.

    IF your so called friend then loses his job or gets beaten to death, hey, whatever he just didn't need all this fancy dancy protection....

    I'm bi and been in the gay community since the god damn 1970s and your claiming PC like every racist, sexist, xenophobic piece of sludge doesn't fly.
    I'm calling you out on your utter tripe.
    edited June 2016 londorfastasleep
  • Reply 118 of 182
    why-why- Posts: 305member
    No. one. is. afraid. of. homosexuals. Stop projecting your bullshit.
    yeah sure you're not

    mate this is literally you wtf

  • Reply 119 of 182
    why-why- Posts: 305member
    oh boy I do love being gay
  • Reply 120 of 182
    foggyhill said:
    Borderdog said:
    My two previous comments were just to bring some levity to this argument.

    I'm just an outsider looking in. I'm very conservative but not hateful. The Liberals carry enough hate to go around.

    I have a gay friend who is extremely conservative. A member of NRA and a staunch believer in the 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights.
    He does not view the whole LBGT movement in a positive light. He said "all this does is bring negative opinions and feelings. I just want to live my life in peace. My partner and I are accepted in this community for what we are. We don't need this radicalism; it just draws negative attention."

    Personally, I could give a shit. I'm just tired of the PC Police shoving it down my throat (no pun intended).

    Oh, you have a "gay fucking friend". I don'believe you buddy unless he's some closeted 1950s like Log Cabin GOP throwback.
    About 1% of gays are in that group; that's how representative that guy is.

    "Living it peace" is code word for hide away in the shadows and be exactly like everyone else.
    If for some reason, someone finds out you are gay. well you didn't hide hard enough and everything that happens you deserved it.

    IF your so called friend then loses his job or gets beaten to death, hey, whatever he just didn't need all this fancy dancy protection....

    I'm bi and been in the gay community since the god damn 1970s and your claiming PC like every racist, sexist, xenophobic piece of sludge doesn't fly.
    I'm calling you out on your utter tripe.
    Your comment to me shows how much hate you have in yourself. I tried to make a peaceful comment and you, in your hate, twisted it around.
    By the way, I have a number of gay friends. I'm not as judgmental as you!
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