Apple adds 100 emoji to latest iOS 10 beta, promotes diversity and gender equality



  • Reply 21 of 81
    why-why- Posts: 305member
    I don't understand what all the fuss is about. surprise! women can run, women can ride bikes, women can wear fedoras and look through magnifying glasses. stop pretending that these pixels on a screen somehow infringe on your rights of freedom
  • Reply 22 of 81
    I just want the gun back
  • Reply 23 of 81
    darkpaw said:
    Oh, is it because there's a rainbow flag in there? I see. You're annoyed that a chunk of the population who relate to that flag are now being included in your small world. Well, tough.
    It'll be fun when people in 100 years or so look back at our time. They'll probably be furious to see how we squandered our freedom. 
    no, they'll just laugh at all the dead white guys who were so frightened about...well, everything. 
    exactly... i knew we'd see some of the old cranks on this site reveal themselves as the racists, homophobes, and misogynists they were raised to be.

    insecure men are such a gas.
    I think it's hilarious how the leftist political correctness types are always the most racist, bigoted people you can find.   Every one of your comments is based on your PREJUDICE about other people, and really you're just here expressing your HATRED for people because they THINK DIFFERENT than you. 

    FTR, I'm white, I'm queer, I'm female, and I think it's asinine that they replaced a gun with a water pistol.  

    What do you think it is that I'm afraid of?   OR were you just making shit up about me because you're a HATEFUL LEFTIST BIGOT?

    Yeah, I'll tell my girlfriend you think I'm a mysigynist.  She won't laugh because she's tired of you WHITE KNIGHTS herself. 
  • Reply 24 of 81

    anome said:
    I'm amazed you think this was a waste of time. I'm guessing it didn't involve much effort at all, and builds a lot of goodwill in the community. It's a relatively small investment of resources. It's not like they had to take programmers or engineers away from making the next version of iOS or the new MacBook Pros to do it.
    Since you don't understand how software development works, you probably shouldn't comment on it.
  • Reply 25 of 81
    why- said:
    I don't understand what all the fuss is about. surprise! women can run, women can ride bikes, women can wear fedoras and look through magnifying glasses. stop pretending that these pixels on a screen somehow infringe on your rights of freedom
    DO you realize you're knocking down a straw man of your racist creation?  You hate anyone who thinks different of you so much you think nothing of calling them racist or sexist or denigrating them simply because they make an argument you can't understand?
  • Reply 26 of 81
    cnocbui said:
    get the fuck out of here. seriously sweden is fine, have friends there and just visited. Apple's stock is better today than it was under Jobs.

    god i wish AI still had its anti-troll min-post business rule in place. what the hell are they doing...
    Anyone who holds an opinion contrary to yours or your world view you label a troll.  You use that word multiple times, seemingly every single day.  Grow up.

    But he was true 100% of the time whenever he referred to you.
  • Reply 27 of 81
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    tallest skil said:

    men are biologically superior to women
    Cute, but I've never seen a man give birth.
    edited August 2016 singularitycnocbuiwaverboybaconstangdoozydozeniosenthusiast
  • Reply 28 of 81
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    crowley said:
    Cute, but I've never seen a man give birth.
    And I’ve never seen human parthenogenesis. How about that. My point fucking stands.
  • Reply 29 of 81
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    crowley said:
    Cute, but I've never seen a man give birth.
    And I’ve never seen human parthenogenesis. How about that. My point fucking stands.
    Sweetie, my fucking point is so much fucking better than your fucking point. 

    Fucking vulgarian.
    edited August 2016 singularityiosenthusiast
  • Reply 30 of 81
    ncil49 said:

    If all those dead white men had not had legions of oppressed black men pressed into labouring the supply of endless tons of ordnance rather than fighting (don't give them guns!) then what do you suppose the majority skin colour of the beached corpses would have been? The USA had learned by Vietnam that sending greater numbers of 19 year old black's and hispanic's into combat was more socially acceptable than the loss of white teenagers.

    White men have earned their trashing.
    Let's see. The facts are 2/3 of Vietnam soldiers were volunteers and 86 percent killed were white.  I don't think your generation has the intelligence to parse truth and fantasy.  And everyone was pressed into labor during ww2.

    for the past 10 thousand years every race deserves trashing. Nothing like African blacks with their machetes killing about a million of their neighbors in the 90s.  Japanese, Chinese, Central America and let's not forget about the current trash in the Middle East.  It never ends. Everybody has earned their trashing.  

    Again. It's cool and acceptable to bash whites.  I understand.  

      And its its a class thing and intelligence thing now. Race is incidental.  I could go on from Jews at 125 to African blacks at 75 but that is certainly out of bounds.  Love the minority racists and apologetic whites with 1000 excuses.

    Now long live Apple and the serfdom it creates among many.

    I said greater numbers of blacks/hispanics sent into combat (compared to black non-combatants of WWII erroneously regarded as racially too stupid to carry out duties above the level of manual labour).
    Every human that has ever lived is culturally responsible for discrimination and warring whatever their colour or nationalist bent.
    It is simply wrong to allude to the African blacks (Rwanda and Burundi) as machete wielding savages when the main tools of genocide were supplied by Israeli arms contractors
  • Reply 31 of 81
    singularitysingularity Posts: 1,328member
    when reading this article I just knew the type of responses it would get and boy it wasn't disappointing.
    equality and acceptance of diversity always seems to drag out the neanderthals.

  • Reply 32 of 81
    cnocbui said:
    get the fuck out of here. seriously sweden is fine, have friends there and just visited. Apple's stock is better today than it was under Jobs.

    god i wish AI still had its anti-troll min-post business rule in place. what the hell are they doing...
    Anyone who holds an opinion contrary to yours or your world view you label a troll.  You use that word multiple times, seemingly every single day.  Grow up.
    How ironic, the rush to defend and support one's brethren. Truly ironic.
  • Reply 33 of 81
    xbitxbit Posts: 398member
    The AI forums continue to be an absolute toilet.
  • Reply 34 of 81
    maclvr03maclvr03 Posts: 198member
    I'm just wondering if this is the update you can change the colors on the family emoji's. It's just weird you can't while on the profession ones you can. 
  • Reply 35 of 81
    spice-boyspice-boy Posts: 1,450member
    darkpaw said:
    Diversity exists, get over it.
    1. Not for long.
    2. The second amendment exists. Get over it.
    Not as well.
    You’re on the wrong side of history. Woe unto you when the ball drops.
    They do it better. The obligation of men is to protect and nurture women. This was always the case, because men are biologically superior to women. In turn, women traditionally performed the tasks not taken by men. Try living without technology sometime.
    I’m going to stop you right there.
    The quotation marks belong here:
    It’s mutilation, a violation of the hippocratic oath, and there is nothing to correct.
    This is complete fucking bullshit. And feminism has done absolutely nothing, ever, in its entire history. Technology–created predominantly by men–“liberated” women (and men). You’re welcome.
    Holy fucking shit, get a goddamn education.
    Do we get to write out the sins of the other races now? Because I tremble in anticipation of comparing the length of those lists.
    Congratulations for having the longest possible posting streak without any scientific evidence backing your retarded claims.
    And it’s terrifying that Apple’s own VPs hate this and yet still actively contribute to it.



    You don’t fucking “correct” a language.
    This ☪️ is not an emoji of peace. Get the fuck over it. You have no right to tell me what I can and cannot like.
    Nah, it’ll only do it more.

    When people try to tell me how to talk, I get a little antsy. When people try to tell me how to think, I grab my water pistol and blow them the fuck away. The simplest thing is freedom of expression. Try to take it away and don’t be surprised at what happens to you.

    It satisfies neither requirement for content (neither inflammatory nor inappropriate), and the “purpose of upsetting” is meaningless since fact has no purpose but to inform. No one cares if your feelings are hurt by fact.

    it doesn't matter if a man or a woman if "better" at a skill set or not what matter's is that everyone should have the right to participate in anything they wish to pursue. There was a time girls were discouraged from playing sports which denied them the health benefits of exercise and being active. Society is better when everyone is engaged and can excel in whichever field they choose. Comments like yours are full of hate, insecurity and ignorance. I'm sure you have voted to leave the EU for reasons such as xenophobia and the believe your world and influence is shrinking. BREXIT is the best example of a population voting agains there own best interest to keep and enemy they imagine out. The UK will soon crumble with Northern Ireland and Scotland choosing to be part of Europe. A hundred years from now England will be return to building stone monuments and possible human sacrifices.  
  • Reply 36 of 81
    phibophibo Posts: 1member
    I thought Emoji's were just a fad that kids used?
    williamlondonlilsmirkytallest skildoozydozeniosenthusiast
  • Reply 37 of 81
    why-why- Posts: 305member
    crowley said:
    tallest skil said:

    men are biologically superior to women
    Cute, but I've never seen a man give birth.

    trans men exist

    tallest skil said:

    a load of bullshit
    goddamn, that's a lot of righteous anger over something you have no control over. why don't you chill out for a bit, go outside, pet a dog, drink some lemonade, apologise to your parents for being a disappointment 
  • Reply 38 of 81
    lvidallvidal Posts: 158member
    Dropping the "real gun" emoji for a water gun is the most absurd thing. Nobody is going to change its way of thinking because an emoji. And a water gun doesn't translate the same message, even if it is only a joke (like 99.9% of the time it is used). I think some guys at Apple are way too sensitive and distracted.
    tallest skilbaconstang
  • Reply 39 of 81
    lvidal said:
    Dropping the "real gun" emoji for a water gun is the most absurd thing. Nobody is going to change its way of thinking because an emoji. And a water gun doesn't translate the same message, even if it is only a joke (like 99.9% of the time it is used). I think some guys at Apple are way too sensitive and distracted.
    I prefer to view this change similar to how I view art (in relation to guns and violence). What I mean is that I don't blame art (film, books, music, etc.) for violence in them or believe they are to blame for the presence of violence and guns in society, but rather see violence in film and elsewhere as reflections of the society in which they are created. If we continue to revere violence and guns, they will be reflected in art and in this case emojis.

    Perhaps then (hopefully), this change is merely a reflection of a shift or growing trend in our society away from the glamorisation of violence and guns, so that rather than trying to affect change, the removal of a gun emoji is merely representing a change that is already occurring or has occurred.

    Looking at it another way, a society which abhors violence and guns would never allow a gun emoji. On the other hand, a society which embraces guns and violence would defend their being depicted everywhere.

    Now what were you saying?
    edited August 2016 singularitydoozydozeniosenthusiast
  • Reply 40 of 81
    apple ][ said:
    What a waste of time. Some people's priorities are so screwed up and so deranged, that this is what they choose to waste their time on.

    Also, for the sake of diversity, they need to add various pieces of feces floating around in the water with that swimmer, and a dead body too, because that's what's happening in the Olympics.

    What should they add and remove to pass your test?  And why?

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