Some Mac Pro support pages archived by Apple, will no longer be updated



  • Reply 21 of 98
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,526member
    altivec88 said:
    I know that secrecy builds up suspense and stuff but for us Pro's, secrecy just means lack of communication with the company that is providing us with tools.

    I just wish they would come out and tell us what is going on.  If they are planning an upgrade, can't they at least gives us an announcement to stay tuned and show us a grill or something.  If they have decided to get out of the pro market, can't they have the decency to just let us know.   I need to upgrade our systems.  Should I be switching to PC?  Should I be waiting a few more month?  I don't want to switch but I really can't operate my business like this anymore.  

    Apple get your act together.
    I wholeheartedly agree with this statement. People who don't understand what you're saying don't understand what it means to be a truly professional user. 
    altivec88dysamoriaFaschingFXewtheckmanmariopalominejim w
  • Reply 22 of 98
    I'm writing this as someone who owns a MP2013. It is not a good machine. Note that I did not say "bad machine", I said "not good", and that's a big difference. But Apple is supposed to be the company that delivers "better", and the Mac Pro absolutely isn't "better". Some reasons:

    - the lack of USB on the front means you are constantly spinning your machine around, or leaving it pointed cables-forward, which kind of defeats the entire purpose of making the front look clean

    - 4 USB simply isn't enough. I am constantly pulling one to make room for USB keys and such. This would be better if the Apple keyboard had a USB3 hub, but it's not.

    - although dual-GPUs serve a very real need in the market, there's just as many users who don't need it, and/or would prefer a non-workstation GPU.

    - the GPUs are mounted via custom connectors which makes them unreplaceable except in servicing. So unlike the old MP where you could drop in a backup GPU if your main one failed, if that occurs on this machine you're SOL until it's repaired.

    - the internal SSD is mounted via a connector on one of those cards, and there's only one port. Upgrading it means trashing the old one, assuming you can afford it in the first place.

    - in spite of there being ample internal room for it, there is no conventional slot for a drive. Such a slot would make a fusion drive possible, which is not on this machine.

    This machine was so highly focused at a single market that it is not a good solution for someone that's simply looking for a fast machine to use with their existing monitor and peripherals. The changes above would have little to no effect on the machine from the outside, it's not like they were forced to make it inflexible, and it's not like there was a particular size they had to hit to make it fit into a particular hole or something. They made this machine limited for no real reason.

    lorin schultzxzutokyojimufastasleepjdwdysamoriaewtheckmanpalomine
  • Reply 23 of 98
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    roake said:
    Think you might have a typo there

    "Apple has moved four some of its support pages specifically detailing the redesigned 2013 Mac Pro to the archives, and will no longer be updating them, signaling a possible refresh or retirement of the computer."
    Just a dream of his.

    There is no way they are "retiring" the Mac Pro, not after that "Can't innovate, my ass." speech when it was announced.

    Apple will continue to support high-end needs.  I suspect we will see a refresh soon, with support for four simultaneous 4K Thunderbolt monitors simultaneously.
    I was just pointing out "four some" not commenting on the article.
  • Reply 24 of 98
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,526member
    Question -- how did Apple announce the cancellation of Xserve? Anybody remember? 
  • Reply 25 of 98
    If you one of the 29 people who bought one I bet your upset. The 300 US workers they hired to assemble it will be re tasked to process shipping iPads back to Asia to have broken screens repaired.
  • Reply 26 of 98
    I'm writing this as someone who owns a MP2013. It is not a good machine. Note that I did not say "bad machine", I said "not good", and that's a big difference. But Apple is supposed to be the company that delivers "better", and the Mac Pro absolutely isn't "better". Some reasons:

    - the lack of USB on the front means you are constantly spinning your machine around, or leaving it pointed cables-forward, which kind of defeats the entire purpose of making the front look clean

    - 4 USB simply isn't enough. I am constantly pulling one to make room for USB keys and such. This would be better if the Apple keyboard had a USB3 hub, but it's not.

    - although dual-GPUs serve a very real need in the market, there's just as many users who don't need it, and/or would prefer a non-workstation GPU.

    - the GPUs are mounted via custom connectors which makes them unreplaceable except in servicing. So unlike the old MP where you could drop in a backup GPU if your main one failed, if that occurs on this machine you're SOL until it's repaired.

    - the internal SSD is mounted via a connector on one of those cards, and there's only one port. Upgrading it means trashing the old one, assuming you can afford it in the first place.

    - in spite of there being ample internal room for it, there is no conventional slot for a drive. Such a slot would make a fusion drive possible, which is not on this machine.

    This machine was so highly focused at a single market that it is not a good solution for someone that's simply looking for a fast machine to use with their existing monitor and peripherals. The changes above would have little to no effect on the machine from the outside, it's not like they were forced to make it inflexible, and it's not like there was a particular size they had to hit to make it fit into a particular hole or something. They made this machine limited for no real reason.

    It was a poor decision for them to essentially abandon the high-end market. They still need to have pro solutions for people who use CAD, for film editors, for effects people, scientists, etc. The Mac Pro still needs to be an aspirational product and it should occupy a space that helps the "home" market Mac OS/macOS user to graduate to more powerful computers, unless Apple intends on extending the iMac line with a new iMac Pro?
    edited September 2016 xzudysamoriaFaschingFXewtheckmanjasenj1palomine
  • Reply 27 of 98
    Just remember Mac Pro is for publishing and videomakers who require much more power than you can squeeze into Macbook of any form yet. So unless you plan on 8-core Macbook or more with tons of fast extensions and support for multpile large monitors Mac Pro is needed. It is not about "goofy" design. Unless you are professional in that space you may never understand need of Mac Pro. We run publishing studio for unternational business. So if you want to discuss I am open, but if you are not please refrain from your (mis)judgment on Mac Pros.
    doozydozenaltivec88argonautMacProjim w
  • Reply 28 of 98
    TurboPGT said:
    altivec88 said:
    I know that secrecy builds up suspense and stuff but for us Pro's, secrecy just means lack of communication with the company that is providing us with tools.

    I just wish they would come out and tell us what is going on.  If they are planning an upgrade, can't they at least gives us an announcement to stay tuned and show us a grill or something.  If they have decided to get out of the pro market, can't they have the decency to just let us know.   I need to upgrade our systems.  Should I be switching to PC?  Should I be waiting a few more month?  I don't want to switch but I really can't operate my business like this anymore.  

    Apple get your act together.
    Just asking: how is it remotely possible that you "can't operate your business anymore" with a 2013 Mac Pro(s)? So much so that would consider a generic PC with presumably better specs-on-paper?

    What better specs? What is the price of 8-16 core PC? Because this is what you need for serious work in publishing or multimedia these days. Less powerful and your editor will be sitting and dying from rendering time between clicks with long history of multilayered changes. Can you show which Windows based PC runs this with Adobe design suites with complex projects? How much is that PC?
  • Reply 29 of 98
    roake said:
    Think you might have a typo there

    "Apple has moved four some of its support pages specifically detailing the redesigned 2013 Mac Pro to the archives, and will no longer be updating them, signaling a possible refresh or retirement of the computer."
    Just a dream of his.

    There is no way they are "retiring" the Mac Pro, not after that "Can't innovate, my ass." speech when it was announced.

    Apple will continue to support high-end needs.  I suspect we will see a refresh soon, with support for four simultaneous 4K Thunderbolt monitors simultaneously.
    Exactly! SOme delusional folsk who have never seen operaitions of editor, publisher, print house think that pros can start working on iPad because there asome "applications". It really takes good skiils and advanced software to get what you can watch or read these days. It is not like designing some web page and even multilayered graphics for covers and layouts is probably beyond some folks imaginations of how people in studio work. And for the record you cannot move out of Mac OSX to PC as long as Windows cannot recover applications status with all data after crash. It is not matter of bringing from backup - it matter of restarting work at the point it crashed and after powering up. Can Windows do it? Well I do not think so.
  • Reply 30 of 98
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    maciekskontakt said:

    How much is that PC?
    It is not really about cost which is probably about the same. It is about a predictable upgrade timeline. With a standard tower PC with an ATX form factor, you can upgrade everything as necessary. On a Mac Pro you are stuck with older hardware and the only way to upgrade is to buy a new machine, that is, if and when it is launched, and you have no idea what or when that will be. Right now, everything in the Mac Pro is more than 3 years old. With a PC, when newer hardware is released such as new faster video cards you can upgrade easily and you can be sure there will be new Windows drivers on day one. If you work in Adobe CC there is practically no difference between the platforms. Sure, I prefer Mac much more, mainly because the Finder is so much better than File Explorer in Windows, but I can certainly understand why in some industries considering Windows as your ubiquitous platform could make a lot of sense, especially from a planning, upgrading and budgeting perspective.
    edited September 2016 lorin schultzxzufastasleepdysamoriapalomine
  • Reply 31 of 98
    altivec88 said:
    I know that secrecy builds up suspense and stuff but for us Pro's, secrecy just means lack of communication with the company that is providing us with tools.

    I just wish they would come out and tell us what is going on.  If they are planning an upgrade, can't they at least gives us an announcement to stay tuned and show us a grill or something.  If they have decided to get out of the pro market, can't they have the decency to just let us know.   I need to upgrade our systems.  Should I be switching to PC?  Should I be waiting a few more month?  I don't want to switch but I really can't operate my business like this anymore.  

    Apple get your act together.
    I agree with you
    altivec88xzupalominejim w
  • Reply 32 of 98
    Mike WuertheleMike Wuerthele Posts: 6,918administrator
    sumergo said:
    Typos eradicated. Long day, preceding an even longer one tomorrow. Thanks.
    To feel better, and prepare for the AI "discourse" on Wednesday, do as this gentleman did (or your local equivalent):

    " . . . weary after a dismal day with the prospect of a depressing morrow, I raised to my lips a spoonful of the tea in which I had soaked a morsel of the madeleine. No sooner had the warm liquid, mixed with the crumbs, touched my palate than a shudder ran through my whole body, and I stopped, intent on the extraordinary changes that were taking place in me. An exquisite pleasure had invaded my senses . . ."

    I am old and slow, but still enjoy a rousing round of Destiny.

    That is, I would if PSN was up.
  • Reply 33 of 98
    rezwits said:
    TurboPGT said:
    altivec88 said:
    I know that secrecy builds up suspense and stuff but for us Pro's, secrecy just means lack of communication with the company that is providing us with tools.

    I just wish they would come out and tell us what is going on.  If they are planning an upgrade, can't they at least gives us an announcement to stay tuned and show us a grill or something.  If they have decided to get out of the pro market, can't they have the decency to just let us know.   I need to upgrade our systems.  Should I be switching to PC?  Should I be waiting a few more month?  I don't want to switch but I really can't operate my business like this anymore.  

    Apple get your act together.
    Just asking: how is it remotely possible that you "can't operate your business anymore" with a 2013 Mac Pro(s)? So much so that would consider a generic PC with presumably better specs-on-paper?

    I find these comments so funny, due to the shear lack of Acknowledgement, that the macOS out classes Windows, and mostly Linux operating systems, SO FAR, that even if Apple released a finely tuned machine with a chip a full year behind the release date, that the OS easily makes up for that 5%-10% increase in speed. Mind you he didn't say for his GAMING needs, he said for his work. Getting a fully spec-ed PC is not even a reality or possibility. You can get a 72-core/144 thread PC/SuperSystem, that can get Windows installed and be assigned some number crunching task, and spend $10,000. Which is fine if you have a USE for it. But if you need a computer that you are going to INTERACT IN and OUT LEFT and RIGHT, moving the mouse, and fully INTERFACING computer with human, and not just setting the computer to free to number crunch something, there IS ABSOLUTELY NO COMPARISON. I am talking about people who are sitting there living and breathing their system, like 6 hours out of 8 daily. Trust me you want a mac, wth macOS... Now if you just use your machine for an hour or two to do this and that, fine get Windows. If you want to hardcore game for 6 to 8 hours out of day, then great get Windows. But if you want to eat this live this breath this, you want a mac...
    Say, you are working with 3D software and Adobe CC. You need the latest and the greatest.
    Actually this quality (need for speed and quality together) of ours made US fall in love with Apple in the first place, Apple was giving us the BEST there is (was). 15000 RPM SCSI days, hello?
    Nowadays, if you want the best PRO computer, Apple does not provide one.
    PRO meaning SPEED (just that)
    We PROs want to buy TIME.
    We need to deliver FAST. We have a Need 4 Speed.
    I HATE windows
    And I love OS X.
    But... Mac Pro is still crap compared to HP or Dell workstations nowadays

    That is SAD for US, Apple community.
    We want OUR APPLE back.
    altivec88xzufastasleepdysamoriaFaschingFXewtheckmanmariopalominejim w
  • Reply 34 of 98
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,726member
    It true.  It's three years later and Apple has been unable to innovate Phil Schiller's ass.  
    xzutallest skiljdwmobiusdysamoriaFaschingFXargonautsphericewtheckmanjim w
  • Reply 35 of 98
    TurboPGT said:
    altivec88 said:
    I know that secrecy builds up suspense and stuff but for us Pro's, secrecy just means lack of communication with the company that is providing us with tools.

    I just wish they would come out and tell us what is going on.  If they are planning an upgrade, can't they at least gives us an announcement to stay tuned and show us a grill or something.  If they have decided to get out of the pro market, can't they have the decency to just let us know.   I need to upgrade our systems.  Should I be switching to PC?  Should I be waiting a few more month?  I don't want to switch but I really can't operate my business like this anymore.  

    Apple get your act together.
    Just asking: how is it remotely possible that you "can't operate your business anymore" with a 2013 Mac Pro(s)? So much so that would consider a generic PC with presumably better specs-on-paper?

    Because we do 3D renderings and require as much CPU as possible. The 2013 design did not help us out at all because they cut out an entire processor. So our 2010 12 core machines are pretty equivollent to the current 2013 machines at 12 cores only the 2013 cost twice as much. So we haven't upgraded most of our systems for 6 years. Some are starting to fail now and there is no way I would pay what Apple is asking for to replace them (double the price for 6 year old speed). This would be fine if the industry was sitting still but my competitors are easily surpassing what my company can do. They are running 44 core machines from Dell and HP. In rendering terms, that means what we can do in 10 hours, they can do in 2.5 hours. or it means they can crank up the realism, or a little of both. It was fine before because with-in a year Apple would be slightly ahead, and then the PC would be slight ahead but its been 6 years with no improvement in CPU. Like I said, I don't really want to switch to PC but I keep waiting and waiting and waiting.
    doozydozenLinz HendersonxzufastasleepjdwdysamoriaFaschingFXargonautsphericewtheckman
  • Reply 36 of 98
    Sorry but no way Apple redesigns this device only to cancel it a few years later. Would never have redesigned it in the first place, and just retired it in back in 2013.
    doozydozennolamacguyargonautjim w
  • Reply 37 of 98
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    Sorry but no way Apple redesigns this device only to cancel it a few years later. Would never have redesigned it in the first place, and just retired it in back in 2013.
    I suppose it depends how well it is selling. It certainly isn't getting a lot of love from the pro community. Had they just upgraded the tower form factor I would have bought one on day one. Instead I settled for iMac 5K maxed out.
  • Reply 38 of 98
    Sorry but no way Apple redesigns this device only to cancel it a few years later. Would never have redesigned it in the first place, and just retired it in back in 2013.
    I can because the 2013 MacPro was a flop.

    They worried about form over function and Pro's care about function over form.

    The Pro market was already niche to begin with and they just killed off a bunch of markets with the 2013 Pro.  They got rid of an entire processor killing off people that need CPU, they got rid of PCI Bus killing off anybody requiring any kind of specialized boards.  They killed upgradability of graphics cards so that you need to buy a new machine, yet they failed to offer said machines.  But at least its cool looking.

    I really really hope they learned their lesson and went back to the drawing board a completely redesigned the Mac Pro with what I mentioned above in mind, but I really wouldn't be surprised if they kill it off due to shear amount of Pro's they've already lost.  I just wish they would tell us which way they are going because people are jumping ship on a daily bases.

    lorin schultzxzublastdoorfastasleepjdwdysamoriaewtheckmanjasenj1mariopalomine
  • Reply 39 of 98
    1) the lack of USB on the front means you are constantly spinning your machine around, or leaving it pointed cables-forward, which kind of defeats the entire purpose of making the front look clean.
    6) in spite of there being ample internal room for it, there is no conventional slot for a drive. Such a slot would make a fusion drive possible, which is not on this machine.
    What, reeeeally...
    I'm only jumping into 2 of the points you made.
    1) I cannot even make sense of your 1st point. You'd have wished for the MacPro to include ports on the frontside. So to remedy the situation you rotate the machine 180 degrees, you're left with ports now facing forward towards the user, like you wished for, but you don't like how that looks? What the heck are you asking for then?
    6) your last point. It's soon to be 2017 and you still are in the camp hoping the HD doesn't go extinct, and even more so, you want Apple to support HD? Are you kidding me?! The MacPro is a forward-thinking design. Geez...
    Some of your other points suck too.
  • Reply 40 of 98
    I'd love to see a new design, perhaps something comprised of an elegant box that allows internal processor mods, but also the addition of attachable external modules.  Attach a RAID box, GPU box, I/O box, optical drive(s) box, even a RAM box.  

    The cylinder is beautiful and the internal layout is innovative, but the whole thing lacks a sense of power-user purpose.  More form than function.  
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