Apple poaching GPU designer Imagination Technologies' talent, hiring key personnel away
Following Apple's decision to not pursue an acquisition of mobile GPU developer Imagination Technologies, at least 25 staffers and management personnel have jumped ship to Apple over the past two years.

Among the departees now confirmed to be working at Apple from LinkedIn postings, notable high-level staff members are the ex-chief operating officer of Imagination Technologies John Metcalfe, Senior Design Manager Dave Roberts, Vice President of Hardware Engineering Johnathan Redshaw, and 17-year veteran of the company and Senior Software Engineering Manager Benjamin Bowman.
Metcalfe is now a senior director at Apple. Roberts is an engineering manager at Apple's iOS GPU software group, and Bowman is a GPU architect for the company. Redshaw is listed as a director at Apple, with no specific branch of the company declared.
Imagination Technologies has licensed high-performance GPU designs, known as PowerVR graphics series, for use in Apple's A-series system on a chip (SoC) dating back to the original iPhone in 2007. The hires may herald an internal project to develop an Apple-designed GPU for use in future iOS projects, rather than rely on third parties for the technology.
Apple issued a statement in March admitting it had "some discussions" with Imagination involving an Apple buyout, but that it did not "plan to make an offer for the company at this time." Apple owns a 10 percent stake in the company.
Following the breakdown in talks, Chinese state-owned company Tsinghua took a 3 percent stake in Imagination as of May 4. Layoffs have wracked the company since.
Editor's note: A previous version of this story said Apple hired 25 employees away from Imagination late last year. Imagination later clarified the personnel moves took place over a two-year period.

Among the departees now confirmed to be working at Apple from LinkedIn postings, notable high-level staff members are the ex-chief operating officer of Imagination Technologies John Metcalfe, Senior Design Manager Dave Roberts, Vice President of Hardware Engineering Johnathan Redshaw, and 17-year veteran of the company and Senior Software Engineering Manager Benjamin Bowman.
Metcalfe is now a senior director at Apple. Roberts is an engineering manager at Apple's iOS GPU software group, and Bowman is a GPU architect for the company. Redshaw is listed as a director at Apple, with no specific branch of the company declared.
Imagination Technologies has licensed high-performance GPU designs, known as PowerVR graphics series, for use in Apple's A-series system on a chip (SoC) dating back to the original iPhone in 2007. The hires may herald an internal project to develop an Apple-designed GPU for use in future iOS projects, rather than rely on third parties for the technology.
Apple issued a statement in March admitting it had "some discussions" with Imagination involving an Apple buyout, but that it did not "plan to make an offer for the company at this time." Apple owns a 10 percent stake in the company.
Following the breakdown in talks, Chinese state-owned company Tsinghua took a 3 percent stake in Imagination as of May 4. Layoffs have wracked the company since.
Editor's note: A previous version of this story said Apple hired 25 employees away from Imagination late last year. Imagination later clarified the personnel moves took place over a two-year period.
Intel can offer the ability to integrate the modem into the SIP/SOC. The integration of the modem is important for the watch given the space constraints and power requirements. It is not nearly as critical for the iPhone and iPad.
It would seem inevitable that Intel will build the SIP for the watch. The watch will likely cannibalize the iPhone. I know that I would get rid of the phone all together if the watch came with a cellular radio and I am able to tether the iPad to the watch for calls and data.
I am far less convinced that Intel will get the business for the iPad. The iPad is built primarily for mobile performance. TSMC is ahead of Intel with better yields, and lower cost.
Interesting times are ahead.
I remain convinced that the watch is the next disruptive technology. And Apple moving to control all of the technologies involved.
Apple is now going to own its own GPU. A nice development.
This could mean of course that real key personnel is following suit.
That's a quite aggressive move from Apple, effectively destroying a company.
Next year's iPhone 8(?)will have TSMC's 10nm application processor, so I will bet on the new GPU being integrated into the following year's 10nm chip: iPhone 8s, in 2018.
I think the company, or at least the exec were well aware where the company is heading. And it does makes sense somebody jump ship. Once certain people leaves, others may likely follow, especially to Apple. And if CEVA rises enough money, they could acquire IMG as well, which should be a nice fit.
If yes, then ex-Imagination employees might not be the best people to oversee that.
If no, then it doesn't seem like a healthy relationship, taking employees away from a crucial supplier.