Apple axes Wi-Fi router division, apparently signaling the end of AirPort



  • Reply 181 of 225
    altivec88 said:

    Do you really make decisions for your company based on single, anonymously sourced articles out on the internets? You say actions speak louder than words, but best I can tell, this one article consists only of words.

    If I were you, I'd give it a couple of days before you start ripping out the Airport extremes and replacing them with ... whatever. Apple likely hasn't made a statement yet because (1) They can't respond to every silly thing that gets written, and (2) depending on the complexity of how this (if there even is a this) relates to whatever might be under development down the pipeline, a statement would require some finesse. If the whole thing is nonsense, a statement that the whole thing is nonsense would be fairly easy to craft. If they're moving people around in preparation for some other thing that they have no intention of announcing yet, then crafting a response that addresses the current concerns while disclosing nothing about not-ready-for-primetime new things, well, that takes some verbal dexterity. 

    In any case, I'd give it a little time before you start making decisions based on scant and dubious information.

    P.S. Apple has never been in the habit of announcing new products or product updates before they're ready. I don't quite understand how you could have been a 'die hard Apple fanboy ... since 1984' and not have noticed that. 

    P.P.S. One thing Apple has been pretty good about announcing is when they intend to halt support for a product. Given the security concerns related to wireless networking, I would be stunned to find that they had quietly abandoned support long ago. In fact I know they haven't, since Airport routers got an update earlier this year.
    First off...  I appreciate your exuberance as a die hard Apple fanboy, however, I don't appreciate to have my abilities to run a company chastised over a simplification of one issue.  My decisions are based on a culmination of many things.   The biggest being I've lost my trust in Apple.  That is my feeling and Apple's actions the last few years is what caused it.  Right or Wrong... That's what I feel.  I am not going to explain the countless reasons why I have come to this conclusion but I'll leave you with one.

    The primary reason is the neglect and treatment of the Pro Market.  From Apertures death to the Final Cut X fiasco, I quickly learned that Apple has no qualms killing entire industries in a heart beat.  Its one thing to be all secretive like they have always been when your update timeline is somewhat consistent (12 to 18 month) but the Mac Pro has been updated only once in five years, and that one update was a side grade to say the least.  Our 12 core machines from 2010 cost 1/3 as much and are far more expandable and upgradable than what is available today, 6 years later.   I just wonder what your take on the handling of the Mac Pro is?   I am curious to hear how long I should wait for new Mac Pro's in order to meet your qualifications of making good decisions for my company?

    The router situation is just something else to tack on to a long list of things.  As mentioned.  This isn't a simple article on a rumour site.  This is plastered on every tech site on the internet  (some incorrectly stating it as fact)  with discussions going on at a mega level.   If they think books and christmas trees are more important than firing off a quick one liner settling this debacle down, then their is not much more for me left for me to say.  They don't have to reveal any secrets or products or anything.  Just phil saying, "hey guys, you know that router demise talk... Not true".  You may think its nonsense and that may very well be true but the level of discussion this is generating is harming Apple. Hopefully you understand that my intentions are quite the opposite of dragging Apple down.

    Sounds more like Chicken Little running around demanding that God confirm it was just a pea. ;-)
  • Reply 182 of 225
    Sounds more like Chicken Little running around demanding that God confirm it was just a pea. ;-)
    Do some of you work for Apple or something.  I just don't get it.  Where did I demand anything?

    What I did say, its in Apple's best interest to quash these negative articles if they are not true when it becomes viral like this.  But no, to some of you, its in Apple's best interest to just absorb these negative lies and watch their Airport sales tank in the mean time.    Heck even this site has another article with the factual title "With Apple abandoning Airport, here are the best alternative Wi-Fi routers for Mac Users"

    Yup. I'm the bad guy here.
  • Reply 183 of 225
    altivec88 said:

    Do you really make decisions for your company based on single, anonymously sourced articles out on the internets? You say actions speak louder than words, but best I can tell, this one article consists only of words.

    If I were you, I'd give it a couple of days before you start ripping out the Airport extremes and replacing them with ... whatever. Apple likely hasn't made a statement yet because (1) They can't respond to every silly thing that gets written, and (2) depending on the complexity of how this (if there even is a this) relates to whatever might be under development down the pipeline, a statement would require some finesse. If the whole thing is nonsense, a statement that the whole thing is nonsense would be fairly easy to craft. If they're moving people around in preparation for some other thing that they have no intention of announcing yet, then crafting a response that addresses the current concerns while disclosing nothing about not-ready-for-primetime new things, well, that takes some verbal dexterity. 

    In any case, I'd give it a little time before you start making decisions based on scant and dubious information.

    P.S. Apple has never been in the habit of announcing new products or product updates before they're ready. I don't quite understand how you could have been a 'die hard Apple fanboy ... since 1984' and not have noticed that. 

    P.P.S. One thing Apple has been pretty good about announcing is when they intend to halt support for a product. Given the security concerns related to wireless networking, I would be stunned to find that they had quietly abandoned support long ago. In fact I know they haven't, since Airport routers got an update earlier this year.
    First off...  I appreciate your exuberance as a die hard Apple fanboy, however, I don't appreciate to have my abilities to run a company chastised over a simplification of one issue.  My decisions are based on a culmination of many things.   The biggest being I've lost my trust in Apple.  That is my feeling and Apple's actions the last few years is what caused it.  Right or Wrong... That's what I feel.  I am not going to explain the countless reasons why I have come to this conclusion but I'll leave you with one.

    The primary reason is the neglect and treatment of the Pro Market.  From Apertures death to the Final Cut X fiasco, I quickly learned that Apple has no qualms killing entire industries in a heart beat.  Its one thing to be all secretive like they have always been when your update timeline is somewhat consistent (12 to 18 month) but the Mac Pro has been updated only once in five years, and that one update was a side grade to say the least.  Our 12 core machines from 2010 cost 1/3 as much and are far more expandable and upgradable than what is available today, 6 years later.   I just wonder what your take on the handling of the Mac Pro is?   I am curious to hear how long I should wait for new Mac Pro's in order to meet your qualifications of making good decisions for my company?

    The router situation is just something else to tack on to a long list of things.  As mentioned.  This isn't a simple article on a rumour site.  This is plastered on every tech site on the internet  (some incorrectly stating it as fact)  with discussions going on at a mega level.   If they think books and christmas trees are more important than firing off a quick one liner settling this debacle down, then their is not much more for me left for me to say.  They don't have to reveal any secrets or products or anything.  Just phil saying, "hey guys, you know that router demise talk... Not true".  You may think its nonsense and that may very well be true but the level of discussion this is generating is harming Apple. Hopefully you understand that my intentions are quite the opposite of dragging Apple down.

    I read a lot about people using FCPX as an example  that Apple has abandoned pros. The only FCPX fiasco was the actual launch. Since then it has come a long way and is very competitive with similar apps. Believe it or not, the FCPX (and LPX) community is strong and growing. This site is a great place to start
    edited November 2016 williamlondon
  • Reply 184 of 225

    I read a lot about people using FCPX as an example  that Apple has abandoned pros. The only FCPX fiasco was the actual launch. Since then it has come a long way and is very competitive with similar apps. Believe it or not, the FCPX (and LPX) community is strong and growing. This site is a great place to start
    I absolutely agree with you with FCPX.  I love it.  As you mentioned, it was the launch, specifically, the missing features that were in v7 (Most are now back and its better than ever.)   The problem is, the launch caused many, and i mean many Pro users to abandon FCP.  Once someone leaves and gets settled into a new environment, its very hard to get them back.   Even if FXPX became unquestionably superior in all regards,  why would someone come back, when Apple's pro hardware is 3 years old.  Its a trust thing.  Just like Aperture, the MacPro or FCPX can be killed in heart beat.

    If Apple really wants to be in the pro market,  they got to get the community to trust them again.  How they do that, I don't know.
  • Reply 185 of 225
    altivec88 said:
    Sounds more like Chicken Little running around demanding that God confirm it was just a pea. ;-)
    Do some of you work for Apple or something.  I just don't get it.  Where did I demand anything?

    What I did say, its in Apple's best interest to quash these negative articles if they are not true when it becomes viral like this.  But no, to some of you, its in Apple's best interest to just absorb these negative lies and watch their Airport sales tank in the mean time.    Heck even this site has another article with the factual title "With Apple abandoning Airport, here are the best alternative Wi-Fi routers for Mac Users"

    Yup. I'm the bad guy here.
    Sadly you sometimes write a thoughtful piece on this website and receive trite negative one-liners in response. Please don't stop writing thoughtful pieces, even if they are unpopular.
    altivec88tallest skil
  • Reply 186 of 225
    larryjwlarryjw Posts: 1,036member
    With all that cash sitting offshore and Apple executives having no idea how to use it, Apple has decided to exit the computer and software business entirely, reincorporating as a entertainment company.

    The new campus, envisioned originally by Steve Jobs as place for building the latest innovative products, will be repurposed as a tourist attraction, museum and organic park and garden featuring the works of Jony Ive and his team. Visitors can experience the soothing zen-like (some say somnambulistic) incantations of Jony Ive as one views the living sculptures of employees reenacting their previously functional roles of building products that made customers want to buy and use their computers, phones, and iPads. 

    The new campus theater, meant originally for announcing and showcasing Apple's latest products, will showcase long-dead musicians, preserved for your wonder and amazement by Jony Ive's team of embalmers, and reanimated with Disney's latest animatronics. 

    I, for one, am looking forward to this newest California attraction. 
  • Reply 187 of 225
    altivec88 said:
    Sounds more like Chicken Little running around demanding that God confirm it was just a pea. ;-)
    Do some of you work for Apple or something.  I just don't get it.  Where did I demand anything?

    What I did say, its in Apple's best interest to quash these negative articles if they are not true when it becomes viral like this.  But no, to some of you, its in Apple's best interest to just absorb these negative lies and watch their Airport sales tank in the mean time.    Heck even this site has another article with the factual title "With Apple abandoning Airport, here are the best alternative Wi-Fi routers for Mac Users"

    Yup. I'm the bad guy here.
    That's funny, first I think most people don't pay any attention to these blogs, so they aren't likely not to buy (in significant numbers) and negatively affect sales of these products, and for those that do, the comments I've seen are, "I'm going to run out and buy 2." If it becomes a problem, then Apple may comment, but to expect them to comment on every single internet blogger article is simply asking them to validate the profane and silly. Apple is above getting all worked up with these sorts of stories, and I for one am glad of it. It shows decorum on their part.

    Regardless, the negativity of people who assume end of world never ceases to amaze me. There is no official statement from Apple about EOL of these products, they are still selling and supporting them, the team was neither fired nor laid off, they were reassigned, that's all the *rumour* reported. If you are paranoid or generally negative you might assume the worst rather than wonder if this might indicate something really exciting for the future. These people are still working for Apple, their expertise and skills are being incorporated into other products, how ever does that spell doom? Well, it all depends on your outlook I suppose.

    No sense getting all worked up until there is something about which to get all worked up, and a rumour on a blog (despite being copied the internet over) doesn't count as something to worry about.
  • Reply 188 of 225
    Apple needs to be careful not to transform itself into a company of expensive but expendable products. Reduce the product lines of vocal users such Professional users and put an end in the various lines of software and accessories that make the Apple ecosystem so valuable and well integrated to prioritize a single product, the iPhone, in my humble opinion, it may not be a very wise move.
  • Reply 189 of 225
    polymnia said:
    Eero, eer I come!
    unknwntrr said:
    I don't think hey'll discontinue the TimeCapsule or the Express, but they don't need their own team to build those products. Apple has too many services tied into its wireless lineup to scrap those products OR maybe they'll integrate the functionality into the Apple TV. I don't own a TV, but I guess the mass market would be there instead of in standalone routers and NAS for TimeMachine. Imagine an Apple TV with 8TB for movies and backups, functioning as a homekit hub.
    You're on to something there
  • Reply 190 of 225
    sevenfeet said:
    I'm surprised that one of the other obvious decision points for Apple hasn't been discussed.  Back in the early days of Airport, Apple was the first to bring out a wireless router and for a long time was pretty much the only one most people wanted.  That's changed over the years but the big change in recent years is that wifi is built into the broadband routers of most providers (Comcast, AT&T, etc).  So most people no longer have to bring their own Wifi anymore unless they want to for a specific reason.  Yes, there's the geek and gaming markets that will always want state-of-the-art but outside of that, most people don't bother buying a router anymore.

    With sales down, you're serving a fraction of the market you used to and it's not getting any better.  Yes, it's a sad day since Apple virtually pioneered this space but it's not the end of the world.
    Most people don't bother buying a router anymore but they never stopped bitching about how horrible Wi-Fi is in their house when they use the privider's Wi-Fi. 
  • Reply 191 of 225
    Trust me, I won't lose any sleep over it.   Our opinions differ.  You feel a company shouldn't act when lies go viral and I do (unless of course what is being reported is the truth).  You feel that no harm to Apple is being done by this and I do.  Just a matter of opinions really and I don't think we are going to change each others minds, so we'll leave it that.

    The ignoring of the MacPro on the other hand is causing me to lose sleep, but that's a different storey.

  • Reply 192 of 225
    altivec88 said:
    Trust me, I won't lose any sleep over it.   Our opinions differ.  You feel a company shouldn't act when lies go viral and I do (unless of course what is being reported is the truth).  You feel that no harm to Apple is being done by this and I do.  Just a matter of opinions really and I don't think we are going to change each others minds, so we'll leave it that.

    The ignoring of the MacPro on the other hand is causing me to lose sleep, but that's a different storey.
    Yes, well, I guess we'll see how Apple fares as a company and whether this approach is best, time will tell. :smile:

    As for the Mac Pro lack of update, that's actually very interesting too (as an aside I know, not part of this thread), but someone recently posted a link to a cnet or Macworld article (I forget which), nothing too earth shattering in it except they were commenting on how someone found a string in macOS I think it was that indicated a new product with 10 USB-C connections. The interesting bit about the rumour wasn't so much the 10 USB-C ports, but that it was written *before* the MacBook Pro launch which as you know is now going all-in with USB-C exclusively for its ports. What this means? Perhaps nothing, but it's very interesting that the Mac Pro has 10 ports today and only now that the MBP has launched (plus the Retina Macbook) can we assume with confidence that Apple is going all-in across all their lines with USB-C. Again, perhaps nothing, but it just seemed a bit too coincidental, so maybe, just maybe a new Mac Pro is coming soon. This is probably old news, but if not, thought you might like to know. Fingers crossed, I'd love to see an update to that machine, another product for me to desire (strongly!).
  • Reply 193 of 225
    Yah, I read that quite a while ago (maybe close to a year now), it was actually found in El-Capitain and it was for 10 USB-3 ports.   I think 10 USB-C ports would be overkill but I'll take it. LOL.  Actually, I would take anything any this point as long as its got new E5v4 cpus and updated graphics cards.  MacWorld UK says MacPro updates no later then end of November.   That deadline is coming around really soon, so we'll see.  Its the last shred of hope I have left for Mac Pro's.  After that, I really got to do something, I've got dead machines left and right here and I just keep telling everyone, lets just hang in there.  I've got people, including myself, bringing in there home computers every day just to get by.
  • Reply 194 of 225
    altivec88 said:
    Yah, I read that quite a while ago (maybe close to a year now), it was actually found in El-Capitain and it was for 10 USB-3 ports.   I think 10 USB-C ports would be overkill but I'll take it. LOL.  Actually, I would take anything any this point as long as its got new E5v4 cpus and updated graphics cards.  MacWorld UK says MacPro updates no later then end of November.   That deadline is coming around really soon, so we'll see.  Its the last shred of hope I have left for Mac Pro's.  After that, I really got to do something, I've got dead machines left and right here and I just keep telling everyone, lets just hang in there.  I've got people, including myself, bringing in there home computers every day just to get by.
    Sorry, not USB-C, USB 3, but I think it still implies the USB-C connector, which means 10 TB3 ports as well, which makes sense. I'd expect them to take the machine in same direction regarding ports the Mac Pro supports as their other two laptops already have gone. Yeah, they said end of November, well, that's probably not going to happen, but I just thought the fact it was published before the MBP launched gives it more credibility than mere hope or faith an update is coming. Hopefully, they'll update it along with the iMac, and I know this is rather a long shot, but I'd love a new Mac mini.
  • Reply 195 of 225
    longpath said:
    Since it seems that a sizable chunk of the router team was folded into the Apple TV team, and the direction of the 4th gen Apple TV seems to be as a control hub for HomeKit, perhaps a 5th gen Apple TV would be a merger of Airport and Apple TV. I know, I'm looking for a silver lining.
    Perhaps the 5h generation of Apple TV will also be a router. It would only make sense. If you have more than one Apple TV in the house, they would form a mesh network. 
  • Reply 197 of 225
    pigybank said:
    I'm one dumb move like this away from selling all of my stock, and I own quite a bit.  So what about Time Capsule and Time Machine?  What about AirPlay and Airport Express?  The list goes on and on.  Back before I had an Airport Router I had to replace my Belkin router 5 times under its lifetime warranty.  This is just plain dumb IMO. 
    Same here. Own quite a bit of AAPL and wondering if it's time to sell. The bean counter in chief is destroying Apple with his asinine decisions. 
  • Reply 198 of 225
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    altivec88 said:
    flaneur said:
    evilution said:
    When 802.11ax and 5G become actual things, Apple will move people onto this project. There is no point having experts sitting around not working on a product so they may as well be improving future products. These people haven't been fired.
    This makes more sense. 11ax isn't even close to being ratified, there really isn't anything more you can do to improve on the devices, so why have the team working on that. I think this is a whole lot of hoopla over nothing people. No one got fired, they are just working on something different right now, probably all dealing with networking technologies while we wait for 11ax to come close to ratification.

    Also, bear in mind, there is a whole lot of people who like using that ecosystem for their networking because it "just works". From Macs, to Phones, to Pads, and TVs; their system just works. Also, people do use AirPlay a whole lot, unless that has become open sourced, they will not get out of the networking business for that reason alone.
    One hundred posts to get a rational comment. Actually there were a couple of others, but they did not contain the term "bean counter."

    I can't believe how overwhelmed emotional people have allowed themselves to become. 

    Although the comment is rational, there is a lot more to do then just new hardware.  When a router is involved, security is paramount.  Knowing that there is no team watching over this to update firmware and/or software is a deal breaker.
    As for people becoming emotional.  You got that right but the part that you got wrong is the "have allowed themselves" part.   Apple has caused this culture change from us long time loyalist praising and promoting their products to frustration and anger.   Killing off products for no other reason than profit margins is the beginning of the end for Apple.  The reason Apple is successful is because of the entire ecosystem being simple and easy to use.  Some people are wiling to pay more just not to have problems.  Although, Monitors, Airports, Mac Mini's, Mac Pro's, 17" macbooks are not big money makers directly, they allow the ecosystem to thrive and keep the entire experience in Apple's control.  By taking these things away, you introduce new variables and potential for problems.  If people have to deal with these problems anyways, why would they pay more for Apple.

    I know our company, buys MacBooks, iPads, iPhones because they work seamlessly with our Mac mini servers and Mac Pro work stations (and airport extreme).  Take our Mac Pro's and mini's away and the rest goes too.   The problem is that Apple management is too high on themselves to listen to the anger and frustration that continues to grow louder and louder. Mac Pros are over a thousand days old for pete sake and there is absolutely no communication of what's going on.

    When the one trick iPhone pony comes to an end, that will be the only time Tim and company will listen.   The problem with that is that it will be too late.  Apple is squandering away what any company would kill to have, and those are the true loyal evangelists that helped make this company what it is.
    No, you guys are doing this to yourselves. There is no proof, none, that Apple has abandoned the Mac Pro, and every reason to assume that there is a good cause for the long delay. Lack of processors, impending graphics upgrades, rethinking of the inner or outer architecture, lack of engineering personnel available while the MacBook Pros were being pushed out, etc. These are the ways a rational, not an emotional, person approaches the question. Wait and see patiently.

    As for the missing Apple 4 and 5K monitors, there is every reason to rationally conclude that no display manufacturer, not LG, Samsung, Sharp nor Japan Display has yet mastered the production technology well enough to supply Apple with enough IGZO-backed screens to custom package some millions for their customers.

    And so on. This handwringing over the Airport is all being wasted on an imagined (so far) crisis. It would be comical if it weren't so sad. The Internet has made people insane with imagined slights from evil entities. Look at how Dysmoria, for example, is frothing over this, assuming he's not a paid troll. I really wish you guys would start dropping acid again and get some vision. Steve Jobs nailed it. You're virgins.
  • Reply 199 of 225
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    AppleZulu said:
    Now I'll offer a short rant.

    This story is what's wrong with newsmedia in the current age. One article, -based on an unnamed source- gets written, and this site, macrumors, and apparently dozens of other tech sites are now screaming from the hills that Apple is abandoning WiFi routers!

    I think the story is fundamentally incorrect, and I predict a statement in the near future from Apple that says something to the effect that "Apple is not abandoning its AirPort and Time Capsule product lines. We will continue to manufacture, sell, and support these products for the foreseeable future. Apple's customers can rest assured that they can continue to enjoy these reliable and simple to use wireless networking products."

    In this case, other than people briefly getting their drawers in a wad over false, or at best incorrectly interpreted (and anonymously sourced), information about internal staffing decisions at a private company, this really isn't that important. When Apple corrects the record, people will shrug and say, "oh, well never mind, then."  They'll move on and forget all about it.

    Unfortunately, there are a lot of far more important things that people read, share, and react to based on scant or dubious information, and much more important decisions get made that will affect real people's lives in significant ways. We as human beings have got to learn to be better than that.
    Hear, hear. Well said.
  • Reply 200 of 225
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    altivec88 said:
    Yah, I read that quite a while ago (maybe close to a year now), it was actually found in El-Capitain and it was for 10 USB-3 ports.   I think 10 USB-C ports would be overkill but I'll take it. LOL.  Actually, I would take anything any this point as long as its got new E5v4 cpus and updated graphics cards.  MacWorld UK says MacPro updates no later then end of November.   That deadline is coming around really soon, so we'll see.  Its the last shred of hope I have left for Mac Pro's.  After that, I really got to do something, I've got dead machines left and right here and I just keep telling everyone, lets just hang in there.  I've got people, including myself, bringing in there home computers every day just to get by.
    I see your predicament better here. My sympathies. Apple's policy of not telegraphing their intentions has a definite cruel side.

    On the other hand, this brou-ha over Airport may be all for naught. Now on to the other thread you mentioned about AI's advice to the Airport trauma sufferers.
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