Apple scaling back iPhone 7 production as early demand fades - report



  • Reply 121 of 123
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    tzeshan said:
    sog35 said:
    How is this a surprise?

    Why would people want to buy a phone with a 3 year old design?  I mean seriously. If someone holds their phone for 2 year, this phone will have a 5 year old design at the end of their ownership cycle.

    To release the same phone design THREE YEARS IN A ROW is the height of Apple's arrogance. But that's Tim Cook's Apple for you. The amount of mistakes this idiot CEO has made is ridiculous.

    I hope this iPhone 6SS sells like crap. Hope the stock tanks hard by early 2017. And the board/shareholders wake up and fire Tim Cook. With a competent CEO who actually cares about growing the business and brand (instead of going on some dumb ass social crusade) this stock would be at $200 by now.

    I agree with you CEO is inept but for various different reasons.  He failed to exploit the tremendous popularity and goodwill of iPhone to fend off competition.  He wants to look like a nice guy.  Maybe for the obvious reason he is afraid to be criticized. Android phones have 88% global market share.  It is much higher than iPhone primarily because of price.  Why Apple would not lower the price?  Lower price will increase sales have been tried and proven true.  Just look at black Friday sales.  Tim Cook may be afraid lower price will hurt profit margin.  If this is his reason his math skill is very poor.  Lower price will hurt profit margin.  But what is the concern?  Of course the concern is the stock price.  But will lower price cause stock to drop 30% or more?  This is where I see Cook and CFO are wrong.  AAPL PE ratio is only 13.  This is much lower than other Dow Jones stocks and high tech stocks.  Will the market drop the PE more because of lower profit margin?  I am willing to bet it will not, 

    you do know that Apple make 90% of all the profits in the smart phone market, the 88% making Android is only making 10% of the profits and most are loosing money. Which bank account do you want the guy who sell the most and possibly can not pay his bills or the guy with more money than he knows what to do with. This whole sell more for less money idea is so stupid. You obviously do not under stand basic math let along Brand value and Apple is about brand value. Apple PE is low because Wall Street can not manipulate Apple into do what they want. Wall Street only worries about QoQ number nothings else, they have the inability to look long term.

    If you take and good Marketing class at a good business school they tell you the price is the price and you never discount the price as soon as you do this, the market lowers its expectation of value of your product. Apple understand this all too well. Apple lowering the price will not make any more profits for them. it most likely will cut into profit and give other companies an opportunity to increase their profits. Why would Apple want to help the competition, Apple has taken the wind out every companies sails.

  • Reply 122 of 123
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    crowley said:
    maestro64 said:
    ireland said:
    It's an expensive phone. In Europe the phone starts at $825 including 23% tax. $635 excluding tax.

    I reckon if the phone started at €649 instead of €779 it'd be an awful lot more popular for new phone buyers here.

    Gee 23% tax, in the US it more like 6% to 8%. No wonder the EU is in trouble you have to tax the hell out of people so they can pay for all the free services people coming to the EU want. Now you know why the UK decided to exit
    The EU doesn't set a sales tax, and doesn't directly provide free services, countries are free to tax and provide what they want.  The UK has a 20% VAT rate now, similar to most other countries in the bloc, but not because of any obligation, and it'll likely have the exact same rate after the exit.

    really, how do you think governments pay for all the services they provide, they pay for it with your taxes, and the EU does dictate what EU member much do to stay in the EU. Why do you think the EU is trying to force Ireland to tax Apple at a higher rate. BTW, when I said the EU it was short for all the EU countries which follow a similar set of rules put forward by the EU governing body.
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