9 to 5 brought that up a few days ago, suggesting that it's more support for Apple's A-series appearing in a MacBook at some point, perhaps sooner rather than later.
It certainly helps support any rebuttal for those that argue that it's impossible to run macOS on anything but an x86-based processor. Some people are stuck in this "ARM isn't powerful enough to run a real OS" mindset.
The oddest of the arguments is that it would be too much work for Apple to convert macOS to run on ARM despite Apple probably having the most experience in changing architectures with an advanced desktop OS with great success.
Leave it to you bozos to always find something to gripe about.
I don't know that I'd call this "griping" but in any case, what's wrong with pointing out the blatantly obvious: that this isn't good news.
If your sitting in a theater waiting for a show to start and they come out and announce that the delay is caused by technical difficulties, I doubt too many people are going to say "thank god they didn't start the show with bad audio; I'm just glad they are taking the time to get it right." A more natural reaction is "that sucks, I wanted the show to start on time; I hope it doesn't take too long to fix."
Yeah, yeah, it's not a perfect metaphor because we haven't bought tickets to anything, but still it's perfectly reasonable to "gripe" when something you're looking forward to isn't delivered when you were told and the latest rumor is "they're still working out the kinks."
This is good news.
This is just shows that Apple cares about quality.
Comparing a mundane act of showing a movie compared to release a brand new technology is ridiculous.
A better comparison is a stuntman who is attempting to jump over a bridge. But at the last moment they realize the motorcycle engine is not running just right. Do you want him to try it anyway? Would you be bitter disappointed?
To me the state of Apple R&D is what's worrisome. If Apple announces a product in September due to be released in october... and come Dec the products most fundamental functionality is not yet solved ....it makes me wonder what the state of R&D at Apple is. I thought they would be years ahead in whats cooking in their labs.... but apparently not so... they are still working out issues on a past product. ..... what does that say about the state of future products. why announce something when the most basic of its functionality is not resolved. If this airpod thing can happen ..... how far ahead is Apple's vision and product planning and pipeline?
This makes sense. I have hearing aids that work with my iPhone. They are great in many ways. But, this is one issue, since they have separate connections things can get a little strange "between the ears" at times when listening to sound from my iPhone. I thought this was why the Beats earphones have a wire between them when the AI review of the Beats earphones asked for complete wireless. Be careful what you ask for. I hope they have a good solution. Bless those Apple engineers.
Yeah, the kind of hellish time those guys would be having if SJ was hearing this. heads would be rolling.
Under SJ the white iPhone 4 was delayed pretty much a full year with near-zero explanation, along with many other delays. Stop pretending like if SJ was in charge everything would magically work out like clockwork, or that employee's fear of him would magically solve the most complex engineering problems.
What ever man, fact, Tim decided to announce these things before they were clearly ready, they might be some understanding if these problems were after launch, technical glitches are nothing new to brand new products, even with the preceding yammering, it be nothing new and IMHO been better, but this is an internally detected corncerpt defect of a very fundamental function of the product, an issue that should have been first to be perfected and resolved before even considering an announcement, Jobs being so product obsessive would have better insured this, that's all I'm saying. No one claimed he was perfect and infallible but his absents at Apple, though it can't be helped, is sorely undeniable, R.I.P to the turtle-necked one.
"RIP to the turtle-necked one." — Before you get all smarmy like this, consider that you don't know the facts about the delay. The WSJ story is ridiculous on its face, and the writer has no idea how the Airpods work. Gruber does. Read what he says.
And what the hell does "his absents at Apple . . . is sorely undeniable" even mean?
Leave it to you bozos to always find something to gripe about.
I don't know that I'd call this "griping" but in any case, what's wrong with pointing out the blatantly obvious: that this isn't good news.
If your sitting in a theater waiting for a show to start and they come out and announce that the delay is caused by technical difficulties, I doubt too many people are going to say "thank god they didn't start the show with bad audio; I'm just glad they are taking the time to get it right." A more natural reaction is "that sucks, I wanted the show to start on time; I hope it doesn't take too long to fix."
Yeah, yeah, it's not a perfect metaphor because we haven't bought tickets to anything, but still it's perfectly reasonable to "gripe" when something you're looking forward to isn't delivered when you were told and the latest rumor is "they're still working out the kinks."
This is good news.
This is just shows that Apple cares about quality.
Comparing a mundane act of showing a movie compared to release a brand new technology is ridiculous.
A better comparison is a stuntman who is attempting to jump over a bridge. But at the last moment they realize the motorcycle engine is not running just right. Do you want him to try it anyway? Would you be bitter disappointed?
To me the state of Apple R&D is what's worrisome. If Apple announces a product in September due to be released in october... and come Dec the products most fundamental functionality is not yet solved ....it makes me wonder what the state of R&D at Apple is. I thought they would be years ahead in whats cooking in their labs.... but apparently not so... they are still working out issues on a past product. ..... what does that say about the state of future products. why announce something when the most basic of its functionality is not resolved. If this airpod thing can happen ..... how far ahead is Apple's vision and product planning and pipeline?
What does it say? it says this is a *rumor* and not fact.
Reputable Apple analyst John Gruber of Daring Fireball doesn't believe this rumor is true. He believes it's a manufacturing problem:
Leave it to you bozos to always find something to gripe about.
I don't know that I'd call this "griping" but in any case, what's wrong with pointing out the blatantly obvious: that this isn't good news.
If your sitting in a theater waiting for a show to start and they come out and announce that the delay is caused by technical difficulties, I doubt too many people are going to say "thank god they didn't start the show with bad audio; I'm just glad they are taking the time to get it right." A more natural reaction is "that sucks, I wanted the show to start on time; I hope it doesn't take too long to fix."
Yeah, yeah, it's not a perfect metaphor because we haven't bought tickets to anything, but still it's perfectly reasonable to "gripe" when something you're looking forward to isn't delivered when you were told and the latest rumor is "they're still working out the kinks."
This is good news.
This is just shows that Apple cares about quality.
Comparing a mundane act of showing a movie compared to release a brand new technology is ridiculous.
A better comparison is a stuntman who is attempting to jump over a bridge. But at the last moment they realize the motorcycle engine is not running just right. Do you want him to try it anyway? Would you be bitter disappointed?
To me the state of Apple R&D is what's worrisome. If Apple announces a product in September due to be released in october... and come Dec the products most fundamental functionality is not yet solved ....it makes me wonder what the state of R&D at Apple is. I thought they would be years ahead in whats cooking in their labs.... but apparently not so... they are still working out issues on a past product. ..... what does that say about the state of future products. why announce something when the most basic of its functionality is not resolved. If this airpod thing can happen ..... how far ahead is Apple's vision and product planning and pipeline?
What does it say? it says this is a *rumor* and not fact.
Reputable Apple analyst John Gruber of Daring Fireball doesn't believe this rumor is true. He believes it's a manufacturing problem:
This makes sense. I have hearing aids that work with my iPhone. They are great in many ways. But, this is one issue, since they have separate connections things can get a little strange "between the ears" at times when listening to sound from my iPhone. I thought this was why the Beats earphones have a wire between them when the AI review of the Beats earphones asked for complete wireless. Be careful what you ask for. I hope they have a good solution. Bless those Apple engineers.
Yeah, the kind of hellish time those guys would be having if SJ was hearing this. heads would be rolling.
Under SJ the white iPhone 4 was delayed pretty much a full year with near-zero explanation, along with many other delays. Stop pretending like if SJ was in charge everything would magically work out like clockwork, or that employee's fear of him would magically solve the most complex engineering problems.
What ever man, fact, Tim decided to announce these things before they were clearly ready, they might be some understanding if these problems were after launch, technical glitches are nothing new to brand new products, even with the preceding yammering, it be nothing new and IMHO been better, but this is an internally detected corncerpt defect of a very fundamental function of the product, an issue that should have been first to be perfected and resolved before even considering an announcement, Jobs being so product obsessive would have better insured this, that's all I'm saying. No one claimed he was perfect and infallible but his absents at Apple, though it can't be helped, is sorely undeniable, R.I.P to the turtle-necked one.
1) this is a rumor story, not fact.
2) Gruber's sources deny this story is true.
3) Jobs had production problems as well, so claiming it wouldn't happen if he were alive is cliche bunk.
I never claimed it wouldn't happen if he were alive, the rumor is about why the Air Pods were delayed which isn't the point of what I'm saying, the point is that they were DELAYED,that's a Fact, and in such a manner that suggests that the product shouldn't have been announced the way it was if it was not ready, you can excuse this if you feel and lambaste me for pointing at this real flaw if it makes you feel good about you're self and makes you feel like you know and understand Apple better than anyone here, but Steve Jobs is Apple and pretending that the company hasn't lost a huge part of its magic is up to you if you, if you can't feel it then I'm glad for you, but to me something just not the same.
This makes sense. I have hearing aids that work with my iPhone. They are great in many ways. But, this is one issue, since they have separate connections things can get a little strange "between the ears" at times when listening to sound from my iPhone. I thought this was why the Beats earphones have a wire between them when the AI review of the Beats earphones asked for complete wireless. Be careful what you ask for. I hope they have a good solution. Bless those Apple engineers.
Yeah, the kind of hellish time those guys would be having if SJ was hearing this. heads would be rolling.
Under SJ the white iPhone 4 was delayed pretty much a full year with near-zero explanation, along with many other delays. Stop pretending like if SJ was in charge everything would magically work out like clockwork, or that employee's fear of him would magically solve the most complex engineering problems.
What ever man, fact, Tim decided to announce these things before they were clearly ready, they might be some understanding if these problems were after launch, technical glitches are nothing new to brand new products, even with the preceding yammering, it be nothing new and IMHO been better, but this is an internally detected corncerpt defect of a very fundamental function of the product, an issue that should have been first to be perfected and resolved before even considering an announcement, Jobs being so product obsessive would have better insured this, that's all I'm saying. No one claimed he was perfect and infallible but his absents at Apple, though it can't be helped, is sorely undeniable, R.I.P to the turtle-necked one.
"RIP to the turtle-necked one." — Before you get all smarmy like this, consider that you don't know the facts about the delay. The WSJ story is ridiculous on its face, and the writer has no idea how the Airpods work. Gruber does. Read what he says.
And what the hell does "his absents at Apple . . . is sorely undeniable" even mean?
It means that there is a very palpable and visible deference between Apple with Steve running things and one with out him, the man was the thread that stitched that place together IMHO and his absents there is something perceivable to me some how and I don't think I'm the only one, this isn't criticism to the current leadership as no one can replace the man, it's more saddened reminiscence and recognition of the prowess of Steve Jobs and this article just reminded me, and to be orhnest I'm not all that excited by these Air Pods, to me they seem to compromised for esthetic appeal, which I suspect is more to the delay than anything, they are too tiny, unessesarily, this design should have been generation two or three IMO
This makes sense. I have hearing aids that work with my iPhone. They are great in many ways. But, this is one issue, since they have separate connections things can get a little strange "between the ears" at times when listening to sound from my iPhone. I thought this was why the Beats earphones have a wire between them when the AI review of the Beats earphones asked for complete wireless. Be careful what you ask for. I hope they have a good solution. Bless those Apple engineers.
Yeah, the kind of hellish time those guys would be having if SJ was hearing this. heads would be rolling.
Under SJ the white iPhone 4 was delayed pretty much a full year with near-zero explanation, along with many other delays. Stop pretending like if SJ was in charge everything would magically work out like clockwork, or that employee's fear of him would magically solve the most complex engineering problems.
What ever man, fact, Tim decided to announce these things before they were clearly ready, they might be some understanding if these problems were after launch, technical glitches are nothing new to brand new products, even with the preceding yammering, it be nothing new and IMHO been better, but this is an internally detected corncerpt defect of a very fundamental function of the product, an issue that should have been first to be perfected and resolved before even considering an announcement, Jobs being so product obsessive would have better insured this, that's all I'm saying. No one claimed he was perfect and infallible but his absents at Apple, though it can't be helped, is sorely undeniable, R.I.P to the turtle-necked one.
1) this is a rumor story, not fact.
2) Gruber's sources deny this story is true.
3) Jobs had production problems as well, so claiming it wouldn't happen if he were alive is cliche bunk.
I never claimed it wouldn't happen if he were alive, the rumor is about why the Air Pods were delayed which isn't the point of what I'm saying, the point is that they were DELAYED,that's a Fact, and in such a manner that suggests that the product shouldn't have been announced the way it was if it was not ready, you can excuse this if you feel and lambaste me for pointing at this real flaw if it makes you feel good about you're self and makes you feel like you know and understand Apple better than anyone here, but Steve Jobs is Apple and pretending that the company hasn't lost a huge part of its magic is up to you if you, if you can't feel it then I'm glad for you, but to me something just not the same.
No. We all know it's delayed. What we don't know is that it's some "core issue" just being discovered now as he rumor suggests, and as you lambasted them for, while also claiming it wouldn't happen under Jobs. Your words:
"this is an internally detected corncerpt defect of a very fundamental function of the product, an issue that should have been first to be perfected and resolved before even considering an announcement, Jobs being so product obsessive would have better insured this,"
...again, that's nonsense because this is a rumor, and what's more a disputed rumor by Gruber's sources in apple and in contact with the airpods team.
Then you throw in the "Steve Jobs would never!" trope. Tired, cliche, and ignorant of any facts.
This makes sense. I have hearing aids that work with my iPhone. They are great in many ways. But, this is one issue, since they have separate connections things can get a little strange "between the ears" at times when listening to sound from my iPhone. I thought this was why the Beats earphones have a wire between them when the AI review of the Beats earphones asked for complete wireless. Be careful what you ask for. I hope they have a good solution. Bless those Apple engineers.
Yeah, the kind of hellish time those guys would be having if SJ was hearing this. heads would be rolling.
Under SJ the white iPhone 4 was delayed pretty much a full year with near-zero explanation, along with many other delays. Stop pretending like if SJ was in charge everything would magically work out like clockwork, or that employee's fear of him would magically solve the most complex engineering problems.
What ever man, fact, Tim decided to announce these things before they were clearly ready, they might be some understanding if these problems were after launch, technical glitches are nothing new to brand new products, even with the preceding yammering, it be nothing new and IMHO been better, but this is an internally detected corncerpt defect of a very fundamental function of the product, an issue that should have been first to be perfected and resolved before even considering an announcement, Jobs being so product obsessive would have better insured this, that's all I'm saying. No one claimed he was perfect and infallible but his absents at Apple, though it can't be helped, is sorely undeniable, R.I.P to the turtle-necked one.
"RIP to the turtle-necked one." — Before you get all smarmy like this, consider that you don't know the facts about the delay. The WSJ story is ridiculous on its face, and the writer has no idea how the Airpods work. Gruber does. Read what he says.
And what the hell does "his absents at Apple . . . is sorely undeniable" even mean?
It means that there is a very palpable and visible deference between Apple with Steve running things and one with out him, the man was the thread that stitched that place together IMHO and his absents there is something perceivable to me some how and I don't think I'm the only one, this isn't criticism to the current leadership as no one can replace the man, it's more saddened reminiscence and recognition of the prowess of Steve Jobs and this article just reminded me, and to be orhnest I'm not all that excited by these Air Pods, to me they seem to compromised for esthetic appeal, which I suspect is more to the delay than anything, they are too tiny, unessesarily, this design should have been generation two or three IMO
Oh lord, the nonsense.
1) No, you're definitely not alone in saying Apple is doomed without Steve Jobs. See, that's why it's called a "troll trope" -- because it's used so often. Usually by low-count newbie, short-term posters to AI who phase in to say they're long time fans but apple sucks now, they're saddened, concerned, Steve Jobs would never, yada yada, and then phase out again. You are legion.
2) Your absurd judgment about a product you've never seen or touched let alone used comfirms your troll motivation. Thanks for the clarity!
1) No, you're definitely not alone in saying Apple is doomed without Steve Jobs. See, that's why it's called a "troll trope" -- because it's used so often. Usually by low-count newbie, short-term posters to AI who phase in to say they're long time fans but apple sucks now, they're saddened, concerned, Steve Jobs would never, yada yada, and then phase out again. You are legion.
2) Your absurd judgment about a product you've never seen or touched let alone used comfirms your troll motivation. Thanks for the clarity!
It's funny how Apple is doomed without Steve Jobs ,yet when he was CEO Apple was also doomed. From famous quotes like what Michael Dell would with Apple when hearing that they bought NeXTSTEP and Jobs became Interim-CEO, to the crazy direction Apple went with the iPod, to guaranteed failure of switching their desktop OS from PPC to x86, to Palm and Blackberry nee RiM's CEOs making claims about the iPhone, to the ridiculous product that was the iPad that didn't use a "real" OS and that MS had already bested them at 3 decades earlier, and every… other… fucking… product and announcement… in between. Apple is Doomed™¡
This makes sense. I have hearing aids that work with my iPhone. They are great in many ways. But, this is one issue, since they have separate connections things can get a little strange "between the ears" at times when listening to sound from my iPhone. I thought this was why the Beats earphones have a wire between them when the AI review of the Beats earphones asked for complete wireless. Be careful what you ask for. I hope they have a good solution. Bless those Apple engineers.
Yeah, the kind of hellish time those guys would be having if SJ was hearing this. heads would be rolling.
Under SJ the white iPhone 4 was delayed pretty much a full year with near-zero explanation, along with many other delays. Stop pretending like if SJ was in charge everything would magically work out like clockwork, or that employee's fear of him would magically solve the most complex engineering problems.
What ever man, fact, Tim decided to announce these things before they were clearly ready, they might be some understanding if these problems were after launch, technical glitches are nothing new to brand new products, even with the preceding yammering, it be nothing new and IMHO been better, but this is an internally detected corncerpt defect of a very fundamental function of the product, an issue that should have been first to be perfected and resolved before even considering an announcement, Jobs being so product obsessive would have better insured this, that's all I'm saying. No one claimed he was perfect and infallible but his absents at Apple, though it can't be helped, is sorely undeniable, R.I.P to the turtle-necked one.
"RIP to the turtle-necked one." — Before you get all smarmy like this, consider that you don't know the facts about the delay. The WSJ story is ridiculous on its face, and the writer has no idea how the Airpods work. Gruber does. Read what he says.
And what the hell does "his absents at Apple . . . is sorely undeniable" even mean?
It means that there is a very palpable and visible deference between Apple with Steve running things and one with out him, the man was the thread that stitched that place together IMHO and his absents there is something perceivable to me some how and I don't think I'm the only one, this isn't criticism to the current leadership as no one can replace the man, it's more saddened reminiscence and recognition of the prowess of Steve Jobs and this article just reminded me, and to be orhnest I'm not all that excited by these Air Pods, to me they seem to compromised for esthetic appeal, which I suspect is more to the delay than anything, they are too tiny, unessesarily, this design should have been generation two or three IMO
Well, clearly you do believe in magic, and then get yourself worked up over its perceived absence. That's the religious MO in a nutshell.
Steve Jobs the Buddhist would likely prefer that we move on from our attachments to the past and enjoy riding in the stream of innovation that the team he assembled produces. Very different from sentimental worship of the Apple guru era.
The AirPods are EarPods without wires. How are they compromised aesthetically? Do you like the wires so much? Methinks we'll get used to the look of the AirPods very quickly.
Problems completely avoidable by not having separate ear units. I have no idea why anyone would find this desirable, a band connecting the pods means less power draw, easier synchronisation, and it keeps the units together, more secure, and allows you to remove and hang them round your neck.
This makes sense. I have hearing aids that work with my iPhone. They are great in many ways. But, this is one issue, since they have separate connections things can get a little strange "between the ears" at times when listening to sound from my iPhone. I thought this was why the Beats earphones have a wire between them when the AI review of the Beats earphones asked for complete wireless. Be careful what you ask for. I hope they have a good solution. Bless those Apple engineers.
Yeah, the kind of hellish time those guys would be having if SJ was hearing this. heads would be rolling.
Under SJ the white iPhone 4 was delayed pretty much a full year with near-zero explanation, along with many other delays. Stop pretending like if SJ was in charge everything would magically work out like clockwork, or that employee's fear of him would magically solve the most complex engineering problems.
What ever man, fact, Tim decided to announce these things before they were clearly ready, they might be some understanding if these problems were after launch, technical glitches are nothing new to brand new products, even with the preceding yammering, it be nothing new and IMHO been better, but this is an internally detected corncerpt defect of a very fundamental function of the product, an issue that should have been first to be perfected and resolved before even considering an announcement, Jobs being so product obsessive would have better insured this, that's all I'm saying. No one claimed he was perfect and infallible but his absents at Apple, though it can't be helped, is sorely undeniable, R.I.P to the turtle-necked one.
1) this is a rumor story, not fact.
2) Gruber's sources deny this story is true.
3) Jobs had production problems as well, so claiming it wouldn't happen if he were alive is cliche bunk.
I never claimed it wouldn't happen if he were alive, the rumor is about why the Air Pods were delayed which isn't the point of what I'm saying, the point is that they were DELAYED,that's a Fact, and in such a manner that suggests that the product shouldn't have been announced the way it was if it was not ready, you can excuse this if you feel and lambaste me for pointing at this real flaw if it makes you feel good about you're self and makes you feel like you know and understand Apple better than anyone here, but Steve Jobs is Apple and pretending that the company hasn't lost a huge part of its magic is up to you if you, if you can't feel it then I'm glad for you, but to me something just not the same.
No. We all know it's delayed. What we don't know is that it's some "core issue" just being discovered now as he rumor suggests, and as you lambasted them for, while also claiming it wouldn't happen under Jobs. Your words:
"this is an internally detected corncerpt defect of a very fundamental function of the product, an issue that should have been first to be perfected and resolved before even considering an announcement, Jobs being so product obsessive would have better insured this,"
...again, that's nonsense because this is a rumor, and what's more a disputed rumor by Gruber's sources in apple and in contact with the airpods team.
Then you throw in the "Steve Jobs would never!" trope. Tired, cliche, and ignorant of any facts.
Gruber's sources represent rumors as well regardless of the "connection within Apple " per fix, but Offcause some are better than other's, my comment was on the assumption that this particular rumore was true with out the consideration of any other rumor or speculation, only considering this particular speculation as to be the cause of the Air Pods delay, and this could still be the cause, as it's not imposible for this to be the cause, hence its called rumore or more speculation, untill Apple officially serts the recod strate, in that view I find my coment apropreate, perhaps a little overstated, admittedly I had just read the "I am a Mac" article so feeling some kinda way, but there are no facts here, Guber isn't an Apple representative he just doing guess work like every one els, I guess we share a different outlook when it comes to the state of the company.
I think part of the problem is that there is so much utter crapp written about Apple that even legitimate concerns and contentment are lamped together with all the pure disdain against Apple that's out there, so I understand you're knee jerk reaction it's hard to filter everything out, but my general observations are that something just isn't right, I'm allowed to feel that way even if you don't agree or feel the same, that doesnt make me ignorant as youre in no better position either, the fact is there has always been Apple nei sayers and critics who've done so at some pretty ridiculous times and at very good desissions made by Apple, but, this company that I also like and want to see make the best possible products, isn't infallible, Apple isnt beyond mistakes and failure, I think that is more so with out Steve do you disagree ? Also when is the right time where "we" are in your view allowed to worry and bring up the "Tired, cliche, and ignorant of any facts tropes" in that case. Do you feel that Aple is still at the same perceived or not levels of excellence and brilliance as it was under SJ ?
This makes sense. I have hearing aids that work with my iPhone. They are great in many ways. But, this is one issue, since they have separate connections things can get a little strange "between the ears" at times when listening to sound from my iPhone. I thought this was why the Beats earphones have a wire between them when the AI review of the Beats earphones asked for complete wireless. Be careful what you ask for. I hope they have a good solution. Bless those Apple engineers.
Yeah, the kind of hellish time those guys would be having if SJ was hearing this. heads would be rolling.
Under SJ the white iPhone 4 was delayed pretty much a full year with near-zero explanation, along with many other delays. Stop pretending like if SJ was in charge everything would magically work out like clockwork, or that employee's fear of him would magically solve the most complex engineering problems.
What ever man, fact, Tim decided to announce these things before they were clearly ready, they might be some understanding if these problems were after launch, technical glitches are nothing new to brand new products, even with the preceding yammering, it be nothing new and IMHO been better, but this is an internally detected corncerpt defect of a very fundamental function of the product, an issue that should have been first to be perfected and resolved before even considering an announcement, Jobs being so product obsessive would have better insured this, that's all I'm saying. No one claimed he was perfect and infallible but his absents at Apple, though it can't be helped, is sorely undeniable, R.I.P to the turtle-necked one.
"RIP to the turtle-necked one." — Before you get all smarmy like this, consider that you don't know the facts about the delay. The WSJ story is ridiculous on its face, and the writer has no idea how the Airpods work. Gruber does. Read what he says.
And what the hell does "his absents at Apple . . . is sorely undeniable" even mean?
It means that there is a very palpable and visible deference between Apple with Steve running things and one with out him, the man was the thread that stitched that place together IMHO and his absents there is something perceivable to me some how and I don't think I'm the only one, this isn't criticism to the current leadership as no one can replace the man, it's more saddened reminiscence and recognition of the prowess of Steve Jobs and this article just reminded me, and to be orhnest I'm not all that excited by these Air Pods, to me they seem to compromised for esthetic appeal, which I suspect is more to the delay than anything, they are too tiny, unessesarily, this design should have been generation two or three IMO
Well, clearly you do believe in magic, and then get yourself worked up over its perceived absence. That's the religious MO in a nutshell.
Steve Jobs the Buddhist would likely prefer that we move on from our attachments to the past and enjoy riding in the stream of innovation that the team he assembled produces. Very different from sentimental worship of the Apple guru era.
The AirPods are EarPods without wires. How are they compromised aesthetically? Do you like the wires so much? Methinks we'll get used to the look of the AirPods very quickly.
They are compromise in that they look a bit tiny thus living very little space to put all the bells and whistles, that are going to make the product great, as we all know Apple loves thin and light however, I might have though it being the first generation and all they might allow more space in the design as to issuer there are absolutely no issues and there is enough space for everything to fit, that's all I ment. To your other point I think "Steve the Buddhist" would have far more preferred that Apple make great products for us to enjoy first and bring them to market in a timely fashion, and that if that becomes impossible that there be cleare communication from Apple as to the issu so we aren't all arguing about something that might very well be understood and put everyone ease, when one of a few products under Steve was delayed we all were told the exact issue. I think the lack of communication from Apple is really concerning in today's time of instant news.
This makes sense. I have hearing aids that work with my iPhone. They are great in many ways. But, this is one issue, since they have separate connections things can get a little strange "between the ears" at times when listening to sound from my iPhone. I thought this was why the Beats earphones have a wire between them when the AI review of the Beats earphones asked for complete wireless. Be careful what you ask for. I hope they have a good solution. Bless those Apple engineers.
Yeah, the kind of hellish time those guys would be having if SJ was hearing this. heads would be rolling.
Under SJ the white iPhone 4 was delayed pretty much a full year with near-zero explanation, along with many other delays. Stop pretending like if SJ was in charge everything would magically work out like clockwork, or that employee's fear of him would magically solve the most complex engineering problems.
What ever man, fact, Tim decided to announce these things before they were clearly ready, they might be some understanding if these problems were after launch, technical glitches are nothing new to brand new products, even with the preceding yammering, it be nothing new and IMHO been better, but this is an internally detected corncerpt defect of a very fundamental function of the product, an issue that should have been first to be perfected and resolved before even considering an announcement, Jobs being so product obsessive would have better insured this, that's all I'm saying. No one claimed he was perfect and infallible but his absents at Apple, though it can't be helped, is sorely undeniable, R.I.P to the turtle-necked one.
"RIP to the turtle-necked one." — Before you get all smarmy like this, consider that you don't know the facts about the delay. The WSJ story is ridiculous on its face, and the writer has no idea how the Airpods work. Gruber does. Read what he says.
And what the hell does "his absents at Apple . . . is sorely undeniable" even mean?
It means that there is a very palpable and visible deference between Apple with Steve running things and one with out him, the man was the thread that stitched that place together IMHO and his absents there is something perceivable to me some how and I don't think I'm the only one, this isn't criticism to the current leadership as no one can replace the man, it's more saddened reminiscence and recognition of the prowess of Steve Jobs and this article just reminded me, and to be orhnest I'm not all that excited by these Air Pods, to me they seem to compromised for esthetic appeal, which I suspect is more to the delay than anything, they are too tiny, unessesarily, this design should have been generation two or three IMO
Oh lord, the nonsense.
1) No, you're definitely not alone in saying Apple is doomed without Steve Jobs. See, that's why it's called a "troll trope" -- because it's used so often. Usually by low-count newbie, short-term posters to AI who phase in to say they're long time fans but apple sucks now, they're saddened, concerned, Steve Jobs would never, yada yada, and then phase out again. You are legion.
2) Your absurd judgment about a product you've never seen or touched let alone used comfirms your troll motivation. Thanks for the clarity!
Lol, I'm the low-count newbie, short-term poster ? , unlike some who literraly never leave the basement, I don't have an opinion on every little thing that's posted here and I'm more hopefull to find some intelligent and reasonable discussions here but as of lately...., and quit frankly I got shit to do so, yeah, but thanks for you're very constructive and useful comment appreciate it as always
Problems completely avoidable by not having separate ear units. I have no idea why anyone would find this desirable, a band connecting the pods means less power draw, easier synchronisation, and it keeps the units together, more secure, and allows you to remove and hang them round your neck.
Unnecessarily over-engineered.
Says a guy who's never even used the damn things he's criticizing. Absurd.
This makes sense. I have hearing aids that work with my iPhone. They are great in many ways. But, this is one issue, since they have separate connections things can get a little strange "between the ears" at times when listening to sound from my iPhone. I thought this was why the Beats earphones have a wire between them when the AI review of the Beats earphones asked for complete wireless. Be careful what you ask for. I hope they have a good solution. Bless those Apple engineers.
Yeah, the kind of hellish time those guys would be having if SJ was hearing this. heads would be rolling.
Under SJ the white iPhone 4 was delayed pretty much a full year with near-zero explanation, along with many other delays. Stop pretending like if SJ was in charge everything would magically work out like clockwork, or that employee's fear of him would magically solve the most complex engineering problems.
What ever man, fact, Tim decided to announce these things before they were clearly ready, they might be some understanding if these problems were after launch, technical glitches are nothing new to brand new products, even with the preceding yammering, it be nothing new and IMHO been better, but this is an internally detected corncerpt defect of a very fundamental function of the product, an issue that should have been first to be perfected and resolved before even considering an announcement, Jobs being so product obsessive would have better insured this, that's all I'm saying. No one claimed he was perfect and infallible but his absents at Apple, though it can't be helped, is sorely undeniable, R.I.P to the turtle-necked one.
1) this is a rumor story, not fact.
2) Gruber's sources deny this story is true.
3) Jobs had production problems as well, so claiming it wouldn't happen if he were alive is cliche bunk.
I never claimed it wouldn't happen if he were alive, the rumor is about why the Air Pods were delayed which isn't the point of what I'm saying, the point is that they were DELAYED,that's a Fact, and in such a manner that suggests that the product shouldn't have been announced the way it was if it was not ready, you can excuse this if you feel and lambaste me for pointing at this real flaw if it makes you feel good about you're self and makes you feel like you know and understand Apple better than anyone here, but Steve Jobs is Apple and pretending that the company hasn't lost a huge part of its magic is up to you if you, if you can't feel it then I'm glad for you, but to me something just not the same.
No. We all know it's delayed. What we don't know is that it's some "core issue" just being discovered now as he rumor suggests, and as you lambasted them for, while also claiming it wouldn't happen under Jobs. Your words:
"this is an internally detected corncerpt defect of a very fundamental function of the product, an issue that should have been first to be perfected and resolved before even considering an announcement, Jobs being so product obsessive would have better insured this,"
...again, that's nonsense because this is a rumor, and what's more a disputed rumor by Gruber's sources in apple and in contact with the airpods team.
Then you throw in the "Steve Jobs would never!" trope. Tired, cliche, and ignorant of any facts.
Gruber's sources represent rumors as well regardless of the "connection within Apple " per fix, but Offcause some are better than other's, my comment was on the assumption that this particular rumore was true with out the consideration of any other rumor or speculation, only considering this particular speculation as to be the cause of the Air Pods delay, and this could still be the cause, as it's not imposible for this to be the cause, hence its called rumore or more speculation, untill Apple officially serts the recod strate, in that view I find my coment apropreate, perhaps a little overstated, admittedly I had just read the "I am a Mac" article so feeling some kinda way, but there are no facts here, Guber isn't an Apple representative he just doing guess work like every one els, I guess we share a different outlook when it comes to the state of the company.
I think part of the problem is that there is so much utter crapp written about Apple that even legitimate concerns and contentment are lamped together with all the pure disdain against Apple that's out there, so I understand you're knee jerk reaction it's hard to filter everything out, but my general observations are that something just isn't right, I'm allowed to feel that way even if you don't agree or feel the same, that doesnt make me ignorant as youre in no better position either, the fact is there has always been Apple nei sayers and critics who've done so at some pretty ridiculous times and at very good desissions made by Apple, but, this company that I also like and want to see make the best possible products, isn't infallible, Apple isnt beyond mistakes and failure, I think that is more so with out Steve do you disagree ? Also when is the right time where "we" are in your view allowed to worry and bring up the "Tired, cliche, and ignorant of any facts tropes" in that case. Do you feel that Aple is still at the same perceived or not levels of excellence and brilliance as it was under SJ ?
I'm not having a knee jerk reaction. In fact, that's what i'm criticizing about your post and the others like yours -- for blasting Apple about not having core issues resolved, when in fact nobody here knows anything and you're only responding to a rumor. And an unlikely rumor at that.
This makes sense. I have hearing aids that work with my iPhone. They are great in many ways. But, this is one issue, since they have separate connections things can get a little strange "between the ears" at times when listening to sound from my iPhone. I thought this was why the Beats earphones have a wire between them when the AI review of the Beats earphones asked for complete wireless. Be careful what you ask for. I hope they have a good solution. Bless those Apple engineers.
Yeah, the kind of hellish time those guys would be having if SJ was hearing this. heads would be rolling.
Under SJ the white iPhone 4 was delayed pretty much a full year with near-zero explanation, along with many other delays. Stop pretending like if SJ was in charge everything would magically work out like clockwork, or that employee's fear of him would magically solve the most complex engineering problems.
What ever man, fact, Tim decided to announce these things before they were clearly ready, they might be some understanding if these problems were after launch, technical glitches are nothing new to brand new products, even with the preceding yammering, it be nothing new and IMHO been better, but this is an internally detected corncerpt defect of a very fundamental function of the product, an issue that should have been first to be perfected and resolved before even considering an announcement, Jobs being so product obsessive would have better insured this, that's all I'm saying. No one claimed he was perfect and infallible but his absents at Apple, though it can't be helped, is sorely undeniable, R.I.P to the turtle-necked one.
"RIP to the turtle-necked one." — Before you get all smarmy like this, consider that you don't know the facts about the delay. The WSJ story is ridiculous on its face, and the writer has no idea how the Airpods work. Gruber does. Read what he says.
And what the hell does "his absents at Apple . . . is sorely undeniable" even mean?
It means that there is a very palpable and visible deference between Apple with Steve running things and one with out him, the man was the thread that stitched that place together IMHO and his absents there is something perceivable to me some how and I don't think I'm the only one, this isn't criticism to the current leadership as no one can replace the man, it's more saddened reminiscence and recognition of the prowess of Steve Jobs and this article just reminded me, and to be orhnest I'm not all that excited by these Air Pods, to me they seem to compromised for esthetic appeal, which I suspect is more to the delay than anything, they are too tiny, unessesarily, this design should have been generation two or three IMO
Well, clearly you do believe in magic, and then get yourself worked up over its perceived absence. That's the religious MO in a nutshell.
Steve Jobs the Buddhist would likely prefer that we move on from our attachments to the past and enjoy riding in the stream of innovation that the team he assembled produces. Very different from sentimental worship of the Apple guru era.
The AirPods are EarPods without wires. How are they compromised aesthetically? Do you like the wires so much? Methinks we'll get used to the look of the AirPods very quickly.
They are compromise in that they look a bit tiny thus living very little space to put all the bells and whistles, that are going to make the product great, as we all know Apple loves thin and light however, I might have though it being the first generation and all they might allow more space in the design as to issuer there are absolutely no issues and there is enough space for everything to fit, that's all I ment. To your other point I think "Steve the Buddhist" would have far more preferred that Apple make great products for us to enjoy first and bring them to market in a timely fashion, and that if that becomes impossible that there be cleare communication from Apple as to the issu so we aren't all arguing about something that might very well be understood and put everyone ease, when one of a few products under Steve was delayed we all were told the exact issue. I think the lack of communication from Apple is really concerning in today's time of instant news.
Are you talking about the same Apple that i am? Apple under SJ was notorious for being tight lipped and not saying shit. Even about delays -- see white iphone 4 delay. You're revising history to match your narrative rather than admitting it's a false one.
Problems completely avoidable by not having separate ear units. I have no idea why anyone would find this desirable, a band connecting the pods means less power draw, easier synchronisation, and it keeps the units together, more secure, and allows you to remove and hang them round your neck.
Unnecessarily over-engineered.
Says a guy who's never even used the damn things he's criticizing. Absurd.
So what? None of my criticisms rely on my having used the product, they are readily apparent design choices. Not flaws necessarily, but choices, and choices that I don't find desirable.
You are more than welcome to disagree, but calling someone's opinion absurd just because you disagree is... well, absurd.
I really hope Apple solves the synchronization problem because, with my iPhone 7 Plus, I find that any little jiggle of it in my pocket stops the music. The lightning plug seems more sensitive and unforgiving in the port than the analog plug was in my iPhone 6. I was hoping that it would be the opposite. I've turned off Raise to Wake, which helped but the fragile Apple ear pod connection is irritating. I'm hoping the new wireless Air Pods solve my problem. If anyone can solve this, Apple can and they've got the financial incentive too. I and Tim Cook are rooting for the engineers.
The oddest of the arguments is that it would be too much work for Apple to convert macOS to run on ARM despite Apple probably having the most experience in changing architectures with an advanced desktop OS with great success.
If Apple announces a product in September due to be released in october... and come Dec the products most fundamental functionality is not yet solved ....it makes me wonder what the state of R&D at Apple is. I thought they would be years ahead in whats cooking in their labs.... but apparently not so... they are still working out issues on a past product. ..... what does that say about the state of future products.
why announce something when the most basic of its functionality is not resolved.
If this airpod thing can happen ..... how far ahead is Apple's vision and product planning and pipeline?
And what the hell does "his absents at Apple . . . is sorely undeniable" even mean?
Reputable Apple analyst John Gruber of Daring Fireball doesn't believe this rumor is true. He believes it's a manufacturing problem:
"this is an internally detected corncerpt defect of a very fundamental function of the product, an issue that should have been first to be perfected and resolved before even considering an announcement, Jobs being so product obsessive would have better insured this,"
...again, that's nonsense because this is a rumor, and what's more a disputed rumor by Gruber's sources in apple and in contact with the airpods team.
Then you throw in the "Steve Jobs would never!" trope. Tired, cliche, and ignorant of any facts.
1) No, you're definitely not alone in saying Apple is doomed without Steve Jobs. See, that's why it's called a "troll trope" -- because it's used so often. Usually by low-count newbie, short-term posters to AI who phase in to say they're long time fans but apple sucks now, they're saddened, concerned, Steve Jobs would never, yada yada, and then phase out again. You are legion.
2) Your absurd judgment about a product you've never seen or touched let alone used comfirms your troll motivation. Thanks for the clarity!
Steve Jobs the Buddhist would likely prefer that we move on from our attachments to the past and enjoy riding in the stream of innovation that the team he assembled produces. Very different from sentimental worship of the Apple guru era.
The AirPods are EarPods without wires. How are they compromised aesthetically? Do you like the wires so much? Methinks we'll get used to the look of the AirPods very quickly.
Unnecessarily over-engineered.
I'm not having a knee jerk reaction. In fact, that's what i'm criticizing about your post and the others like yours -- for blasting Apple about not having core issues resolved, when in fact nobody here knows anything and you're only responding to a rumor. And an unlikely rumor at that.
Are you talking about the same Apple that i am? Apple under SJ was notorious for being tight lipped and not saying shit. Even about delays -- see white iphone 4 delay. You're revising history to match your narrative rather than admitting it's a false one.
You are more than welcome to disagree, but calling someone's opinion absurd just because you disagree is... well, absurd.