More reports suggest Apple's AirPods will see pre-Christmas release



  • Reply 41 of 47

    blastdoor said:

    Rayz2016 said:
    Sources within Apple corporate told AppleInsider that there was "no way" that the company was going to miss a holiday season release. Additionally, several venues have received pre-release sets for review.
    Um, it's December 12 and they're still not in stores yet. That's cutting it kinda close, no?
    Well, yes. 

    Normally I wouldn't advocate this, but I think Apple should release a statement saying whether or not they're going to make it for a Christmas. Folk may have planned to get/give these as presents. Since Apple promised them in November then they should give people time to make alternative arrangements. 
    On Gruber's podcast he said he's certain Apple's removal of the headphone jack was intended to coincide with AirPods and if AirPods weren't ready this year the headphone jack wouldn't have been removed. I agree about a statement though I think it should have come once Apple knew they wouldn't come close to meeting late October time frame. They did it with the white iPhone and in that case you could still get an iPhone 4 if you wanted one, just not in white.
    This is such a massive screw-up. 

    But to clarify -- the massive screw-up isn't the delay in the AirPods. That's a little screw-up. 

    The massive screw-up was to make the appeal of the iPhone 7 dependent on the AirPods. AirPods don't need an iPhone 7 -- they can work with earlier iPhones, too. But the iPhone 7 needs the AirPods, because the AirPods make the removal of the headphone jack more palatable

    The responsible decision here would have been to keep the headphone jack in the iPhone 7. They could have then launched the AirPods when they were ready. If the AirPods ended up being popular and awesome, then take the headphone jack out of the iPhone 8. 

    Courage? No -- it's recklessness. 
    What ignorant nonsense - do you even have a 7? I do. And it does not require W1-powered headphones to work! My old wireless headphones work, exactly as they would for Samsung's new jack-less Android phone which will never support W1. Plus, I can even use my old wired headphones without a problem, thanks to a free adapter that's plugged onto the end of my old wired headphones. 

    So what on earth are you talking about? Buying the 7 was completely palatable because it's the best phone on the market. 
    edited December 2016 watto_cobra
  • Reply 42 of 47

    eightzero said:
    Soli said:
    blastdoor said:
    The massive screw-up was to make the appeal of the iPhone 7 dependent on the AirPods.
    You're hearing it wrong. My iPhone 7 works just fine without having purchased AirPods.
    I agree. My iPhone works just fine without cell service or wifi. Just not for certain touted things that I paid a premium price for. 
     But you didn't pay a premium to use W1-powered headphones -- because W1 headphones work on older iphones too! You can buy an old 6 or the new 7 and use W1 headphones on either. Thus there's no upcharge in the price of the 7 that is set aside for W1 headphone compatibility. That's not a hardware feature of the device, it's support built into the OS. 

    Man youre trying really hard!
    edited December 2016 watto_cobra
  • Reply 43 of 47

    holyone said:

    eightzero said:
    eightzero said:
    blastdoor said:
    This is pathetic. Allegedly BeatsX is also delayed significantly. 

    Some parts of Apple seem to work well, while others appear to be dysfunctional. 

    Can the dysfunctional parts be fixed? Or are the functional parts just a remnant of a better Apple -- a remnant that will eventually decay into dysfunction? 

    I've got a bad feeling about this... 
    I sort of understood the delays with AppleWatch. This one seems a major oops though. They needed to have these ready when iPhone 7 without a jack was available.

    It really does take courage to take the headphone jack out of the flagship product...then not have a product ready to sell to make it fully functional.

    This sort of reminds me of Apple Maps (and to a lesser extent, Siri.)
    Garbage -- the 7 is fully functional now, today, and at launch. BT works just fine as do the other W1 headphones already available. 
    ...from somebody else. The 7 is designed to be a wireless product, yet you couldn't buy wireless earbuds the same day the product shipped. 
    What are you talking about? Apple sells numerous wireless headphones in their stores and online that work perfectly with the 7. Some BT, at least one W1. Plus more from third parties. So your claim that it's not fully functional is absolute bunk. You just can't get this particular apple branded accessory. Has no bearing on the devices functionality no matter how you slice it.

    The mental gymnastics people have to use to claim negative crap about apple products is amazing. 
    What amazes me is how intensely and feuriosly people are coming to defend this, look, Apple doesn't owe anybody a pair of wireless ear buds and if the danm things aren't ready then they aren't ready, but can all the people who find this to be no big deal please shut up for one minite and let those who rightly see this as yet another thing that was not executed correctly by Apple, vent a little, this has not been Apple's best year, are people really sugesting that this is actually a good thing ? that Apple on stage proudly promises a product that justified the iP7 laking a jack , but for what ever reason, which by the way is solely on Apple, goes MIA, a new product being deemed ready for the market inherently means production is already running, iPhones are produced months before the media event, this isnt a manufacturing problem the iPhone 7 plus had manufacturing problems, these things haven't even been produced in any significan quantity to claim a manufacturing bottle neck, there are warning signs and people should be allowed to express what ever they feel like, with in reason Offcause, but this isn't the end of the wold but that applies to everyone, Apple is by far the best example of an execution of a business model in the history of commerce, and doesn't need to be constantly defended, no amount of negativity has ever even put a dent on Apple, so if people wanna bitch a little so what, let em, it doesn't hurt anyone
    What am i defending? My posts are very specific -- the claim that the 7 is somehow not functional without a W1-powered headphone is factually false. It's an absurd moving of the goalposts.
    You're defending Apple's blunder in announcing an exciting product that was to coincide in a synergetic manner with the new jack less iPhone prematurely, yes the phone still workst pefectly with out them, but does the fact the that these were prematurely announced not seem like a blunder to you? Or are you a tally asserting that they weren't announced before manufacturing issues were resolved ? Something a little beneath Apple's high standards, it would be one thing if it they were coming out in little volume but they aren't coming out at all weren't they supposed to be already in production way befor the announcement ?
  • Reply 44 of 47
    holyone said:

    holyone said:

    eightzero said:
    eightzero said:
    blastdoor said:
    This is pathetic. Allegedly BeatsX is also delayed significantly. 

    Some parts of Apple seem to work well, while others appear to be dysfunctional. 

    Can the dysfunctional parts be fixed? Or are the functional parts just a remnant of a better Apple -- a remnant that will eventually decay into dysfunction? 

    I've got a bad feeling about this... 
    I sort of understood the delays with AppleWatch. This one seems a major oops though. They needed to have these ready when iPhone 7 without a jack was available.

    It really does take courage to take the headphone jack out of the flagship product...then not have a product ready to sell to make it fully functional.

    This sort of reminds me of Apple Maps (and to a lesser extent, Siri.)
    Garbage -- the 7 is fully functional now, today, and at launch. BT works just fine as do the other W1 headphones already available. 
    ...from somebody else. The 7 is designed to be a wireless product, yet you couldn't buy wireless earbuds the same day the product shipped. 
    What are you talking about? Apple sells numerous wireless headphones in their stores and online that work perfectly with the 7. Some BT, at least one W1. Plus more from third parties. So your claim that it's not fully functional is absolute bunk. You just can't get this particular apple branded accessory. Has no bearing on the devices functionality no matter how you slice it.

    The mental gymnastics people have to use to claim negative crap about apple products is amazing. 
    What amazes me is how intensely and feuriosly people are coming to defend this, look, Apple doesn't owe anybody a pair of wireless ear buds and if the danm things aren't ready then they aren't ready, but can all the people who find this to be no big deal please shut up for one minite and let those who rightly see this as yet another thing that was not executed correctly by Apple, vent a little, this has not been Apple's best year, are people really sugesting that this is actually a good thing ? that Apple on stage proudly promises a product that justified the iP7 laking a jack , but for what ever reason, which by the way is solely on Apple, goes MIA, a new product being deemed ready for the market inherently means production is already running, iPhones are produced months before the media event, this isnt a manufacturing problem the iPhone 7 plus had manufacturing problems, these things haven't even been produced in any significan quantity to claim a manufacturing bottle neck, there are warning signs and people should be allowed to express what ever they feel like, with in reason Offcause, but this isn't the end of the wold but that applies to everyone, Apple is by far the best example of an execution of a business model in the history of commerce, and doesn't need to be constantly defended, no amount of negativity has ever even put a dent on Apple, so if people wanna bitch a little so what, let em, it doesn't hurt anyone
    What am i defending? My posts are very specific -- the claim that the 7 is somehow not functional without a W1-powered headphone is factually false. It's an absurd moving of the goalposts.
    You're defending Apple's blunder in announcing an exciting product that was to coincide in a synergetic manner with the new jack less iPhone prematurely, yes the phone still workst pefectly with out them, but does the fact the that these were prematurely announced not seem like a blunder to you? Or are you a tally asserting that they weren't announced before manufacturing issues were resolved ? Something a little beneath Apple's high standards, it would be one thing if it they were coming out in little volume but they aren't coming out at all weren't they supposed to be already in production way befor the announcement ?
    Nice strawman - please quote me where i defended this blunder. i'll wait. 
  • Reply 45 of 47
    holyone said:

    holyone said:

    eightzero said:
    eightzero said:
    blastdoor said:
    This is pathetic. Allegedly BeatsX is also delayed significantly. 

    Some parts of Apple seem to work well, while others appear to be dysfunctional. 

    Can the dysfunctional parts be fixed? Or are the functional parts just a remnant of a better Apple -- a remnant that will eventually decay into dysfunction? 

    I've got a bad feeling about this... 
    I sort of understood the delays with AppleWatch. This one seems a major oops though. They needed to have these ready when iPhone 7 without a jack was available.

    It really does take courage to take the headphone jack out of the flagship product...then not have a product ready to sell to make it fully functional.

    This sort of reminds me of Apple Maps (and to a lesser extent, Siri.)
    Garbage -- the 7 is fully functional now, today, and at launch. BT works just fine as do the other W1 headphones already available. 
    ...from somebody else. The 7 is designed to be a wireless product, yet you couldn't buy wireless earbuds the same day the product shipped. 
    What are you talking about? Apple sells numerous wireless headphones in their stores and online that work perfectly with the 7. Some BT, at least one W1. Plus more from third parties. So your claim that it's not fully functional is absolute bunk. You just can't get this particular apple branded accessory. Has no bearing on the devices functionality no matter how you slice it.

    The mental gymnastics people have to use to claim negative crap about apple products is amazing. 
    What amazes me is how intensely and feuriosly people are coming to defend this, look, Apple doesn't owe anybody a pair of wireless ear buds and if the danm things aren't ready then they aren't ready, but can all the people who find this to be no big deal please shut up for one minite and let those who rightly see this as yet another thing that was not executed correctly by Apple, vent a little, this has not been Apple's best year, are people really sugesting that this is actually a good thing ? that Apple on stage proudly promises a product that justified the iP7 laking a jack , but for what ever reason, which by the way is solely on Apple, goes MIA, a new product being deemed ready for the market inherently means production is already running, iPhones are produced months before the media event, this isnt a manufacturing problem the iPhone 7 plus had manufacturing problems, these things haven't even been produced in any significan quantity to claim a manufacturing bottle neck, there are warning signs and people should be allowed to express what ever they feel like, with in reason Offcause, but this isn't the end of the wold but that applies to everyone, Apple is by far the best example of an execution of a business model in the history of commerce, and doesn't need to be constantly defended, no amount of negativity has ever even put a dent on Apple, so if people wanna bitch a little so what, let em, it doesn't hurt anyone
    What am i defending? My posts are very specific -- the claim that the 7 is somehow not functional without a W1-powered headphone is factually false. It's an absurd moving of the goalposts.
    You're defending Apple's blunder in announcing an exciting product that was to coincide in a synergetic manner with the new jack less iPhone prematurely, yes the phone still workst pefectly with out them, but does the fact the that these were prematurely announced not seem like a blunder to you? Or are you a tally asserting that they weren't announced before manufacturing issues were resolved ? Something a little beneath Apple's high standards, it would be one thing if it they were coming out in little volume but they aren't coming out at all weren't they supposed to be already in production way befor the announcement ?
    Nice strawman - please quote me where i defended this blunder. i'll wait. 
    "Garbage -- the 7 is fully functional now, today, and at launch. BT works just fine as do the other W1 headphones already available. edited December 12"
  • Reply 46 of 47
    Soli said:
    Apple survived these with sort of thing with major products over the years so I think the company will be fine when talking about an accessory. Plus, I'd say it's better to have people upset with a non-release than upset with having spent $159+ for something that isn't working properly. Same for BeatsX, whatever they cost.
    No arguments there.
  • Reply 47 of 47
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,937member
    Soli said:
    avon b7 said:
    smiffy31 said:
    Soli said:
    It's headphones. Why not just wait until they're ready instead of getting upset about it?
    For Apple to miss the holiday shopping season with a fantastically priced accessory that will surely sell in the tens of millions, is pretty disappointing...not just to consumers, but anyone watching Apple's performance.
    Most customers don't know about the ear pods, Even if they miss Christmas That will not stop them selling millions, maybe a bit slower to the start but I think they are in it for the long run, not out to make a quick buck.

    And I totally agree with Soli.
    Chrismas is a deadline and as a result, some potential sales will be lost as consumers spend the money set aside for the Pods on something else. 

    If they tried to get them out with iPhone 7 before Christmas, then that was the reason. The sale is easier when you dangle something new and under 200 dollars in front of a Christmas shopper.

    The launch has already failed but there will still be enough momentum for healthy sales through to the next quarter, just not as many as they could have bagged.
    "Christmas is a deadline" for Christmas and almost entirely in the so-called West. It's not an issue if someone received money or an Apple Store GC who plans to buy them after Christmas, or Hanukkah, or their birthday.

    It's also not a deadline for the Chinese new year, which is arguably more important for Apple to meet than Christmas in the US.
    Exactly. Christmas is a deadline for Christmas almost entirely in the Western World, Apple's largest market (?) and represents a peak in sales you don't want to miss.

    And Christmas being what it is, the vast majority of people opt to give presents. GCs and money are mostly cop outs and represent a tiny part of global Christmas giving. Last minute 'get out of jail' cards and I've never seen one in the wild that goes over 100 euros. They are typically 50€ in hand. 

    Many shoppers, with the desire to actually give presents, will opt for something else now they know their first option isn't viable. For Apple, those shoppers equate to lost sales.

    China is a big market but the most common tradition at Chinese New Year is to give money and as such there us no real deadline.

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