Apple lobbies against 'right to repair' proposal in Nebraska



  • Reply 41 of 78
    macplusplusmacplusplus Posts: 2,115member
    elijahg said:
    dysamoria said:
    Fake parts from China. Fake logic boards, fake circuits with espionage backdoors, giant botnets built with home-repaired phones and computers...
    What you're describing is a RESULT of companies blockading the business of legit repair companies. There used to be tons of repair businesses decades ago.
    Apple does not blockade the business of legit repair companies. They have Authorized Service Centers everywhere in the world. The proposed legislation might make service centers mandatory for every city and town but apparently their concern is not repair availability. That could be achieved easily with a mandatory service network.
    Other than by favouring their own repair centres inside Apple Stores, and delaying sending components to second party repair centres. AI has reported that they've been reducing service (and upping prices) at Apple Authorised Resellers too. 

    I think the right to repair legalisation is a good thing. Apple's green credentials for long term use of their products is complete crap, due to the non-repairability but no one (Greenpeace) seems to care about that. Using superglue for batteries for example is completely unnecessary. Glueing iMac screens on just to shave off another 5% thickness is unnecessary. This will force Apple to allow third party repairs, quite possibly leading to a reduction in first and second party repair costs. 
    Right to repair already exists for people. Can anyone prevent you from DIY repairs? No. That proposed legislation strives to kill OEMs' "right to repair" their own products !..
  • Reply 42 of 78
    lkrupp said:
    To me it’s about Apple’s reputation. Imagine tons of shitty repaired iPhones out there, “repaired” by the cheapest bidder. I broke the screen on my original iPad 2 a few years ago. I did take it to a third party repair shop. The fit and finish of the repaired screen was barely good enough. It worked but it looked crappy. And NO, it won’t lower the cost of repairs. Even if this bill passes I would never entertain the idea of letting some third party putz in a van with a magnetic sign on the side that says “Apple Repairs” touch any of my Apple products. This bill would also raise the prices of Apple products too. If the bill requires Apple to keep parts in stock for a required number of years (like the auto industry) that will be a huge expense. Supporting third parties with manuals and repair methods won’t be cheap either.

    You want to go to only Authorized repair shops - definitely. It is your choice and everyone respects that. In the same way, the choice should be left to others who prefer to get it repaired in third party shops but with original OEM components. Same way, there will be people who prefer to repair their device with counterfeit component at a third party shop. It is their choice, no one should attempt to stop them.

    Coming to your own situation, what if Apple repair shop representative told you that - "I am sorry to say this, we won't repair your out of warranty device. Please put it in dustbin and get a new one". What would be your response? Again, apple might not do this. But there are OEMs who do this. Where is the protection to customer? This is NOT just about Apple. It is about ALL electronics companies who don't care about customers/environment.

    spaceraysavon b7
  • Reply 43 of 78
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,907member
    Rayz2016 said:
    So if I understand this , Nebraska wants to make companies legally obliged to supply manuals and parts to unauthorised repairers? Basically let anyone repair the phone, authorised or not. 

    That's what it sounds like, but I might have read it incorrectly. 

    How  would you know they know what they're doing if they're not an authorised service?

    Yup, let anyone repair the phone, authorized or not. Think about this - why would anyone take a phone which is under warranty to unauthorized person? No, they won't. When it comes to out of warranty repair, why wouldn't a customer go to a third party if they can get the same job done at a lesser price? There are cases of OEMs refusing to repair the devices out of warranty and customer has no option but to throw the device in dustbin and get a new device. Why should that be allowed to happen - apple or not?
    They would because not everyone lives around a place that can have their phone repaired by an authorized service center. So instead, they go to Bob's iPhone repair and get it fixed, or at least try to. 

    You always have the option of RECYCLING your device with many companies, including Apple so no, its not going to waste. There's a reason why Apple designs its products to be fully recyclable. They've even engineered a machine to fully disassemble iPhones and put the parts into specific places for recycling. Ever hear of Liam?

    Apple has to protect its brand. Like some others have said, if you get sold a new(er) iPhone, iPad or Mac that had a 3rd party part in it and then things were continuously going wrong with it and others were experiencing similar issues then who would the user blame? Apple! Apple's hardware has gone down in quality! When its really Bob's iPhone repair that caused these issues in the first place. 
    edited March 2017 netmageapple jockeyanton zuykov
  • Reply 44 of 78
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Rayz2016 said:
    So if I understand this , Nebraska wants to make companies legally obliged to supply manuals and parts to unauthorised repairers? Basically let anyone repair the phone, authorised or not. 

    That's what it sounds like, but I might have read it incorrectly. 

    How  would you know they know what they're doing if they're not an authorised service?

    Read your first sentence to find the answer to the question in your last sentence. 
  • Reply 45 of 78
    To all those complaining...everyone knows what they get when they buy an Apple device. You are not forced to own a Mac or iOS device. If this bothers you so much buy something that is user repairable and upgradeable. 

    It is not just about Apple devices. It is about Samsung/HTC/Sony/LG/X/Y/Z/name any company as well. All electronics companies are forcing e-waste on users by making repairs near-impossible once the device is out of warranty. This is a BAD practice and it needs to be stopped. If making a law is the only way to do it, so be it.
    elijahgspaceraysavon b7
  • Reply 46 of 78
    netmagenetmage Posts: 314member
    Why are so many hung up on e-waste when that's not what is driving this law?
  • Reply 47 of 78
    macxpress said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    So if I understand this , Nebraska wants to make companies legally obliged to supply manuals and parts to unauthorised repairers? Basically let anyone repair the phone, authorised or not. 

    That's what it sounds like, but I might have read it incorrectly. 

    How  would you know they know what they're doing if they're not an authorised service?

    Yup, let anyone repair the phone, authorized or not. Think about this - why would anyone take a phone which is under warranty to unauthorized person? No, they won't. When it comes to out of warranty repair, why wouldn't a customer go to a third party if they can get the same job done at a lesser price? There are cases of OEMs refusing to repair the devices out of warranty and customer has no option but to throw the device in dustbin and get a new device. Why should that be allowed to happen - apple or not?
    Apple has to protect its brand. Like some others have said, if you get sold a new(er) iPhone, iPad or Mac that had a 3rd party part in it and then things were continuously going wrong with it and others were experiencing similar issues then who would the user blame? Apple! Apple's hardware has gone down in quality! When its really Bob's iPhone repair that caused these issues in the first place. 

    How would a new apple product have 3rd party part in it, when it is covered under warranty? It won't because apple takes care of service, The problem comes only for old devices which are out of warranty. You have only 2 alternatives right now.

    1. Go to authorized repair shop - Your device may be repaired at an exorbitant cost OR you are refused service OR cost of repair is just not worth it because it is that damn high where buying a new device makes more sense than repair.

    2. Go to unauthorized repair shop and put unauthorized components into it - making it a worser device. (Hope you would not argue with this)

    All I am suggesting is - Add a third option.

    3. Go to unauthorized repair shop, but put OEM components for repair and pay a reasonable price.

    Between new option 3 Vs existing option 2, which would put the OEM's reputation at risk? Why you want to ensure that worser option alone is available to end user, instead of a better option? Why???? Because OEMs would lose potential sale of a new device?? That is not right approach by any means.

  • Reply 48 of 78
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    netmage said:
    Why are so many hung up on e-waste when that's not what is driving this law?
    True, it's perhaps not a driving factor, but still something worth considering. It's a major reason why I won't buy an iMac (and why it's so frustrating that Apple offers no reasonable headless Mac for "the masses"). The law is about easier access to reasonably priced repairs. And it's not targeted specifically against Apple...but why should Apple be exempt from a law that affects other manufacturers?

    I find Apple's position that they'd be fine with the law if it didn't include phones interesting. Says a lot of how Apple views their Mac business vs the iPhone business. But then are we talking about all phones? Just smart phones? Where do you draw the line?
  • Reply 49 of 78
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    Soli said:
    Soli said:
    I don't follow the posters here who are claiming it's Apple's duty to provide 3rd-parties with repair manuals for all their devices. If you want to take a chance with fixing your device then go to iFixit, but this isn't something Apple should be required to supply.
    What would you achieve by going to iFixit, when you don't have the parts to repair your device?
    Then buy the damn part(s) you need like everyone else, or are you are suggesting that Apple is now responsible for diagnosing what's wrong with your device, too?
    Nope, I am not expecting Apple/Samsung/LG/HTC/Sony/X/Y/Z companies to diagnose what's wrong with the device, if it is out of warranty. Just make the damn parts available, so that I can go to any third party shops to try my luck instead of throwing the device to dustbin because repairing the device by Apple/Samsung/X/Y/Z company would cost the same as buying a new device. That's all.
    If you're throwing it "in the dustbin" instead of fixing it or having it fixed, then that's on you. You can't throw a tantrum and then blame Apple for your tantrum when there are innumerable ways to get a device repaired or repair it yourself.
  • Reply 50 of 78
    plankton said:
    Apple should lose this fight and lose it hard.
    Right now I am sitting at a desk with:
    1. An MBA2012 that Apple said needed a new logic board—the logic board needed cleaning and connectors reseating, which I did.
    2. A MacPro 2008 that needed a new power supply—scavenged by me from a dead machine and now running Sierra with hacks from dosdude.
    3. A 2009 iMac that had a GPU board with solder cracks under the BGA—Apple wanted $550 to replace the GPU. Since that was more than twice the value of the iMac, I pulled the GPU board and had it reflowed for $60—still going strong after 2 years.
    4. An Phone 4s on its third battery and second screen that I replaced.
    5. An iPhone5 on its second battery that I replaced.
    6. A Time Capsule that had a dead 2 TB disk that I replaced with a 4 TB drive.

    All these older pieces of Apple kit have been kept out of landfill for a few extra years.  Apple brags about it solar power data centers, new HQ, etc., saving the environment, but the single biggest contribution Apple could make is to give OWNERS of their older devices access to Apple parts and manuals at reasonable prices.

    I agree with this sentiment. There's a popular YouTuber who showed a simple capacitor on a MacBook Pro logic board needing to be replaced with his soldering setup. It cost him something like 50 cents. Apple wanted several hundred dollars to replace the logic board.

    There is absolutely a market for businesses other than Apple to compete and do work that benefits people. Let's make sure they have the freedom to do so.
  • Reply 51 of 78
    anton zuykovanton zuykov Posts: 1,056member
    Soli said:
    Soli said:
    I don't follow the posters here who are claiming it's Apple's duty to provide 3rd-parties with repair manuals for all their devices. If you want to take a chance with fixing your device then go to iFixit, but this isn't something Apple should be required to supply.
    What would you achieve by going to iFixit, when you don't have the parts to repair your device?
    Then buy the damn part(s) you need like everyone else, or are you are suggesting that Apple is now responsible for diagnosing what's wrong with your device, too?

    Nope, I am not expecting Apple/Samsung/LG/HTC/Sony/X/Y/Z companies to diagnose what's wrong with the device, if it is out of warranty. Just make the damn parts available, so that I can go to any third party shops to try my luck instead of throwing the device to dustbin because repairing the device by Apple/Samsung/X/Y/Z company would cost the same as buying a new device. That's all.
    The problem is that at what point you stop at overriding what a certain company wants to do with its business? Where is a demarkation line? Make Apple sell components. Great. Customers would love that. Make them diagnose for free! Why the hell not, since you are already making them do shit that was not part of their business model anyways. Just one step further.
    Make them provide blue prints and e-schematics. Well, since schematics are there, why not make them install backdoors, as well? All of that is only for the greater good, you know. As usual.

    At what point you stop at overriding what a certain company wants to do with its business? Whatever the law of the land stipulates them to follow!!! The law does not say companies should diagnose the problems for free, so no need to do that.Is it rocket-science, as you are making it out to be? No, not really.

    I would like to repeat this again and again - It is not just about Apple alone. It is about ALL companies. Reducing e-waste and making sure customers have a choice to use their devices even if the device is out of warranty. Even if the manufacturers WANT the customers to buy a new device so that they can maximize their profits without caring about environment/customer, the LAW makers have to put the interests of Environment and Customers.

    do you wanna minimize waste? Here is a simple solution for ya. Don't buy electronics. Companies do not produce more products if customers dont buy it. 
    You can't have a cake and eat it as well.
  • Reply 52 of 78
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,907member
    macxpress said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    So if I understand this , Nebraska wants to make companies legally obliged to supply manuals and parts to unauthorised repairers? Basically let anyone repair the phone, authorised or not. 

    That's what it sounds like, but I might have read it incorrectly. 

    How  would you know they know what they're doing if they're not an authorised service?

    Yup, let anyone repair the phone, authorized or not. Think about this - why would anyone take a phone which is under warranty to unauthorized person? No, they won't. When it comes to out of warranty repair, why wouldn't a customer go to a third party if they can get the same job done at a lesser price? There are cases of OEMs refusing to repair the devices out of warranty and customer has no option but to throw the device in dustbin and get a new device. Why should that be allowed to happen - apple or not?
    Apple has to protect its brand. Like some others have said, if you get sold a new(er) iPhone, iPad or Mac that had a 3rd party part in it and then things were continuously going wrong with it and others were experiencing similar issues then who would the user blame? Apple! Apple's hardware has gone down in quality! When its really Bob's iPhone repair that caused these issues in the first place. 

    How would a new apple product have 3rd party part in it, when it is covered under warranty? It won't because apple takes care of service, The problem comes only for old devices which are out of warranty. You have only 2 alternatives right now.

    1. Go to authorized repair shop - Your device may be repaired at an exorbitant cost OR you are refused service OR cost of repair is just not worth it because it is that damn high where buying a new device makes more sense than repair.

    2. Go to unauthorized repair shop and put unauthorized components into it - making it a worser device. (Hope you would not argue with this)

    All I am suggesting is - Add a third option.

    3. Go to unauthorized repair shop, but put OEM components for repair and pay a reasonable price.

    Between new option 3 Vs existing option 2, which would put the OEM's reputation at risk? Why you want to ensure that worser option alone is available to end user, instead of a better option? Why???? Because OEMs would lose potential sale of a new device?? That is not right approach by any means.

    Glass breakage isn't covered under warranty or dropping something isn't covered under warranty. And even if it is covered under warranty for some people, an authorized repair place is 2+hrs away. Are you just saying oh well? Sucks for them?

  • Reply 53 of 78
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Why isn't there a 3rd party repair business chain that specialize in electronics, with a cut price Apple care deal? It makes sense, no? Ditto plan should be available for PC's and other electronics. How about a family plan that will take care of all electronic devices your family own (once certified by the said business) at say, $50.- per month. Damn! There's a killing to be made! Apple is a like a car dealership - you pay through the teeth for their service, and people will keep going for 'peace of mind', but for any car more than two or three years old it is just another way of throwing money down the drain.  
  • Reply 54 of 78
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,907member

    Soli said:
    Soli said:
    Soli said:
    I don't follow the posters here who are claiming it's Apple's duty to provide 3rd-parties with repair manuals for all their devices. If you want to take a chance with fixing your device then go to iFixit, but this isn't something Apple should be required to supply.
    What would you achieve by going to iFixit, when you don't have the parts to repair your device?
    Then buy the damn part(s) you need like everyone else, or are you are suggesting that Apple is now responsible for diagnosing what's wrong with your device, too?
    Nope, I am not expecting Apple/Samsung/LG/HTC/Sony/X/Y/Z companies to diagnose what's wrong with the device, if it is out of warranty. Just make the damn parts available, so that I can go to any third party shops to try my luck instead of throwing the device to dustbin because repairing the device by Apple/Samsung/X/Y/Z company would cost the same as buying a new device. That's all.
    If you're throwing it "in the dustbin" instead of fixing it or having it fixed, then that's on you. You can't throw a tantrum and then blame Apple for your tantrum when there are innumerable ways to get a device repaired or repair it yourself.
    Right! Like I said, you can RECYCLE your device anyway you want. You can go through Apple, send it to Gazelle, or BestBuy or whatever electronics store you have in your country and many times, its FREE! 

    Don't start blaming Apple and others because you just throw your devices away when they stop working. 
  • Reply 55 of 78
    mac_dogmac_dog Posts: 1,083member
    wizard69 said:
    This is by far the dumbest thing Apple has ever done!!    Sadly they lobby with lies, misrepresentation and bullying to get their way.    Makes me want to go back to building Linux systems.  
    Please, don't let anyone here stop you. I think you're just trolling and wouldn't seriously consider it, but one can hope. 
  • Reply 56 of 78
    mac_dogmac_dog Posts: 1,083member
    Many of us live a distance from an Apple store or service center. Generally, almost always , things last well beyond expected service. Service options are available to us all, beyond warranty. I cant believe Nebraska legislators think they need special pampering. not to mention the delicate and sophisticated electronics they expect to license locals to successfully diagnose, dismember, replace and properly reassemble it.
    What a mess, why should Apple be forced to co sign for such a mess?
    Use the proper and established system like everyone else. 
    This just opens the door to government snooping. You give your password to the repair shop, they do whatever the government tells them and voila! They've stolen your info. They didn't even need a court order to do so—not that it matters anyway. 
  • Reply 57 of 78
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    macxpress said:
    Soli said:
    Soli said:
    Soli said:
    I don't follow the posters here who are claiming it's Apple's duty to provide 3rd-parties with repair manuals for all their devices. If you want to take a chance with fixing your device then go to iFixit, but this isn't something Apple should be required to supply.
    What would you achieve by going to iFixit, when you don't have the parts to repair your device?
    Then buy the damn part(s) you need like everyone else, or are you are suggesting that Apple is now responsible for diagnosing what's wrong with your device, too?
    Nope, I am not expecting Apple/Samsung/LG/HTC/Sony/X/Y/Z companies to diagnose what's wrong with the device, if it is out of warranty. Just make the damn parts available, so that I can go to any third party shops to try my luck instead of throwing the device to dustbin because repairing the device by Apple/Samsung/X/Y/Z company would cost the same as buying a new device. That's all.
    If you're throwing it "in the dustbin" instead of fixing it or having it fixed, then that's on you. You can't throw a tantrum and then blame Apple for your tantrum when there are innumerable ways to get a device repaired or repair it yourself.
    Right! Like I said, you can RECYCLE your device anyway you want. You can go through Apple, send it to Gazelle, or BestBuy or whatever electronics store you have in your country and many times, its FREE! 

    Don't start blaming Apple and others because you just throw your devices away when they stop working. 
    I typically use iFixit. Their components can be a little pricer but I've always good parts. With Amazon and eBay what the image has shown and described is not what I received, and since those are private sellers, sometimes posing as companies, you have to return it on your own dime.

    Once I ordered a replacement SATA II HDD cable for a particular year MBP. The image and description was correct, but the cable was slightly different, but since there's no extra room it wasn't even close to fitting properly even though the connected and pinouts on both ends worked. I informed the seller, he sent me a replacement (OK, honestly mistake), and he sent me the wrong part again. That "store" then vanquished from Amazon. This is why I prefer iFixit.
    edited March 2017
  • Reply 58 of 78
    zoetmbzoetmb Posts: 2,655member
    I have mixed feeling about this.  On the one hand, I don't see how a company can be forced to supply repair manuals and parts to anyone if they don't want to.   On the other, I think that claiming that the ability to repair means Apple's trade secrets are going to be revealed or that security is going to be impaired is absurd.   The jack in my iPhone 4 or 5 (I don't remember which) died and I bought a new part from iFixit.   Just because I followed their instructions and took the phone apart to install that lower circuit board doesn't mean I understood a thing about how the phone worked or what each of the chips were for.    How does it hurt Apple if they enable others to do things like replace screens, which is the most common phone repair?   Seeing as how labor intensive repairs are, I doubt Apple makes substantial money at it.   

    But I do agree that Apple's stance on this as well as the non-upgradability and non-repairability of many of their products flies in the face of the claimed environmental responsibility.   I think it's absurd (as I've stated many times before) that I could change the battery, memory and storage in my late-2008 MBP and I can't do it in my late-2016 MBP.   As much as I hate Windows, this just might be my last Mac.   

    Apple shouldn't be trying to force us to buy new hardware because they purposely make it hard or impossible to repair/upgrade, they should be convincing us to buy new hardware because the improved functionality and performance creates such value that we want to.

  • Reply 59 of 78
    farmboyfarmboy Posts: 152member
    Even in Nebraska, your favorite piece of Apple equipment is never more than an overnight delivery from authorized repair service. It's not exactly a burden.
  • Reply 60 of 78
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Soli said:
    macxpress said:
    Soli said:
    Soli said:
    Soli said:
    I don't follow the posters here who are claiming it's Apple's duty to provide 3rd-parties with repair manuals for all their devices. If you want to take a chance with fixing your device then go to iFixit, but this isn't something Apple should be required to supply.
    What would you achieve by going to iFixit, when you don't have the parts to repair your device?
    Then buy the damn part(s) you need like everyone else, or are you are suggesting that Apple is now responsible for diagnosing what's wrong with your device, too?
    Nope, I am not expecting Apple/Samsung/LG/HTC/Sony/X/Y/Z companies to diagnose what's wrong with the device, if it is out of warranty. Just make the damn parts available, so that I can go to any third party shops to try my luck instead of throwing the device to dustbin because repairing the device by Apple/Samsung/X/Y/Z company would cost the same as buying a new device. That's all.
    If you're throwing it "in the dustbin" instead of fixing it or having it fixed, then that's on you. You can't throw a tantrum and then blame Apple for your tantrum when there are innumerable ways to get a device repaired or repair it yourself.
    Right! Like I said, you can RECYCLE your device anyway you want. You can go through Apple, send it to Gazelle, or BestBuy or whatever electronics store you have in your country and many times, its FREE! 

    Don't start blaming Apple and others because you just throw your devices away when they stop working. 
    I typically use iFixit. Their components can be a little pricer but I've always good parts. With Amazon and eBay what the image has shown and described is not what I received, and since those are private sellers, sometimes posing as companies, you have to return it on your own dime.

    Once I ordered a replacement SATA II HDD cable for a particular year MBP. The image and description was correct, but the cable was slightly different, but since there's no extra room it wasn't even close to fitting properly even though the connected and pinouts on both ends worked. I informed the seller, he sent me a replacement (OK, honestly mistake), and he sent me the wrong part again. That "store" then vanquished from Amazon. This is why I prefer iFixit.
    I like iFixIt, too. They go way beyond iPhones and computers. I listened to an interview with a founder or CEO on PBS and came away super impressed. He lamented the attempts by companies move towards non-repairability and specifically pointed to unnecessary glued in batteries. Another company I use for parts and how-to's is OWC, Mac Sales. ( I have upgraded quite a few macs through them. 
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