Search for seemingly anything in Photos for iOS and Mac thanks to Apple's object recogniti...

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in iPhone edited September 2019
Apple's Photos apps for both iOS and macOS feature advanced object recognition technology, identifying items with great specificity and surprising accuracy, from common scenic queries like "beaches" to something as specific as "avocados."

To conduct a search on iOS, open the Photos app and choose the far-left "Photos" tab, then select the magnifying glass search icon in the upper right. As you begin typing your search item, a list of potential categories pops up.

These categories include things like locations, identified people, and albums. But they also include recognized objects, which work in advanced ways that could surprise you.

When searching with object recognition, your query could be as specific as a birthday cake or a piggy bank. It can even differentiate between a cat suit and an actual, living cat.

Of course, with something so all-enveloping, your results may vary. When viewing results for a query, there are bound to be mistakes, though you may be surprised with how uncannily accurate the search can be.

For example, in one random test, we searched for the term "scoreboard." In all, from 14 results returned, 13 of them were accurate shots taken within arenas. The only incorrect image shown was a screenshot from a videogame.

Both images above returned in a search for "zoo."

Some results proved less accurate, but still cast a wide enough net to be of use. For example, a search for "marriages" returned a number of photos from wedding ceremonies, but also showed photos taken from random nights out on the town, images of men in suits, shots of women in dresses, and images of people kissing -- at events that were not actually weddings.

For many, it was easy to see how Apple's algorithm interpreted the images incorrectly. In a search for "zoo," we were presented with a number of images of animals behind cages. But one image featured a flock of birds behind a metal crowd control barrier -- animals behind bars, but definitely not at the zoo.

Object recognition is available on Mac as well.

In its current state, neither the iOS nor Mac Photos apps appear to allow users to inform the system that a specific image does not fit the search category.

Apple has not said how many items are identified via its object recognition algorithm. However, a Medium post from last year claimed to identify a total of 4,432 different scenes and objects in a total of 153 different categories.

It is not clear whether Apple has added to these lists in subsequent updates. For those interested in a truly comprehensive list of items and scenes that Apple's Photos app can search for, the complete 4,432 items identified as of last summer is included below:
Graph, Graphs, Abacus, Abacuses, Abalone, Abalones, Ear Shell, Ear Shells, Accordion, Accordions, Piano Accordion, Piano Accordions, Squeeze Box, Squeeze Boxes, Acorn, Acorns, Acrobat, Acrobats, Agriculture, Agribusiness, Agribusinesses, Agricultures, Factory Farm, Factory Farms, Farming, Farmings, Aircraft, Airplane, Aeroplane, Aeroplanes, Airplanes, Plane, Planes, Airport, Aerodrome, Aerodromes, Airdrome, Airdromes, Airfield, Airfields, Airports, Airstrip, Airstrips, Airshow, Airshows, Alley, Alleys, Alleyway, Alleyways, Alligator, Alligators, Gator, Gators, Almond, Almonds, Ammunition, Ammo, Ammos, Ammunitions, Amusement Park, Amusement Parks, Funfair, Funfairs, Pleasure Ground, Pleasure Grounds, Theme Park, Theme Parks, Anchovy, Anchovies, Angelfish, Angel Shark, Angel Sharks, Monkfish, Spadefish, Animal, Animals, Fauna, Faunas, Ant, Ants, Antenna, Aerial, Aerials, Antennas, Feeler, Feelers, Antipasti, Anvil, Anvils, Apartment, Apartments, Condo, Condos, Flat, Flats, Apple, Apples, Applesauce, Apple Sauce, Apple Sauces, Applesauces, Appliance, Appliances, Contraption, Contraptions, Gadget, Gadgets, Gizmo, Gizmos, Apricot, Apricots, Apron, Aprons, Aquarium, Aquariums, Fish Tank, Fish Tanks, Marine Museum, Marine Museums, Arachnid, Arachnids, Arch, Arches, Archway, Archways, Archery, Archeries, Arena, Arenas, Field, Fields, Sports Stadium, Sports Stadiums, Armchair, Armchairs, Art, Artistic Creation, Artistic Creations, Artistries, Artistry, Arts, Artwork, Artworks, Arthropods, Arthropod, Arthropods, Artichoke, Artichokes, Arugula, Arugulas, Garden Rocket, Garden Rockets, Rocket Salad, Rocket Salads, Roquette, Roquettes, Asparagus, Asparaguses, ATM, ATMs, Automated Teller, Automated Teller Machine, Automated Teller Machines, Automated Tellers, Automatic Teller, Automatic Teller Machine, Automatic Teller Machines, Automatic Tellers, Cash Dispenser, Cash Dispensers, Cash Machine, Cash Machines, ATV, ATVs, All Terrain Vehicle, All Terrain Vehicles, Auditorium, Amphitheater, Amphitheaters, Auditoriums, Concert Hall, Concert Halls, Music Hall, Music Halls, Aurora, Auroras, Australian Shepherd, Australian Shepherds, Automobile, Auto, Automobiles, Autos, Car, Cars, Motorcar, Motorcars, Avocado, Aguacate, Aguacates, Alligator Pear, Alligator Pears, Avocados, Axe, Ax, Axes, Baby, Babe, Babes, Babies, Infant, Infants, Neonate, Neonates, Newborn, Newborns, Backgammon, Backgammons, Backhoe, Backhoes, Backpack, Back Pack, Back Packs, Backpacks, Haversack, Haversacks, Knapsack, Knapsacks, Packsack, Packsacks, Rucksack, Rucksacks, Backyard, Backyards, Bacon, Badminton, Badmintons, Bag, Bags, Handbag, Handbags, Pocketbook, Pocketbooks, Traveling Bag, Traveling Bags, Travelling Bag, Travelling Bags, Bagel, Bagels, Beigel, Beigels, Baked Goods, Baklava, Baklavas, Balcony, Balconies, Terrace, Terraces, Veranda, Verandas, Ball, Balls, Globe, Globes, Orb, Orbs, Ballerina, Ballerinas, Danseuse, Danseuses, Ballet, Ballets, Balloon, Balloons, Hot Air Balloon, Hot Air Balloons, Ballpark, Ballparks, Ballroom, Ballrooms, Dance Hall, Dance Halls, Dance Palace, Dance Palaces, Banana, Bananas, Bar, Alehouse, Alehouses, Barroom, Barrooms, Bars, Gin Mill, Gin Mills, Pub, Pubs, Saloon, Saloons, Speakeasy, Speakeasys, Taproom, Taprooms, Barbell, Barbells, Barge, Barges, Flatboat, Flatboats, Barley, Barleys, Barn, Barns, Barnacle, Barnacles, Cirriped, Cirripede, Cirripedes, Cirripeds, Barometer, Barometers, Barracuda, Barracudas, Barrel, Barrels, Cask, Casks, Baseball, Baseball Game, Baseball Games, Baseballs, Basenji, Basenjis, Basketball, Basketball Game, Basketball Games, Basketballs, Hoops, Basset, Basset Hound, Basset Hounds, Bassets, Bath, Bathing Tub, Bathing Tubs, Baths, Bathtub, Bathtubs, Tub, Tubs, Bathrobe, Bathrobes, Robe, Robes, Bathroom, Bathrooms, Lavatories, Lavatory, Privies, Privy, Toilet, Toilets, Battery, Batteries, Electric Battery, Beach, Beaches, Seashore, Seashores, Seaside, Seasides, Beach Chair, Beach Chairs, Deck Chair, Deck Chairs, Beagle, Beagles, Bean, Beans, Beanie, Beanies, Bear, Bears, Beaver, Beavers, Bed, Beds, Bedding, Beddings, Bedroom, Bedchamber, Bedchambers, Bedrooms, Boudoir, Boudoirs, Chamber, Chambers, Sleeping Room, Sleeping Rooms, Bee, Bees, Beef, Beefs, Boeuf, Boeufs, Beehive, Beehives, Hive, Hives, Beekeeping, Apiculture, Apicultures, Beekeepings, Beer, Beers, Beet, Beetroot, Beetroots, Beets, Begonia, Begonias, Bell Pepper, Bell Peppers, Belltower, Belltowers, Belly Dance, Belly Dances, Beret, Berets, Berry, Berries, Bib, Bibs, Bichon, Bichons, Bicycle, Bicycles, Bike, Bikes, Cycle, Cycles, Billboards, Billboard, Billboards, Billiards, Bingo, Bingos, Binoculars, Field Glasses, Opera Glasses, Bird, Birds, Birdhouse, Birdhouses, Birthday Cake, Birthday Cakes, Biryani, Biriani, Birianis, Biryanis, Biscotti, Biscottis, Biscuit, Biscuits, Bison, Bisons, Blackberry, Blackberries, Blackjack, Blackjacks, Twenty One, Twenty Ones, Blade, Blades, Bleachers, Bleacher, Bleachers, Blender, Blenders, Blindfold, Blindfolds, Blizzard, Blizzards, Snowstorm, Snowstorms, Blossom, Bloom, Blooms, Blossoms, Efflorescence, Efflorescences, Blowtorch, Blowlamp, Blowlamps, Blowtorches, Blue Sky, Blue Skies, Blueberry, Blueberries, Boa Scarf, Boa Scarves, Feather Boa, Feather Boas, Feather Stole, Feather Stoles, Stole, Stoles, Boar, Boars, Wild Boar, Wild Boars, Board Game, Board Games, Boat, Boats, Boathouse, Boathouses, Bobcat, Bobcats, Bodyboard, Bodyboards, Boogie Board, Boogie Boards, Bonfire, Balefire, Balefires, Bonfires, Bongo Drum, Bongo, Bongo Drums, Bongos, Bonsai, Bonsais, Book, Books, Bookshelf, Bookshelves, Boots, Boot, Boots, Bottle, Bottles, Bouquet, Bouquets, Boutonniere, Boutonnieres, Bowl, Bowls, Bowling, Bowtie, Bow Tie, Bow Ties, Bowties, Boxing, Boxings, Fisticuffs, Pugilism, Pugilisms, Brandy, Brandies, Brass Instrument, Brass Instruments, Brassiere, Bandeau, Bandeaus, Bra, Bras, Brassieres, Bread, Breads, Breakdancing, Bride, Brides, Bridesmaid, Bridesmaids, Maid Of Honor, Maids Of Honor, Bridge, Bridges, Overpass, Overpasses, Pontoon, Pontoons, Span, Spans, Briefcase, Attache, Attaches, Briefcases, Broccoli, Broccolis, Broom, Brooms, Brownie, Brownies, Bruschetta, Bruschettas, Bubblegum, Bubblegums, Bucket, Buckets, Pail, Pails, Building, Buildings, Construction, Constructions, Edifice, Edifices, Bulldog, Bulldogs, Bulldozer, Bulldozers, Dozer, Dozers, Bullfighting, Bullfightings, Tauromachies, Tauromachy, Bullion, Bullions, Bungee, Bungee Cord, Bungee Cords, Bungees, Bunny, Bunnies, Bunny Rabbit, Bunny Rabbits, Burrito, Burritos, Bus, Autobus, Autobuses, Buses, Motorbus, Motorbuses, Motorcoach, Motorcoaches, Butter, Butters, Butterfly, Butterflies, Button Machine, Button Machines, Cabbage, Cabbages, Cabinet, Cabinets, Cupboard, Cupboards, Locker, Lockers, Storage Locker, Storage Lockers, Cableway, Cableways, Cactus, Cactuses, Cage, Cages, Cake, Cakes, Cakestand, Cakestands, Calculator, Calculators, Calendar, Calendars, Caliper, Calipers, Calliper, Callipers, Calzone, Calzones, Camel, Camels, Camera, Cameras, Camping, Bivouacking, Campings, Encampment, Encampments, Tenting, Candle, Candles, Candlestick, Candle Holder, Candle Holders, Candlesticks, Candy, Candies, Candy Cane, Candy Canes, Canine, Canines, Canoe, Canoes, Cantaloupe, Cantaloupes, Canyon, Canyons, Crevasse, Crevasses, Gulch, Gulches, Gullies, Gully, Ravine, Ravines, Capers, Caper, Capers, Caprese, Caramel, Caramels, Card, Cards, Cardboard Box, Cardboard Boxes, Caribou, Caribous, Reindeer, Carnation, Carnations, Gillyflower, Gillyflowers, Carnival, Carnivals, Fair, Fairs, Funfair, Funfairs, Carousel, Carousels, Carrousel, Carrousels, Merry-Go-Round, Merry-Go-Rounds, Roundabout, Roundabouts, Whirligig, Whirligigs, Carrot, Carrots, Cart, Carts, Go-Cart, Go-Carts, Pushcart, Pushcarts, Carton, Cartons, Cashew, Cashews, Casino, Casinos, Casserole, Casseroles, Cassette, Cassettes, Tape, Tapes, Cat, Cats, Kitten, Kittens, Kitties, Kitty, Caterpillar, Caterpillars, Catfish, Mudcat, Mudcats, Siluriform Fish, Wolf Fish, Wolffish, Cauliflower, Cauliflowers, Cave, Caves, Celebration, Celebrations, Festivities, Festivity, Jubilation, Jubilations, Celery, Celeries, Cellar, Basement, Basements, Cellars, Root Cellar, Root Cellars, Wine Cellar, Wine Cellars, Cello, Cellos, Cellphone, Cell, Cellphones, Cells, Cellular Phone, Cellular Phones, Cellular Telephone, Cellular Telephones, Mobile Phone, Mobile Phones, Smartphone, Smartphones, Centipede, Centipedes, Cephalopod, Cephalopods, Cereal, Cereals, Ceremony, Ceremonies, Cetacean, Cetaceans, Chain, Chains, Chainsaw, Chain Saw, Chain Saws, Chainsaws, Chair, Chairs, Chairlift, Chair Lift, Chair Lifts, Chairlifts, Chaise, Chaise Lounge, Chaise Lounges, Chaises, Daybed, Daybeds, Chalkboard, Blackboard, Blackboards, Chalkboards, Chameleon, Chameleons, Chandelier, Chandeliers, Chart, Charts, Checkbook, Checkbooks, Chequebook, Chequebooks, Checkers, Cheerleading, Cheese, Cheeses, Cheesecake, Cheesecakes, Cheetah, Cheetahs, Cherry, Cherries, Chess, Chesses, Chestnut, Chestnuts, Chihuahua, Chihuahuas, Chimes, Bell, Bells, Chime, Chimes, Gong, Gongs, Chimney, Chimneys, Flue, Flues, Smokeshaft, Smokeshafts, Chinchilla, Chinchillas, Chisel, Chisels, Chives, Chocolate, Chocolates, Cocoa, Cocoas, Chocolate Chip, Chocolate Chips, Chopsticks, Chopstick, Chopsticks, Christmas Decoration, Christmas Decorations, Christmas Present, Christmas Gift, Christmas Gifts, Christmas Presents, Christmas Tree, Christmas Trees, Chrysanthemum, Chrysanthemums, Chutney, Chutneys, Indian Relish, Indian Relishes, Cider, Ciders, Cilantro, Cilantros, Coriander, Corianders, Cinnamon, Cinnamons, Circus, Circuses, Citadel, Bastion, Bastions, Citadels, Citrus Fruit, Citrus Fruits, Clam, Clams, Clamp, Clamps, Clarinet, Clarinets, Classroom, Classrooms, Schoolroom, Schoolrooms, Cliff, Cliffs, Escarpment, Escarpments, Precipice, Precipices, Cloak, Cape, Capes, Cloaks, Shawl, Shawls, Clock, Clocks, Clock Tower, Clock Towers, Closet, Closets, Wardrobe, Wardrobes, Clothesline, Clotheslines, Clothespin, Clothes Peg, Clothes Pegs, Clothes Pin, Clothes Pins, Clothespins, Clothing, Accoutrement, Accoutrements, Apparel, Apparels, Clothings, Duds, Garment, Garments, Habiliment, Habiliments, Vesture, Vestures, Wear, Wears, Cloudy, Clover, Clovers, Trefoil, Trefoils, Clown, Clowns, Clownfish, Cockatoo, Cockatoos, Cocktail, Aperitif, Aperitifs, Cocktails, Coconut, Coconuts, Coffee, Coffees, Java, Javas, Coffee Bean, Coffee Beans, Coffee Berries, Coffee Berry, Coffee Grinder, Coffee Grinders, Coffee Mill, Coffee Mills, Coffee Table, Cocktail Table, Cocktail Tables, Coffee Tables, Coffeemaker, Coffeemakers, Coffeepot, Coffeepots, Coin, Coins, Cold Cuts, Cold Meat, Cold Meats, Lunch Meat, Lunch Meats, Coleslaw, Coleslaws, Slaw, Slaws, Collie, Collies, Compass, Compasses, Computer, Computers, Computer Monitor, Computer Monitors, Concert, Concerts, Gig, Gigs, Recital, Recitals, Revue, Revues, Conch, Conches, Condiment, Condiments, Confection, Concoction, Concoctions, Confections, Sweet, Sweets, Container, Containers, Receptacle, Receptacles, Vessel, Vessels, Convertible, Convertibles, Ragtop, Ragtops, Conveyance, Conveyances, Cookie, Cookies, Cooking Oil, Cooking Oils, Cookware, Cooking Utensil, Cooking Utensils, Cookwares, Cord, Cords, Corgi, Corgis, Corkscrew, Bottle Screw, Bottle Screws, Corkscrews, Corn, Corns, Maize, Maizes, Cornflower, Bachelor's Button, Bachelor's Buttons, Bluebottle, Bluebottles, Cornflowers, Strawflower, Strawflowers, Corsage, Corsages, Corset, Corsets, Girdle, Girdles, Cougar, Cougars, Mountain Lion, Mountain Lions, Panther, Panthers, Puma, Pumas, Coupon, Coupons, Voucher, Vouchers, Courtroom, Court, Courtrooms, Courts, Cow, Cows, Cowboy Hat, Cowboy Hats, Stetson, Stetsons, Ten-Gallon Hat, Ten-Gallon Hats, Coyote, Brush Wolf, Brush Wolves, Coyotes, Prairie Wolf, Prairie Wolves, Crab, Crabs, Crabmeat, Crabmeats, Crag, Crags, Cranberry, Cranberries, Craps, Crate, Crates, Credit Card, Charge Card, Charge Cards, Credit Cards, Plastic, Plastics, Creek, Brook, Brooks, Creeks, Crick, Cricks, Crepe, Crepes, Crib, Cot, Cots, Cribs, Cricket Sport, Cricket Sports, Crocodile, Crocodiles, Croissant, Crescent Roll, Crescent Rolls, Croissants, Crosswalk, Crosswalks, Crowbar, Crowbars, Pries, Pry, Pry Bar, Pry Bars, Crown, Coronet, Coronets, Crowns, Diadem, Diadems, Crucible, Crucibles, Melting Pot, Melting Pots, Cruise Ship, Cruise Liner, Cruise Liners, Cruise Ships, Crutch, Crutches, Cubicle, Booth, Booths, Cube, Cubes, Cubicles, Cucumber, Cucumbers, Cuisine, Cuisines, Cup, Chalice, Chalices, Cups, Goblet, Goblets, Grail, Grails, Teacup, Teacups, Cupcake, Cupcakes, Currency, Currencies, Curry, Curries, Custard, Custards, Cutting Board, Chopping Board, Chopping Boards, Cutting Boards, Cycling, Cyclings, Dachshund, Badger Dog, Badger Dogs, Dachshunds, Dachsie, Daffodil, Daffodils, Dahlia, Dahlias, Daikon, Daikons, Japanese Radish, Japanese Radishes, Daisy, Daisies, Dalmatian, Carriage Dog, Carriage Dogs, Coach Dog, Coach Dogs, Dalmatians, Dam, Dams, Dancing, Dance, Dances, Dancings, Dandelion, Dandelions, Dartboard, Dart Board, Dart Boards, Dartboards, Dashboard, Dashboards, Daytime, Day, Daylight, Daylights, Days, Daytimes, Decanter, Carafe, Carafes, Decanters, Deck, Courtyard, Courtyards, Decks, Decoration, Decorations, Ornament, Ornamentation, Ornamentations, Ornaments, Deejay, DJ, DJs, Deejays, Disc Jockey, Disc Jockeys, Deer, Desert, Deserts, Desk, Desks, Dessert, Afters, Desserts, Sweet, Sweets, Detergent, Cleaner, Cleaners, Detergents, Solvent, Solvents, Dial, Dials, Gauge, Gauges, Indicator, Indicators, Diaper, Diapers, Nappies, Nappy, Dice, Dice, Dices, Die, Dill, Dills, Dining Room, Dining Rooms, Dinosaur, Dinosaurs, Dirt Road, Dirt Roads, Fire Road, Fire Roads, Disco Ball, Disco Balls, Diskette, Diskettes, Floppies, Floppy, Floppy Disk, Floppy Disks, Display, Displays, Ditch, Ditches, Diving, Dive, Dives, Divings, Diya, Doberman, Doberman Pinscher, Doberman Pinschers, Dobermen, Dock, Docks, Wharf, Wharves, Document, Documents, Dog, Doggies, Doggy, Dogs, Pooch, Pooches, Pup, Puppies, Puppy, Pups, Doll, Action Figure, Action Figures, Dolls, Dolphin, Dolphins, Dome, Domes, Domicile, Abode, Abodes, Domiciles, Dwelling, Dwellings, Habitation, Habitations, Home, Homes, Residence, Residences, Domino, Dominoes, Donkey, Burro, Burros, Donkeys, Mule, Mules, Donut, Donuts, Doughnut, Doughnuts, Door, Doors, Dove, Doves, Dragon Parade, Dragon Parades, Dragonfly, Dragonflies, Dress, Apparel, Apparels, Attire, Attires, Clothes, Dresses, Frock, Frocks, Garb, Garbs, Dressage, Dressages, Drink, Beverage, Beverages, Drinks, Potable, Potables, Drinking Glass, Drinking Glasses, Glass, Glasses, Driveway, Drive, Drives, Driveways, Private Road, Private Roads, Drone, Drones, Drum, Drums, Tympan, Tympans, Dryer, Dryers, Dumbbell, Dumbbells, Dumpling, Dumplings, Dumpster, Dumpsters, Durian, Durians, Dustpan, Dustpans, Eagle, Eagles, Earmuffs, Earmuff, Earmuffs, Easel, Easels, Mount, Mounts, Easter Egg, Easter Eggs, Edamame, Egg, Eggs, Eggplant, Aubergine, Aubergines, Brinjal, Brinjals, Eggplants, Electric Fan, Electric Fans, Elephant, Elephants, Elevator, Elevators, Lift, Lifts, Elk, Elks, Embers, Coal, Coals, Ember, Embers, Engraving, Engravings, Etching, Etchings, Entertainer, Entertainers, Equestrian, Equestrians, Horseback Rider, Horseback Riders, Equipment, Equipments, Escalator, Escalators, Eucalyptus Tree, Eucalyptus Trees, Evergreen, Evergreens, Extinguisher, Extinguishers, Fire Extinguisher, Fire Extinguishers, Eyeglasses, Eyeglass, Eyeglasses, Glasses, Monocle, Monocles, Specs, Spectacles, Fairground, Fairgrounds, Fajita, Fajitas, Falafel, Falafels, Farm, Farms, Faucet, Faucets, Spigot, Spigots, Fedora, Fedoras, Felt Hat, Felt Hats, Homburg, Homburgs, Stetson, Stetsons, Trilbies, Trilby, Feline, Felines, Fence, Fences, Fencing Sport, Fencing Sports, Ferns, Fern, Ferns, Ferret, Ferrets, Ferris Wheel, Ferris Wheels, Fiddle, Fiddles, Fig, Figs, Fire, Blaze, Blazes, Fires, Flame, Flames, Flare, Flares, Firearm, Firearms, Firecracker, Banger, Bangers, Cracker, Crackers, Firecrackers, Fireplace, Fireplaces, Hearth, Hearths, Fireworks, Burst, Bursts, Firework, Fireworks, Fish, Fishbowl, Fish Bowl, Fish Bowls, Fishbowls, Goldfish Bowl, Goldfish Bowls, Fishing, Fishings, Sportfishing, Fishtank, Fishtanks, Flag, Flags, Flagpole, Flagpoles, Flagstaff, Flagstaffs, Range Pole, Range Poles, Ranging Pole, Ranging Poles, Flamingo, Flamingoes, Flan, Flans, Flashlight, Flashlights, Searchlight, Searchlights, Flipchart, Flipcharts, Flipper, Fin, Fins, Flippers, Flower, Bloom, Blooms, Flowers, Flower Arrangement, Floral Arrangement, Floral Arrangements, Flower Arrangements, Flute, Flutes, Fondue, Fondues, Food, Chow, Chows, Comestible, Comestibles, Eats, Foods, Grub, Grubs, Meal, Meals, Foosball, Table Football, Table Soccer, Football, Football Game, Football Games, Footballs, Footwear, Footgear, Footwears, Forceps, Forest, Forests, Grove, Groves, Timber, Timberland, Timberlands, Timbers, Woodland, Woodlands, Woods, Fork, Forks, Forklift, Forklifts, Formula One, Formula Ones, Fountain, Fountains, Natural Spring, Natural Springs, Spring, Springs, Fox, Foxes, Frame, Frames, Fried Chicken, Fried Chickens, Fried Egg, Fried Eggs, Fries, Chips, French Fries, French-Fried Potato, French-Fried Potatoes, Frisbee, Frisbees, Frog, Frogs, Frozen, Cold, Freezing, Frigid, Frozen Dessert, Frozen Desserts, Frozen Yogurt, Frozen Yogurts, Fruit, Fruits, Fruitcake, Fruitcakes, Furniture, Furnishing, Furnishings, Furnitures, Gamepad, Gamepads, Games, Game, Games, Garage, Garages, Garden, Flower Garden, Flower Gardens, Gardens, Horticulture, Horticultures, Gargoyle, Gargoyles, Garlic, Garlics, Gas Mask, Gas Masks, Gasoline, Gas, Gases, Gasolines, Petrol, Petrols, Gastropod, Gastropods, Gate, Gates, Gazebo, Gazeboes, Gears, Cogwheel, Cogwheels, Gear, Gears, Gecko, Geckoes, Generator, Generators, Gerbil, Gerbils, German Shepherd, Alsatian, Alsatians, German Shepherds, Geyser, Geysers, Gift Card, Gift Cards, Ginger, Gingers, Gingerbread, Gingerbreads, Ginseng, Ginsengs, Giraffe, Camelopard, Camelopards, Giraffes, Glacier, Glaciers, Gloves, Glove, Gloves, Mitt, Mitts, Go Kart, Go Karts, Goat, Goats, Goggles, Goldfish, Golf, Golf Ball, Golf Balls, Golf Club, Golf Clubs, Golf Course, Golf Courses, Links Course, Links Courses, Gown, Gowns, Graduation, Commencement, Commencements, Graduations, Graffiti, Grain, Grains, Grand Prix, Grands Prix, Grape, Grapes, Grapefruit, Grapefruits, Grassland, Grasslands, Pasture, Pastures, Plain, Plains, Savanna, Savannas, Steppe, Steppes, Grater, Graters, Grave, Graves, Gravestone, Gravestones, Headstone, Headstones, Tomb, Tombs, Tombstone, Tombstones, Green Bean, Green Beans, Green Onion, Green Onions, Scallion, Scallions, Greenhouse, Glasshouse, Glasshouses, Greenhouses, Nurseries, Nursery, Greyhound, Greyhounds, Grill, Grills, Grilled Chicken, Grilled Chickens, Groom, Bridegroom, Bridegrooms, Grooms, Guacamole, Guacamoles, Guava, Guavas, Guitar, Guitars, Gull, Gulls, Sea Gull, Sea Gulls, Seagull, Seagulls, Guppy, Guppies, Gymnastics, Gyoza, Gyozas, Potsticker, Potstickers, Habanero, Habaneros, Hacksaw, Hack Saw, Hack Saws, Hacksaws, Metal Saw, Metal Saws, Halibut, Halibuts, Ham, Hams, Hamburger, Burger, Burgers, Cheeseburger, Cheeseburgers, Hamburgers, Hammer, Hammers, Hammock, Hammocks, Hamster, Hamsters, Handbell, Handbells, Handcart, Handcarts, Pushcart, Pushcarts, Handcuffs, Cuff, Cuffs, Handcuff, Handcuffs, Manacle, Manacles, Hangar, Airdock, Airdocks, Hangars, Hang Glider, Hang Gliders, Hardhat, Hardhats, Harp, Harps, Hat, Chapeau, Chapeaus, Hats, Headgear, Headdress, Headdresses, Headgears, Headphones, Earphone, Earphones, Earpiece, Earpieces, Headphone, Headphones, Headscarf, Headscarves, Health Club, Gymnasium, Gymnasiums, Health Clubs, Health Spa, Health Spas, Spa, Spas, Hedgehog, Hedgehogs, Helicopter, Chopper, Choppers, Helicopters, Whirlybird, Whirlybirds, Helmet, Helmets, Henna, Hennas, Herb, Herbs, Heron, Herons, Herring, Herrings, High Heels, Pumps, Stilettos, Hijab, Hijabs, Hippopotamus, Hippo, Hippopotamuses, Hippos, Hockey, Hockeys, Holiday, Holidays, Observance, Observances, Vacation, Vacations, Holly, Hollies, Holster, Holsters, Honey, Honeys, Honeydew, Honeydews, Hook, Hooks, Hookah, Hookahs, Horse, Horses, Horseradish, Horseradishes, Horseshoe, Horseshoes, Hose, Hoses, Hospital, Hospitals, Infirmaries, Infirmary, Hotdog, Frank, Frankfurter, Frankfurters, Franks, Hot Dog, Hot Dogs, Hotdogs, Hotel, Auberge, Auberges, Hotels, Inn, Inns, Hound, Hounds, Hourglass, Hourglasses, House, Home, Homes, Household, Households, Houses, Houseboat, Houseboats, Housewares, Hubcap, Hubcaps, Hula, Hulas, Hummingbird, Hummingbirds, Hummus, Hummuses, Hunting, Huntings, Hurdle, Hurdles, Husky, Huskies, Hydrant, Fireplug, Fireplugs, Hydrants, Spigot, Spigots, Hyena, Hyenas, Ice, Ices, Ice Cream, Ice Creams, Icecream, Icecreams, Ice Skate, Ice Skates, Ice Skating, Ice Skatings, Igloo, Igloos, Iguana, Iguanas, Illustrations, Drawing, Drawings, Insect, Insects, Interior Room, Indoors, Inside, Insides, Interior Rooms, Island, Islands, Ivy, Ivies, Jack O Lantern, Jack O Lanterns, Jack Russell, Jack Russells, Jacket, Jackets, Jacuzzi, Jacuzzis, Jalapeno, Jalapenos, Jar, Jars, Jeans, Blue Jean, Blue Jeans, Denim, Denims, Dungaree, Dungarees, Jean, Jeans, Jeep, Jeeps, Jello, Gelatin, Gelatins, Jellos, Jelly, Jellies, Jellybean, Jellybeans, Jellyfish, Jerrycan, Jerrycans, Jetski, Jet Ski, Jet Skis, Jetskis, Jewelry, Jewelries, Jigsaw, Jigsaws, Jockey Horse, Jockey Horses, Joystick, Control Stick, Control Sticks, Joysticks, Judo, Judos, Jug, Jugs, Juggling, Juggle, Juggles, Jugglings, Juice, Juices, Juicer, Juicers, Jungle, Jungles, Kale, Kales, Kandura, Kanduras, Kangaroo, Kangaroos, Karaoke, Karaokes, Karate, Karates, Kayak, Kayaks, Kebab, Kabob, Kabobs, Kebabs, Shish Kebab, Shish Kebabs, Keg, Kegs, Ketchup, Catsup, Catsups, Ketchups, Tomato Ketchup, Tomato Ketchups, Kettle, Kettles, Keypad, Keypads, Keys, Key, Keys, Kickboxing, Kielbasa, Kilt, Kilts, Kimchi, Kimchis, Kimono, Kimonos, Kitchen, Canteen, Canteens, Cookeries, Cookery, Galley, Galleys, Kitchens, Sculleries, Scullery, Kite, Kites, Kiteboarding, Kitten, Kittens, Kitties, Kitty, Knife, Knives, Koala, Koalas, Kohlrabi, Kohlrabis, Koi, Carp, Kois, Kung Fu, Lab Coat, Lab Coats, Laboratory Coat, Laboratory Coats, Laboratory, Lab, Laboratories, Labs, Research Lab, Research Laboratories, Research Laboratory, Research Labs, Science Lab, Science Laboratories, Science Laboratory, Science Labs, Ladder, Ladders, Ladle, Ladles, Ladybug, Lady Beetle, Lady Beetles, Ladybeetle, Ladybeetles, Ladybird, Ladybird Beetle, Ladybird Beetles, Ladybirds, Ladybugs, Lake, Lagoon, Lagoons, Lakes, Pond, Ponds, Reservoir, Reservoirs, Lakeshore, Lakeshores, Lakeside, Lakesides, Lamp, Lamps, Lamppost, Lampposts, Land, Lands, Lantern, Lanterns, Lasso, Lassoes, Lathe, Lathes, Lava, Lavas, Leash, Leashes, Tether, Tethers, Leek, Leeks, Scallion, Scallions, Lego, Legos, Lemon, Lemons, Lemonade, Lemonades, Lemongrass, Lemon Grass, Lemon Grasses, Lemongrasses, Lemur, Lemurs, Leopard, Leopards, Leotard, Body Suit, Body Suits, Cat Suit, Cat Suits, Leotards, Unitard, Unitards, Lettuce, Lettuces, Library, Libraries, License Plate, License Plates, Life Jacket, Life Jackets, Lifejacket, Lifejackets, Lifesaver, Life Belt, Life Belts, Life Buoy, Life Buoys, Life Preserver, Life Preservers, Life Ring, Life Rings, Lifesavers, Light, Lights, Luminance, Luminances, Luminosities, Luminosity, Light Bulb, Bulb, Bulbs, Incandescent Lamp, Incandescent Lamps, Light Bulbs, Lightbulb, Lightbulbs, Lighthouse, Beacon, Beacons, Lighthouses, Lightning, Lightnings, Lily, Lilies, Lime, Limes, Limousine, Limo, Limos, Limousines, Lion, Lions, Lionfish, Liquid, Liquids, Liquor, Booze, Boozes, Liquors, Spirits, Living Room, Den, Dens, Family Room, Family Rooms, Front Room, Front Rooms, Living Rooms, Parlor, Parlors, Parlour, Parlours, Sitting Room, Sitting Rooms, Lizard, Lizards, Llama, Llamas, Loafers, Lobster, Lobsters, Lollipop, Lollies, Lollipops, Lolly, Loudspeaker, Loudspeakers, Luggage, Baggage, Baggages, Luggages, Lychee, Lychees, Lynx, Lynxes, Macadamia, Macadamias, Machine, Apparatus, Apparatuses, Contraption, Contraptions, Machines, Mackerel, Magazine, Magazines, Magic, Conjuration, Conjurations, Illusion, Illusions, Legerdemain, Legerdemains, Magics, Thaumaturgies, Thaumaturgy, Magnifying Glass, Magnifying Glasses, Mailbox, Letter Box, Letter Boxes, Mailboxes, Postbox, Postboxes, Malamute, Malamutes, Malinois, Mallet, Mallets, Mammal, Mammals, Mango, Mangoes, Mangosteen, Mangosteens, Mangrove, Mangroves, Manhole, Manholes, Map, Maps, Maple Tree, Maple Trees, Margarita, Margaritas, Marigold, Marigolds, Marshmallow, Marshmallows, Marsupial, Marsupials, Martial Art, Martial Arts, Martini, Martinis, Masquerade, Mask, Masks, Masquerades, Mast, Masts, Mastiff, Mastiffs, Mattress, Mattresses, Matzo, Matzos, Mayonnaise, Mayo, Mayonnaises, Mead, Meads, Measuring Tape, Measuring Tapes, Meat, Meats, Meatball, Meatballs, Meatloaf, Meat Loaf, Meat Loaves, Meatloaves, Media, Medias, Medicine, Medicines, Megalith, Megaliths, Melon, Melons, Menorah, Menorahs, Microphone, Mic, Microphones, Mics, Mike, Mikes, Microscope, Microscopes, Microwave, Microwave Oven, Microwave Ovens, Microwaves, Milk, Milks, Milkshake, Milkshakes, Millipede, Millipedes, Minaret, Minarets, Minnow, Minnows, Mirror, Mirrors, Missile, Missiles, Mistletoe, Mistletoes, Mitten, Mittens, Moccasins, Mojito, Mojitos, Mollusk, Mollusks, Money, Monies, Monitor Lizard, Monitor Lizards, Monorail, Monorails, Monument, Commemoration, Commemorations, Landmark, Landmarks, Memorial, Memorials, Monuments, Moon, Lunar, Lunars, Moonlight, Moonlights, Moons, Moonshine, Moonshines, Moose, Mop, Mops, Swab, Swabs, Swob, Swobs, Moth, Moths, Motorcross, Motorcycle, Bike, Bikes, Motorcycles, Motor Home, Motor Homes, Motorhome, Motorhomes, Motorsport, Motorsports, Mountain, Mount, Mountains, Mounts, Peak, Peaks, Sierra, Sierras, Mousetrap, Mousetraps, Mower, Lawn Mower, Lawn Mowers, Mowers, Mud, Muds, Muffin, Muffins, Mug, Coffee Mug, Coffee Mugs, Flagon, Flagons, Mugs, Tankard, Tankards, Museum, Museums, Mushroom, Mushrooms, Music, Musical Instrument, Musical Instruments, Musket, Muskets, Mussel, Mussels, Mustard, Mustards, Naan, Naans, Nacho, Nachos, Nascar, Necktie, Neckties, Tie, Ties, Nectarine, Nectarines, Nest, Nests, Roost, Roosts, Newspaper, Newspapers, Newsprint, Newsprints, Night, Nights, Nightclub, Club, Clubs, Night Club, Night Clubs, Nightclubs, Nightspot, Nightspots, Nut, Nuts, Oak Tree, Oak, Oak Trees, Oaks, Oar, Oars, Oasis, Haven, Havens, Oases, Oat, Oats, Oatmeal, Oatmeals, Obelisk, Obelisks, Ocean, Oceans, Sea, Seas, Office, Offices, Office Supplies, Oktoberfest, Omelet, Omelets, Omelette, Omelettes, Onion, Onions, Oranges, Orchestra, Orchestras, Orchid, Orchids, Oregano, Marjoram, Marjorams, Oreganos, Origami, Origamis, Ostrich, Ostriches, Otter, Otters, Outdoor, Outdoors, Outside, Outsides, Oven, Kiln, Kilns, Ovens, Overalls, Owl, Owls, Oyster, Oysters, Pacifier, Pacifiers, Teething Ring, Teething Rings, Paella, Paellas, Pagoda, Pagodas, Paintball, Paintballs, Paintbrush, Paintbrushes, Painting, Paintings, Picture, Pictures, Palette, Palettes, Palm Tree, Palm Trees, Pan, Pans, Saucepan, Saucepans, Skillet, Skillets, Pancake, Flapjack, Flapjacks, Griddlecake, Griddlecakes, Hot Cake, Hot Cakes, Hotcake, Hotcakes, Pancakes, Panda, Pandas, Papaya, Papayas, Paper Bag, Paper Bags, Parade, Parades, Parakeet, Parakeets, Parasailing, Paragliding, Park, Commons, Parkland, Parklands, Parks, Recreation Area, Recreation Areas, Park Bench, Park Benches, Parking Lot, Car Park, Car Parks, Parking Area, Parking Areas, Parking Garage, Parking Garages, Parking Lots, Parrot, Parrots, Parsley, Parsleys, Passion Fruit, Passion Fruits, Passionfruit, Passionfruits, Passport, Passports, Pasta, Pastas, Pastry, Pastries, Path, Course, Courses, Paths, Route, Routes, Track, Tracks, Way, Ways, Patio, Patios, Terrace, Terraces, Payphone, Payphones, Pea, Peas, Peach, Peaches, Peacock, Peacocks, Peanut, Peanuts, Peanut Butter, Pear, Pears, Pecan, Pecans, Pelican, Pelicans, Penguin, Penguins, Pepper (Spice), Peppers (Spice), Pepper (Vegetable), Peppers (Vegetable), Pepperoni, Pepperonis, Peregrine, Falcon, Falcons, Peregrines, Performance, Act, Acts, Performances, Production, Productions, Revue, Revues, Pergola, Arbor, Arbors, Bower, Bowers, Pergolas, Persimmon, Persimmons, Petunia, Petunias, Phone, Phones, Photography, Photographies, Picture Taking, Picture Takings, Piano, Pianos, Pickle, Pickles, Pie, Pies, Pie Chart, Pie Charts, Pier, Piers, Wharf, Wharves, Pierogi, Pierogis, Pig, Hog, Hogs, Pigs, Piggy Bank, Piggy Banks, Piggybank, Piggybanks, Pillar, Column, Columns, Mainstay, Mainstays, Pillars, Pine Nut, Pignolia, Pignolias, Pine Nuts, Pinon Nut, Pinon Nuts, Pine Tree, Pine, Pine Trees, Pines, Pineapple, Pineapples, Ping Pong, Table Tennis, Pistachio, Pistachios, Pistol, Handgun, Handguns, Pistols, Pita, Pitas, Pocket Bread, Pocket Breads, Pit Bull, Pit Bull Terrier, Pit Bull Terriers, Pit Bulls, Pitbull, Pitbulls, Staffordshire, Terrier, Terriers, Pitchfork, Pitchforks, Pizza, Pizzas, Place Mat, Place Mats, Placemat, Placemats, Planetarium, Planetariums, Plant, Flora, Floras, Plants, Plaque, Memorial, Memorials, Plaques, Plate, Plates, Platter, Platters, Playground, Jungle Gym, Jungle Gyms, Playgrounds, Playpen, Playpens, Pliers, Plum, Plums, Plunger, Plungers, Poinsettia, Poinsettias, Poker, Pokers, Pole, Poles, Polka Dot, Polka Dots, Polo, Polos, Pomegranate, Pomegranates, Pomeranian, Pomeranians, Poncho, Ponchos, Poodle, Poodles, Pool, Pools, Popcorn, Popcorns, Poppyseed, Poppyseeds, Popsicle, Popsicles, Porch, Porches, Porcupine, Porcupines, Pork, Porks, Portal, Entrance, Entrances, Gateway, Gateways, Portals, Porthole, Portholes, Poster, Placard, Placards, Posters, Posting, Postings, Pot, Pots, Potato, Potatoes, Spud, Spuds, Tater, Taters, Potato Chip, Chip, Chips, Crisp, Crisps, Potato Chips, Poultry, Fowl, Fowls, Poultries, Power Saw, Power Saws, Saw, Sawing Machine, Sawing Machines, Saws, Prairie Dog, Prairie Dogs, Precipitation, Precipitations, Pretzel, Pretzels, Printer, Printers, Projectile, Projectiles, Projector, Projectors, Puck, Hockey Puck, Hockey Pucks, Pucks, Pudding, Puddings, Puddle, Puddles, Puffer Fish, Puffin, Puffins, Pug, Pugs, Pulley, Block, Blocks, Pulley Block, Pulley Blocks, Pulleys, Pumpkin, Pumpkins, Puppet, Puppets, Purse, Handbag, Handbags, Pocketbook, Pocketbooks, Purses, Putt, Putting, Puttings, Putts, Putter, Putters, Putting Iron, Putting Irons, Puzzle, Puzzler, Puzzlers, Puzzles, Pylon, Power Pylon, Power Pylons, Pylons, Pyramid, Pyramids, Pyrotechnics, Python, Pythons, Quesadilla, Quesadillas, Quinoa, Quinoas, Rabbit, Coney, Coneys, Conies, Cony, Hare, Hares, Lapin, Lapins, Rabbits, Raccoon, Raccoons, Racquet, Racket, Rackets, Racquets, Radish, Radishes, Rafting, Railroad, Railroad Line, Railroad Lines, Railroad Track, Railroad Tracks, Railroads, Railway, Railway Line, Railway Lines, Railway System, Railway Systems, Railways, Rain, Pelting, Peltings, Rainfall, Rainfalls, Rains, Rainwater, Rainwaters, Rainbow, Rainbows, Rainforest, Rain Forest, Rain Forests, Rainforests, Raisin, Raisins, Rake, Rakes, Ramadan Lantern, Ramadan Lanterns, Rambutan, Rambutans, Ramen, Ramens, Rangoli, Rangolis, Raptor, Bird Of Prey, Birds Of Prey, Raptors, Raspberry, Raspberries, Rat, Rats, Ratchet, Ratchets, Rattlesnake, Rattler, Rattlers, Rattlesnakes, Raven, Ravens, Receipt, Receipts, Record, Disc, Discs, Disk, Disks, Phonograph Record, Phonograph Recording, Phonograph Recordings, Phonograph Records, Records, Recreation, Recreations, Red Envelope, Red Envelopes, Red Wine, Red Wines, Refrigerator, Icebox, Iceboxes, Refrigerators, Remote Control, Remote, Remote Controls, Remotes, Reptile, Reptiles, Restaurant, Cafe, Cafes, Cafeteria, Cafeterias, Coffee Shop, Coffee Shops, Diner, Diners, Eateries, Eatery, Restaurants, Retriever, Retrievers, Revolver, Revolvers, Rhinoceros, Rhino, Rhinoceroses, Rhinos, Rhubarb, Rhubarbs, Ribbon, Ribbons, Rice, Rices, Rice Field, Rice Fields, Rickshaw, Rickshaws, Ridgeback, Ridgebacks, Rifle, Rifles, Rink, Rinks, Skating Rink, Skating Rinks, Risotto, Risottos, River, Estuaries, Estuary, Rivers, Stream, Streams, Tributaries, Tributary, Rivershore, Rivershores, Road, Avenue, Avenues, Boulevard, Boulevards, Pathway, Pathways, Roads, Roadway, Roadways, Route, Routes, Robot, Automaton, Automatons, Golem, Golems, Robots, Rock Climbing, Rock Climbings, Rocket, Rockets, Rodent, Rodents, Rodeo, Rodeos, Roundup, Roundups, Roe, Roes, Rollerblades, Rollerblade, Rollerblades, Rollercoaster, Rollercoasters, Roller Skating, Rollerskating, Rolling Pin, Rolling Pins, Rope, Cordage, Cordages, Ropes, Rose, Roses, Rosemary, Rosemaries, Rotisserie, Rotisseries, Rottweiler, Rottweilers, Roulette, Roulettes, Rowboat, Dinghy, Dinghys, Rowboats, Rubber Stamp, Handstamp, Handstamps, Rubber Stamps, Rugby, Rugbys, Rum, Rums, Sack, Carrier Bag, Carrier Bags, Pouch, Pouches, Sacks, Saddle, Saddles, Sailboat, Sailboats, Sailing Boat, Sailing Boats, Salad, Salads, Salami, Salamis, Salmon, Salt, Brine, Brines, Salts, Samba, Sambas, Samosa, Samosas, Sand, Sands, Sand Dune, Dune, Dunes, Sand Dunes, Sandal, Sandals, Sandbag, Sandbags, Sandbox, Sandboxes, Sandpile, Sandpiles, Sandpit, Sandpits, Sandcastle, Sandcastles, Sandpiper, Sandpipers, Sandwich, Sandwiches, Sangria, Sangrias, Santa Claus, Santa Clauses, Sardine, Sardines, Sari, Saris, Satay, Satays, Sauce, Coulis, Gravies, Gravy, Sauces, Sauceboat, Gravy Boat, Gravy Boats, Gravy Holder, Gravy Holders, Sauceboats, Sauerkraut, Sauerkrauts, Sauna, Saunas, Sausage, Sausages, Saxophone, Sax, Saxes, Saxophones, Scaffolding, Scaffoldings, Scallop, Scallops, Scarab, Beetle, Beetles, Scarabs, Scarecrow, Scarecrows, Straw Man, Straw Men, Strawman, Strawmen, Scarf, Scarves, Schnauzer, Schnauzers, School, Schools, Scissors, Pair Of Scissors, Pairs Of Scissors, Scone, Scones, Scooter, Scooters, Scoreboard, Scoreboards, Scorpion, Scorpions, Scrambled Eggs, Scrapbook, Scrapbooks, Screwdriver, Screwdrivers, Scuba, Aqualung, Aqualungs, Scubas, Sea Bass, Seabass, Seabasses, Seafood, Seafoods, Seahorse, Seahorses, Sea Lion, Sea Lions, Sealion, Sealions, Seashell, Seashells, Seasonings, Flavoring, Flavorings, Seasoning, Seasonings, Seat, Seats, Seaweed, Kelp, Kelps, Seaweeds, Sedan, Sedans, Seed, Seeds, Seesaw, Seesaws, Teeter-Totter, Teeter-Totters, Teeterboard, Teeterboards, Semi Truck, Eighteen Wheeler, Eighteen Wheelers, Semi Trucks, Sequoia, Redwood, Redwoods, Sequoias, Serpent, Serpents, Sesame, Sesames, Setter, Setters, Sewing, Sewings, Stitcheries, Stitchery, Stitching, Stitchings, Shark, Sharks, Shawarma, Shawarmas, Shears, Shear, Shears, Shed, Sheds, Sheep, Sheepdog, Sheepdogs, Shellfish, Shellfish (Prepared), Shipyard, Shipyards, Shoe, Shopping Bag, Shopping Bags, Shopping Cart, Shopping Carts, Shore, Coast, Coasts, Shores, Waterfront, Waterfronts, Shotgun, Scattergun, Scatterguns, Shotguns, Shovel, Shovels, Spade, Spades, Shower, Showers, Shrub, Bush, Bushes, Hedge, Hedges, Shrubs, Sidewalk, Sidewalks, Sieve, Colander, Colanders, Sieves, Sign, Signs, Silo, Silos, Singer, Singers, Vocalist, Vocalists, Skateboard, Skateboards, Skateboarding, Skateboardings, Skatepark, Skateparks, Skating, Skatings, Sketch, Drawing, Drawings, Sketches, Ski, Skis, Ski Boot, Ski Boots, Skunk, Skunks, Sky, Skies, Skydiving, Skydivings, Skyscraper, High Rise, High Rises, Skyscrapers, Sled, Sleds, Sleigh, Sleighs, Sledding, Sleddings, Sledgehammer, Sledgehammers, Slide, Slide, Slipper, Slippers, Smokestack, Smokestacks, Smoothie, Smoothies, Snail, Snails, Snake, Snakes, Snapdragon, Snapdragons, Snapper, Snappers, Sneakers, Gym Shoe, Gym Shoes, Sneaker, Sneakers, Tennis Shoe, Tennis Shoes, Snorkeling, Snow, Snows, Snowball, Snowballs, Snowboard, Snowboards, Snowboarding, Snowboardings, Snowman, Snowmen, Snowmobile, Snowmobiles, Snowshoe, Snowshoes, Soccer, Soccers, Sock, Socks, Soda, Pop, Pops, Soda Pop, Soda Pops, Sodas, Sofa, Couch, Couches, Lounge, Lounges, Sofas, Softball, Softball Game, Softball Games, Softballs, Sombrero, Sombreros, Souffle, Souffles, Soup, Goulash, Goulashes, Soups, Stew, Stews, Sour Cream, Sour Creams, Souvlaki, Souvlakis, Soy Sauce, Soy Sauces, Spaniel, Spaniels, Spareribs, Sparerib, Spareribs, Sparkler, Sparklers, Sparkling Wine, Sparkling Wines, Sparrow, Sparrows, Spatula, Spatulas, Speakers, Speedboat, Speedboats, Spice, Spices, Spider, Spiders, Spiderweb, Cobweb, Cobwebs, Spiderwebs, Web, Webs, Spinach, Spinaches, Spoon, Spoons, Sport, Athletics, Sports, Sports Equipment, Athletic Equipment, Sports Car, Sports Cars, Sportscar, Sportscars, Spotlight, Limelight, Limelights, Spotlights, Spring Roll, Spring Rolls, Sprinkler, Sprinklers, Sprout, Sprouts, Squash Sport, Squash Sports, Squirrel, Squirrels, Stadium, Stadiums, Stained Glass, Stained Glasses, Stairs, Stair, Stairs, Step, Steps, Starfish, Sea Star, Sea Stars, Star Fruit, Star Fruits, Starfruit, Starfruits, Starry, Statue, Sculpture, Sculptures, Statues, Steak, Steaks, Steamer, Steamers, Stereo, Stereos, Stethoscope, Stethoscopes, Sticky Note, Post It Note, Post It Notes, Sticky Notes, Stingray, Stingrays, Stir Fry, Stir Fries, Stool, Footrest, Footrests, Footstool, Footstools, Ottoman, Ottomans, Stools, Stopwatch, Stop Watch, Stop Watches, Stopwatches, Storefront, Shopfront, Shopfronts, Storefronts, Stork, Storks, Storm, Storms, Tempest, Tempests, Stove, Cooking Stove, Cooking Stoves, Kitchen Range, Kitchen Ranges, Kitchen Stove, Kitchen Stoves, Range, Ranges, Stoves, Straw, Straws, Straw Hat, Straw Hats, Straw Hay, Straw Hays, Strawberry, Strawberries, Streamer, Banner, Banners, Pennant, Pennants, Streamers, Street, Streets, Street Sign, Street Signs, Streetcar, Streetcars, Tram, Tramcar, Tramcars, Trams, Trolley, Trolley Car, Trolley Cars, Trolleys, Stretcher, Stretchers, String Instrument, String Instruments, Stroller, Baby Buggies, Baby Buggy, Baby Carriage, Baby Carriages, Carriage, Carriages, Strollers, Structure, Construction, Constructions, Structures, Strudel, Danish, Danishes, Strudels, Submarine, Submarines, Submersible, Submersibles, Sugar Cube, Sugar Cubes, Suit, Suits, Suitcase, Suitcases, Sukiyaki, Sukiyakis, Sumo, Sumos, Sun, Suns, Sunbathing, Sundial, Sundials, Sunfish, Sunflower, Sunflowers, Sunflower Seed, Sunflower Seeds, Sunglasses, Dark Glasses, Shades, Sunhat, Sunhats, Sunrise, Break Of Day, Breaks Of Day, Dawn, Dawns, Daybreak, Daybreaks, First Light, First Lights, Morning, Mornings, Sunrises, Sunup, Sunups, Sunset, Dusk, Dusks, Nightfall, Nightfalls, Sundown, Sundowns, Sunsets, Surfboard, Surfboards, Surfing, Surfboarding, Surfings, Surfriding, Surimi, Sushi, Sushis, Sport Utility Vehicle, SUV, SUVs, Sport Utility Vehicles, Swan, Swans, Sweater, Sweaters, Swimming, Swim, Swimmings, Swims, Swimsuit, Swimsuits, Swimwear, Swimwears, Swing Dancing, Swing, Swings, Swivel Chair, Swivel Chairs, Sword, Swords, Swordfish, Sycamore, Sycamores, Syringe, Syringes, Syrup, Syrups, Tabbouleh, Tabboulehs, Table, Tables, Tableware, Tablewares, Tachometer, Tachometers, Taco, Tacos, Taffy, Taffys, Tambourine, Tambourines, Tandoori, Tandooris, Tapas, Tapioca, Tapiocas, Tarantula, Tarantulas, Taro, Taros, Tarragon, Tarragons, Tattoo, Tattoos, Tea, Teapot, Teapots, Teddy, Teddies, Teddy Bear, Teddy Bears, Telephone, Telephones, Telescope, Scope, Scopes, Telescopes, Television, TV, TVs, Televisions, Tempura, Tempuras, Tennis, Lawn Tennis, Tent, Tents, Tequila, Tequilas, Teriyaki, Teriyakis, Termite, Termites, Terrarium, Terrariums, Terrier, Terriers, Textbook, Schoolbook, Schoolbooks, Textbooks, Thanksgiving, Thanksgivings, Theater, Theaters, Theatre, Theatres, Thermometer, Thermometers, Thermos, Flask, Flasks, Thermoses, Thermostat, Thermostats, Throne, Thrones, Thunderstorm, Thunderstorms, Thyme, Thymes, Tiara, Tiaras, Tiger, Tigers, Timepiece, Timekeeper, Timekeepers, Timepieces, Tiramisu, Tiramisus, Tire, Tires, Tyre, Tyres, Toad, Toads, Toaster, Toasters, Tofu, Bean Curd, Bean Curds, Tofus, Tomato, Tomatoes, Tongs, Tool, Tools, Toolbelt, Toolbelts, Toolbox, Tool Cabinet, Tool Cabinets, Tool Case, Tool Cases, Tool Chest, Tool Chests, Toolboxes, Top Hat, Top Hats, Tophat, Tophats, Torch, Torches, Tornado, Cyclone, Cyclones, Funnel Cloud, Funnel Clouds, Tornadoes, Twister, Twisters, Typhoon, Typhoons, Tortilla, Tortillas, Tortoise, Tortoises, Toucan, Toucans, Tower, Spire, Spires, Towers, Toy, Toys, Track And Field, Track And Fields, Track Rail, Track Rails, Tractor, Tractors, Traffic Light, Stoplight, Stoplights, Traffic Lights, Traffic Signal, Traffic Signals, Trail, Trails, Train, Locomotive, Locomotives, Trains, Train Station, Railroad Station, Railroad Stations, Railroad Terminal, Railroad Terminals, Railway Station, Railway Stations, Train Depot, Train Depots, Train Stations, Trampoline, Trampolines, Tramway, Aerial Tramway, Aerial Tramways, Cable Tramway, Cable Tramways, Ropeway, Ropeways, Tram, Tramline, Tramlines, Trams, Tramways, Tray, Trays, Treadmill, Treadmills, Tree, Trees, Trellis, Lattice, Lattices, Trellises, Triathlon, Triathlons, Tricycle, Tricycles, Trike, Trikes, Tripod, Tripods, Trombone, Trombones, Trophy, Award, Awards, Prize, Prizes, Trophies, Trout, Truck, Trucks, Trumpet, Cornet, Cornets, Horn, Horns, Trumpets, Tuba, Bass Horn, Bass Horns, Sousaphone, Sousaphones, Tubas, Tulip, Tulips, Tuna, Tunnel, Burrow, Burrows, Tunnels, Turban, Turbans, Turf, Grass, Grasses, Greensward, Greenswards, Lawn, Lawns, Sward, Swards, Turfs, Turmeric, Turmerics, Turnip, Turnips, Turntable, Turntables, Turtle, Turtles, Tuxedo, Black Tie, Black Ties, Dinner Jacket, Dinner Jackets, Tux, Tuxedos, Tuxes, Typewriter, Typewriters, Ukulele, Ukuleles, Umbrella, Umbrellas, Underwater, Submerged, Undersea, Underseas, Underwaters, Ungulates, Hoofed Mammal, Hoofed Mammals, Ungulate, Ungulates, Urchin, Urchins, Utensil, Utensils, Vacuum, Vacuum Cleaner, Vacuum Cleaners, Vacuums, Van, Vans, Vase, Urn, Urns, Vases, Vegetable, Vegetables, Veggie, Veggies, Vegetation, Botanies, Botany, Flora, Floras, Vegetations, Vehicle, Vehicles, Video Game, Video Games, Videogame, Videogames, Vinegar, Vinegars, Vineyard, Grapevines, Vines, Vineyards, Wineries, Winery, Viola, Violas, Violin, Violins, Violoncello, Violoncellos, Vizsla, Hungarian Pointer, Hungarian Pointers, Vizslas, Vodka, Vodkas, Volcano, Volcanoes, Vulture, Vultures, Waffle, Waffles, Wagon, Wagons, Wakeboarding, Walkway, Walkways, Wallet, Billfold, Billfolds, Notecase, Notecases, Pocketbook, Pocketbooks, Wallets, Warning Sign, Warning Signs, Warship, Battleship, Battleships, Combat Ship, Combat Ships, War Vessel, War Vessels, Warships, Wasabi, Washbasin, Basin, Basins, Handbasin, Handbasins, Lavabo, Lavaboen, Sink, Sinks, Washbasins, Washbowl, Washbowls, Washstand, Washstands, Washing Machine, Washer, Washers, Washing Machines, Watch, Watches, Wristwatch, Wristwatches, Water, H2O, Waters, Watercraft, Watercress, Watercresses, Waterfall, Cascade, Cascades, Falls, Waterfalls, Watering Can, Watering Cans, Watering Pot, Watering Pots, Watermelon, Watermelons, Watermill, Watermills, Waterpolo, Water Polo, Water-Polo, Water-Polos, Watersport, Watersports, Waterways, Wedding, Marriage, Marriages, Matrimonies, Matrimony, Nuptials, Weddings, Wedding Cake, Bridecake, Bridecakes, Wedding Cakes, Wedding Dress, Bridal Gown, Bridal Gowns, Wedding Dresses, Wedding Gown, Wedding Gowns, Weimaraner, Weimaraners, Wetland, Marsh, Marshes, Swamp, Swamps, Wetlands, Wetsuit, Wetsuits, Whale, Whales, Wheat, Wheats, Wheel, Wheels, Wheelbarrow, Barrow, Barrows, Garden Cart, Garden Carts, Lawn Cart, Lawn Carts, Wheelbarrows, Whipped Cream, Whipped Creams, Whisk, Whisks, Whiskey, Whiskeys, Whisky, White Bread, White Breads, White Wine, White Wines, Whiteboard, Whiteboards, Wildfire, Wildfires, Willow, Willows, Winch, Winches, Windmill, Aerogenerator, Aerogenerators, Wind Generator, Wind Generators, Windmills, Window, Windows, Windsurfing, Windsurfings, Wine, Vino, Wines, Wine Bottle, Wine Bottles, Winter Sport, Winter Sports, Wire, Wires, Cable, Cables, Wolf, Wolves, Wolfhound, Wolfhounds, Wonton, Won Ton, Won Tons, Wontons, Wood, Woods, Woodpecker, Woodpeckers, Woodwind, Woodwinds, Workout, Exercise, Exercises, Exertion, Exertions, Workouts, Worm, Worms, Wreath, Chaplet, Chaplets, Coronal, Coronals, Garland, Garlands, Lei, Leis, Wreaths, Wrench, Wrenches, Wrestling, Grappling, Grapplings, Wrestlings, Wushu, Xylophone, Marimba, Marimbas, Xylophones, Yacht, Yachts, Yarn, Yarns, Yogurt, Yoghurt, Yoghurts, Yogurts, Yolk, Egg Yolk, Egg Yolks, Yolks, Zebra, Zebras, Zoo, Menagerie, Menageries, Wildlife Park, Wildlife Parks, Zoological Garden, Zoological Gardens, Zoos, Zucchini, Courgette, Courgettes, Zucchinis.


  • Reply 1 of 29
    boredumbboredumb Posts: 1,418member
    Hah!  You call that a list??!?!!?  ;)

    I tried it with "elephants", and discovered I had 8 pictures of elephants in Photos...
    Some may have been from a niece's African vacation a few years ago, but some were probably
    used by my wife as "models" for her paintings (she knows I consider them a 'totem')...
    Strangely, though, it didn't locate the resulting elephants she'd painted from them...?
    I haven't the heart to tell her  o:) :D
     4Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 2 of 29
    I wonder if the "avocado" search recognised the fruit or the text at the top of the photo
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 3 of 29
    Here's one that seems to work great and will be very useful for me personally:  whiteboard. It located 13 pictures of a whiteboard with notes I wanted to retain and a couple of pictures of PowerPoint presentations from a conference (close enough and same idea). 

    I wonder if the people who spent years developing this feature are bummed that almost know one knows about it. 
     1Like 0Dislikes 2Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 29
    I was excited when this came out, and it's pretty useful sometimes, but the one thing I really wanted it to do, and I *know* I'm not alone, is search for memes. Apple can find a stack of avocados but it can't find giant letters sprawled on a pic? This is a huge peve of mine. And that would be something genuinely useful, especially for anyone under 30. 

     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 5 of 29
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,864member
    Holy Crap!  It works!
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 6 of 29
    nhughesnhughes Posts: 770editor
    I was excited when this came out, and it's pretty useful sometimes, but the one thing I really wanted it to do, and I *know* I'm not alone, is search for memes. Apple can find a stack of avocados but it can't find giant letters sprawled on a pic? This is a huge peve of mine. And that would be something genuinely useful, especially for anyone under 30. 
    I realize it's not the solution you're looking for, but a workaround would be to take memes and manually put them into their own album. If you do this on a Mac, it will sync with your iOS device, potentially making it a little easier/quicker.

    An app I used to use, Meme Generator, at one time automatically put user-generated memes into their own album. However, that functionality appears to have been broken since early 2016, based on what I can see in my own album.
     1Like 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 7 of 29
    nhughesnhughes Posts: 770editor
    On a related note: I have about 12,000 photos in my library, and one thing about the Photos app that really drives me nuts is the lack of support for GIFs. Thankfully Giflay helps to fill that void. It automatically pulls any gifs from your photo library so you can easily sort through them. I just wish it gave the option to take all GIFs and put them in their own album *within the Photos app*. Of course, if Giflay did that, I wouldn't need to open their app, so I suppose it's not in their best interest.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 8 of 29
    argonautargonaut Posts: 130member
    This is actually really cool and I can't believe I didn't know it existed...  It also works surprisingly well!  Thanks for the headsup!
     3Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 9 of 29
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,864member
    This shows surprisingly good progress with some humorous side notes. Searching for "Christmas" returned the expected Christmas trees, decorated houses, decorations, etc., while "easter" returned a picture of the planet Saturn. Animal recognition is surprisingly good, at least for domestic farm animals like cows and goats. This feature reminds me of using Siri for the first time on the iPhone 4s. When it works it's amazing and when it doesn't it's still fun and amusing. All good. It would be nice to be able to add some basic conditional logic based on other visual attributes such as color, i.e., "red and car." But I'm sure that's all coming in the near future. Like it.
    edited May 2017
     3Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 10 of 29
    This has to be a key part of any demo of a (rumored) "Siri Home" device (with a screen of course).  "Show me pictures of our vacation last summer."  "Show me the picture of aunt Myrtle at the beach."

    Of course the media will have a field day with the "misses" even if they only happen 1% of the time.
     2Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 11 of 29
    nhughes said:
    I was excited when this came out, and it's pretty useful sometimes, but the one thing I really wanted it to do, and I *know* I'm not alone, is search for memes. Apple can find a stack of avocados but it can't find giant letters sprawled on a pic? This is a huge peve of mine. And that would be something genuinely useful, especially for anyone under 30. 
    I realize it's not the solution you're looking for, but a workaround would be to take memes and manually put them into their own album. If you do this on a Mac, it will sync with your iOS device, potentially making it a little easier/quicker.

    An app I used to use, Meme Generator, at one time automatically put user-generated memes into their own album. However, that functionality appears to have been broken since early 2016, based on what I can see in my own album.
    Thanks for the reply. That's a good thought, I'll definitely consider doing that next time I fire up my MBA.
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 12 of 29
    dysamoriadysamoria Posts: 3,430member
    boredumb said:
    Hah!  You call that a list??!?!!?  ;)

    I tried it with "elephants", and discovered I had 8 pictures of elephants in Photos...
    Some may have been from a niece's African vacation a few years ago, but some were probably
    used by my wife as "models" for her paintings (she knows I consider them a 'totem')...
    Strangely, though, it didn't locate the resulting elephants she'd painted from them...?
    I haven't the heart to tell her  o:) :D
    Search for "art". I know it is a functioning term because it's the only search term that worked for me in my small collection of images (it pulled up graffiti I photographed on a walk)
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 13 of 29
    dysamoriadysamoria Posts: 3,430member
    This has to be a key part of any demo of a (rumored) "Siri Home" device (with a screen of course).  "Show me pictures of our vacation last summer."  "Show me the picture of aunt Myrtle at the beach."

    Of course the media will have a field day with the "misses" even if they only happen 1% of the time.
    They should, if those misses are mistakes that humans wouldn't make. This is why "artificial intelligence" needs to be defined as requiring the ability to think, not just simple image content parsing. The human brain does an amazing job of it, seemingly with zero processing time and very few errors... especially when compared to computer software. Millions of years of evolution vs a few decades of software developments...
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 14 of 29
    dysamoriadysamoria Posts: 3,430member
    It really needs a feature where users can correct wrongly-identified objects. Without that, it defeats the feature of "learning" in our lame excuses for "artificial intelligence"... and it's just plain annoying to have a "helping" tool be blatantly wrong.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 15 of 29
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,864member
    It works with Siri on a Mac without Photos being open I just found.  She has the brains (if that's the correct term lol) to open Photos and show you all the 'what ever you asked for' and doesn't launch Safari and the web as I think she used to.
    edited May 2017
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 16 of 29
    dachardachar Posts: 330member
    nhughes said:
    I was excited when this came out, and it's pretty useful sometimes, but the one thing I really wanted it to do, and I *know* I'm not alone, is search for memes. Apple can find a stack of avocados but it can't find giant letters sprawled on a pic? This is a huge peve of mine. And that would be something genuinely useful, especially for anyone under 30. 
    I realize it's not the solution you're looking for, but a workaround would be to take memes and manually put them into their own album. If you do this on a Mac, it will sync with your iOS device, potentially making it a little easier/quicker.

    An app I used to use, Meme Generator, at one time automatically put user-generated memes into their own album. However, that functionality appears to have been broken since early 2016, based on what I can see in my own album.
    Thanks for the reply. That's a good thought, I'll definitely consider doing that next time I fire up my MBA.
    My folders don't sync between Mac and iOS. I have reported to Apple who have now escalated to twice now to a senior engineer. Suggest you check a few smaller test folders first before spending too much time on creating your own folders,
     1Like 0Dislikes 1Informative
  • Reply 17 of 29
    getvoxoagetvoxoa Posts: 84member
    It looks like "bike" and "bicycle" are two different objects  :)
    edited May 2017
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 18 of 29
    MacPromacpro Posts: 19,864member
    dachar said:
    nhughes said:
    I was excited when this came out, and it's pretty useful sometimes, but the one thing I really wanted it to do, and I *know* I'm not alone, is search for memes. Apple can find a stack of avocados but it can't find giant letters sprawled on a pic? This is a huge peve of mine. And that would be something genuinely useful, especially for anyone under 30. 
    I realize it's not the solution you're looking for, but a workaround would be to take memes and manually put them into their own album. If you do this on a Mac, it will sync with your iOS device, potentially making it a little easier/quicker.

    An app I used to use, Meme Generator, at one time automatically put user-generated memes into their own album. However, that functionality appears to have been broken since early 2016, based on what I can see in my own album.
    Thanks for the reply. That's a good thought, I'll definitely consider doing that next time I fire up my MBA.
    My folders don't sync between Mac and iOS. I have reported to Apple who have now escalated to twice now to a senior engineer. Suggest you check a few smaller test folders first before spending too much time on creating your own folders,
    If you mean your Albums don't sync in Photos between iOS and Mac, try switching off Photo's iCloud connections on both and re connecting (which will require your Apple ID).  I did this and now they all sync again after a while they didn't.  
     1Like 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 19 of 29
    macplusplusmacplusplus Posts: 2,116member
    adm1 said:
    I wonder if the "avocado" search recognised the fruit or the text at the top of the photo
    If it has text or keyword or title it returns (only) those, not inferred categories.
    edited May 2017
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 20 of 29
    boboliciousbobolicious Posts: 1,188member
    ...I've stopped using Photos because of it, and never knowingly iCloud...

    No off switch. It's just all a little creepy to me, every 'upgrade' seems to dig deeper and deeper..
    I'm guessing my clients and friends wouldn't want their images tagged and uploaded without their knowledge either.

    Photos also errors AppDelete, so it can't be removed - since when did a photo app become core to an operating system?
    I understand Mavericks (or early Yosemite) is the last MacOS without this datamining risk...

    On a related note the number of people that trust their lives to gmail, hotmail, etc seems just staggering.
    Is Google Brain - Wikipedia the greatest semi or unconscious transfer of IP in history?
    edited May 2017
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
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