Apple HR head Denise Young Smith takes up new role as VP for 'Inclusion and Diversity'

in General Discussion
Apple's human resources leader -- Denise Young Smith -- has taken up a new role within the company as its VP for Inclusion and Diversity, according to her LinkedIn profile.

The profile still lists her as in charge of HR as well, and in fact the new title isn't reflected on Apple's executive bios page. Apple is likely to correct the information in the near future.

The company has never before had a VP at the helm of its Inclusion and Diversity efforts. Smith however has a strong interest in the area, according to 9to5Mac sources, who added that while the company is looking for a new HR head, CFO Luca Maestri will temporarily step in. Smith is expected to report directly to CEO Tim Cook.

Apple has only publicly disclosed diversity data since 2014, responding to pressure from rights groups. The company's most recent data -- from June 2016 -- found that it was 68 percent male and 32 percent female, but in the U.S., still predominantly white.

This is epecially true at the company's highest levels, since Smith is the only non-white senior executive. There are two non-white people on the board of directors, James Bell and Andrea Jung.

Out of 26 people across Apple's top levels, only five are women.

Apple has increasingly tried to be multiracial not just internally but in its marketing. More dark-skinned people now appear in product photos as well as the company's video ads.


  • Reply 1 of 110
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    But if you combine VP with HR you get VR. She must be leading the new VR division... confirmed!

    Also, "diversity" is just pandering. Hire people based on their skills and the absurd focus on skin color and other collectivist talking points becomes irrelevant.
    edited May 2017 boltsfan17lkruppallmypeoplelongpathandrewj5790anton zuykovmobirdmike1patchythepiratetallest skil
  • Reply 2 of 110
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    But if you combine VP with HR you get VR. She must be leading the new VR division... confirmed!

    Also, "diversity" is just pandering. Hire people based on their skills and the absurd focus on skin color and other collectivist talking points becomes irrelevant.
    I live near St. Louis, Missouri. The St. Louis Symphony Orchestra for decades was dominated by male players. When the symphony board decided to conduct blind auditions (candidates played behind a curtain or screen) going forward more female players started being hired. Sometimes diversity needs a little help.
    edited May 2017 StrangeDaysmontrosemacsAppleZuluanomeroundaboutnowdamn_its_hotfastasleep
  • Reply 3 of 110
    justme12justme12 Posts: 13member
    "Inclusion and Diversity efforts" - this PC crap is what will bring down Apple - not competition from Samsung, Google or Microsoft 
    SpamSandwichmobirdrogifan_newmike1Metriacanthosaurusjbdragondamn_its_hottallest skiltrashman69
  • Reply 4 of 110
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Who here remembers Jesse Jackson and his organization attacking large corporations in the media in order to win settlements and have his own friends installed as "hall monitors" at companies? Diversity is simply corporate blackmailing by another name, no different from the unions that used to call strikes on companies to force them to give in to absurd demands.
    allmypeopleanton zuykovjbdragontallest skil
  • Reply 5 of 110
    NemWanNemWan Posts: 118member
    The fact that this thread has a high probability of being locked is proof of why society needs pro-diversity leaders. Intentionally increasing diversity at successful, well-paying companies means those employees' families and children have a better chance to succeed too. It makes the future better, and that's well worth confusing or antagonizing a few backwards people who think affirmative action is unfair because racism was officially supposed to be over at some time in the past.
  • Reply 6 of 110
    78Bandit78Bandit Posts: 238member
    Inclusion and diversity need to be transparent. Being a company that respects people for what they can contribute rather than what cultural group they belong to should be ingrained in the entire management philosophy. Any person who discriminates because of a person being black or gay should be fired, but also anyone who demands a certain percentage of blacks or gays just to meet an arbitrary quota needs to be dismissed just as fast. Discrimination needs to be rooted out, but at the same time affirmative action (reverse discrimination) is not acceptable either. If Apple has a diversity issue the way to handle it is to ensure everyone hired or promoted going forward is evaluated on their qualifications and accomplishments. A company being run correctly doesn't need a special person dedicated to "diversity and inclusion"; everyone should be looking out for the best employees. Violators should be quickly identified by others in the organization if most managers and up are ethically and morally strong. Having a dedicated vice president position reporting directly to the CEO smells of pandering and self-promotion. I'm reminded of a quote from Margaret Thatcher "Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you're not."
    edited May 2017 mobirdanton zuykovmike1patchythepiratejbdragon
  • Reply 7 of 110
    volcanvolcan Posts: 1,799member
    I live in LA where cultural diversity is what makes our city the best city on the planet. There are hundreds of different ethnic groups here and that is the way I like it. Diversity inspires open mindedness and innovation which I think can only be good for any organization.
  • Reply 8 of 110
    anton zuykovanton zuykov Posts: 1,056member
    lkrupp said:
    But if you combine VP with HR you get VR. She must be leading the new VR division... confirmed!

    Also, "diversity" is just pandering. Hire people based on their skills and the absurd focus on skin color and other collectivist talking points becomes irrelevant.
    I live near St. Louis, Missouri. The St. Louis Symphony Orchestra for decades was dominated by male players. When the symphony board decided to conduct blind auditions (candidates played behind a curtain or screen) going forward more female players started being hired. Sometimes diversity needs a little help.
    Good. So they chose based on the skill level. That is all that counts. The outcome (hiring more women) is not really important, because it is irrelevant if you wanna hear the best musicians. However if you wanna hear male/female/black/green/red/striped musicians, that is when you know you are in trouble.
  • Reply 9 of 110
    foggyhillfoggyhill Posts: 4,767member
    78Bandit said:
    Inclusion and diversity need to be transparent. Being a company that respects people for what they can contribute rather than what cultural group they belong to should be ingrained in the entire management philosophy. Any person who discriminates because of a person being black or gay should be fired, but also anyone who demands a certain percentage of blacks or gays just to meet an arbitrary quota needs to be dismissed just as fast. Discrimination needs to be rooted out, but at the same time affirmative action (reverse discrimination) is not acceptable either. If Apple has a diversity issue the way to handle it is to ensure everyone hired or promoted going forward is evaluated on their qualifications and accomplishments. A company being run correctly doesn't need a special person dedicated to "diversity and inclusion"; everyone should be looking out for the best employees. Violators should be quickly identified by others in the organization if most managers and up are ethically and morally strong. Having a dedicated vice president position reporting directly to the CEO smells of pandering and self-promotion. I'm reminded of a quote from Margaret Thatcher "Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you're not."
    There is a whole lot of SHOULD and IFS in your thing huh, do you live on mars... Have you actually worked in a REAL company.

    There is a reason why gender, ethnic and even equality in class and for people with disabilities is so hard to get.

    There is a crapload of sexist, misogynist, racist, xenophobic anti anything that's not them all around, that includes people at every level in most companies.
    Those people will not clearly advertise the way their bias affect their decisions, but they do and so its not that simple to ferret them out when you hire them or later unless you have transparent reporting systems in places when clear lines of responsibilities with unimpeachable people at their cores..

    Putting a VP in there, especially one that's at the head of something that's by Cook's own admission critical to Apple's future, means this is NOT some peripheral goal of Apple but a central one. It is even possible she lobbied for the creation of this as a means to resolve current issues.

    BTW, quoting that piece of shit Thatcher who was pandering to her base non stop while supposedly "telling it like is is" (sic) must be a joke cause it mostly undermines your point.
  • Reply 10 of 110
    anton zuykovanton zuykov Posts: 1,056member
    volcan said:
    I live in LA where cultural diversity is what makes our city the best city on the planet. There are hundreds of different ethnic groups here and that is the way I like it. Diversity inspires open mindedness and innovation which I think can only be good for any organization.
    Right. But you should not force that diversity, at the expense of everything else. If you hire talented people who happen to be of different ethnicity, cool. What is not cool, is when you impose quotas in order to force diversity onto your company, at the expense of the company by hiring less talented but more people. 

    If someone at my company were to tell me that I was hired because I was of a certain ethnic group, and not because of my skill/talent, I would get pissed off.
    edited May 2017 allmypeoplepatchythepiratemobirdjbdragonSpamSandwichtallest skil
  • Reply 11 of 110
    anton zuykovanton zuykov Posts: 1,056member
    78Bandit said:
     "Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you're not."
    But muh victimhood?! And what about oppression of women?! Apple is so oppressive that its female exec earned more that three male counterparts did each.
    I guess, that is how they combat that pesky wage gap /s
  • Reply 12 of 110
    jffdxjffdx Posts: 12member
    "Smith is the only non-white senior executive."

    Is Lisa Jackson not a senior executive?
  • Reply 13 of 110
    rogifan_newrogifan_new Posts: 4,297member
    This is one area I think we can confidently say Steve Jobs wouldn't have. If you need to create a VP for this you're doing it wrong.
    anton zuykovpatchythepiratemobirdtallest skil
  • Reply 14 of 110
    anton zuykovanton zuykov Posts: 1,056member
    lkrupp said:
    But if you combine VP with HR you get VR. She must be leading the new VR division... confirmed!

    Also, "diversity" is just pandering. Hire people based on their skills and the absurd focus on skin color and other collectivist talking points becomes irrelevant.
    I live near St. Louis, Missouri. The St. Louis Symphony Orchestra for decades was dominated by male players. When the symphony board decided to conduct blind auditions (candidates played behind a curtain or screen) going forward more female players started being hired. Sometimes diversity needs a little help.
    Is there anything about Apple's hiring process that makes you think it deliberately looks over perfectly qualified people? 
    Then why do you need that "inclusion" "specialist"?
    If you think about skin color/ethnicity, when you hire people, you are racist by definition. Whether you don't hire people just because they are, say, black is just as bad as hiring people exclusively because they are black, and not because they simply possess needed skills/traits.
    edited May 2017 mike1patchythepiratetallest skil
  • Reply 15 of 110
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,043member

    Also, "diversity" is just pandering. Hire people based on their skills and the absurd focus on skin color and other collectivist talking points becomes irrelevant.
    Man I can't believe how badly old white guys cling to that straw man. Diversity doesnt mean *not* hiring based on skills -- but it does mean to go out of your way to hire people of equal skill who aren't all white guys. That's the point. Equal skills, diverse background. It adds value because of experiences outside the same mono-culture. 

    If you have 50 white guy programmers, and you have two final candidates of equal skill but one is an asian woman, you'd do well to hire the asian woman, since the more diversity you have in your team the more ideas and perspectives will be brought to the product development cycle.
    edited May 2017 bloggerblogmontrosemacsstourquespice-boyroundaboutnowsmack416singularity
  • Reply 16 of 110
    thrangthrang Posts: 1,029member
    I wonder how many non-blacks work at BET?
    jbdragontallest skil
  • Reply 17 of 110
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,043member

    justme12 said:
    "Inclusion and Diversity efforts" - this PC crap is what will bring down Apple - not competition from Samsung, Google or Microsoft 
    Nope. It's just what white males can't stand to listen to because you've been on top. Even the thought of breaking up the mono-culture upsets you.
  • Reply 18 of 110
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,043member

    NemWan said:
    The fact that this thread has a high probability of being locked is proof of why society needs pro-diversity leaders. Intentionally increasing diversity at successful, well-paying companies means those employees' families and children have a better chance to succeed too. It makes the future better, and that's well worth confusing or antagonizing a few backwards people who think affirmative action is unfair because racism was officially supposed to be over at some time in the past.
    There is NOTHING about Apple that is "anti-diversity." Men like tech & dominate. Women like biology & dominate. Please, for the love of life binge-watch The Factual Feminist on YouTube.
    Is there peer-reviewed science that proves men like tech and women like biology, and that any sort of pattern there isn't cultural? Seems absurd to me.

    My SO is in science/biology and the top roles are headed
  • Reply 19 of 110
    anton zuykovanton zuykov Posts: 1,056member

    Also, "diversity" is just pandering. Hire people based on their skills and the absurd focus on skin color and other collectivist talking points becomes irrelevant.
    Man I can't believe how badly old white guys cling to that straw man. Diversity doesnt mean *not* hiring based on skills -- but it does mean to go out of your way to hire people of equal skill who aren't all white guys. That's the point. Equal skills, diverse background. It adds value because of experiences outside the same mono-culture. 

    If you have 50 white guy programmers, and you have two final candidates of equal skill but one is an asian woman, you'd do well to hire the asian woman, since the more diversity you have in your team the more ideas and perspectives will be brought to the product development cycle.
    right, but that woman still has a skill set you need, right? That is the point - you choose based on that, and not because she is asian and you need to satisfy diversity gods.
  • Reply 20 of 110
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,043member

    78Bandit said:
    Having a dedicated vice president position reporting directly to the CEO smells of pandering and self-promotion
    How rich -- you're already claiming this black woman didn't earn her position high up within Apple and got it by scheming, not merit. Do you not even see it? Your own bias is right there....What evidence do you have that this woman didn't earn her coveted position? None. None is the evidence you have.
    edited May 2017 bloggerblogmontrosemacsanomeroundaboutnowfastasleepsingularity
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