Apple iPhone 8, Apple Watch Series 3, Apple TV 4K preorders go live [u]



  • Reply 21 of 43
    Interesting to see that there are barely any 3AM posts.

    A signal of the somewhat lower levels of excitement for this upgrade cycle? (This cycle is the first one in a while where I decided to order the next morning instead of at 3AM). 
    For me it's the X, so last nite's had little meaning, didn't get up or post, etc.
    Yeah, it's the X for me too (at 3.00AM). And the Watch. The @TV will probably be a stocking stuffer for Christmas. No hurry on that. 
  • Reply 22 of 43
    If the poll at 9to5Mac were any indication, there are an overwhelming demands for X and the least demand for 8. I myself am waiting for X, not interested in 8.
  • Reply 23 of 43
    sog35 said:
    kevin kee said:
    If the poll at 9to5Mac were any indication, there are an overwhelming demands for X and the least demand for 8. I myself am waiting for X, not interested in 8.
    I think most people who browse here and 9to5 are tech geeks and don't represent the general iPhone customer. 

    The 8 will be an excellent phone for many upgrading from the 5+, 6, and 6s.
    You are right. And those people are the ones that tend to not stay overnight to buy a phone. If they can wait more than 2 years, they can wait a liitle longer to buy the 8. Only the geeks would stay overnight to get their phone, and they will most likely skip 8 for X

    the funny thing is, media will report that Apple has lost its sales from this, while it is not true at all.
  • Reply 24 of 43
    Can the LTE Watch download new emails without the iPhone?

    I ask because on the phone you need to configure email accounts that know how to pull data from the backend servers.  If you don't do similar config on the Watch, how will it fetch new records?

    (Or maybe the Watch 'inherits' (downloads) those email account configs from the paired iPhone @ setup time?)

  • Reply 25 of 43
    Can the LTE Watch download new emails without the iPhone?

    I ask because on the phone you need to configure email accounts that know how to pull data from the backend servers.  If you don't do similar config on the Watch, how will it fetch new records?

    (Or maybe the Watch 'inherits' (downloads) those email account configs from the paired iPhone @ setup time?)

    The watch follow the iPhone config.
    edited September 2017
  • Reply 26 of 43
    Interesting to see that there are barely any 3AM posts.

    A signal of the somewhat lower levels of excitement for this upgrade cycle? (This cycle is the first one in a while where I decided to order the next morning instead of at 3AM). 
    I was up at 2:50 AM this morning and after I put my order in for an iPhone 8, 4K Apple TV, and a Apple Watch 3 w/cellular I rolled over and went back to sleep. Spending over $1400 on stuff wasn't enough to keep me awake!

    Oh, and my ship dates are for the 22nd for most of the stuff-minus the case for the phone-so I think I'm fairly close to the head of the line!
    edited September 2017 Soliwatto_cobra
  • Reply 27 of 43
    Interesting to see that there are barely any 3AM posts.

    A signal of the somewhat lower levels of excitement for this upgrade cycle? (This cycle is the first one in a while where I decided to order the next morning instead of at 3AM). 
    For me it's the X, so last nite's had little meaning, didn't get up or post, etc.
    Yeah, it's the X for me too (at 3.00AM). And the Watch. The @TV will probably be a stocking stuffer for Christmas. No hurry on that. 
    I was underwhelmed by the X since the screen and FacialID wasn't enough of a reason to spend the extra $300 on it. The 8 will be a nice upgrade from my 6 and has a lot of the same hardware features as the X. The timing is good as well since I inherited a tidy sum of cash recently plus my 6 developed charging problems starting two days ago.
  • Reply 28 of 43
    I got up to get in my order for two Apple TV 4K (32GB) devices from B&H. Not sure how well I will do on ship date with them, but I waited this long for a 4K model, so saving the $30 in tax was worth it. Been suffering with a 2nd Gen and 3rd Gen unit. The 3rd gen is ok, but the 2nd needs to be rebooted on occasion. Just couldn't bring myself to buy the 4th gen since I have two 4K TVs. It really is about damn time Apple. :)
  • Reply 29 of 43
    Unfortunately I fell asleep so I didn't get my Apple TV 4K preorder in until this morning. I ordered the 64GB model and it's shipping in 2-3 weeks. 
  • Reply 30 of 43
    sog35 said:
    I'm glad all the peasants could purchase their phones this morning while the nobility can purchase in October  :)
    Didn't you get obliterated in the stock market by incorrectly trying to "predict" AAPL a while back? Isn't that what caused your breakdown that everyone here is always talking about? If you're living in a low rent apartment and driving a 1998 Saturn I'm not sure having an iPhone X vaults you into "nobility" status. You do realize that the extra couple of hundred dollars more it costs is merely what some of us spend on coffee, right? And you also realize that tens of millions of people will have an iPhone X so it's kind of the opposite of exclusive? I honestly would love to watch you parade around in a public place with your new iPhone X acting like it makes you something more than you are. The shine of having an iPhone is a thing of the past. When I had my first one in 2008 I was the only person I knew that had one, now literally every single person I'm related to, every single friend I have, and every single co-worker of mine has one (or it's "equivalent" Samsung knockoff). A smartphone is a commodity item now, even the iPhone X. 

    I am getting an iPhone 8 because I like it better than the iPhone X. Even if they cost the same I would still get an iPhone 8. I'll use Ferrari as an analogy: The LaFerrari is an amazing car and the pinnacle of what Ferrari can accomplish, but I would still rather have the 812 Superfast or the 488 GTB because I think they are better cars. Better looking cars and better driving experiences, the most expensive isn't necessarily the best option. 
  • Reply 31 of 43
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,667member
    Interesting to see that there are barely any 3AM posts.

    A signal of the somewhat lower levels of excitement for this upgrade cycle? (This cycle is the first one in a while where I decided to order the next morning instead of at 3AM). 
    For me it's the X, so last nite's had little meaning, didn't get up or post, etc.
    Yeah, it's the X for me too (at 3.00AM). And the Watch. The @TV will probably be a stocking stuffer for Christmas. No hurry on that. 
    I was underwhelmed by the X since the screen and FacialID wasn't enough of a reason to spend the extra $300 on it. The 8 will be a nice upgrade from my 6 and has a lot of the same hardware features as the X. The timing is good as well since I inherited a tidy sum of cash recently plus my 6 developed charging problems starting two days ago.
    I was blown away by the X ... but from a pragmatic standpoint it's still a "1.0" product and all "1.0" products from all manufacturers suffer from growing pains and learning curve issues. So the choice this year is between a very powerful iPhone 8/8+ that's close to the pinnacle in its evolution and likely to be rock solid workhorse for two to three more years, and the X, which is very likely to be an exciting but sometimes frustrating brand new platform that will undergo significant improvements in the next one to three years. The iPhone 8 is effectively the 7s, and the "s" iterations have always been better, more refined, more stable, and the most extended freshness date versions of the product series. Historically, I have been blown away by the original versions of just about every "1.0" product that Apple has produced in the last decade. But in every single case, that I can think of, the improvements that were made to the immediate subsequent releases to the "1.0" release were significant, step-function improvements over the original. I fully expect the pattern to continue with later derivatives of the iPhone X. 

    For companies and organizations who need the highest levels of reliability and uptime in a contemporary no-compromise smartphone I'd be looking at the 8s, but for enthusiasts who can tolerate a few bumps on a wilder ride without putting their livelihood or sanity at risk, go for the X. I suspect most of the posters on this forum will tighten down the safety straps and go for the X, even if we have to wait until February or March of 2018 to get it.
  • Reply 32 of 43
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    sog35 said:
    I'm glad all the peasants could purchase their phones this morning while the nobility can purchase in October  :)
    Peasants would be the android iPhone knockoff users. Get outta here with that.

    everyone in the world is using a phone below the capability of iPhone 8 at present. 
  • Reply 33 of 43
    calicali Posts: 3,494member
    NY1822 said:
    im having a feeling demand for the X will be more than anticipated. Hype for today's pre-ordering is obviously dulled bc of those waiting for the X....Imagine if you cut the demand during the release of the 6 in half....with the other half waiting 45 days more days to pre-order a different phone.
    Not even close.

    in my opinion it would be like cutting iPhone 6 demand in half for iPhone 8 and increasing 6 demand by 1.5 to 2x as much for iPhone X.

    This will be a super Super cycle!
  • Reply 34 of 43
    Apple TV is not (yet) at Amazon -- didn't they resolve their beef?
  • Reply 35 of 43
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    loquitur said:
    Apple TV is not (yet) at Amazon -- didn't they resolve their beef?
    During the event I recall them saying it was coming later this year.
  • Reply 36 of 43
    I'm not even going to consider the iPhone X until the first edition issues are worked out. I preordered an iPhone 8 Plus 256GB model on AT&T's Next Every Year plan (replaces a 7 Plus on the same plan).
  • Reply 37 of 43
    Will be quite interesting to see the demand difference between the 8 and the X.  I'm personally waiting for the X as well.  My 6+ still works great, so I'll keep it a bit longer and get the better tech with the X
  • Reply 38 of 43
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    Will be quite interesting to see the demand difference between the 8 and the X.  I'm personally waiting for the X as well.  My 6+ still works great, so I'll keep it a bit longer and get the better tech with the X
    How would determine that? I shipping delays likely won't be helpful because of the presumed low-yield of the X. Do we look to polls?

    I know a lot more people that ordered an 8 series today than a Series 3 Watch or 5th gen Apple TV, combined. I ordered both of the latter but I may just stay on my iPhone 7 Plus for another year until the iPhone Upgrade Program is paid off and then sell it of give it away. Maybe by then there will be Plus version of the X design, which I seem to recall was rumoured at one point. On top of that, I still have plenty of apps that haven't been updated to @3x so waiting a year for developers add @3x and the new aspect ratio/layout for the X will help with the transition. Although it might be @4x if the 4.7" and 5.8" have the same width and one is @2x and the other @3x, respectively
  • Reply 39 of 43
    sog35 said:
    one9deuce said:
    sog35 said:
    I'm glad all the peasants could purchase their phones this morning while the nobility can purchase in October  :)
    Didn't you get obliterated in the stock market by incorrectly trying to "predict" AAPL a while back? Isn't that what caused your breakdown that everyone here is always talking about? If you're living in a low rent apartment and driving a 1998 Saturn I'm not sure having an iPhone X vaults you into "nobility" status. You do realize that the extra couple of hundred dollars more it costs is merely what some of us spend on coffee, right? And you also realize that tens of millions of people will have an iPhone X so it's kind of the opposite of exclusive? I honestly would love to watch you parade around in a public place with your new iPhone X acting like it makes you something more than you are. The shine of having an iPhone is a thing of the past. When I had my first one in 2008 I was the only person I knew that had one, now literally every single person I'm related to, every single friend I have, and every single co-worker of mine has one (or it's "equivalent" Samsung knockoff). A smartphone is a commodity item now, even the iPhone X. 

    I am getting an iPhone 8 because I like it better than the iPhone X. Even if they cost the same I would still get an iPhone 8. I'll use Ferrari as an analogy: The LaFerrari is an amazing car and the pinnacle of what Ferrari can accomplish, but I would still rather have the 812 Superfast or the 488 GTB because I think they are better cars. Better looking cars and better driving experiences, the most expensive isn't necessarily the best option. 
    I must have touched a nerve.....

    I was joking but regardless.

    I didn't lose any money when Apple didn't reach $150 like I predicted. In fact I benefited from buying more shares when the price went down!  

    Having an iPhone X is special.  Not because I can show it off to people. But because I know its literally THE BEST PHONE YOU CAN BUY ON THE PLANET. How many goods costing $1000 can say that? Not many.

    The X is literally the Ferrari or Rolls Royce of phones.

    The 8 is a nice phone. Like a BMW. But the 8 screen is just too small coming from a 6+.  And I find the 6+/8+ form factor to be too big.  It will be nice to have a phone with a large screen that does not overtake my entire pocket.
    You didn't touch a nerve at all, I just love the classic iPhone look, feel, and functionality and prefer it to the X. By a lot. I don't love the idea of the dock being at the bottom of the phone, it would feel weird to put your thumb all the way down because it's kind of awkward. I don't love the notch or the rounded corners for looking at photos or videos. To look at content framed properly the X needs to put black bars on the left and right when oriented in horizon and then the difference in size of the screen to the 8 is pretty negligible. 1.5 to 1 pictures and 16x9 video might even be virtually identical in size on the screens because the width of the screen in portrait is so close. I don't love FaceID, I think it's cool but I certainly prefer pulling my iPhone out of my pocket with my thumb on the home button and its unlocked before I'm even looking at it. The X is a pretty amazing iPhone and I'm glad that Apple is pushing the boundaries of what is possible, but it feels a little bit like trying to reinvent the wheel. Plenty of things push boundaries and try to be more futuristic and modern but eventually end up at the classic iteration. I don't doubt that Apple will always be pushing the iPhone towards the future, but I'm also confident they'll always have a classic type iPhone as well. I'm glad you were genuinely joking because it just came off really obnoxious, I am genuinely apologizing for being equally obnoxious. 
  • Reply 40 of 43
    sog35 said:
    HeliBum said:
    I'm not even going to consider the iPhone X until the first edition issues are worked out. I preordered an iPhone 8 Plus 256GB model on AT&T's Next Every Year plan (replaces a 7 Plus on the same plan).
    some of us are trailblazers, others followers

    I'm not sold on Face ID, and since Touch ID isn't an alternative, I'd potentially be giving up biometrics altogether if I went with the iPhone X. I've gotten pragmatic in my old age. :D

    I placed my order for a gray 256GB iPhone 8 Plus with AT&T this morning shortly after 8am CDT and my order is still saying that it'll arrive September 22. Keeping my fingers crossed...

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