iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus production accelerating alongside cutback in orders for iPhone 8

in iPhone edited November 2017
Reports from the supply chain suggest that any production problems that may have plagued the iPhone X are long past, and Apple and its manufacturing partners will increase production to ship about 26 million of the OLED model in the holiday quarter.

A new report generated by KGI Securities authored by Ming-Chi Kuo not sees a 35 percent to 45 percent growth in production in the holiday quarter, versus Apple's last fiscal quarter of 2017 that ended in September. Kuo believes that the supply increase is warranted because of widespread positive reception to the high-end device, and robust Chinese New Year holiday demand.

On the other side of the coin is the iPhone 8. Given the demand for the iPhone 8 Plus being greater than that of the iPhone 8, production of the smaller device in the family is expected to fall between 50 percent and 60 percent in the holiday quarter. Kuo believes that the iPhone 8 Plus is "cannibalizing demand" for the iPhone 8, and some of Apple's manufacturing partners will switch production lines from the iPhone 8 to the iPhone X to work out supply and demand balance issues.

Other monitors of the sales channel suggest that the 2017 Plus model is exceeding the non-plus version of the same device for the first time. On Thursday, a research firm reported that in a few days of September availability, Apple shipped 6.3 million iPhone 8 Plus units, versus 5.4 million of the smaller iPhone 8.

Apple appears to have predicted this balance and strong demand for its high-end iPhones. The company is expecting its most profitable quarter ever, and is expecting between $84 billion and $87 billion in revenue for the quarter.


  • Reply 1 of 42
    I’ve always liked a bigger phone (physically) for videos and typing so upgraded from the 6s plus to 8 plus this year. If there had been a X plus I’d have gotten that. 
  • Reply 2 of 42
    A little off-topic but it ties in to talk of the holiday quarter: I remember back at the summer event that HomePod and iMac Pro were slated to both come out in December. Will those just go on sale or does anyone think another media event will be planned to fully introduce the HomePod?
  • Reply 3 of 42
    5150iii said:
    A little off-topic but it ties in to talk of the holiday quarter: I remember back at the summer event that HomePod and iMac Pro were slated to both come out in December. Will those just go on sale or does anyone think another media event will be planned to fully introduce the HomePod?
    I think they will just reveal a press release 
  • Reply 4 of 42
    Mine (256 Silver) was supposed to arrive Nov 10. Showing Nov 21 as of now.

    No big deal, just sharing a data point re all the reports about production ramping up, Xs arriving early, etc. 

    Add: It was ordered at 3.13AM on launch date (East Coast time). 
    edited November 2017 racerhomiemuthuk_vanalingambb-15pscooter63watto_cobra
  • Reply 5 of 42
    wood1208wood1208 Posts: 2,921member
    Makes perfect sense. No one disputes iPhone X is the best PHONE, iPhone 4 is reborn!! Trend, new and upgrades are wanting large screen iPhones. Those who can fork extra money buying like crazy iPhone X and others 8 Plus. Budget conscious upgrades to 7, Plus. For next year, it will help steer Apple to come out with LCD 8S / 8S Plus and OLED XS Plus with the same design philosophy as current iPhone X. Say good buy to Home button,history beyond 8 series iPhones.
    edited November 2017 racerhomiebb-15
  • Reply 6 of 42
    macxpressmacxpress Posts: 5,913member
    5150iii said:
    A little off-topic but it ties in to talk of the holiday quarter: I remember back at the summer event that HomePod and iMac Pro were slated to both come out in December. Will those just go on sale or does anyone think another media event will be planned to fully introduce the HomePod?
    I'm guessing you'll hear something on both sometime within the next couple of weeks. Pre-orders I bet will start in late November for an early/mid December shipping and as always, I bet quantities will be slim to none. So if you want a HomePod for Christmas, I'd order as soon as its available for ordering. 
  • Reply 7 of 42
    k2kwk2kw Posts: 2,077member
    Anilu_777 said:
    I’ve always liked a bigger phone (physically) for videos and typing so upgraded from the 6s plus to 8 plus this year. If there had been a X plus I’d have gotten that. 
    I think lots of people are very interested in the dual lens camera system.   In two years the iPhone XII will be out and the iPhone X will then have been marked down in price as a mid range phone.  
  • Reply 8 of 42
    I think it's totally fine that each product has its sales/popularity peak. It's like people. They are born, grow, mature, and die. Classic cycle.
  • Reply 9 of 42
    k2kw said:
    Anilu_777 said:
    I’ve always liked a bigger phone (physically) for videos and typing so upgraded from the 6s plus to 8 plus this year. If there had been a X plus I’d have gotten that. 
    I think lots of people are very interested in the dual lens camera system.   In two years the iPhone XII will be out and the iPhone X will then have been marked down in price as a mid range phone.  
    I’ve been wondering whether the X will be followed by an XI or we’ll just be stuck with X for decades. iPhone X Mountain Lion?
  • Reply 10 of 42
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    "Production problems", right. 

    How about the analysts were wrong in the first place and are just covering their collective basses. 

    This happens every year. 
  • Reply 11 of 42
    tzeshantzeshan Posts: 2,351member
    Ming-Chi Kuo is an Apple production manager?  He is well versed in Apple's daily operation. 
  • Reply 12 of 42
    tzeshantzeshan Posts: 2,351member
    k2kw said:
    Anilu_777 said:
    I’ve always liked a bigger phone (physically) for videos and typing so upgraded from the 6s plus to 8 plus this year. If there had been a X plus I’d have gotten that. 
    I think lots of people are very interested in the dual lens camera system.   In two years the iPhone XII will be out and the iPhone X will then have been marked down in price as a mid range phone.  
    iPhone XI will have three times zoom.
  • Reply 13 of 42
    Anilu_777 said:
    I’ve always liked a bigger phone (physically) for videos and typing so upgraded from the 6s plus to 8 plus this year. If there had been a X plus I’d have gotten that. 
    The ipx screen is bigger than the 8Plus screen 

  • Reply 14 of 42
    polymniapolymnia Posts: 1,080member
    Glad they worked it out. Mine is in the way. 

    I know we have been advised to not believe supply chain rumors (I’d imagine the advice applies equally to good or bad rumors) but it’s great to see this more complex launch go off so smoothly and (apparently) successfully. 

    It is great that getting top end features doesn’t require I carry the largest, heaviest iPhone. 
  • Reply 15 of 42
    Anilu_777 said:
    I’ve always liked a bigger phone (physically) for videos and typing so upgraded from the 6s plus to 8 plus this year. If there had been a X plus I’d have gotten that. 
    The ipx screen is bigger than the 8Plus screen 

    Not bigger, just longer. 8 Plus display is wider. The width of iPhone X is the same as iPhone 6. In landscape use the Plus size offers more viewing area.

    In terms of logical resolution i.e. number of points, iPhone 8 Plus display is slightly bigger than iPhone X display:
    iPhone 8 Plus: 414 x 736
    iPhone X: 375 x 812

    414 * 736 = 304704 iPhone 8 Plus
    375 * 812 = 304500 iPhone X


    edited November 2017 napoleon_phoneapartpscooter63netmage
  • Reply 16 of 42
    k2kw said:
    Anilu_777 said:
    I’ve always liked a bigger phone (physically) for videos and typing so upgraded from the 6s plus to 8 plus this year. If there had been a X plus I’d have gotten that. 
    I think lots of people are very interested in the dual lens camera system.   In two years the iPhone XII will be out and the iPhone X will then have been marked down in price as a mid range phone.  
    Ha ha, ROFL. iPhone XII will see the intriduction of the first $2K phone. It will be magic and courageous.
  • Reply 17 of 42
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    Reports from the supply chain suggest that any production problems that may have plagued the iPhone X are long past, and Apple and its manufacturing partners will increase production to ship about 26 million of the OLED model in the holiday quarter.
    Let’s not beat around the bush shall we. There were NO production problems with the iPhone X. It was all fabricated bullshit by analysts trying to move the stock. What analysts did here is nothing short of criminal behavior. Nothing ‘plagued’ the iPhone X. It was all analyst chicanery. There was plenty of stock available on release day. Estimated ship dates were going down, not up. The stock market is corrupt and designed for insiders to clean up. They let the little guys, those of us with IRAs and 401Ks, make just enough to keep up with inflation while the big boys wheel and deal and manipulate the market to their enrichment. Am I bitter? Naw... 
  • Reply 18 of 42
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    tzeshan said:
    k2kw said:
    Anilu_777 said:
    I’ve always liked a bigger phone (physically) for videos and typing so upgraded from the 6s plus to 8 plus this year. If there had been a X plus I’d have gotten that. 
    I think lots of people are very interested in the dual lens camera system.   In two years the iPhone XII will be out and the iPhone X will then have been marked down in price as a mid range phone.  
    iPhone XI will have three times zoom.
    Xi with 3x zoom?

    edited November 2017 napoleon_phoneapartanantksundaramfallenjtretrogustoteejay2012LukeCagemontrosemacsMacsplosion
  • Reply 19 of 42
    lkrupplkrupp Posts: 10,557member
    And I also call bullshit on “cutback in orders for the iPhone 8” in yet more chicanery to give the impression that something is amiss at Apple. Apple is traditionally very conservative in its guidance and they are predicting massive sales and revenue for the holiday quarter.
    macpluspluspscooter63gregg thurmangregoriusmmagman1979montrosemacs
  • Reply 20 of 42
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    Anilu_777 said:
    I’ve always liked a bigger phone (physically) for videos and typing so upgraded from the 6s plus to 8 plus this year. If there had been a X plus I’d have gotten that. 
    The ipx screen is bigger than the 8Plus screen 

    Not bigger, just longer. 8 Plus display is wider. The width of iPhone X is the same as iPhone 6. In landscape use the Plus size offers more viewing area.
    I think in any orientation the Plus-sized iPhone has more area. I think that only when viewing a wider than 16:9 aspect ratio video will you get a taller video height with the iPhone X.
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