Apple says mic problem affecting some iPhone 7 models with iOS 11.3 or later

in iPhone
Apple is aware of a problem in which the microphone will stop working on iPhone 7 and 7 Plus models running iOS 11.3 or later, AppleInsider can confirm.

iPhone 7

Affected phones may prevent owners from being heard in FaceTime or conventional phone calls after upgrading to iOS 11.3, or using speakerphone functions. It's an "extremely rare problem, with a need for repair being rarer still," a source told AppleInsider.

According to an internal document sent to authorized service providers, seen by MacRumors, repair technicians should be asking customers to disconnect any audio accessories, then running diagnostics if the problem persists. "Device could not detect dock" or "accessory not supported" messages will pop up for affected iPhones, at which point repairs can be made.

Crucially, in the case of this specific issue, Apple is reportedly allowing providers to request coverage exceptions for customers who are otherwise out of warranty.

The association with iOS suggests a software glitch, but possibly one breaking hardware or triggering compatibility conflicts, given that Apple is suggesting repairs.

People who think their iPhone is suffering from the problem should book a Genius Bar appointment at an Apple store, talk to an authorized servicer, or contact Apple's online support.


  • Reply 1 of 9
    simply258simply258 Posts: 133member
    That's one strange "bug"! How can a firmware update permanently damage hardware?
  • Reply 2 of 9
    doozydozendoozydozen Posts: 539member
    I believe my iPhone 7 to be affected. Mic stopped working recently. Callers can just barely hear me speak ONLY if I place the call on speaker, otherwise they get dead air. Apple support, via phone call, did not disclose any known issues when I called earlier this week. I’ll call back today armed with this knowledge. Thanks AI.
  • Reply 3 of 9
    TomETomE Posts: 172member
    What I have reported many times to Apple and AppleCare is the hearing difficulty many people have on their iPhones.   I have 2 now & have had more than I ca remember.   There have been similar problem all of the phones with no fix coming out of Apple.  My hearing tests are fine.  The phones of the competitors are fine when it comes to hearing. In fact, Samsung & others are better - I hate to say it because I know Apple has spent "tons of diamonds" on their products.  No improvement when it comes to hearing or taking on the iPhones.  They have acoustic labs that others would love to have.  The Primary Purpose of the Phone is to be able to Talk and take the Place of the Land Line.  But it is inferior.  Just test the iPhones and compare them to the land line phones or the cell phone competition.  I can do it for them, but I am too busy with what I do.  I only have a "Ream of Apple Stock Certificates" - so I am not important enough. Apple has to be almost perfect in every way.  I route / make my cell calls on over my Mac.  It is better than the iPhone . Period.  It works great, but the iPhone speakers are not that great.  I understand the logistics of not being to get the parts in the quantities you need. In the old days , they did not have the money or the credit to get what they wanted or needed.  Now they have all the money and they cannot get the parts they need or want.  The best ones cannot be delivered in the quantities that Apple Needs - So they Design the best chips to do the jobs they need.  Great Logistics Planning on Apple's Part.  If we cannot buy the parts or they are not good enough , we will just design them and build them or get a factory to do it - even if we have to put Millions of $ toward doing it.  They are the best. The A Series chips are smoking , as are Apple's other designs.  The power management chips will be better than anything they have to purchase.  The Display technology will be the best for the $'s and the needs.   Their Cell Chips will  be better than what they have to buy from QualCom.  QualCom is shaking in their boots as is Intel.  If you can give it a little time (not months or days) it will all happen and will smoke the others. 

    I just want to be able to use the Phone to converse.  So I will get the next Apple Wireless EarPlugs and the Next Watch and the Next Computer with a wide screen meets my needs and it better not have this stupid keyboard that they have introduced in the past few years.  I touch type and it is terrible for me.  The key travel is off.  The distance between the keys is off.  It will not be a 12" screen MacBook.  I often use the other ones I have.  

    Need I had the iPads are great.  But I want to run some A series Apps on my Mac.  The mouse pointer would be fine.  Either do it in software with they can already do in the lab or put an A Series in with an AMD or Intel chip or Run iOS and MacOS on a new A series chip. Before I die will be best.

    I Love and am Heavy Apple.
  • Reply 4 of 9
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    simply258 said:
    That's one strange "bug"! How can a firmware update permanently damage hardware?
    There are lots of ways in which in SW can cause HW to become damaged.

  • Reply 5 of 9
    mwhitemwhite Posts: 287member
    I had this same problem siri couldn't understand me and when using the microphone for a text nothing, I still had the extended warranty but didn't want to drive 280 miles to take it to Apple to fix it so I purchased a 8 instead good thing Verizon gave me haft the price of the 8 trade in which I like better.
  • Reply 6 of 9
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    mwhite said:
    I had this same problem siri couldn't understand me and when using the microphone for a text nothing, I still had the extended warranty but didn't want to drive 280 miles to take it to Apple to fix it so I purchased a 8 instead good thing Verizon gave me haft the price of the 8 trade in which I like better.
    Doesn't Apple still send you a box so you can ship it in if you call while it's under warranty?
  • Reply 7 of 9
    mwhitemwhite Posts: 287member
    Soli said:
    mwhite said:
    I had this same problem siri couldn't understand me and when using the microphone for a text nothing, I still had the extended warranty but didn't want to drive 280 miles to take it to Apple to fix it so I purchased a 8 instead good thing Verizon gave me haft the price of the 8 trade in which I like better.
    Doesn't Apple still send you a box so you can ship it in if you call while it's under warranty?
    I couldn't be without my phone but all is good I like the 8 much more :smile: 
  • Reply 8 of 9
    stephankstephank Posts: 2unconfirmed, member
    this issues seems to still exist with later sw upgrades. My iPhone 7 is on 11.4.1. Since about a week the iphone call app only works when at BT headset is attached. It does not let me change to "iPhone" or "speaker" during a call. Any device using the microphone has either the button grayed out or simple does not work. Best Buy offered a USD 320 replacement with a refurb unit. I am going to the local Apple store today... let's see
  • Reply 9 of 9
    stephankstephank Posts: 2unconfirmed, member
    *addl info*: I just went to the Apple store, Oakridge Mall, San Jose. While this issue was considered an exception that woudl allow the staff to replace a iPhone 7 free of charge it is now considered a hardware failure. If you are out of the 1 year warranty (in my case 22 month) you can get a refurb for USD 320 or use a 200 credit to upgrade to another phone. Very frustrating that a failure of one of the microphones would render the applications that use the microphone useless. After all there are 4 microphones build in. the only thing that would help owners of a iPhone 7 exposing the issue is if Apple recognizes this issue as an "emerging issue" and create a exception ..... does not help me right now
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