MacWorld soon... who cares?



  • Reply 21 of 28
    falconfalcon Posts: 458member
    "Hey Macworld San Fransisco is comming up soon!"

    Falcon: *belch*

    Just a side note does anyone know if the keynote is going to be on TechTV? I just got digital cable and it would be a big change from watching it over some crappy QT feed. If its on TechTV I might actualy bother to watch.
  • Reply 22 of 28
    i made a promise that i wouldn't buy any new hardware as long as i have no more money and no more credit to buy any new hardware...unless of course i can swing some sort of other deal.


    i'm eagerly anticipating the arival of the new line of highly affordable CowerBooks? for those who want to buy macs but are just big 'fraidy-cats.

    i can't wait to hide in the corner of my local StarBucks with a brand new cheap CowerBook?.

    CowerBook? a coveted trademark of bluesigns D-zigns.
  • Reply 23 of 28
    I care. I think Steve's a great speaker. He seem to labour through the last big show, though.

    Guess he's thinking about that pending G5 intro'...and wishing, 'Me too...'

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 24 of 28
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    [quote]Originally posted by EmAn:


    I think eventually the price will come down. Probably not this soon, but sometime in the future.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I don't think price will go down, more like features will increase for the same price...

    one thing i could possibly is a tiered scheme....

    which would of course lead to lower prices
  • Reply 25 of 28
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    [quote]Originally posted by Fran441:

    <strong>Back in the late 90s (1997 - 1999), there was a ton to be excited about. Hardware was getting so good, so fast, it was unbelievable!


    At that point, machines were getting so much better so quickly, it boggled the mind. But I haven't really seen much yet that makes me want a new machine.

    I can still run the latest version of Mac OS X with the latest apps (other than games), and do just about all I need to on my PowerBook. Whenever I have upgraded before, it was out of necessity. But as of now, almost 3 years since I purchased my computer, I don't need to upgrade!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I noticed the same phenomenon. My DP450 doesn't seem slow at all. In the past my machines seemed to be left in the dust much sooner and upgrade lust was more powerful. Now I'm trying to figure out if I'm just getting old, changed my personality for some other reason, or if the industry is going through a fundamental change. (or none of the above)

    The computer hardware industry as a whole is in a sales slump and part of this can be attributed to a global economic recession. However, at the same time, it seems as if our perceptions of and buying patterns for computers are going through a fundamental change. The novelty lust must be wearing off. Are people now opting for sticking with their tried and true, older hardware, rather than automatically upgrading every 3 years?

    Its easy to say yes, this seems to be true. Yet, this shift has been predicted for many years now, never seeming to come true.

    It doesn't seem like there is any 'next big thing' over the immediate horizon that would make upgrading a neccessity. Live audio/video manipulation and analysis takes huge ammounts of processing power. This has only become popular in scientific domains and video production. For the casual hobbiest, iMovie and a G4 work well enough that consumers are lusting after things like a new leather couch rather than quicker video performance.

    Is there no new 'next big thing' because apple's CPU suppliers have been stalled for 3 years? Apple is quite influencial, often raising the demand for better performance by releasing cutting edge software. Desktop publishing and desktop video production are the two most notable markets pioneered by Apple. Each was only possible with huge leaps in computing performance.

    What software will accompany the 970 era? Perhaps Apple has some great new software that they started working on 3 or 4 years ago but have had to withold because of slower than expected increases in processing power.

    In other news:

    Topping my wish list for this MWSF...

    ... *drum*roll* ...

    an iTunes integrated wifi component for my hometheater! On screen-menus, composite and svideo output, RCA and Toslink output, and no disk drive required. These things would sell by the millions if priced around $299-$399.
  • Reply 26 of 28
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    [quote]Just a side note does anyone know if the keynote is going to be on TechTV? I just got digital cable and it would be a big change from watching it over some crappy QT feed. If its on TechTV I might actualy bother to watch.<hr></blockquote>

    TechTV is digital? It's basic cable for me (Channel 39).

    Then again, Charter is a really good cable company.
  • Reply 27 of 28
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by Fran441:


    TechTV is digital? It's basic cable for me (Channel 39).

    Then again, Charter is a really good cable company. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    It's not on basic cable here (Cablevision). Cablevision really sucks. We don't get YES and MSG, two stations that are on basic in other places. That really pisses me off.
  • Reply 28 of 28
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    I agree, rok. The last keynote I got really excited before hand was the MWNY '01 keynote, and that was because I wanted to play with all the new toys when I went up to New York to attend my first, and so far, only expo. SF '02 was ruined due to the Time leak, but I still got my shiny new iMac. I did enjoy going to my two local Apple stores and playing around (Anyone here work at the Towson/DC stores?). My love affair with the keynotes died MWNY '01 because not only was it logical but necessary for Apple to release DDR Power Macs. Oh well, here's hoping for some secret kick@ss hardware at SF!

    PS: Rok remember how u got everyone going with "semi-circle" last year? Fun times.
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