If iPhone sales sag, 'Apple as a Service' might be future of company, says Gene Munster



  • Reply 21 of 24
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Apple needs to be looked at more as a service provider than as the producer of iPhones and other hardware. In his article, Munster suggests a new paradigm has been created, calling it "Apple as a Service."
    What, uh… what delusion has led him to believe that Apple wants to be like Microsoft and Google?
    unit growth.
    End keynesianism and the Federal Reserve and this stops being a problem. The delusion of infinite growth–which is entirely post-war in creation–needs to be burned to the ground and the stumps grinded.
    ...new product categories like "original content, AR (including glasses), and automotive autonomy are opportunities not yet reflected in Apple's valuation." 
    I should damn well hope so. Stock speculation needs to be an imprisonable offense.
  • Reply 22 of 24
    JG1170XJG1170X Posts: 1unconfirmed, member
    Problem is...Apple services are, in almost all cases, inferior to everyone else's. What makes them appealing -TODAY- is how well they interface with their respective matching Apple hardware. I can see 10 years down the line when all "rich" people are all subscribed to Apple's "OK" services, yet everybody else is subscribed to the much cheaper yet "lesser" services that just so happen to easily run rings around Apple's.
  • Reply 23 of 24
    mattinozmattinoz Posts: 2,380member
    JG1170X said:
    Problem is...Apple services are, in almost all cases, inferior to everyone else's. What makes them appealing -TODAY- is how well they interface with their respective matching Apple hardware. I can see 10 years down the line when all "rich" people are all subscribed to Apple's "OK" services, yet everybody else is subscribed to the much cheaper yet "lesser" services that just so happen to easily run rings around Apple's.
    Only yesterday Google "matched" iCloud storage prices they didn't even go cheaper.
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