Microsoft's next Surface product might be just pocket-sized



  • Reply 21 of 48
    KITAKITA Posts: 409member
    linkman said:
    KITA said:
    Referencing old Surface failures, or the Zune, is just silly at this point. They're well past that stage.
    No they aren't past their failures. I'm seeing a big hardware failure rate at work with the Surface Pro 4 model, which is a very recent model.
    A Surface from 2015 isn't exactly what I would call "very recent".
  • Reply 22 of 48
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member
    Kuyangkoh said:
    Oversized phones now becomes default for tablets or laptops. I have both Ipad and macbook and hardly use them anymore....My Iphone is always my companion and does almost everything now....
    maybe it’s just me
    Some of us don't like huge phones or even walking along the street oblivious to anything apart from the latest tweet from some 'Z' list celeb (or worse).
    My phone is a primarily a phone. No social media but I do have a number of travel related apps that I use a lot.

    IMHO, there are a lot of people addicted to Social Media and therefore their phones. This device won't help them kick that addiction, and may well make it worse.
    Is it just me?
    No, not just you — there's always someone in threads like these giving heaps of self-praise for using their smartphone primarily as a phone and chiding everyone else for some perceived misuse of their personal devices.
  • Reply 23 of 48
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member

    hexclock said:
    "It's a new pocketable Surface device form factor that brings together innovative new hardware and software experiences to create a truly personal and versatile computing experience,"

    What does this mean?
    It means nothing. It is meaningless marketing jargon.
  • Reply 25 of 48
    nunzynunzy Posts: 662member
    "It's a new pocketable Surface device form factor that brings together innovative new hardware and software experiences to create a truly personal and versatile computing experience,"

    What does this mean?
    Pocketable touchscreen device running tweaked Windows.
    edited June 2018
  • Reply 26 of 48
    SoliSoli Posts: 10,038member
    What is MS doing? Windows Phone(Windows 10 Mobile) ended up becoming a solid mobile OS, but it was too little too late. I'm not sure what a pocketable Surface would do in this space if they couldn't get a viable product to work already. It also seems like it recreates the same problems that plagued how MS approached Windows CE in the past. I assume it would just be Surface in name as a MS-branded product that isn't using Windows RT, but who the fuck knows with MS, especially when the mockup seems to be bringing back the old Courier design.
  • Reply 27 of 48
    analogjackanalogjack Posts: 1,073member
    I feel pretty safe in saying that a small device with a folding screen whether it's a phone or a small pad, is DOA. So it makes sense that MS would go down this road. 
  • Reply 28 of 48
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    They have no choice but to be experimental. Apple is the big company in the lead, which means they can afford to just be incremental every year, but if the smaller guys do the same they will just never catch up due to fewer resources (wow, can't believe I just referred to Microsoft as smaller).

    So we shouldn't be surprised to see MS trying long shots and as tech fans should probably cheer them on rather than being partisan. If one of these products is a hit Apple will soon release an equivalent anyway (but with added privacy!).
  • Reply 29 of 48
    canukstormcanukstorm Posts: 2,732member
    "It's a new pocketable Surface device form factor that brings together innovative new hardware and software experiences to create a truly personal and versatile computing experience,"

    What does this mean?
    A smartphone. A tablet. A PC.  These aren't 3 separate products. This is one product. smh
  • Reply 30 of 48
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    linkman said:
    KITA said:
    Referencing old Surface failures, or the Zune, is just silly at this point. They're well past that stage.
    No they aren't past their failures. I'm seeing a big hardware failure rate at work with the Surface Pro 4 model, which is a very recent model.

    This case is slightly different. The Surface Pro's problems are caused by mistakes made in design.

    This looks more like errors at the concept stage.
  • Reply 31 of 48
    IreneWIreneW Posts: 306member
    I feel pretty safe in saying that a small device with a folding screen whether it's a phone or a small pad, is DOA. So it makes sense that MS would go down this road. 
    I think it is a perfectly valid concept, and would love a large foldable and pocketable screen. But not likely from MS. I don't think it is a coincidence that Apple has a lot of patents in this field.
    edited June 2018
  • Reply 32 of 48
    WLeeWLee Posts: 16unconfirmed, member
    The comments here must be similar to the ones of the blackberry folks in their heyday and they heard about the iPhone and laughed. I really hope this smugness goes right to the top of Apple itself and some much needed hard humility comes.  Windows phone as an os was excellent, it was rapid, live tiles were awesome, it couldn’t attract developers which was its downfall. This time they are going to use upwindows strength it’s win32 programmes that can run on a tablet that’s in your pocket. Having used windows 10 in tablet mode, it works very well, multitasks better than an ipad as well. This could be a very interesting convergence product. 
  • Reply 33 of 48
    WLee said:
    The comments here must be similar to the ones of the blackberry folks in their heyday and they heard about the iPhone and laughed. I really hope this smugness goes right to the top of Apple itself and some much needed hard humility comes.  Windows phone as an os was excellent, it was rapid, live tiles were awesome, it couldn’t attract developers which was its downfall. This time they are going to use upwindows strength it’s win32 programmes that can run on a tablet that’s in your pocket. Having used windows 10 in tablet mode, it works very well, multitasks better than an ipad as well. This could be a very interesting convergence product. 
    I raise you Ballmer's reaction to the iPhone, and regarding this particular product, the MS Courier was hyped all over the tech press and then fizzled into nothing nearly a decade ago. I thought at the time it looked an interesting product, but in typical MS fashion, all hype no substance.

    BTW, we already have a forum troll dedicated to defending MS, he's on my block list he's so annoying (not sure why the forum rules even allow this kind of shit, I don't visit here so I can read people defend and promote MS/Samsung/Google while simultaneously trashing Apple and people who like Apple products).
  • Reply 34 of 48
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    Reading these comments -- pretty much all condemning a product on the basis that it isn't an Apple Product -- "If it's not Apple and especially if it's Microsoft, it garbage" seems to be the mantra.

    Thankfully, Apple itself has never taken on that level of hubris.   Steve knew the value of humility and that, despite his confidence in his organization, it's success and the failure of others was never a guarantee...

    The great ones always respect their opponents and judge their products on their merits.  Thankfully, Apple still seems to have carried on that tradition of humility.
  • Reply 35 of 48
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,043member
    WLee said:
    The comments here must be similar to the ones of the blackberry folks in their heyday and they heard about the iPhone and laughed. I really hope this smugness goes right to the top of Apple itself and some much needed hard humility comes.  Windows phone as an os was excellent, it was rapid, live tiles were awesome, it couldn’t attract developers which was its downfall. This time they are going to use upwindows strength it’s win32 programmes that can run on a tablet that’s in your pocket. Having used windows 10 in tablet mode, it works very well, multitasks better than an ipad as well. This could be a very interesting convergence product. 
    “But but but Apple is arrogant!”
  • Reply 36 of 48
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,304member

    hexclock said:
    "It's a new pocketable Surface device form factor that brings together innovative new hardware and software experiences to create a truly personal and versatile computing experience,"

    What does this mean?
    It means nothing. It is meaningless marketing jargon.
    Ha! That is great. I am going to print out a list of these and, read them to my boss, and ask for a raise. 
    edited June 2018 fastasleepwatto_cobra
  • Reply 37 of 48
    rattlhedrattlhed Posts: 155member
    A waste of natural resources.  Hopefully they're easy to disassemble and recycle!
  • Reply 38 of 48
    dedgeckodedgecko Posts: 169member
    THE COURIER LIVES!!  One of the other crazy concepts that came out of MSFT labs but was shelved cuz it didn’t run office. 
  • Reply 39 of 48
    ElCapitanElCapitan Posts: 372member
    KITA said:
    linkman said:
    KITA said:
    Referencing old Surface failures, or the Zune, is just silly at this point. They're well past that stage.
    No they aren't past their failures. I'm seeing a big hardware failure rate at work with the Surface Pro 4 model, which is a very recent model.
    A Surface from 2015 isn't exactly what I would call "very recent".
    Apple would call it that given the Mini and Pro have had no upgrades since 2014 and 2013 respectively. 
    avon b7williamlondon
  • Reply 40 of 48
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member
    Reading these comments -- pretty much all condemning a product on the basis that it isn't an Apple Product -- "If it's not Apple and especially if it's Microsoft, it garbage" seems to be the mantra.

    Thankfully, Apple itself has never taken on that level of hubris.   Steve knew the value of humility and that, despite his confidence in his organization, it's success and the failure of others was never a guarantee...

    The great ones always respect their opponents and judge their products on their merits.  Thankfully, Apple still seems to have carried on that tradition of humility.
    You're ignoring the fact that has been pointed out multiple times, this seems to be by all measures a product MS already announced — the Courier — almost a decade ago and never shipped. Not to mention Ballmer's iPhone comments, the subsequent morbidly late and doomed release of Windows Phone, and their failure to capture much of the tablet market. But sure, let's wait and see!

    The "Steve knew..." is getting dangerously close to a "If Steve were alive..." 
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