How to send images from the Messages app on the iPhone in iOS 12



  • Reply 21 of 43
    matrix077matrix077 Posts: 868member
    I’m always confused by attaching photo by tapping the “Camera” icon. Such a weird way. Always took me a few good seconds to realize my photo are in Camera.
    Guess this change will be fine by me. 
    edited July 2018
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  • Reply 22 of 43
    Rayz2016rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    command_f said:
    Sorry to disagree but that looks like an improvement to me. The camera icon normally means "use the camera": that is, take a picture. Using the photos icon to mean "use one of my photos" seems more intuitive to me. I suspect that the previous operation was due to someone taking a shortcut in the design and bundling photos in with the camera. If the iOS change was in the opposite direction, I would anticipate accusations of obscurity 🤓.
    I suspect this was done because tapping a camera to access pictures that have already been taken was unintuitive for new users. 
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  • Reply 23 of 43
    cwoodycwoody Posts: 5member
    I hate it. I still constantly click the camera and launch the camera, then have to exit out of it, take a second to realize “oh yeah, they moved it to the app section for some stupid reason” then click through. All well getting upset that I have to do that because it’s completely pointless. 
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  • Reply 24 of 43
    zimmermannzimmermann Posts: 352member
    ajl said:
    512ke said:
    I hope we all get used to it. Personally i don't like having to re learn basic functions or to discover that previous functionality has quietly disappeared. I guess it's the price of progress!
    It's not progress, but the lack of Steve, I believe.
    Right, because Steve Jobs designed every single user interface in iOS and they were all the most amazing UI you ever saw, and they've gotten progressively worse ever since he died. /eyeroll

    Jobs, and Forstall more directly, oversaw a TON of mystery meat navigation and other questionable UI/UX choices over the years. Forstall was the worst enabler of Jobs' design impulses, like the Corinthian leather and torn paper on the Calendar, bookshelves and felt tables and the stupid fucking Podcasts reel to reel player and the stupid Passbook shredder animations. 

    We've moved on from all that nonsense, thankfully. Things will continue to iterate and the pendulum has swung back and forth a few times, but I feel like things are starting to get much more refined than they have been.

    512ke said:
    I hope we all get used to it. Personally i don't like having to re learn basic functions or to discover that previous functionality has quietly disappeared. I guess it's the price of progress!
    Agreed. A friend of mine and I were baffled for about 5 minutes trying to figure out how to record and iMessage an memoji.
    That's not re-learning a basic function, it's a brand new (optional) feature. 
    I think he was being ironic.
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  • Reply 25 of 43
    This is quite the setback in UI usability.
    Now you simply touch the camera, scroll to the right and the pics of your library are there.
    Now you have at least an extra click, and if you don't use any of the iMessages app, you are annoyed by the Apps bar all the time you send a pic, and need to take it down.

    Why this? what is the *real* benefit?
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  • Reply 26 of 43
    GeorgePetkovgeorgepetkov Posts: 2unconfirmed, member
    If I can finally select multiple photos to send at once like with WhatsApp, then I'm all for this change. I know this was previously possible too, but you could choose multiples only from the most recent 10-15 images. Can someone using the beta confirm if it is possible now or not?
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  • Reply 27 of 43
    GeorgePetkovgeorgepetkov Posts: 2unconfirmed, member
    If I can finally select multiple photos to send at once like with WhatsApp, then I'm all for this change. I know this was previously possible too, but you could choose multiples only from the most recent 10-15 images. Can someone using the beta confirm if it is possible now or not?
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  • Reply 28 of 43
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    As I prefer the app tray hidden sending photos is now quite tappy, tappy annoying for me.
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  • Reply 29 of 43
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    mike1 said:
    What is the supposed benefit of this change? If there will be more functionality because of this change, fine. But, I hope it's not just change for change's sake.
    Is it possibly an attempt to get people into that App bar more often so they see other stuff???
    This is exactly the reason and it’s yucky. It’s like how in old versions of iOS if you selected Uptades tab in App Store the system seemingly always remembered your tab selection when you returned and now you are “conveniently” booted to the today tab if you sneeze wrong.
    edited July 2018
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  • Reply 30 of 43
    irelandireland Posts: 17,801member
    As I send library photos far more often than I take photos there and then to send. From my POV they should place the photos button on the main toolbar (not the app bar) rather than the camera icon. Heck, I’d get rid of the camera icon entirely if it was me, and tapping the dedicated photos button would have a ‘photo library’ and ‘take a photo’ options. From those who message me, too, it seems photo library photos are being sent the majority or the time. It makes sense the feature used more often shouldn’t be put down in the app bar.
    edited July 2018
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  • Reply 31 of 43
    Rayz2016 said:
    command_f said:
    Sorry to disagree but that looks like an improvement to me. The camera icon normally means "use the camera": that is, take a picture. Using the photos icon to mean "use one of my photos" seems more intuitive to me. I suspect that the previous operation was due to someone taking a shortcut in the design and bundling photos in with the camera. If the iOS change was in the opposite direction, I would anticipate accusations of obscurity 🤓.
    I suspect this was done because tapping a camera to access pictures that have already been taken was unintuitive for new users. 
    I don't know. It seem like every time I see an Android user trying to get to their photo library, they always open the camera app, then dig into the camera roll from there. Maybe it's a way to help them break that bad habit. 

    On a side note, this is STILL better then the royal PITA of trying to attach pictures in an email. WHEN WILL APPLE FIX THAT? Ugh! 
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  • Reply 32 of 43
    GeorgeBMacgeorgebmac Posts: 11,421member
    Actually, I mourn the loss of the old green screen menu systems....
    They were clear, concise and easy to navigate and you didn't have to memorize a ton of miscellaneous procedures or where to find something....

    But, like kids playing outside on their own, organizing their own games, those days are sadly gone.

    The world is going to hell...

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  • Reply 33 of 43
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,906moderator
    Sometimes a change like this occurs to rationalize the interface.  Access to photos was originally one of a descreet set of functions available within the  iMessages app.  But now there’s an App Store concept and so the Photos apps is just another app, albeit one with higher status due to its ubiquity of use within the user base.  This is how software systems evolve.  What once was one of a few features now lives within a democracy of equals, along with 3rd-party contributions to the platform. 
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  • Reply 34 of 43
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,906moderator
    ireland said:
    As I send library photos far more often than I take photos there and then to send. From my POV they should place the photos button on the main toolbar (not the app bar) rather than the camera icon. Heck, I’d get rid of the camera icon entirely if it was me, and tapping the dedicated photos button would have a ‘photo library’ and ‘take a photo’ options. From those who message me, too, it seems photo library photos are being sent the majority or the time. It makes sense the feature used more often shouldn’t be put down in the app bar.
    The reason the photos icon is given higher status in the interface is because is used to capture something in real-time, so you want the user to be able to evoke it as quickly as possible.  This isn’t the case for pics already stored in your photos app; a few extra seconds accessing those, if that’s required to rationalize the interface (see my previous comment)!isnt going to cost the user loss of a potentially fleeting moment.   See, these guys at Apple do think this stuff through.  
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  • Reply 35 of 43
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,393member
    The fucking whining here is hilarious. I installed the beta yesterday and got used to this change in like 3 seconds, then never thought about it again. It makes logical sense, as the camera icon is meant for taking photos, not opening previously taken ones. Photos also load much faster, and I find the whole process of bringing up the share sheet and sharing anything is much smoother in iOS12, getting rid of all the tiny pauses and lags in iOS11. It's an improvement both in UI consistency, logic, experience, and performance. 

    But of course, even for something like this, a tiny UI change, we get the "STEVE JOBS ROLLING IN HIS GRAVE" trolls. Its pretty disgusting, invoking a dead man to bash Apple at every single opportunity, no matter how absurd. It's nauseating, and those who do it should feel deep shame- yet obviously they don't.
    edited July 2018
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  • Reply 36 of 43
    Do they "fix" the change from a while back where if you take a picture in Messages, it doesn't save to your camera roll? I know I can go back and save them later, but it bugs me they don't save automatically!
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  • Reply 37 of 43
    shewyshewy Posts: 9member
    Seems like this may be a move to allow other apps to more intuitively make their media available to Messages - other apps that do not necessarily share their photos to the Camera Roll like the DJI Go or GoPro apps. If those app makers wanted to make Messages apps, then that would put their apps (and Photos) as just another media source in the app tray.
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  • Reply 38 of 43
    GeorgeBMacgeorgebmac Posts: 11,421member
    slurpy said:
    The fucking whining here is hilarious. I installed the beta yesterday and got used to this change in like 3 seconds, then never thought about it again. It makes logical sense, as the camera icon is meant for taking photos, not opening previously taken ones. Photos also load much faster, and I find the whole process of bringing up the share sheet and sharing anything is much smoother in iOS12, getting rid of all the tiny pauses and lags in iOS11. It's an improvement both in UI consistency, logic, experience, and performance. 

    But of course, even for something like this, a tiny UI change, we get the "STEVE JOBS ROLLING IN HIS GRAVE" trolls. Its pretty disgusting, invoking a dead man to bash Apple at every single opportunity, no matter how absurd. It's nauseating, and those who do it should feel deep shame- yet obviously they don't.
    It's nice that you discovered how to do it and adjusted to it so quickly.
    But, my non-Geeky, social worker type friends are more likely to just get frustrated, angry and disenchanted with Apple.
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  • Reply 39 of 43
    Solisoli Posts: 10,038member
    slurpy said:
    The fucking whining here is hilarious. I installed the beta yesterday and got used to this change in like 3 seconds, then never thought about it again. It makes logical sense, as the camera icon is meant for taking photos, not opening previously taken ones. Photos also load much faster, and I find the whole process of bringing up the share sheet and sharing anything is much smoother in iOS12, getting rid of all the tiny pauses and lags in iOS11. It's an improvement both in UI consistency, logic, experience, and performance. 

    But of course, even for something like this, a tiny UI change, we get the "STEVE JOBS ROLLING IN HIS GRAVE" trolls. Its pretty disgusting, invoking a dead man to bash Apple at every single opportunity, no matter how absurd. It's nauseating, and those who do it should feel deep shame- yet obviously they don't.
    It's nice that you discovered how to do it and adjusted to it so quickly.
    But, my non-Geeky, social worker type friends are more likely to just get frustrated, angry and disenchanted with Apple.
    As several people have pointed out in this thread, the less geeky people aren't going to assume that the Photos app is in the Camera app, but assume it's under Apps. If you got used to it being in the less obvious place years ago you will surely get used to it being in the most obvious place now.
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  • Reply 40 of 43
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Right, because Steve Jobs designed every single user interface in iOS and they were all the most amazing UI you ever saw, and they've gotten progressively worse ever since he died. /eyeroll
    They’ve gotten more discordant and unpolished.
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