New rumor claims 2018 iPad Pros will be smaller, drop headphone jacks



  • Reply 61 of 83
    AI_liasAI_lias Posts: 436member
    Can't wait to see El Risitas' reaction to Apple removing the headphone jack from yet another device... because so many people have been asking for this /s...
  • Reply 62 of 83
    Maybe the smart connector on the bottom near the lightning port is for the apple pencil? I saw an article from a website that there is a new redesign for the apple pencil which has smart connector
  • Reply 63 of 83
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    jdw said:

    jdw said:
    That notch is quite unsightly on an iPhone X, but on an iPad it's just unthinkably unnecessary.  The quest to shrink bezels to nothingness is driving this insanity, and it is NOT "insanely great" either.  Bezels should be as thick as that notch so there is no notch at all on an iPad...
    There is nothing minimalist about the notch. It’s there because it has to be, because Apple didn’t want to create a fake bezel on the bottom just so they wouldn’t need a notch. 
    I disagree.  The notch exists BECAUSE of "minimalism" in Apple's design labs.  Minimalism leads Apple to minimize the bezel thickness to such an extent that they cannot fit the cameras inside the bezel anymore.  It's not a matter of a "fake bezel."  A fake bezel would be a digitally created one on the screen.  But a real bezel is the black surround going around all sides of the display.  Again, there's no reason to make that black REAL bezel so slim that the cameras cannot fit inside it when we are talking about an iPad.  Like I said before, you hold an iPad differently than an iPhone, so thicker bezels are actually not a big deal.  And with thicker bezels it can actually look better too because you can hide the cameras within the bezel.

    The only way to full address this problem is by putting cameras inside the display, but we lack the tech to do that at this time.
    Nothing to do with minimalism. All to do with usability. 

    FaceID needs to register your eyes to activate. That means looking at the camera module. If the camera module was mounted in the bezel then the user would have to look up at the camera module to unlock, then down at the screen to use the device. By mounting the module in a notch, the user looks at the screen to lock the device; there is no uncomfortable switching of focus to get started. 

    Still, you got the second part right: the notch isn’t going anywhere until Apple figures out how to mount the camera array behind the screen. 

  • Reply 64 of 83
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    netrox said:
    jdw said:
    That notch is quite unsightly on an iPhone X, but on an iPad it's just unthinkably unnecessary.  The quest to shrink bezels to nothingness is driving this insanity, and it is NOT "insanely great" either.  Bezels should be as thick as that notch so there is no notch at all on an iPad.  A notch is just not necessary, especially since you grab the device with your entire hands in a very different way than you do with an iPhone.

    There once was a time when Apple knew better than I did about design.  There was time when they knew better what I wanted than I did, and when I saw an Apple product announcement I was filled with joy and excitement.  That joy has not entirely vanished but in recent years I am more annoyed than happy with what Apple kicks out.  It's either Johnny Ive minimalism taken to an extreme (notches, butterfly keyboards, missing SD card slots, etc.), or perhaps it's Johnny Ive apathy.  Maybe it is the lack of fanny-kicking by Steve Jobs.  Or maybe it is all of the above.  But as long as we keep buying their stuff and worshiping all of Apple's design decisions with criticism or question, there is no incentive for them to change course and design something better.  If Apple continues down this path, I shutter to think what kind of designs we'll have 10 years hence.
    I am betting there will be a notch on iPad. And a notch will become the norm for many devices, not just Apple. Rumors of new Android phones are showing notches as well. 
    This design is “notch” the iPad for me.
    I have no idea what you were trying to do there. 
  • Reply 65 of 83
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member

    dewme said:
    elijahg said:
    dewme said:
    Dropping the conventional headphone jack makes sense to bring the iPad into alignment with the iPhone. The question of whether to pack your dongle or not to pack your dongle to accommodate conventional hookups should apply to all of your iDevices. Consistency is king. Macs should logically be next.
    ...and plug it in to the Lightning port on which particular Mac, exactly?
    Wireless audio across the board ... addition by subtraction.

    Lightning port is for charging iDevices. Never want to see it on a Mac.

    Yup. Eventually. 
  • Reply 66 of 83
    matrix077matrix077 Posts: 868member
    There is absolutely no way I’ll waste my energy discussing the design RUMOR. The memories of all the outraged of iPhone X notch that turned out to be an entire waste of space & energy is still fresh in my mind. 
    edited July 2018 williamlondon
  • Reply 67 of 83
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    wizard69 said:

    wizard69 said:

    jdw said:
    That notch is quite unsightly on an iPhone X, but on an iPad it's just unthinkably unnecessary.  The quest to shrink bezels to nothingness is driving this insanity, and it is NOT "insanely great" either.  Bezels should be as thick as that notch so there is no notch at all on an iPad.  A notch is just not necessary, especially since you grab the device with your entire hands in a very different way than you do with an iPhone.

    There once was a time when Apple knew better than I did about design.  There was time when they knew better what I wanted than I did, and when I saw an Apple product announcement I was filled with joy and excitement.  That joy has not entirely vanished but in recent years I am more annoyed than happy with what Apple kicks out.  It's either Johnny Ive minimalism taken to an extreme (notches, butterfly keyboards, missing SD card slots, etc.), or perhaps it's Johnny Ive apathy.  Maybe it is the lack of fanny-kicking by Steve Jobs.  Or maybe it is all of the above.  But as long as we keep buying their stuff and worshiping all of Apple's design decisions with criticism or question, there is no incentive for them to change course and design something better.  If Apple continues down this path, I shutter to think what kind of designs we'll have 10 years hence.
    The stupid moves like the headphone jack likely have little to do with Ive.   When Apple puts a custom port in a machine it is there for lock in.   Vendors dont have to sign up to use the analog jack, lighting though is controlled by Apple and thus you have to be in Apples good graces too use it.    Lighting gives Apple the opportunity to screwcover both the consummer and the third party supplier.  
    Paranoid nonsense born of ignorance. The Lightning port was implemented before USB-C was a word. It doesn’t “lock in” because there’s nothing to lock in. You can buy non-Apple cables anywhere. Removal of the legacy analog headphone jack came much later, and again you are free to use anyone’s headphones, wired or wireless, not just Apple’s.

    You seem to think you’re being screwed a lot. It’s quite odd. If you’re unhappy, you should try to make changes in life to make yourself happier. I guess PCs and Androids are a first step....?
    Apparently you have never heard of Apples MiFi program and the authentication required to use lighting.  It helps to understand the issues.  
    If authentication was required to use Lightning then why do we have so many cheap, dangerous cables floating around on Amazon?

    The iPhone will warn you that you have plugged in an unauthenticed device, but it won’t stop you using it. Or are you saying that the devices the police are using to break into iPhones are fully registered members of the Apple MFI program?

    Talk sense, man!
  • Reply 68 of 83
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    matrix077 said:
    There is absolutely no way I’ll waste my energy discussing the design RUMOR. The memories of all the outraged of iPhone X notch that turned out to be an entire waste of space & energy is still fresh in my mind. 
    Indeed. There will always be a vocal minority who will throw their toys out the pram at every little change Apple makes. 

    One hopes they they will just leave the platform and find happiness elsewhere, but they never do. 

    They just spend their their free time threatening to. 
  • Reply 69 of 83
    jdwjdw Posts: 1,411member
    Oh please. Every tech site under the sun was complaining about bezels. Any phone that had larger bezels was panned for it. And yes, Apple would have had to create a fake bottom bezel just to support a top bezel for the cameras. Apple would never release something asymmetrical.
    Who cares what every tech site under the sun complains about?  What I buy boils down to what I want, not what some tech site wants.

    I still don't understand what you are talking about when you say "fake bezel" because unless the bezel is digitally created on the screen, any black painted thingamajig surrounding the entire screen is a REAL bezel!  Perhaps what you meant to say is, "Apple would need to create a thicker bezel than normal in order to keep the cameras inside the bezel and to retain symmetry (the same bezel thickness) around the entire display."  But that's precisely what I am calling for.  Apple should make a thicker bezel (which can still be thinner than the bezel now) in order to hide the cameras so there is no need for a notch.  And that so-called "thicker" bezel would not be too thick on an iPad.  We are not talking about a tiny phone here.  You hold an iPad differently than an iPhone.  Keep the fingerprints on the bezel and off the display, I say!

    10 years from now when the notch is long gone, you notch lovers will have nothing at all to say.  I know for a fact you won't be saying, "Boy I wish we could have that notch again!"  And truly, nobody is reflecting back on the 1970's saying, "Boy I wish bell-bottoms would make a come-back!"
    edited July 2018
  • Reply 70 of 83
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    ike17055 said:
    New Mini, please...
    Not worth the effort by Apple.

    If you need it small, a new 9.7” without the bezel would be about the same size.
    Which new 9.7” without the bezel? The one released in four years?
  • Reply 71 of 83
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    jdw said:
    That notch is quite unsightly on an iPhone X, but on an iPad it's just unthinkably unnecessary.  The quest to shrink bezels to nothingness is driving this insanity, and it is NOT "insanely great" either.  Bezels should be as thick as that notch so there is no notch at all on an iPad.  A notch is just not necessary, especially since you grab the device with your entire hands in a very different way than you do with an iPhone.

    There once was a time when Apple knew better than I did about design.
    Was that when they brought out iPod socks, an ugly fat iPod, a circular mouse where you couldn’t tell by feel which direction it was facing and when they continually made mice with an impossibly small scroll nipple that got clogged up and didn’t work in a few weeks, or when they released a phone with a two-part antenna on the exterior that would practically stop working if you touched it “wrong”. But hey, it was apparently ‘like a Leica camera’.

    Lest we for forget, these and more happened on Steve’s watch. Which is to say, Steve may not be around, but there’s no indication many of those decisions you describe wouldn’t have been made if he was. There’s no rumour suggesting the iPad will get a notch, so regarding that you seem to be arguing with yourself.

    And making iPad Pros physically much smaller and even giving one of them a larger display in the process seem like great ideas to me. Many people with a new 12.9 in this scenario will be happy it’s now much smaller overall. And the additional screen real estate on the 11 will be awesome. I always found the 9.7” too small for movies. I wonder how an 11” feels for this.
    edited July 2018
  • Reply 72 of 83
    rogifan_newrogifan_new Posts: 4,297member
    jdw said:
    Oh please. Every tech site under the sun was complaining about bezels. Any phone that had larger bezels was panned for it. And yes, Apple would have had to create a fake bottom bezel just to support a top bezel for the cameras. Apple would never release something asymmetrical.
    Who cares what every tech site under the sun complains about?  What I buy boils down to what I want, not what some tech site wants.

    I still don't understand what you are talking about when you say "fake bezel" because unless the bezel is digitally created on the screen, any black painted thingamajig surrounding the entire screen is a REAL bezel!  Perhaps what you meant to say is, "Apple would need to create a thicker bezel than normal in order to keep the cameras inside the bezel and to retain symmetry (the same bezel thickness) around the entire display."  But that's precisely what I am calling for.  Apple should make a thicker bezel (which can still be thinner than the bezel now) in order to hide the cameras so there is no need for a notch.  And that so-called "thicker" bezel would not be too thick on an iPad.  We are not talking about a tiny phone here.  You hold an iPad differently than an iPhone.  Keep the fingerprints on the bezel and off the display, I say!

    10 years from now when the notch is long gone, you notch lovers will have nothing at all to say.  I know for a fact you won't be saying, "Boy I wish we could have that notch again!"  And truly, nobody is reflecting back on the 1970's saying, "Boy I wish bell-bottoms would make a come-back!"
    OK fake might not be the right word, but a bottom bezel that would basically be pointless; would only exist to provide symmetry with the top bezel. To me Apple’s choice is more honest and no doubt as soon as the notch is no longer necessary it won’t be there,
  • Reply 73 of 83
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    I hope the Apple pencil 2 comes has a smart connector and magnet so it can charge while clipped to the side of the ipad and doesnt have to stick awkwardly out the side of the lightning port anymore. That’d be a cool change.
    Wireless charging of all Apple mobile devices (pencil included) is surely on the way attached or not.  Last years sci-fi is next years product these days so I live in hope of an Apple WiTricity style unit sitting on the desk and all my mobile devices within range charging automatically.  
    edited July 2018
  • Reply 74 of 83
    I hope this is supplier fantasy fluffing and not a grounded rumor. My reaction if Apple were to do this would be, "Are they nuts???" Let me put this very simply. Among other things the iPad is a kid entertainment device. Ditch the headphone jack and you're messing around with one more thing to lose (aka a dongle), expensive proprietary Lightning headphones, or the kid being stuck on wireless headphones with all the question marks on health that entails with small still-developing brains and skulls combined with one more thing to lose (batteries) or throw away (the headphones when the built-in sealed battery fails).

    It was a dumb enough idea on the iPhone but at least there, wired headphones can be irritating on such a small product, it's not something you give to small kids anyway, and Apple can legitimately complain about lack of space inside the device.
  • Reply 75 of 83
    randywaltersrandywalters Posts: 4unconfirmed, member
    I respect the opinions of those who can’t bear the iPhone X’s notch and dread the thought of one appearing on the iPad.

    That said, it truly doesn’t bother me in the least; I love my iPhone X. I’m a little mystified as to why it elicits such a passionate aversion from some; I’d far rather have an edge-to-edge display with a notch than one with wider bezels, solely for the purpose of avoiding a notch. But to each, their own.

    I remember the howls of dismay when Apple stopped shipping computers with floppy drives; I honestly believe the critics are in the (very vocal) minority, and the majority of Apple customers are quietly appreciating (and buying) the fantastic tools Apple continues to develop and market. I’ve been waiting since the iPad Air to upgrade, and I’ll be a first-day buyer for the new iPad Pro. Can’t wait.
    edited July 2018
  • Reply 76 of 83
    rogifan_newrogifan_new Posts: 4,297member
    I hope the Apple pencil 2 comes has a smart connector and magnet so it can charge while clipped to the side of the ipad and doesnt have to stick awkwardly out the side of the lightning port anymore. That’d be a cool change.
    You only put it in the lightning port when you need a quick charge. What I’d like to see is an on/off switch. I keep mine in my laptop bag and when I go for a while without using it and then need to use it the battery is usually close to dead.
  • Reply 77 of 83
    macguimacgui Posts: 2,409member
    jdw said:
    10 years from now when the notch is long gone, you notch lovers will have nothing at all to say.  I know for a fact you won't be saying, "Boy I wish we could have that notch again!"  And truly, nobody is reflecting back on the 1970's saying, "Boy I wish bell-bottoms would make a come-back!"
    There are several dumbass posts in this thread about rumors, too many to list. But this is one of the dumbest dumbass posts of all.

    ' notch lovers...' Exactly how many are there? Or, in your ire, did you forget the /s tag.

    I don't mind the notch at all. It would be nicer if it weren't there, but it is and I'm ok with that. It will be gone much sooner than 10years, just so you know. And nobody will miss it. Notch lovers aren't a thing.

    I will be a little disappointed if Apple drops the headphone jack. It will decrease production costs which, multiplied by millions and millions of units, would had up to much more than my significant annual income. I doubt we'll get anything as significant from it's removal which is more the pity.

    I like being able to plug a wired headphone in and not relying on keeping BT kit charged. Using a Lightning adapter works well enough, but dongles break. I've just replaced my second headphone adapter/extender to fit my larger headphone plug to my phone. It's well made and doesn't need authentication so it's less than Apple's Lightning > headphone adapter. It won't be more than a first world problem, but it will still annoy me from time to time.

    As to Ive not having much to do with the headphone jack— WTF? Some iPad team may want to remove it or keep it. But either won't happen unless Ive signs off on it. He won't handle internal designs, but if he doesn't like the aesthetics, it won't happen, and conversely. Which is why I really think we're going to lose the jack— aesthetics.
  • Reply 78 of 83
    CheeseFreezeCheeseFreeze Posts: 1,327member
    The iPad without headjack will be useless for audio and video production because of the latency introduced with wireless audio being totally unacceptable. A lighting powered plug solves it but loses charging, essential for production 
  • Reply 79 of 83
    AI_liasAI_lias Posts: 436member
    The iPad without headjack will be useless for audio and video production because of the latency introduced with wireless audio being totally unacceptable. A lighting powered plug solves it but loses charging, essential for production 
    Then good news, you will get (and like): “the dongle” That’s what you get from Apple for producing stuff, and not just consuming like the rest 95% of users. 
  • Reply 80 of 83
    CheeseFreezeCheeseFreeze Posts: 1,327member
    AI_lias said:
    The iPad without headjack will be useless for audio and video production because of the latency introduced with wireless audio being totally unacceptable. A lighting powered plug solves it but loses charging, essential for production 
    Then good news, you will get (and like): “the dongle” That’s what you get from Apple for producing stuff, and not just consuming like the rest 95% of users. 
    What dongle are you referring to?
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