Next-gen iPad Pro design seemingly confirmed by iOS 12 beta icon



  • Reply 21 of 28
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    georgie01 said:
    I can understand the appeal of smaller bezels, it could look really nice, but on a tablet that seems like a questionable decision. It’s heavier than a phone and needs more space to hold it and so the bezels are more functional than on a phone. I wonder how small they would be if this design turns out to be accurate.
    Look at the size bezels of the 10.5” for an indication of where they are headed.
  • Reply 22 of 28
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    mattinoz said:
    Interesting to see if this means the cameras will be behind the screen and on the mainboard. We know they have been looking at various ways to do it from 2007 and before.
    I see this an no indication of that. There will still be a bezel around the device, just smaller than previous model chin and forehead, similar to the side bezels on the 10.5” model, and the 12.9” are slightly bigger. They may have applied for a patent in terms of camera in screen, but if they knew how to do that in reality they’d be after doing it and iPhone X wouldn’t have a notch.
    edited August 2018
  • Reply 23 of 28
    mattinozmattinoz Posts: 2,442member
    ireland said:
    mattinoz said:
    Interesting to see if this means the cameras will be behind the screen and on the mainboard. We know they have been looking at various ways to do it from 2007 and before.
    I see this an no indication of that. There will still be a bezel around the device, just smaller than previous model chin and forehead, similar to the side bezels on the 10.5” model, and the 12.9” are slightly bigger. They may have applied for a patent in terms of camera in screen, but if they knew how to do that in reality they’d be after doing it and iPhone X wouldn’t have a notch.
    Might be function of volume and screen density. The iPhone X needs production methods that work at a scale well above iPad Pro. So it could be the method they have is workable at that scale then streamlined to iPhone production scale. Add to that iPhone X screen is 480 dpi vs 260 of iPad so it would be a massive difference accuracy needed.  

    Not saying it required but would seem like it would have greater benefit on a device that is used any orientation compared to phone which still has dominate orientation..
  • Reply 24 of 28
    MplsPMplsP Posts: 3,987member
    ireland said:
    mike54 said:
    I would prefer if they keep the same eternal dimensions and increased the screen size, the 12.9in would become maybe a 14in... and then add in mouse/trackpad support.
    Nah, I think 12.9” 4:3 aspect for large size iPad Pro is already heading toward an unmanageable size. Shaving off those large bezels seems like a good move.
    That’s always the $1M question - bigger screen vs smaller size. I have a 12.9” pro and it’s a bit unwieldy for handheld use, but it’s nice if you actually want to do any productive work. No one ever complains that the *screen* is to big, though, rather that the device is too big. As long as there’s enough of a bezel to allow you to hold the device without touching the screen then shrinking the bezels is a good thing. 

    Regarding size, Apple typically tries to maintain aspect ratios so the interface stays consistent between device types. It also makes it easier for developers. Keeping the same overall dimensions would be beneficial in terms of accessories, though. Companies are more likely to make accessories if there are more devices in circulation. 
  • Reply 25 of 28
    ireland said:
    christopher126 said:
    The Air, MacMini, iPad Mini, Se, and iPhone 6 thru the 8 are ‘legacy’ devices that will be phased out.

    Unsure where you pulled this information out of. Also, many people love the small size of SE, so it’d be dumb to get rid of it without some kind of small replacement. I’d literally have no iPhone I’m interested in without a 4 - 4.5” option. Ming said there’s a new Mac mini due this year. iPad mini is still around. And if past years are any indication I see 7, 7+, 8 and 8+ hanging around. So could it be your comment is wrong on all counts? Likely.
  • Reply 26 of 28
    Rayz2016 said:
    I may warm up to it, but losing the room around the edges seems like it decreases the usable area of the UI.
    I see what you’re saying. Bezels are where you hold the thing. I would think that Apple realises this and it has enough edge to hold it comfortably. 
    About 9mm if the physical size from the latest rumor is accurate. So the side bezels actually grow a bit to equal the top/bottom bezels. 
  • Reply 27 of 28
    I think this is where they’re heading with the iPhone. Smimilar form factor across the line but with varying degrees of features.
    I'd prefer if it were identical features/spec and only the SIZE we had to choose between. I want the best camera but I don't want to hold a phablet to my head everytime I take a call or carry a backpack since it doesn't fit in my pocket.
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