Editorial: Apple note sends media pundits into a fit of histrionic gibberish



  • Reply 21 of 124
    Dan_DilgerDan_Dilger Posts: 1,584member
    Folio said:
    Appreciate DED on critique of what passes for Apple punditry, especially the swipe at Swisher. But not sure of the math regarding 200 M plus units and five year refresh. Seems to ignore iPads, Android switchers, new markets, and kids in Apple families coming of age. In other words, iOS not static at 1B but growing. Am I missing something?
    The idea of about a billion users and around 200M iPhones sold per year since iPhone 6 is a generalization. The installed base figure has been growing (Apple said it added 100M in 2018), and total iPhones have grown too:

    2016: 211.88M
    2017: 216.76M
    2018: 217.72M

    But in general, it's clear that Apple expects to sell ~200M iPhones to its installed base and to switchers (some of whom straddle the line as Mac or iOS users with an Android; some users new to a smartphone, etc).

    The point is that these numbers haven't radically changed each year for several years, and quite clearly Apple isn't expecting last years iPhone buyers to all or "mostly" jump to get an S upgrade. The ratio of users to buyers each year is about a fifth or 20%. 
  • Reply 22 of 124
    ne1ne1 Posts: 71member
    I’m a huge Apple fan, but instead of such a vitriolic and long-winded defense, maybe it would be best to examine the real benefits and challenges they are facing in the long term. What we need is balanced analysis, not more one-sided analysis. Also, it may worth Appleinsider’s while to fix commenting in the app, which is still buggy and does not work on my iPhone X. ;) 
    muthuk_vanalingamanantksundaramrogifan_newavon b7elijahg
  • Reply 23 of 124
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    “Greater China and other emerging markets accounted for the vast majority of the year-over-year iPhone revenue decline." [emphasis ours] “

    However Apple weren’t guiding that they would be even with last year but that revenues would be from $1B to $5B higher. However revenue is in fact $4B lower. The real question is not the difference between this year and last, but these results and guidance only 60 days ago.  China accounted for the vast majority of a $4B fall from last year but not the majority of the difference from guidance ($5B - $9B). 

    edited January 2019 ne1elijahg
  • Reply 24 of 124
    Have Android promoters never set foot in a store? Do they think nobody buys jeans anymore just because there isn't any apparent technical innovation occurring in pants-making? Do they imagine that nobody buys TVs anymore because everyone must already have one by now? Do they wonder why people buy shirts that cost more than the component fabric that occurs on the garment's bill of sale? What is it about Apple that turns the most mundane discussion of financials into an illogical tirade of hyperbolic derangement?


  • Reply 25 of 124
    DED is the Dr. Hunter S. Thompson of the Tech Media. Take those lying bastards out and cut off their thumbs, they’ll never hit a space bar again!

  • Reply 26 of 124
    tbornottbornot Posts: 116member
    It’s not only dealing with Apple that journalists have difficulties, indeed the term Fake News was coined to describe when journalists band together to press a point that they know is false, and they don’t care.  Note that Fake anews isn’t only incorrect, there has to also be a strong propaganda element.
  • Reply 27 of 124
    tzeshantzeshan Posts: 2,351member
    What happened to Brazil?  I seem to remember several years ago Apple asked Foxconn to start manufacturing iPhones in Brazil. 
  • Reply 28 of 124
    AppleExposedAppleExposed Posts: 1,805unconfirmed, member
    ....waiting for the one-posters. Hello?.....

    Here's some more "oxymorons" I've noticed from the iKnockoff crowd:

    "Apple is too expensive"
    But criticizes Apple for not adding more to the XR. Like how it needs a 1080p screen(for some reason), OLED etc. which would drive the price much higher.

    "Planned obsolescence"
    Then continue to claim old iPhones are good enough and people don't see a reason to upgrade.

    "Apple isn't innovating anymore!"
    While completely dismissing the rest of the android world. Only Apple is tasked with the objective to "innovate". Everyone else's job is to just copy Apple.

    Those are just off the top of my head.
  • Reply 29 of 124
    hexclockhexclock Posts: 1,304member
    "Five years ago, the Verge balked at the high price of iPhone 5s and offered recommendations for rival phones that aren't even supported today"

    I went to the Apple store this week at the mall nearby, thinking I'll get there early, and yet 1/2 hour after they opened there was a line out the door. I asked about the trade in program, and what I needed to do beforehand (sign out of Apple Id and wipe the phone). Next week I'm trading in my beloved 5s for a XR. The 5s is perfectly functional except for a weak battery, which could easily be replaced, but the time has come to move on. Next month, it's the wife's turn, although her 6s is still brand new feeling (to me). 
    Apple's products last a long time if cared for, and despite being expensive up front, hold their value and perform well far beyond competitors devices. 

  • Reply 30 of 124
    Here's some more "oxymorons" I've noticed from the iKnockoff crowd:

    "Apple is too expensive"
    But criticizes Apple for not adding more to the XR. Like how it needs a 1080p screen(for some reason), OLED etc. which would drive the price much higher.
    Ostrich and sand??? With the benefit of hindsight, it is now easy to figure out that Apple got it wrong with respect to features and pricing of Xr. Xr is supposed to be the successor to iPhone 8 plus, but it was a side grade (design and SoC upgraded, display and camera downgraded), not a proper upgrade. It still would have been fine if Apple had priced it accordingly. But that didn't happen, hence Apple trying hard with promotional offers to increase sales. And revenue shortage purely due to lack of iphone sales. To even deny these basic facts is to keep the head firmly in the sand like an ostrich. 
    edited January 2019 anantksundaramavon b7asdasdpropodelijahg
  • Reply 31 of 124
    AppleInsider said:
    “Tech reviewers think that they are representative of the public and that the mass market is keenly interested in chips and RAM or a photo feature Google is promoting. If that were the case, how has Apple been successfully selling a Product(Red) iPhone and iPod for all these years, and why isn't Pixel finding buyers?”

    This is the part that gets me! I see all the YouTube "reviewers" giving great reviews for just about EVERY Android flagship that comes out, but how many of these phones are "sustainable"? Before, when Android phones had replaceable batteries, these same "reviewers" were all praising them and taking Apple to task for not having a user replaceable battery. Now that all of the current Android makers have followed suit, I don't hear any of these bloggers complaining now. Android phone makers are all building "disposable" phones that their users either don't bother to upgrade, or CAN'T upgrade due to their carrier restrictions, and let's not even talk about any type of battery replacement program: there isn't any Android maker that has one I don't believe. You certainly cannot walk into a Samsung store and ask to have your battery replaced while you wait.
    edited January 2019 radarthekatwatto_cobra
  • Reply 32 of 124
    fastasleepfastasleep Posts: 6,450member
    I've never understood, going back to all the times Jobs did interviews with them, why Kara Swisher has any business writing about technology. She has consistently come across to me as a total luddite in interviews and her writing. Walt Mossberg was at least decent at writing about tech to the layperson audience, but Swisher just seems like a complete dullard to me in this area. It's baffling to me that the NYT went to her for a Betteridge headline about Apple, or why anyone listens to her at all.

  • Reply 33 of 124
    In fairness, DED, we’ve seen a ~40% drop (from $232 to $142 in price per share) in the market cap of the most successful company in the world, the first one to hit a trillion dollar mark. Nearly $475B is market value has been wiped out.

    Surely, some of the hyperventilation is justified?
    edited January 2019 muthuk_vanalingamavon b7propodelijahg
  • Reply 34 of 124

    I've never understood, going back to all the times Jobs did interviews with them, why Kara Swisher has any business writing about technology. She has consistently come across to me as a total luddite in interviews and her writing. Walt Mossberg was at least decent at writing about tech to the layperson audience, but Swisher just seems like a complete dullard to me in this area. It's baffling to me that the NYT went to her for a Betteridge headline about Apple, or why anyone listens to her at all.

    Couldn’t agree more.

    She’s quite arrogant too, at least the way she comes through on television.
  • Reply 35 of 124
    coolfactorcoolfactor Posts: 2,321member

    On the right, Apple at $89-93 billion in quarerly revenues; on the left, Apple shriveling up with only $84 billion in quarterly revenues

    Is that Stage Right and Stage Left? :wink: 

    I actually enjoy these Editorials. They are usually chock full of common sense that is absent in today's media publications.

  • Reply 36 of 124
    coolfactorcoolfactor Posts: 2,321member

    asdasd said:
    Folio said:
    More trends in Apple’s favor: relatively small worldwide marketshare; growing middle classes in China and India; maturing smartphones and urban magnets mean young folks more likely to buy up for premium phone, more so than say car or expensive clothes of days past.
    Actually Apple may be long term screwed in China. They are a nationalistic people.  China responding badly to Trumps threats could cause Apple huge problems, not just now but in the future. 

    You are correct, but also more specifically the arrest of the Huawei executive in Vancouver BC, as ordered by the US. Both US and Canada are now unfavourable to many nationalistic Chinese, for that simple reason.

    I recently got a Huawei SmartHub (LTE connection) in my home. I didn't know it was this brand when I first ordered the service, and proceeded to cancel the order once I found out it was a Huawei device and they had two delivery failures. However, they still made a third attempt (after I cancelled) and I got the device, so I kept it. Works well, but we'll see if these get banned in Canada or not.
  • Reply 37 of 124
    Kudos, ovations, back-slaps, toasts, twirly dancing and hee-haws for another brilliant takedown of the Apple-doom pundit puppetry!!

    And: thanks, as always. That I'm aware of, it's just you, Gruber and the Macalope, consistently offering up hard-edged facts, cold reason and rationally-observed market reality against this lazy assemblage of smug 'experts' who haven't had an original thought about Apple in the last 25 years. Some of this recent stuff IMO has been libel- and slander-worthy (esp the Bloomberg China-chip crap), but I doubt Apple will ever dignify it by suing (maybe, though!). I suppose tho that the 90-95% of industry profits that they stuff in the bank every quarter is, really, the loudest, and bestest, last word.
  • Reply 38 of 124
    AppleExposedAppleExposed Posts: 1,805unconfirmed, member
    Here's some more "oxymorons" I've noticed from the iKnockoff crowd:

    "Apple is too expensive"
    But criticizes Apple for not adding more to the XR. Like how it needs a 1080p screen(for some reason), OLED etc. which would drive the price much higher.
    Ostrich and sand??? With the benefit of hindsight, it is now easy to figure out that Apple got it wrong with respect to features and pricing of Xr. Xr is supposed to be the successor to iPhone 8 plus, but it was a side grade (design and SoC upgraded, display and camera downgraded), not a proper upgrade. It still would have been fine if Apple had priced it accordingly. But that didn't happen, hence Apple trying hard with promotional offers to increase sales. And revenue shortage purely due to lack of iphone sales. To even deny these basic facts is to keep the head firmly in the sand like an ostrich. 
    "Not a proper upgrade"

    So you're asking for more? iPhone XR starting at $899? Better idea?

    iPhone XR is the most popular iPhone right now(according to APPLE not the Verge or some fat youtuber). So not sure why you're denying the facts while giving your opinions?
  • Reply 39 of 124
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,898moderator
    georgie01 said:
    ...the problem of media that refuses to believe in facts and accept any reality that diverges from its faulty, perpetually wrong assumptions.

    A decent article. But it always amuses me how Apple supporters (not a criticism, I am one also...) see media bias so clearly against Apple but it doesn’t occur to them the media does the exact same thing with politics. There are so few media outlets who have even a semblance of objective reporting. It’s a shame to say that the better ones just try to pass off their bias in an objective-sounding way.
    How does it not occur to us?  It’s just that this is an Apple focused site; talking about the media slant in other realms would seem out of place here, would it not?  
  • Reply 40 of 124
    radarthekatradarthekat Posts: 3,898moderator

    Folio said:
    Appreciate DED on critique of what passes for Apple punditry, especially the swipe at Swisher. But not sure of the math regarding 200 M plus units and five year refresh. Seems to ignore iPads, Android switchers, new markets, and kids in Apple families coming of age. In other words, iOS not static at 1B but growing. Am I missing something?
    I think the math is a bit off too.  If one out of five upgrade each year, as DED seemed to state, then the upgrades alone this year would account for the entire 200 million units sold and growth in the installed base would come only from hand me downs and used iPhone sales.  That’s clearly not the case. 

    The 200 million is a combination of upgraders, switchers and new-to-smartphone consumers.  Growth in the installed base comes from all three.

    Upgraders themselves don’t increase the installed base, but many pass along or sell their old iPhone, while some retire the old iPhone to the recycle bin.  Switchers and new-to-smartphone users all expand the installed base if they are buying new iPhones, but not if they are buying used.

    Same deal for iPad.
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