Yeah....lets just forget about the companies that stuck through the rough times and made America the greatest and lets screw em now...its even amazing when I say buy Apple buy American, and people say its all made in China. What about all the jobs and employees Apple has hired in America!? Its so sad how dumb people are these days....
This coming from the person who remove competition in the student loan market, she said she was champion of consumers and got rid of choice and force students into government approved loan servicing companies. Today these companies are mess and will not answer you're questions and reason why people a defaulting on loans.
As I always say and I'll leave this here. You think you have problem now. just wait till you see the solution the government comes up with.
People have to stop focusing on personality and focus on what these people are doing how it will affect your daily life.
Leaving aside the fact that she’s anidiot not as smart as she thinks and her rationale is idiotic, breaking up Apple into, say, three — hardware, software, services — may make excellent strategic sense from a competitive and growth standpoint.
I find it very suspicious that Warren will put legislation forward to restrict Google, Apple and Amazon when it comes to making money but isn't even slightly bothered by Twitter, Facebook and YouTube being so powerful they can sway elections with their platforms. Censorship is alive and thriving on these platforms, but since it so obviously benefits the leftist authoritarians (Modern Social Democrats), Warren and others in her socialist clubhouse simply ignore it.
I'm no supporter of regulation but I could at very least understand an arguement in support of regulating social media platforms that restrict free speech. Regulating app store platforms may just be the straw that breaks this camel's back
Facebook was one of the big guns she was referring to and with YouTube and Twitter being owned by the larger guys, are the targets for splitting up. So I don’t think it is a leftist conspiracy here. ;-)
This is a classic example of how clueless politicians are with how technology works. The reason the iPhone and the App store are so successful is because they are meant to be together. What exactly is her attempt at spinning-off the App store? Does she think it will allow non-Apple approved apps to be on it? Because if that's the case, it will be a cold-day in hell before that happens.
Liberals just have nothing better to do. It's scary to think that people like her may have a shot at the Oval Office.
Going through business school they talked about antitrust and used standard oil as an hallmark of why antitrust is important, but what the government does not like to talk about what happen after the breakup, Rockefeller got shares in the 32 companies which his trust still holds today in the existing companies and they made him richer than if they left it alone.
Since the 70's the government has focus antitrust on consumer benefit, if consumers are not harmed i.e. Consumer pay a lower cost then big companies are not bad. Today there is academic research on platforming verse products, if you sell products you should not also own the platform that sells the product.
The Silicon Valley has wholly supported one party for so long now that party has now declared them the enemy of the people (did you see what I did there), they deserve what they get.
While I agree with Elizabeth Warren in principle, this for me is a “bridge too far”. If you break these tech companies up, there is a fragmentation of data as well as a loss of control over quality and responsibility. This for the benefit of what?
Like it never happened before and it will spell doom for just about everything we hold dear....
Developers have made billions from their arrangement with Apple. If Apple didn’t allow other word processors, or spreadsheets, or music software, or photo and video apps on the store, then Warren might have a point. Apple actively pushes third party apps that directly compete with its own, so I think she is barking up the wrong tree. All of these many presidential hopefuls have to try and stand out from the pack, so they are each trying to out do the other with extreme ideas to charge up the base. In the end I believe it backfires on all of them.
Leaving aside the fact that she’s anidiot not as smart as she thinks and her rationale is idiotic, breaking up Apple into, say, three — hardware, software, services — may make excellent strategic sense from a competitive and growth standpoint.
If I get a 3:1 stock split I might listen. I still think it’s a massive overreach and completely unnecessary, in Apple’s case at least.
Communist here. Don’t break up Apple. Its model is one of the best examples of effective planning under capitalism. Democrats aren’t communist. They’re opportunists who speak lefty to prevent the nation from going communist (which would look something like total automation + the end of social hierarchies and is closer than you’d think). We need Apple to get us there.
Is Warren influenced by Apple’s competitors? Her plan wouldn’t help the working class.
Why do people keep dredging up tired, old, failed Marxist dogma? “The end of social hierarchies”? Really? Everybody the same? From each according to their abilities and to each according to their needs? Doctors making the same money as ditch diggers? Everybody lives in a mansion with robot servants? You’ve been reading too much Asimov. Marxism/Socialism is one of those economic theories that look good on paper but fail to account for human nature which at its base is the quest for procreation, power, and wealth. You can’t change human nature. It’s in our DNA. No matter what system the powerful will do their thing to get it.
While I agree with Elizabeth Warren in principle, this for me is a “bridge too far”. If you break these tech companies up, there is a fragmentation of data as well as a loss of control over quality and responsibility. This for the benefit of what?
Like it never happened before and it will spell doom for just about everything we hold dear....
Ah, socialism raising it's head in the US now. Remember that although its never worked, the reason is that everyone else "just didn't do it right yet".
My favourite quote about socialism came from Margaret Thatcher.
"The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."
And yet, there is democratic socialism all over the world (Europe, Scandinavia, etc), including the US. Do you enjoy the 40-hour work week? You can thank the socialist labor movements of the late 1800s and early 1900s. Parks, firemen, etc... Socialism policies sit next to capitalism policies all over the place. It's not a big deal.
This is a classic example of how clueless politicians are with how technology works. The reason the iPhone and the App store are so successful is because they are meant to be together. What exactly is her attempt at spinning-off the App store? Does she think it will allow non-Apple approved apps to be on it? Because if that's the case, it will be a cold-day in hell before that happens.
Liberals just have nothing better to do. It's scary to think that people like her may have a shot at the Oval Office.
It's far scarier that compulsive liars like Trump and his group of tax cheats have already made it into the Oval Office. At this point nobody can bring any more shame or embarrassment to our country.
I'm not really following the breakup logic. Removing the app store from apple is a bit like: - Removing the online store from Nintendo - Preventing Valve from making hardware because they have steam - Stopping Spotify from producing Music/Podcasts because they have a Music/Podcast service - Removing Origin from EA because they make games
Surely we'd need some sort of damaging monopoly first. (Before the upstarts chime in: Apple's exclusive control over their own store fails every definition of monopoly.)
Ah, socialism raising it's head in the US now. Remember that although its never worked, the reason is that everyone else "just didn't do it right yet".
My favourite quote about socialism came from Margaret Thatcher.
"The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."
That’s the problem with financialised capitalism too. Although to be fair the banks never do run out of tax payers money.
Breaking up successful companies isn’t a socialist idea, in fact it’s not common at all outside the US, and originates with the republicans in the late 19C in the US. Most countries with government interference outside the US; Europe, Japan, Korea, India, China ( especially) try to build up government backed companies, to play in the international market. And obviously the USSR created large state companies during its era.
This is a particularly American form of free market fundamentalism which fetishes small business - the ordinary guy of American mythology, George Bailey vs Potter.
Its a pretty stupid love though when other governments are creating national industrial champions, a us candidate wants to destroy them.
As I always say and I'll leave this here. You think you have problem now. just wait till you see the solution the government comes up with.
People have to stop focusing on personality and focus on what these people are doing how it will affect your daily life.
Since the 70's the government has focus antitrust on consumer benefit, if consumers are not harmed i.e. Consumer pay a lower cost then big companies are not bad. Today there is academic research on platforming verse products, if you sell products you should not also own the platform that sells the product.
The Silicon Valley has wholly supported one party for so long now that party has now declared them the enemy of the people (did you see what I did there), they deserve what they get.
Like it never happened before and it will spell doom for just about everything we hold dear....
(United States v. Microsoft Corporation, 253 F.3d 34 (D.C. Cir. 2001),[1] is a U.S. antitrust law case, settled by the Department of Justice (DOJ), in which the technology company Microsoft was accused of holding a monopoly and engaging in anti-competitive practices contrary to sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Antitrust Act.
All of these many presidential hopefuls have to try and stand out from the pack, so they are each trying to out do the other with extreme ideas to charge up the base. In the end I believe it backfires on all of them.
It's far scarier that compulsive liars like Trump and his group of tax cheats have already made it into the Oval Office. At this point nobody can bring any more shame or embarrassment to our country.
- Removing the online store from Nintendo
- Preventing Valve from making hardware because they have steam
- Stopping Spotify from producing Music/Podcasts because they have a Music/Podcast service
- Removing Origin from EA because they make games
Surely we'd need some sort of damaging monopoly first. (Before the upstarts chime in: Apple's exclusive control over their own store fails every definition of monopoly.)
Bold claim.
The nerve of these socialist Democrats.
Breaking up successful companies isn’t a socialist idea, in fact it’s not common at all outside the US, and originates with the republicans in the late 19C in the US. Most countries with government interference outside the US; Europe, Japan, Korea, India, China ( especially) try to build up government backed companies, to play in the international market. And obviously the USSR created large state companies during its era.
This is a particularly American form of free market fundamentalism which fetishes small business - the ordinary guy of American mythology, George Bailey vs Potter.
Its a pretty stupid love though when other governments are creating national industrial champions, a us candidate wants to destroy them.