How many people have YOU switched?

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in General Discussion edited January 2014
1. Today, my friend, a Dell user switched to an iBook after my constant nagging about how much they sucked, and I snuck my PowerBook into history class and played Quake 3 in my backpack, which, of course, filled everyone with awe.

2. Soon, another friend will be buying a PowerBook.

EDIT: bad speeeling

[ 02-11-2003: Message edited by: Bioflavonoid ]</p>


  • Reply 1 of 40
    stevesteve Posts: 523member
    I switched my friend's mom. My girlfriend will also switch when she has the money to handle the outrageous prices of Macs.
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  • Reply 2 of 40
    Four. All within the last year.
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  • Reply 3 of 40
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member
    Four that I know of. Still need to work on my gf...
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  • Reply 4 of 40
    mcqmcq Posts: 1,543member

    Working with my parents, uncle will probably switch within the next year.
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  • Reply 5 of 40
    3 friends, over 300 eMacs sold to my school. I went to the school board and had them replace a few old PM 5300 labs with eMacs. They were going to go with PC's but I helped them realize that the eMac was a great value and that EVERY other lab was Mac only. They were going to have 2 types of OS's to deal with, a definate no no for schools.

    I am not a bad little salesman.

    [ 02-11-2003: Message edited by: Mr. Macintosh ]</p>
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  • Reply 6 of 40
    [quote]Originally posted by Mr. Macintosh:

    <strong>3 friends, over 300 eMacs sold to my school. I went to the school board and had them replace a few old PM 5300 labs with eMacs. They were going to go with PC's but I helped them realize that the eMac was a great value and that EVERY other lab was Mac only. They were going to have 2 types of OS's to deal with, a definate no no for schools.

    I am not a bad little salesman.

    [ 02-11-2003: Message edited by: Mr. Macintosh ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hot damn. :eek: That's amazing.
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  • Reply 7 of 40
    My wife, my sister, My buddy Ryan, My buddy Dan, My Doctor Pat, My friend Bell. Not too bad of a start. for this year anyway.
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  • Reply 8 of 40
    cubedudecubedude Posts: 1,556member
    [quote]Originally posted by ijerry:

    <strong>My wife, my sister, My buddy Ryan, My buddy Dan, My Doctor Pat, My friend Bell. Not too bad of a start. for this year anyway.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You switched your doctor? I've never heard that one.

    I, on the other hand, have switched noone. I did get some of my friends thinking about it enough to not believe the myths anymore.
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  • Reply 9 of 40
    stevesteve Posts: 523member
    [quote]Originally posted by Mr. Macintosh:

    <strong>3 friends, over 300 eMacs sold to my school. I went to the school board and had them replace a few old PM 5300 labs with eMacs. They were going to go with PC's but I helped them realize that the eMac was a great value and that EVERY other lab was Mac only. They were going to have 2 types of OS's to deal with, a definate no no for schools.

    I am not a bad little salesman.

    [ 02-11-2003: Message edited by: Mr. Macintosh ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I don't wanna sound like an obsessor, but that's pretty effin' good. You should be respected!
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  • Reply 10 of 40
    just one--my old roomate. if any of you have lived in this part of the country, you will realize just what kind of feat getting someone to switch really is. it's amazing how intolerant these morons are about trying new things. damn sheep...
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  • Reply 11 of 40
    one challenge that i find very interesting is trying to switch the school (Texas A&M) from OS 9 to X. they know nothing about macs, so the few ones they have on campus hooked up to the network are too difficult to "learn" and set up. so they deleted X off all their macs. so...whenever i have to go to the labs, i am forced to either use windows or OS 9. pretty shitty options. i questioned them on it, but apparently they haven't figured out how to network X with their NT machines. i don't know how difficult this is, but it's getting pretty damn annoying. we got these beautiful new imacs, and can't even use them to their potential...

    so they just sit there unused. what a waste...
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  • Reply 12 of 40
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    Officially: None

    Unofficially: 2

    The first was my former girlfriend ("ex" sounds too negative). When the Cube was in its... oh, second revision, I think, she was going to get a machine for her photography work in college. She wanted a Mac, because she'd used them for her high school paper, but I helped her choose one. Okay, so that's not a "switch", but a reassurance and consulting.

    The second, although I probably wasn't the sole influence, I had a hand in. My friend Jennifer bought an iBook about two months ago for her Master's work, and was so excited to tell me about it when she ordered it. She knew I have had good experiences with Macs, and that probably had a big influence on the decision.

    My brothers and I are still trying to get my parents over to Mac ONLY. They have a old piecemeal PeeCee, and a PowerMac 7100, and we're doing our darndest to convince them that they really don't NEED the PeeCee once they get a new Mac (like an eMac or something). They give us this drivel that the "book" my dad's working on should stay on the PeeCee and they want to keep it around for that.

    We tell our parents that we all have way more experience trouble-shooting Macs, and they're much more user-friendly when problems DO arise, so it would behoove (sp?) them to have only Macs if we're going to help them with them.

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  • Reply 13 of 40
    stunnedstunned Posts: 1,096member
    None. I am trying hard, but Apple is not helping with its high prices and one year warranty.

    But I am trying very very hard.
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  • Reply 14 of 40
    a few dozen, but i'm exposed to more people in computers than most.
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  • Reply 15 of 40
    A little less than a dozen (although people that I have switched a few years ago are now switching THEIR family and friends).

    Latest switcher was this weekend!! A lady friend of mine decided if she was going to upgrade, she wanted someting good that would last for years.

    We went online and priced a Dell system on "special" with a 17" digital flat panel, DVD-ROM drive and CD-RW drive, at $1599.

    We then went to the local Apple Store and checked out a 17" iMac for only $200 more. After realizing that the iMac would burn DVDs and the Dell would not, plus playing with the iMac for a while, checking out junk mail filtering and Sherlock, she went home and ordered an iMac.
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  • Reply 16 of 40
    So far, two roommates from college, my mom, by wife, and about 5 others from my work at a PC help desk
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  • Reply 17 of 40
    4 friends, so i convinced them all that windows sucks with the fact that my 2 year old imac can play every game just as well or better then their "super cool 1.5 ghz pentium on xp" can for much less $$$, they all said that the next comp they get is going to be a mac. also convinced mr.demko that we really did need os X to get the full potential out of are learning ibooks. this is at quaker valler middle school (the "digital" school district) and it would make about 500 people go to os X wether or not they like it.
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  • Reply 18 of 40
    None but I am currently working hard on my parents, brother, girlfriend (I even make her watch Steve's that is being nut...she still loves me though) and about everyone I meet. The day I will know that my efforts have made someone switched will be a great day.
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  • Reply 19 of 40
    ijerryijerry Posts: 615member
    [quote]Originally posted by CubeDude:

    <strong>You switched your doctor? I've never heard that one.


    Ya, it is pretty cool actually. My wife is his nurse. And since she is a switcher, all she would talk about is how her Mac could do this or that, while the PCs they have at work sucked. He would always give us flack about having a Mac, hell, when I got my wife her zire, he said "What is that some kind of Mac thing?" Anyway, he later asked me to do a webpage for him. So I did. He then asked about what computer to get and why. I was honest, and I told him all about these PCs that they are advertising, but he then asked, "Well, why do YOU use a Mac then?" I told him.....SOLD!!! The cool thing was his wife was back into Macs years ago, and hasn't touched their computer for ages, now that he is getting a Mac that is all that they are talking about, including the commercials they see, and which ones they are getting. He will be using them in his private practice exclusively. It is a great thing to switch someone who people respect to sow the seed of Mac.
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  • Reply 20 of 40
    guarthoguartho Posts: 1,208member
    I switched my girlfriend by giving her my spastic B&W G3. (It's a revision 2 but I screwed it up putting an ATX power supply into it without making wiring corrections) Its "character" drove me nuts so I bought the bullet and got a Quicksilver 867. The clunker G3 is still more stable and reliable then the Gateway PIII's that the university provides. Now she's got her eye on an iBook, so it won't be long before she's a genuine switcher.
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