When And What Future Computer Will You Buy?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
If Apple releases a G5 at Macworld SF or Tokyo...I am getting it. If G4, then probably not. Although, if there is dual processor G4 machine appoaching or exceeding 1 GHZ and under $3,000 I might bite.

And you?


  • Reply 1 of 99
    That's pretty much my plan. As soon as I can afford a high-end G5 tower and a flatscreen monitor I intend to get one. Until then I'll stick to my G3 500s.
  • Reply 2 of 99
    The next big computer I will is probably a PowerBook G5 when they come out. My iBook will most likely last me the 100 years it takes to release the PBG5, so I'm fine with that.

    But, seriously, probably that, though I'd consider a G5 desktop sometime in the near future.
  • Reply 3 of 99
    I'm running 10.1 on a PowerCenter Pro. I'm thinking that it might not be too long before I *have* to get a new mac 'cause mine won't run the software I need. Do you have any idea how painfully slow the JBuilder beta is on my comp? (I guess that's what I get for running it on a system that doesn't meet any of the system reqs ). I'm probably going to get either a G5 or whatever is current when my comp doesn't meet my needs, whichever comes first (really hoping for the G5 ).
  • Reply 4 of 99
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    For me I'll need to see a current motherboard with DDR memory and Apollo G4's. G5 would be nice but I'd take a G4+ with a nice LCD and a GeForce 3 Ti.
  • Reply 5 of 99
    [quote]Originally posted by Whisper:

    <strong>I'm running 10.1 on a PowerCenter Pro.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    OUCH! :eek:

    That thing is slow running 9.1, I can only imagine how painful it is in 10.

    [ 11-15-2001: Message edited by: MacAgent ]</p>
  • Reply 6 of 99
    im kinda giving up on the hope that someone wants to trade an old iBook for my iMac. So I guess ill just hold on to it and save my pennies and get a TiBook when I save up enough.
  • Reply 7 of 99
    Although it's a bit silly to constantly wait out imaginary models, I will probably wait for the G5, or at least a DDR memory capable mobo with a faster G4 cpu than the current crop. I do plan to get a new comp late winter/early spring at any rate, so I have my hopes high on an exciting product announcement come MWSF.
  • Reply 8 of 99
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    Yep, I'm waiting to get the next top of the line machine with the cinema display, but i will wait until they speed up the memory and system bus. So if Apollo debuts in jan with faster memory and bus, I'll get it. If not, then I'll wait for the G5.
  • Reply 9 of 99
    I hate to say it but the next one I buy may be a Linux box. I'm still rather POed that Apple dropped support for the tray loading iMac in OS X. Apple's Iron Curtain policy of not telling people WTF is going on and what type of support to expect is very annoying. At least with Linux you know what you get.
  • Reply 10 of 99
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    Since I just got my iBook in June I probably won't be getting a new computer for at least 2 years. By then I'll probably get a G5 tower or a PowerBook G5 unless the consumer offerings are very good.
  • Reply 11 of 99
    jjjj Posts: 48member
    I'm waiting for the next top of the line machine to at least have DDR RAM and dual g4's at 1ghz. I'm really hoping for a G5 in jan. since most my work has been increasingly dependant on MAYA for both video and shockwave3D. Still waiting for that shockwave exporter though. As much as I want a G5, I'm not sure I can wait too long before I buy a new machine.
  • Reply 12 of 99
    Well my plan is if the G5 comes out at MWSF, I'm going to get the low-end (probably all I'll be able to get) for my computer at college. I will wait if it's just Apollo G4s probably, although I'm in big need of an upgrade right now. Also if I get a G5 I will max out the RAM and if the DVD-RW drive isn't on it I will try and find one cheap to put in. I will also look for some good audio stuff to pimp it out with. The ViewSonic 17" monitor will do until I get a sweet Sony FD Trinitron monitor later on, or maybe even LCD.
  • Reply 13 of 99
    You know, we are going to be so disappointed if Steve doesn't give us a new G5 . Remember when we wanted the G5 and we got the quicksilvers? Remember when we all (or most) thought the iPod was going to be this ... well, super duper insanely great magic box that could do anything, and cost $17.99, but instead we got the neat little iPod? I'm not getting my hopes up ... but i did tell my girlfriend "If a G5 mac comes out in january, i'm getting one" to which she replied "What about the 5 computers you have in the closet you don't use?". I was hurt!
  • Reply 14 of 99
    [quote]Originally posted by MacAgent:


    OUCH! :eek:

    That thing is slow running 9.1, I can only imagine how painful it is in 10.

    [ 11-15-2001: Message edited by: MacAgent ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    10.0.x was incredibly slow, but 10.1.x isn't too horribly bad. I only really notice it when I'm running java stuff, or when IE starts misbehaving. But right now I need to use JBuilder for school, so I notice it a lot. Of course, when I first used the G4s at school, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven
  • Reply 15 of 99
    gordygordy Posts: 1,004member
    I typically buy a new Mac every 2 years, alternating between desktop and laptops. I bought my iBook a few months ago. However, I'm really anxious to start on DVD's, so I may buy a G4/5 in the next 12 months.
  • Reply 16 of 99
    Well, I got a Powerbook G4 500 this summer. So I can't really justify or afford a new Mac.

    If I get an income I'll probably build a PC next semester, and perhaps get a G5 a year and a half from now.
  • Reply 17 of 99
    macaddictmacaddict Posts: 1,055member
    I imagine you have a G3 upgrade card, of course?

    I don't plan on getting a new Mac in the forseeable future. If I got a new computer I'd be building an AMD box. What I really want is a new graphics card, but the only one that will work in my computer is the Radeon 32MB it seems...a pathetic option.
  • Reply 18 of 99
    I've planned on getting a tower after the MW in Jan for over a year now.... I hope that the G5 is out but I will get one anyway.

    I even set up a savings account for it



    <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" /> &lt;-- not sure why I put that there.
  • Reply 18 of 99
    I've been using my iBook as my sole computer for a year now, and I desperately would like a new computer with a large and high quality monitor... right now, that rules out the iMac... I'd like to get a 17 inch Studio Display and a mid-power tower of some sort... I would buy a Cube, if they were still manufactured... I'm hoping for a good excuse to blow some cash in the spring...

    I use my Mac for Word, a bit of Excel, Quicken, and surfing the net. It's getting harder and harder to not look at those $899 Dells that, with a few upgrades, would still be under $1200... but I'm a Mac user since the original 128K model... there are so many intangible pleasures that come from the Mac platform/OS... I suppose I'll be a Mac user forever.
  • Reply 20 of 99
    I've been using my iBook as my sole computer for a year now, and I desperately would like a new computer with a large and high quality monitor... right now, that rules out the iMac... I'd like to get a 17 inch Studio Display and a mid-power tower of some sort... I would buy a Cube, if they were still manufactured... I'm hoping for a good excuse to blow some cash in the spring...

    I use my Mac for Word, a bit of Excel, Quicken, and surfing the net. It's getting harder and harder to not look at those $899 Dells that, with a few upgrades, would still be under $1200... but I'm a Mac user since the original 128K model... there are so many intangible pleasures that come from the Mac platform/OS... I suppose I'll be a Mac user forever.
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