Apple Music's 'Browse' tab refreshed with new look, wider playlist selections

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited March 2019
Apple has tweaked the "Browse" tab of Apple Music on iTunes and iOS, providing users easy access to the "Daily Top 100" playlists.

The "Daily top 100" playlists were launched in 2018, and feature what Apple Music listeners in countries across the world have been listening to. Another new addition is the "We're Loving" section, which are curated album selections by Apple Music staff.

Most of the rest of the tab is unchanged. For March 22, additions include a "Weekend Warrior" section, which is likely just for Friday, and another section that has appeared for most of the month called "Visionary Women."

Apple added 116 "Daily Top 100" playlists, with the lists updating at 12 a.m. Pacific time. The addition of the charts arrived at a time when the power of streaming services in measuring a song's popularity is being viewed differently. Major charts around the world have updated how they calculate a song's positions in the charts, due to the altered changing spending habits of consumers, opting to listen to streams instead of buying tracks or albums outright.

In July 2018, just prior to the addition, Drake topped the Billboard 200 album chart under refreshed rules, where streams were given more weight if they were made through a paid subscription, as opposed to a streaming service. In that week, Drake set a new one-week record for audio streams from a single album in the U.S., achieving over 745 million streams.


  • Reply 1 of 12
    j2fusionj2fusion Posts: 153member
    Has anyone had issues with their HomePod unable to access Apple Music.  Yesterday and today I get invalid account password in my Home App and the HomePod can’t connect to Apple Music. When I re-enter the password it goes away for a while and then comes back. I have not changed the password recently. I wonder if it has to do with the redesign. 
  • Reply 2 of 12
    At this point, iTunes should be a little more customizable for both the Store and Apple Music subscribers. When I go to Browse, I have to deal with stuff I have no interest in -- why not have preferences where the landing page on Browse is set to show me new releases from the genres I go to most, or choose in preferences? 
  • Reply 3 of 12
    spice-boyspice-boy Posts: 1,450member
    I wonder what percentage of AI readers subscribe to Apple Music? I don't how bout you?
  • Reply 4 of 12
    dewmedewme Posts: 5,666member
    j2fusion said:
    Has anyone had issues with their HomePod unable to access Apple Music.  Yesterday and today I get invalid account password in my Home App and the HomePod can’t connect to Apple Music. When I re-enter the password it goes away for a while and then comes back. I have not changed the password recently. I wonder if it has to do with the redesign. 
    Perhaps. I've been having similar issues since March 3rd where HomePod would disconnect overnight and fail first thing in the morning with the message "Some accessories can not access your Apple Music account" shown in the Home app. I tried every combination of logging off and logging back on, removing the device from the Home app, and resetting the device. No matter what I did, the next day the problem would reoccur. Opened a support call with Apple and they could find nothing wrong on their end and sent me off to the Apple Store and the Genius Bar. In uncharacteristic fashion the Genius Bar was clueless about what to do. They don't seem to have any special diagnostic procedures for the HomePod and kind of just stared at it like it was a gray alien corpse found in the Area 51 desert. After some verbal armwrestling they agreed to replace the unit. Got the replacement unit a couple of days ago and so far it's staying connected. Fingers crossed. The old one worked perfectly for over a year and it was in pristine condition with a strong WiFi connection. It sits across the room from an Echo Show and the Echo (which is also connected to my Apple Music) had no issues whatsoever over the same time frame so perhaps it was something in the hardware.  Time will tell.
  • Reply 5 of 12
    technotechno Posts: 737member
    j2fusion said:
    Has anyone had issues with their HomePod unable to access Apple Music.  Yesterday and today I get invalid account password in my Home App and the HomePod can’t connect to Apple Music. When I re-enter the password it goes away for a while and then comes back. I have not changed the password recently. I wonder if it has to do with the redesign. 
    Mine was not responding to "Hey Siri" yesterday
  • Reply 6 of 12
    technotechno Posts: 737member
    With the added TV/Movie service coming, the clutter of iTunes is only going to get worse. I wish Apple would rethink the GUI of iTunes on both the OS and iOS. I find people are constantly confused by the differences between Library, For You, Browse, Radio and Store. They don't really ever know where they are and what that means in reference to their options and the functions. They think the Store and Apple Music are the same. "Browse" what does that mean? So vague. Browsing what? I often get asked, "Isn't my Library the same as Apple Music?" I understand their confusion when they see songs they have downloaded from Apple Music in their library.

    They really need to simplify the whole ecosystem in a way that doesn't remove features and make it like IKEA instructions where it is too simple nobody can understand it. Or they just need to break it up into separate apps. They could have a streaming app that allows the user to see and access their personal music library from within the streaming app, but it is clearly distinguishable as a separate library.
  • Reply 7 of 12
    22july201322july2013 Posts: 3,689member
    I love Apple. But not everything from Apple. The two things I hate most are the Apple mouse and iTunes. I don't think I need to explain why.
  • Reply 8 of 12
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 13,042member
    spice-boy said:
    I wonder what percentage of AI readers subscribe to Apple Music? I don't how bout you?
    I do, household subscription. Relevance?
  • Reply 9 of 12
    j2fusionj2fusion Posts: 153member
    dewme said:
    j2fusion said:
    Has anyone had issues with their HomePod unable to access Apple Music.  Yesterday and today I get invalid account password in my Home App and the HomePod can’t connect to Apple Music. When I re-enter the password it goes away for a while and then comes back. I have not changed the password recently. I wonder if it has to do with the redesign. 
    Perhaps. I've been having similar issues since March 3rd where HomePod would disconnect overnight and fail first thing in the morning with the message "Some accessories can not access your Apple Music account" shown in the Home app. I tried every combination of logging off and logging back on, removing the device from the Home app, and resetting the device. No matter what I did, the next day the problem would reoccur. Opened a support call with Apple and they could find nothing wrong on their end and sent me off to the Apple Store and the Genius Bar. In uncharacteristic fashion the Genius Bar was clueless about what to do. They don't seem to have any special diagnostic procedures for the HomePod and kind of just stared at it like it was a gray alien corpse found in the Area 51 desert. After some verbal armwrestling they agreed to replace the unit. Got the replacement unit a couple of days ago and so far it's staying connected. Fingers crossed. The old one worked perfectly for over a year and it was in pristine condition with a strong WiFi connection. It sits across the room from an Echo Show and the Echo (which is also connected to my Apple Music) had no issues whatsoever over the same time frame so perhaps it was something in the hardware.  Time will tell.
    Thanks dewme for the info.  At least I know it’s not just me.  I have a feeling Apple made some underlying changes to accommodate the new streaming video service they are unveiling Monday. I think I’ll wait until 12.2 before I do anything. Fingers crossed....
  • Reply 10 of 12
    techno said:
    j2fusion said:
    Has anyone had issues with their HomePod unable to access Apple Music.  Yesterday and today I get invalid account password in my Home App and the HomePod can’t connect to Apple Music. When I re-enter the password it goes away for a while and then comes back. I have not changed the password recently. I wonder if it has to do with the redesign. 
    Mine was not responding to "Hey Siri" yesterday
    Mine is has not reliably responded to “Hey Siri” for the last few days as well, but no issues with Apple Music. 
  • Reply 11 of 12
    One of mine said my account password was wrong. Had to re-enter and then fine. I have one recurring issue, however, using airplay to the one in my bedroom. Almost always says airplay was unsuccessful but the wifi connection is clearly fine as it plays from Apple Music and Siri fine.
  • Reply 12 of 12
    ted13ted13 Posts: 65member
    dewme said:
    j2fusion said:
    Has anyone had issues with their HomePod unable to access Apple Music.  Yesterday and today I get invalid account password in my Home App and the HomePod can’t connect to Apple Music. When I re-enter the password it goes away for a while and then comes back. I have not changed the password recently. I wonder if it has to do with the redesign. 
    Perhaps. I've been having similar issues since March 3rd where HomePod would disconnect overnight and fail first thing in the morning with the message "Some accessories can not access your Apple Music account" shown in the Home app. I tried every combination of logging off and logging back on, removing the device from the Home app, and resetting the device. No matter what I did, the next day the problem would reoccur. Opened a support call with Apple and they could find nothing wrong on their end and sent me off to the Apple Store and the Genius Bar. In uncharacteristic fashion the Genius Bar was clueless about what to do. They don't seem to have any special diagnostic procedures for the HomePod and kind of just stared at it like it was a gray alien corpse found in the Area 51 desert. After some verbal armwrestling they agreed to replace the unit. Got the replacement unit a couple of days ago and so far it's staying connected. Fingers crossed. The old one worked perfectly for over a year and it was in pristine condition with a strong WiFi connection. It sits across the room from an Echo Show and the Echo (which is also connected to my Apple Music) had no issues whatsoever over the same time frame so perhaps it was something in the hardware.  Time will tell.
    Exactly the same problem. Have stereo HomePod pair. Had been running fine since day one of HomePod Stereo pairing and with a solo HomePod before then. Started happening 2 months ago when I turned on 2FA for my iTunes Apple ID - but maybe that was a pure coincidence.  
    Please update us on what is happening in your case.
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