Folding phone misery continues for Samsung Galaxy Fold, Huawei Mate X



  • Reply 61 of 86
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,578member
    dysamoria said:
    Are you people serious? All this talk of waiting for Apple to “do it right”... You actually want Apple to go with this particular pathological tech idea? It’s not a good idea. It was never a good idea. It will probably never be a good idea for reasons of basic physics.
    Apple does have several patents for foldable phones. One is a two hinge device. I don’t see it as a physics problem .its an engineering problem. A difficult one, to be sure, but not an impossible one.

    the first products out of the gate are often the worst ones.
  • Reply 62 of 86
    StrangeDaysStrangeDays Posts: 12,945member
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    I've seen one of these folding iWannabes break during a demo haha! The video is out there somewhere.

    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.

    The official Huawei spokesperson has spoken. Thanks for the facts bro.

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.
    Holy shit, the Wall Scum anal-yst market spin drivel is strong with this one!!!
    Perhaps you are unaware of the market conditions I mentioned. There is little or nothing to gain in releasing now.

    No competition.
    Component supply issues.
    Government regulatory issues.
    Potential new OS to test.

    Moving to September (conditions permitting) will pit the X (and the Mate 30 series) against the Note 10 and the iPhone 2019 refresh. That makes far more sense from a marketing perspective as neither Apple nor Samsung are likely to have folding options and Apple almost certainly won't have a 5G option (and 5G marketing will be a fever pitch by Christmas).

    "No competition"

    An SNL skit couldn't make this up....

    Firstly. The CEO of Huawei's Consumer Business Unit (not a spokesman) said the Mate X could ship 'tomorrow' if need be (this was before Trump's executive order). 

    Secondly. The Mate X has already been in the hands of select media outlets for early evaluation - without any of the issues that affected the Fold.

    If they have decided to delay the roll out for testing, try to put that into perspective. Try to apply a minimum of common sense and reach a conclusion as to why they are delaying the launch by three months.

    That's what I did. No more. No less.

    Thirdly: "no competition" - please enlighten me as to where the competition is. Right now, there isn't any and that is precisely why they can re-plan but this time taking into account current realities. Realities that simply weren't there when the original launch window was set.

    "No competition" as a reason to NOT sell a product?

    My goodness that has to be the worst excuse I've ever seen.
    No. It is the opposite, in fact.

    The Mate X was supposed to go up against the Galaxy Fold. That is competition. With the Fold delayed, the plan was to simply continue with the original roll out but then came the Trump executive order and the fallout.

    Now the Mate X release has been put back and there are many possible reasons/advantages to this. I outlined some of them but Huawei wants to take the spotlight away from competitors and this delay will put the Mate X firmly into tech media news throughout the rollout of the next Samsung and Apple flagships.

    They hope to 'steal the show' as it were and as competitors will have little or nothing in the same line (that's the 'no competition') it won't be difficult to pull off.

    On top of that the Mate 30 Series will also go head to head with the Note 10 and the new iPhone at the same time. Conditions permitting of course. 
    So how are we supposed to believe you, a random guy on the internet, know what this knockoff company’s product roadmap strategy is, rather than what they themselves said the delay was for? What makes you an expect on a chinese copy shop?

    Seems to me you’d either have to be a PR shill in the know, or you’re just a guy with no actual insight and is guessing like everyone else. Which would you have us believe?
    edited June 2019 tmaydocno42
  • Reply 63 of 86
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,867member
    melgross said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    I've seen one of these folding iWannabes break during a demo haha! The video is out there somewhere.

    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.

    The official Huawei spokesperson has spoken. Thanks for the facts bro.

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.
    Holy shit, the Wall Scum anal-yst market spin drivel is strong with this one!!!
    Perhaps you are unaware of the market conditions I mentioned. There is little or nothing to gain in releasing now.

    No competition.
    Component supply issues.
    Government regulatory issues.
    Potential new OS to test.

    Moving to September (conditions permitting) will pit the X (and the Mate 30 series) against the Note 10 and the iPhone 2019 refresh. That makes far more sense from a marketing perspective as neither Apple nor Samsung are likely to have folding options and Apple almost certainly won't have a 5G option (and 5G marketing will be a fever pitch by Christmas).

    "No competition"

    An SNL skit couldn't make this up....

    Firstly. The CEO of Huawei's Consumer Business Unit (not a spokesman) said the Mate X could ship 'tomorrow' if need be (this was before Trump's executive order). 

    Secondly. The Mate X has already been in the hands of select media outlets for early evaluation - without any of the issues that affected the Fold.

    If they have decided to delay the roll out for testing, try to put that into perspective. Try to apply a minimum of common sense and reach a conclusion as to why they are delaying the launch by three months.

    That's what I did. No more. No less.

    Thirdly: "no competition" - please enlighten me as to where the competition is. Right now, there isn't any and that is precisely why they can re-plan but this time taking into account current realities. Realities that simply weren't there when the original launch window was set.

    You might consider changing your AI moniker to Huawei PR b7. 
    It's far removed from PR. I said from the start that folding phones would have to prove themselves in the market in terms of durability. The initial efforts will live or die by that factor alone although there are others. That applies to Huawei too.

    The difference, with regards to some others, is that I just don't automatically assume this delay is related to the Samsung style issues and have pointed out where they might be. That's not PR, it's balance and common sense.

    If there are doubts, and I do have some, they are related to other issues. That is because the issue of the fold itself requires real world use and we have to wait for that. For example the Mate X is an expensive flagship in a new generation of folding phones. This delay will see it ship (conditions permitting) after the release of the next Kirin SoC. That SoC might have an onboard Balong 5000 (no one knows at present) which is a marketing problem IMO as the Mate X is due to ship with the current Kirin SoC.

    A company announces a new type of product. A type thatvmany see has bein difficult to produce. Another company announces a simile app product , and gives them out to reviewers and writers a month. Or so, before release. That product quickly runs into severe problems relating whatvthecproduct’svtechnologybis. The company puts the release back because of those problems, several times. The other company then states, and yes they did, they they too are delaying their similar product. Why? Because of some unrelated reasons? No, because they carefully evaluated what happened to their competitor, and got cold feet about their own introduction. So they’re going to look at their product and tear it apart to see what they likely missed in the design or materials that might also result in embarrassing publicity.

    thats why it was withdrawn. It’s also what happens when two companies try to rush out a product in some misguided attempt to get ahead of the herd.

    so, there’s the same interesting question we’re thinking about with Samsung: Why wasn’t this major flaw caught in beta product testing before they were sent out for review, and imminent release, with at least, hundreds of thousands already being produced for all of those advance orders? Now, I’ll admit that because Huawei quickly decided to not release this, and hadn’t yet sent any out for public review, we don’t know if there’s a fatal flaw like that of samsung’s. But I can’t imagine the screen on the outside design being reliable and scratch resistant for very long.
    There is a lot of speculation there but that's fine. However, there are facts out there too. An executive of Huawei Consumer Business Unit stated the Mate X could ship 'now'  (this after the Samsung problems). I can't find the link as it was a comment made during an interview. 'now' isn't a direct quote. The actual word might have been 'tomorrow' and was referencing the fold mechanism itself.

    One of the known reasons for the original June/July window was the testing and 5G calibration required for carriers:

    The Mate X has been used as a daily driver by some Huawei employees for a while now. It is Richard Yu's work phone.

    All of that is factual.

    Then there is the entity list which is an added complication that might well be a factor along with others I mentioned further up.

    Now, if anything pops up in this extra testing, the window is obviously there to give them time to deal with it. It is literally impossible to discover a major (Samsung like) group of problems and get them fixed in time for a September launch - unless they do what Samsung itself seems to have done and rush the release. Something which is exactly what they said they don't want to do and hence the delay to September. That is pure common sense so speculation (if we are going to speculate) should necessarily include other, more logical, points. One of them is the officially recognised alternative to Android that they might have to release and three months could go a long way in improving testing on a totally new phone.

    As for phones not being sent out for public review, phones were actually made available (as I stated above). They were not official review products because the release was still not due but people did actually get to use them in non-controlled settings. Here is an example:

    They didn't suffer the same problems as Samsung and we are talking about a brief hands on either.

    On the subject of scratching. Clearly the screen won't be as scratch resistant as a glass screen but I have not seen a single claim by anyone, anywhere that that was even the objective. Users will simply have to take that factor into account before purchasing such a device and reviewers will definitely focus long and hard on this point so we will have a pretty good idea of what to expect. That said, there is zero reason to believe scratches will be an issue if common sense care is taken into account. On the other hand there is every reason in the world to think scratch resistance was one of the very first things to be evaluated, along fold durability, drop resistance etc. More common sense.

    Of course real world usage (as I made clear the moment it was reported on here at AI) will be the final truth on the subject but - today - we should be supposing that scratch resistance passed the testing the phone was expected to achieve. Once again, if reputation, is what they want to conserve, there is no way they will be able to design a better solution AND get it through testing AND into production in three months so we should be speculating instead on other more likely areas.

    That isn't to say nothing can go spectacularly wrong. So wrong as to put the release on permanent hold. Speculation can include that because after all, speculation can be wild after all. The point is that right now it isn't really warranted as there are other contributing factors in play that more sense at this point in time 
    edited June 2019
  • Reply 64 of 86
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,867member
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    I've seen one of these folding iWannabes break during a demo haha! The video is out there somewhere.

    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.

    The official Huawei spokesperson has spoken. Thanks for the facts bro.

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.
    Holy shit, the Wall Scum anal-yst market spin drivel is strong with this one!!!
    Perhaps you are unaware of the market conditions I mentioned. There is little or nothing to gain in releasing now.

    No competition.
    Component supply issues.
    Government regulatory issues.
    Potential new OS to test.

    Moving to September (conditions permitting) will pit the X (and the Mate 30 series) against the Note 10 and the iPhone 2019 refresh. That makes far more sense from a marketing perspective as neither Apple nor Samsung are likely to have folding options and Apple almost certainly won't have a 5G option (and 5G marketing will be a fever pitch by Christmas).

    "No competition"

    An SNL skit couldn't make this up....

    Firstly. The CEO of Huawei's Consumer Business Unit (not a spokesman) said the Mate X could ship 'tomorrow' if need be (this was before Trump's executive order). 

    Secondly. The Mate X has already been in the hands of select media outlets for early evaluation - without any of the issues that affected the Fold.

    If they have decided to delay the roll out for testing, try to put that into perspective. Try to apply a minimum of common sense and reach a conclusion as to why they are delaying the launch by three months.

    That's what I did. No more. No less.

    Thirdly: "no competition" - please enlighten me as to where the competition is. Right now, there isn't any and that is precisely why they can re-plan but this time taking into account current realities. Realities that simply weren't there when the original launch window was set.

    "No competition" as a reason to NOT sell a product?

    My goodness that has to be the worst excuse I've ever seen.
    No. It is the opposite, in fact.

    The Mate X was supposed to go up against the Galaxy Fold. That is competition. With the Fold delayed, the plan was to simply continue with the original roll out but then came the Trump executive order and the fallout.

    Now the Mate X release has been put back and there are many possible reasons/advantages to this. I outlined some of them but Huawei wants to take the spotlight away from competitors and this delay will put the Mate X firmly into tech media news throughout the rollout of the next Samsung and Apple flagships.

    They hope to 'steal the show' as it were and as competitors will have little or nothing in the same line (that's the 'no competition') it won't be difficult to pull off.

    On top of that the Mate 30 Series will also go head to head with the Note 10 and the new iPhone at the same time. Conditions permitting of course. 
    So how are we supposed to believe you, a random guy on the internet, know what this knockoff company’s product roadmap strategy is, rather than what they themselves said the delay was for? What makes you an expect on a chinese copy shop?

    Seems to me you’d either have to be a PR shill in the know, or you’re just a guy with no actual insight and is guessing like everyone else. Which would you have us believe?
    If only you would read previous posts in threads and not jump to conclusions from the first one you read!

    I said, in this very thread:

    "Now the Mate X release has been put back and there are many possible reasons/advantages to this."

    Or this:

    "The difference, with regards to some others, is that I just don't automatically assume this delay is related to the Samsung style issues and have pointed out where they might be. That's not PR, it's balance and common sense."

    How on earth did you manage to come up with your PR dig when everything you needed was sitting there in front of you?

    What does 'many possible reasons' or 'might' indicate?

    Knowledge of fact or speculation?
    edited June 2019 GeorgeBMacgatorguy
  • Reply 65 of 86
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,867member
    jcs2305 said:
    avon b7 said:
    I've seen one of these folding iWannabes break during a demo haha! The video is out there somewhere.

    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.

    The official Huawei spokesperson has spoken. Thanks for the facts bro.

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.
    Holy shit, the Wall Scum anal-yst market spin drivel is strong with this one!!!
    Perhaps you are unaware of the market conditions I mentioned. There is little or nothing to gain in releasing now.

    No competition.
    Component supply issues.
    Government regulatory issues.
    Potential new OS to test.

    Moving to September (conditions permitting) will pit the X (and the Mate 30 series) against the Note 10 and the iPhone 2019 refresh. That makes far more sense from a marketing perspective as neither Apple nor Samsung are likely to have folding options and Apple almost certainly won't have a 5G option (and 5G marketing will be a fever pitch by Christmas).

    "No competition"

    An SNL skit couldn't make this up....

    Firstly. The CEO of Huawei's Consumer Business Unit (not a spokesman) said the Mate X could ship 'tomorrow' if need be (this was before Trump's executive order). 

    Secondly. The Mate X has already been in the hands of select media outlets for early evaluation - without any of the issues that affected the Fold.

    If they have decided to delay the roll out for testing, try to put that into perspective. Try to apply a minimum of common sense and reach a conclusion as to why they are delaying the launch by three months.

    That's what I did. No more. No less.

    Thirdly: "no competition" - please enlighten me as to where the competition is. Right now, there isn't any and that is precisely why they can re-plan but this time taking into account current realities. Realities that simply weren't there when the original launch window was set.

    The company is being “cautious” after multiple build-quality issues surfaced around initial review units of the Galaxy Fold. The spokesperson said Huawei doesn’t “want to launch a product to destroy our reputation.”

    So this statement is a lie?  They don't want issues to hurt their reputation?    That seems completely reasonable to me after what happened with Samsung.

    It also seems that these units haven't been in the hands of many reviewers at all, aside from the initial controlled hands on.
    It's not a lie or at least there is no reason to think it is. It's what they have said. However, do you think there could be other things that simply weren't said? Is that possible/reasonable?

    The phone has in fact been in the hands of the tech press and out of controlled environments. See link further up.
    edited June 2019
  • Reply 66 of 86
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,867member
    melgross said:

    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.
    Holy shit, the Wall Scum anal-yst market spin drivel is strong with this one!!!
    Perhaps you are unaware of the market conditions I mentioned. There is little or nothing to gain in releasing now.

    No competition.
    Component supply issues.
    Government regulatory issues.
    Potential new OS to test.

    Moving to September (conditions permitting) will pit the X (and the Mate 30 series) against the Note 10 and the iPhone 2019 refresh. That makes far more sense from a marketing perspective as neither Apple nor Samsung are likely to have folding options and Apple almost certainly won't have a 5G option (and 5G marketing will be a fever pitch by Christmas).

    "5G marketing will be at a fever pitch".

    Now might be the time to check your temperature...
    Take a look of which countries have gone live on 5G recently. Vodafone Spain has just begun its 5G marketing push. There are signs all over Barcelona already. By the end of the year coverage will be spreading fast and marketing will be right there with it.

    Yes. In the run up to the Christmas season, 5G marketing will be fever pitch.
    My point is that very few people are going to miss out on 5G by waiting another year to purchase a phone. 

    So, I would ask, will you be buying a new Honor phone this Christmas just for 5G?

    Precisely the job of marketing is to try and convince you otherwise. To achieve that goal they will campaign. Campaigning will reach a peak in the run up to Christmas.

    You failed to answer my question;

    As someone posting at AI that has been vocal in the benefits of 5G, will you be an early adopter and purchase a Huawei / Honor phone at Christmas, or, as I have noted, are you just a cheerleader?

    It's the concept of eating your own dog food; put up or shut up.

    I will be buying this fall's rumored triple lens iPhone, and I'm not in the least concerned about 5G, considering it today to be nothing but hype.
    I am set for at least another year with my Honor 10. My area has no 5G coverage at present but the 5G roll out here will be far, far faster than with 4G. To give you an idea, I believe 5G will reach 50% of the Spanish population by year end.

    Of course, the 5G marketing campaign will be raging around me all the same. That was the point, remember.
    "To give you an idea, I believe 5g will reach 50% of the Spanish population by year end"


    Spain will barely have enabled a small number of pilot projects by year's end.

    Sure looks like Apple will be fine delivering 5G in the fall of 2020. 
    I was speaking from memory, hence the term 'I believe'. 

    I just checked and I was mixing two different statements.

    Here is the Vodafone press statement (in Spanish):

    The 50% reference is 50% of the population, but of the fifteen initial cities, not all of Spain.

    The population of Spain is largely compacted in the major cities.

    Just with the Vodafone rollout that is a huge amount of potential users - at launch! Millions.

    From there, coverage will be widened progressively.

    Now, if we move onto your Google search, results and rushed conclusion, it is incorrect because you failed to catch specific details.

    Vodafone's 5G commercial offering goes live tomorrow.

    Except that, like most announcements of this type, it’s mostly hype. It’s like Verizon’s introduction of 5G here. In theory, millions are within some sort of reception zone, certain;y according the van. But the reality, as shown by those who have been testing it, almost no one can receive those signals because of the reception difficulties. And as we know, most 5G will always rely on 4G services. That’s not going away. So when it’s said that 5G will be available, what does it really mean? When AT&T announced their version of 5G, which was really available 4G, they were denounced for it, and I suppose they should have been. But the thing about it is that those services are the ones 5G will be using from 4G. So, in a certain sense, it is, kinda sorta, a 5G implementation.
    So you have no valid counter and call it hype?

    You really are struggling with this. I quoted from the company because you affirmed claims that were simply wrong. It is hype because you say so? Please Google translate the rest of the document and tell me it is hype! Especially the part on contracts.

    AT&T 5Ge has nothing to do with Vodafone 5G. AT&T was not using 5G in any way - that is why they were denounced. Vodafone is using NSA 5G. 

    You are flaying about wildly again.

    EDIT: Apologies Melgross. The forum software sometimes parses things and says someone posted something (reporting quotes incorrectly) when they didn't. In this case it attributed your post to tmay (so my reply was aimed at him) only to present the correct quoted information on posting my reply to the thread.

    Either way the reply is suitable for both so I let it stand. The only difference is the 'exasperation' was not directed at you.
    edited June 2019 GeorgeBMac
  • Reply 67 of 86
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,867member
    MplsP said:

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    I've seen one of these folding iWannabes break during a demo haha! The video is out there somewhere.

    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.

    The official Huawei spokesperson has spoken. Thanks for the facts bro.

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.
    Holy shit, the Wall Scum anal-yst market spin drivel is strong with this one!!!
    Perhaps you are unaware of the market conditions I mentioned. There is little or nothing to gain in releasing now.

    No competition.
    Component supply issues.
    Government regulatory issues.
    Potential new OS to test.

    Moving to September (conditions permitting) will pit the X (and the Mate 30 series) against the Note 10 and the iPhone 2019 refresh. That makes far more sense from a marketing perspective as neither Apple nor Samsung are likely to have folding options and Apple almost certainly won't have a 5G option (and 5G marketing will be a fever pitch by Christmas).

    "No competition"

    An SNL skit couldn't make this up....

    Firstly. The CEO of Huawei's Consumer Business Unit (not a spokesman) said the Mate X could ship 'tomorrow' if need be (this was before Trump's executive order). 

    Secondly. The Mate X has already been in the hands of select media outlets for early evaluation - without any of the issues that affected the Fold.

    If they have decided to delay the roll out for testing, try to put that into perspective. Try to apply a minimum of common sense and reach a conclusion as to why they are delaying the launch by three months.

    That's what I did. No more. No less.

    Thirdly: "no competition" - please enlighten me as to where the competition is. Right now, there isn't any and that is precisely why they can re-plan but this time taking into account current realities. Realities that simply weren't there when the original launch window was set.

    You might consider changing your AI moniker to Huawei PR b7. 
    It's far removed from PR. I said from the start that folding phones would have to prove themselves in the market in terms of durability. The initial efforts will live or die by that factor alone although there are others. That applies to Huawei too.

    The difference, with regards to some others, is that I just don't automatically assume this delay is related to the Samsung style issues and have pointed out where they might be. That's not PR, it's balance and common sense.

    But but with no competition how is anyone supposed to release a foldable phone?!!?!

    These foldable phones are just rushing to market because Apple patented this years ago. Reminds me of the edge display failure and the galaxy gear watch failure.
    You lost me there. No one is saying they won't release a folding phone. The question is releasing at the most appropriate time for maximum effect.
    You can view that in different ways. If there's no competition when you release a product, you have the market cornered. The flip side is that if there's no foreseeable competition, you can delay the release of a product by a few months without compromising the advantage of being the only product with said feature. Lack of competition is not so much a reason to delay a product as it is a lack of a drawback to delaying it.
    I agree that there are pros and cons to both scenarios.
  • Reply 68 of 86
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,867member
    tmay said:

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    I've seen one of these folding iWannabes break during a demo haha! The video is out there somewhere.

    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.

    The official Huawei spokesperson has spoken. Thanks for the facts bro.

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.
    Holy shit, the Wall Scum anal-yst market spin drivel is strong with this one!!!
    Perhaps you are unaware of the market conditions I mentioned. There is little or nothing to gain in releasing now.

    No competition.
    Component supply issues.
    Government regulatory issues.
    Potential new OS to test.

    Moving to September (conditions permitting) will pit the X (and the Mate 30 series) against the Note 10 and the iPhone 2019 refresh. That makes far more sense from a marketing perspective as neither Apple nor Samsung are likely to have folding options and Apple almost certainly won't have a 5G option (and 5G marketing will be a fever pitch by Christmas).

    "No competition"

    An SNL skit couldn't make this up....

    Firstly. The CEO of Huawei's Consumer Business Unit (not a spokesman) said the Mate X could ship 'tomorrow' if need be (this was before Trump's executive order). 

    Secondly. The Mate X has already been in the hands of select media outlets for early evaluation - without any of the issues that affected the Fold.

    If they have decided to delay the roll out for testing, try to put that into perspective. Try to apply a minimum of common sense and reach a conclusion as to why they are delaying the launch by three months.

    That's what I did. No more. No less.

    Thirdly: "no competition" - please enlighten me as to where the competition is. Right now, there isn't any and that is precisely why they can re-plan but this time taking into account current realities. Realities that simply weren't there when the original launch window was set.

    You might consider changing your AI moniker to Huawei PR b7. 
    It's far removed from PR. I said from the start that folding phones would have to prove themselves in the market in terms of durability. The initial efforts will live or die by that factor alone although there are others. That applies to Huawei too.

    The difference, with regards to some others, is that I just don't automatically assume this delay is related to the Samsung style issues and have pointed out where they might be. That's not PR, it's balance and common sense.

    But but with no competition how is anyone supposed to release a foldable phone?!!?!

    These foldable phones are just rushing to market because Apple patented this years ago. Reminds me of the edge display failure and the galaxy gear watch failure.
    You lost me there. No one is saying they won't release a folding phone. The question is releasing at the most appropriate time for maximum effect.
    A more accurate scenario would be that Huawei was forced to rush its product to compete with Samsung's release, and when Samsung failed, Huawei had the opportunity to properly finish up the Mate X. 

    If it's finished today, there isn't any reason for Huawei not market it, hence, it isn't finished.

    Your PR spins does you no favors.

    It is ironic that you say that because I read an interview with the CEO of Huawei Consumer Business which stated the exact opposite to the scenario you are presenting. LOL 

    "The other ones? I don’t know. It’s because they’re not ready for commercial [use]. Because they heard that we are launching, so they hurried to launch ahead of us. I heard that they got the information that we were launching foldable phones, and they wanted to do it earlier than us. But I think they are not ready."

    A reference to Samsung?

    That mystery may go unsolved.
  • Reply 69 of 86
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,430member
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    I've seen one of these folding iWannabes break during a demo haha! The video is out there somewhere.

    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.

    The official Huawei spokesperson has spoken. Thanks for the facts bro.

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.
    Holy shit, the Wall Scum anal-yst market spin drivel is strong with this one!!!
    Perhaps you are unaware of the market conditions I mentioned. There is little or nothing to gain in releasing now.

    No competition.
    Component supply issues.
    Government regulatory issues.
    Potential new OS to test.

    Moving to September (conditions permitting) will pit the X (and the Mate 30 series) against the Note 10 and the iPhone 2019 refresh. That makes far more sense from a marketing perspective as neither Apple nor Samsung are likely to have folding options and Apple almost certainly won't have a 5G option (and 5G marketing will be a fever pitch by Christmas).

    "No competition"

    An SNL skit couldn't make this up....

    Firstly. The CEO of Huawei's Consumer Business Unit (not a spokesman) said the Mate X could ship 'tomorrow' if need be (this was before Trump's executive order). 

    Secondly. The Mate X has already been in the hands of select media outlets for early evaluation - without any of the issues that affected the Fold.

    If they have decided to delay the roll out for testing, try to put that into perspective. Try to apply a minimum of common sense and reach a conclusion as to why they are delaying the launch by three months.

    That's what I did. No more. No less.

    Thirdly: "no competition" - please enlighten me as to where the competition is. Right now, there isn't any and that is precisely why they can re-plan but this time taking into account current realities. Realities that simply weren't there when the original launch window was set.

    You might consider changing your AI moniker to Huawei PR b7. 
    It's far removed from PR. I said from the start that folding phones would have to prove themselves in the market in terms of durability. The initial efforts will live or die by that factor alone although there are others. That applies to Huawei too.

    The difference, with regards to some others, is that I just don't automatically assume this delay is related to the Samsung style issues and have pointed out where they might be. That's not PR, it's balance and common sense.

    But but with no competition how is anyone supposed to release a foldable phone?!!?!

    These foldable phones are just rushing to market because Apple patented this years ago. Reminds me of the edge display failure and the galaxy gear watch failure.
    You lost me there. No one is saying they won't release a folding phone. The question is releasing at the most appropriate time for maximum effect.
    A more accurate scenario would be that Huawei was forced to rush its product to compete with Samsung's release, and when Samsung failed, Huawei had the opportunity to properly finish up the Mate X. 

    If it's finished today, there isn't any reason for Huawei not market it, hence, it isn't finished.

    Your PR spins does you no favors.

    It is ironic that you say that because I read an interview with the CEO of Huawei Consumer Business which stated the exact opposite to the scenario you are presenting. LOL 

    "The other ones? I don’t know. It’s because they’re not ready for commercial [use]. Because they heard that we are launching, so they hurried to launch ahead of us. I heard that they got the information that we were launching foldable phones, and they wanted to do it earlier than us. But I think they are not ready."

    A reference to Samsung?

    That mystery may go unsolved.
    Your fail was attempting to promote the fallacy that Huawei was only waiting for competition to arrive this fall before release of the Mate X. That's 3 months worth of uncontested sales that Huawei would have given up. Businesses don't give up a marketing advantage like that without a significant reason, and a delay because they weren't confident of its success was almost certainly the case.

    If it had really been ready, Huawei would have gained massive prestige from delivering in on the original schedule. The only logical explanation is that it wasn't ready.

    You need to tone down your fandom, unless of course, you really are receiving compensation for you "expert" PR work.

    Still, you make me laugh.
  • Reply 70 of 86
    genovellegenovelle Posts: 1,481member
    MplsP said:
    Soli said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.
    Holy shit, the Wall Scum anal-yst market spin drivel is strong with this one!!!
    Perhaps you are unaware of the market conditions I mentioned. There is little or nothing to gain in releasing now.

    No competition.
    Component supply issues.
    Government regulatory issues.
    Potential new OS to test.

    Moving to September (conditions permitting) will pit the X (and the Mate 30 series) against the Note 10 and the iPhone 2019 refresh. That makes far more sense from a marketing perspective as neither Apple nor Samsung are likely to have folding options and Apple almost certainly won't have a 5G option (and 5G marketing will be a fever pitch by Christmas).

    "5G marketing will be at a fever pitch".

    Now might be the time to check your temperature...
    Take a look of which countries have gone live on 5G recently. Vodafone Spain has just begun its 5G marketing push. There are signs all over Barcelona already. By the end of the year coverage will be spreading fast and marketing will be right there with it.

    Yes. In the run up to the Christmas season, 5G marketing will be fever pitch.
    My point is that very few people are going to miss out on 5G by waiting another year to purchase a phone. 

    So, I would ask, will you be buying a new Honor phone this Christmas just for 5G?

    Precisely the job of marketing is to try and convince you otherwise. To achieve that goal they will campaign. Campaigning will reach a peak in the run up to Christmas.

    You failed to answer my question;

    As someone posting at AI that has been vocal in the benefits of 5G, will you be an early adopter and purchase a Huawei / Honor phone at Christmas, or, as I have noted, are you just a cheerleader?

    It's the concept of eating your own dog food; put up or shut up.

    I will be buying this fall's rumored triple lens iPhone, and I'm not in the least concerned about 5G, considering it today to be nothing but hype.
    I am set for at least another year with my Honor 10. My area has no 5G coverage at present but the 5G roll out here will be far, far faster than with 4G. To give you an idea, I believe 5G will reach 50% of the Spanish population by year end.

    Of course, the 5G marketing campaign will be raging around me all the same. That was the point, remember.
    "To give you an idea, I believe 5g will reach 50% of the Spanish population by year end"


    Spain will barely have enabled a small number of pilot projects by year's end.

    Sure looks like Apple will be fine delivering 5G in the fall of 2020. 
    The statement that a cellular radio will reach x% of a population can be measured in so many ways that it's ridiculous without a buttload of qualifiers and clarification.
    AT&T has already reached tens of millions of Americans with 5Ge!
    I hope this is sarcasm because this is 5Ge is just the same 4G tech their competitors have been offering for about a year. 
  • Reply 71 of 86
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,867member
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    I've seen one of these folding iWannabes break during a demo haha! The video is out there somewhere.

    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.

    The official Huawei spokesperson has spoken. Thanks for the facts bro.

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.
    Holy shit, the Wall Scum anal-yst market spin drivel is strong with this one!!!
    Perhaps you are unaware of the market conditions I mentioned. There is little or nothing to gain in releasing now.

    No competition.
    Component supply issues.
    Government regulatory issues.
    Potential new OS to test.

    Moving to September (conditions permitting) will pit the X (and the Mate 30 series) against the Note 10 and the iPhone 2019 refresh. That makes far more sense from a marketing perspective as neither Apple nor Samsung are likely to have folding options and Apple almost certainly won't have a 5G option (and 5G marketing will be a fever pitch by Christmas).

    "No competition"

    An SNL skit couldn't make this up....

    Firstly. The CEO of Huawei's Consumer Business Unit (not a spokesman) said the Mate X could ship 'tomorrow' if need be (this was before Trump's executive order). 

    Secondly. The Mate X has already been in the hands of select media outlets for early evaluation - without any of the issues that affected the Fold.

    If they have decided to delay the roll out for testing, try to put that into perspective. Try to apply a minimum of common sense and reach a conclusion as to why they are delaying the launch by three months.

    That's what I did. No more. No less.

    Thirdly: "no competition" - please enlighten me as to where the competition is. Right now, there isn't any and that is precisely why they can re-plan but this time taking into account current realities. Realities that simply weren't there when the original launch window was set.

    You might consider changing your AI moniker to Huawei PR b7. 
    It's far removed from PR. I said from the start that folding phones would have to prove themselves in the market in terms of durability. The initial efforts will live or die by that factor alone although there are others. That applies to Huawei too.

    The difference, with regards to some others, is that I just don't automatically assume this delay is related to the Samsung style issues and have pointed out where they might be. That's not PR, it's balance and common sense.

    But but with no competition how is anyone supposed to release a foldable phone?!!?!

    These foldable phones are just rushing to market because Apple patented this years ago. Reminds me of the edge display failure and the galaxy gear watch failure.
    You lost me there. No one is saying they won't release a folding phone. The question is releasing at the most appropriate time for maximum effect.
    A more accurate scenario would be that Huawei was forced to rush its product to compete with Samsung's release, and when Samsung failed, Huawei had the opportunity to properly finish up the Mate X. 

    If it's finished today, there isn't any reason for Huawei not market it, hence, it isn't finished.

    Your PR spins does you no favors.

    It is ironic that you say that because I read an interview with the CEO of Huawei Consumer Business which stated the exact opposite to the scenario you are presenting. LOL 

    "The other ones? I don’t know. It’s because they’re not ready for commercial [use]. Because they heard that we are launching, so they hurried to launch ahead of us. I heard that they got the information that we were launching foldable phones, and they wanted to do it earlier than us. But I think they are not ready."

    A reference to Samsung?

    That mystery may go unsolved.
    Your fail was attempting to promote the fallacy that Huawei was only waiting for competition to arrive this fall before release of the Mate X. That's 3 months worth of uncontested sales that Huawei would have given up. Businesses don't give up a marketing advantage like that without a significant reason, and a delay because they weren't confident of its success was almost certainly the case.

    If it had really been ready, Huawei would have gained massive prestige from delivering in on the original schedule. The only logical explanation is that it wasn't ready.

    You need to tone down your fandom, unless of course, you really are receiving compensation for you "expert" PR work.

    Still, you make me laugh.
    Laugh all you want but you presented a scenario that was the complete and exact opposite to what the CEO of the Huawei Business Unit (and person who gave the nod to this design) had actually claimed.

    I gave possible reasons for the delay, one of them being the not insignificant task of perhaps needing to graft an entirely new OS onto the device which by the way fires a pretty big nail into your - 'if it's finished, ship it' - line. Have you not been paying attention to recent developments?

    I gave others too - ALL of them based on factual information that we already have and supported by the relevant logic.

    To that, you throw in your 'almost certainly not ready' claim which is literally based on your own speculative imagination and conveniently ignores ALL of the factual information we already have. Most of it information relative to geopolitical events that happened after the release window was announced.


    Perhaps you should tone down your imagination because 'almost certainly' has no place in your completely unsupported (with facts anyway) argument.

    edited June 2019 GeorgeBMac
  • Reply 72 of 86
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.
    This was so desperate I actually felt sorry for you. 😢
  • Reply 73 of 86
    Rayz2016Rayz2016 Posts: 6,957member
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    I've seen one of these folding iWannabes break during a demo haha! The video is out there somewhere.

    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.

    The official Huawei spokesperson has spoken. Thanks for the facts bro.

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.
    Holy shit, the Wall Scum anal-yst market spin drivel is strong with this one!!!
    Perhaps you are unaware of the market conditions I mentioned. There is little or nothing to gain in releasing now.

    No competition.
    Component supply issues.
    Government regulatory issues.
    Potential new OS to test.

    Moving to September (conditions permitting) will pit the X (and the Mate 30 series) against the Note 10 and the iPhone 2019 refresh. That makes far more sense from a marketing perspective as neither Apple nor Samsung are likely to have folding options and Apple almost certainly won't have a 5G option (and 5G marketing will be a fever pitch by Christmas).

    "No competition"

    An SNL skit couldn't make this up....

    Firstly. The CEO of Huawei's Consumer Business Unit (not a spokesman) said the Mate X could ship 'tomorrow' if need be (this was before Trump's executive order). 

    Secondly. The Mate X has already been in the hands of select media outlets for early evaluation - without any of the issues that affected the Fold.

    If they have decided to delay the roll out for testing, try to put that into perspective. Try to apply a minimum of common sense and reach a conclusion as to why they are delaying the launch by three months.

    That's what I did. No more. No less.

    Thirdly: "no competition" - please enlighten me as to where the competition is. Right now, there isn't any and that is precisely why they can re-plan but this time taking into account current realities. Realities that simply weren't there when the original launch window was set.

    You might consider changing your AI moniker to Huawei PR b7. 
    It's far removed from PR. I said from the start that folding phones would have to prove themselves in the market in terms of durability. The initial efforts will live or die by that factor alone although there are others. That applies to Huawei too.

    The difference, with regards to some others, is that I just don't automatically assume this delay is related to the Samsung style issues and have pointed out where they might be. That's not PR, it's balance and common sense.

    But but with no competition how is anyone supposed to release a foldable phone?!!?!

    These foldable phones are just rushing to market because Apple patented this years ago. Reminds me of the edge display failure and the galaxy gear watch failure.
    You lost me there. No one is saying they won't release a folding phone. The question is releasing at the most appropriate time for maximum effect.
    The “most appropriate time for maximum effect” being when they can actually make one that doesn’t split  or crack after its been folded/unfolded four times. 
  • Reply 74 of 86
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    Rayz2016 said:
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    I've seen one of these folding iWannabes break during a demo haha! The video is out there somewhere.

    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.

    The official Huawei spokesperson has spoken. Thanks for the facts bro.

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.
    Holy shit, the Wall Scum anal-yst market spin drivel is strong with this one!!!
    Perhaps you are unaware of the market conditions I mentioned. There is little or nothing to gain in releasing now.

    No competition.
    Component supply issues.
    Government regulatory issues.
    Potential new OS to test.

    Moving to September (conditions permitting) will pit the X (and the Mate 30 series) against the Note 10 and the iPhone 2019 refresh. That makes far more sense from a marketing perspective as neither Apple nor Samsung are likely to have folding options and Apple almost certainly won't have a 5G option (and 5G marketing will be a fever pitch by Christmas).

    "No competition"

    An SNL skit couldn't make this up....

    Firstly. The CEO of Huawei's Consumer Business Unit (not a spokesman) said the Mate X could ship 'tomorrow' if need be (this was before Trump's executive order). 

    Secondly. The Mate X has already been in the hands of select media outlets for early evaluation - without any of the issues that affected the Fold.

    If they have decided to delay the roll out for testing, try to put that into perspective. Try to apply a minimum of common sense and reach a conclusion as to why they are delaying the launch by three months.

    That's what I did. No more. No less.

    Thirdly: "no competition" - please enlighten me as to where the competition is. Right now, there isn't any and that is precisely why they can re-plan but this time taking into account current realities. Realities that simply weren't there when the original launch window was set.

    You might consider changing your AI moniker to Huawei PR b7. 
    It's far removed from PR. I said from the start that folding phones would have to prove themselves in the market in terms of durability. The initial efforts will live or die by that factor alone although there are others. That applies to Huawei too.

    The difference, with regards to some others, is that I just don't automatically assume this delay is related to the Samsung style issues and have pointed out where they might be. That's not PR, it's balance and common sense.

    But but with no competition how is anyone supposed to release a foldable phone?!!?!

    These foldable phones are just rushing to market because Apple patented this years ago. Reminds me of the edge display failure and the galaxy gear watch failure.
    You lost me there. No one is saying they won't release a folding phone. The question is releasing at the most appropriate time for maximum effect.
    The “most appropriate time for maximum effect” being when they can actually make one that doesn’t split  or crack after its been folded/unfolded four times. 
    The discussion was about Huawei, not Samsung.
  • Reply 75 of 86
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,867member
    Rayz2016 said:
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    I've seen one of these folding iWannabes break during a demo haha! The video is out there somewhere.

    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.

    The official Huawei spokesperson has spoken. Thanks for the facts bro.

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.
    Holy shit, the Wall Scum anal-yst market spin drivel is strong with this one!!!
    Perhaps you are unaware of the market conditions I mentioned. There is little or nothing to gain in releasing now.

    No competition.
    Component supply issues.
    Government regulatory issues.
    Potential new OS to test.

    Moving to September (conditions permitting) will pit the X (and the Mate 30 series) against the Note 10 and the iPhone 2019 refresh. That makes far more sense from a marketing perspective as neither Apple nor Samsung are likely to have folding options and Apple almost certainly won't have a 5G option (and 5G marketing will be a fever pitch by Christmas).

    "No competition"

    An SNL skit couldn't make this up....

    Firstly. The CEO of Huawei's Consumer Business Unit (not a spokesman) said the Mate X could ship 'tomorrow' if need be (this was before Trump's executive order). 

    Secondly. The Mate X has already been in the hands of select media outlets for early evaluation - without any of the issues that affected the Fold.

    If they have decided to delay the roll out for testing, try to put that into perspective. Try to apply a minimum of common sense and reach a conclusion as to why they are delaying the launch by three months.

    That's what I did. No more. No less.

    Thirdly: "no competition" - please enlighten me as to where the competition is. Right now, there isn't any and that is precisely why they can re-plan but this time taking into account current realities. Realities that simply weren't there when the original launch window was set.

    You might consider changing your AI moniker to Huawei PR b7. 
    It's far removed from PR. I said from the start that folding phones would have to prove themselves in the market in terms of durability. The initial efforts will live or die by that factor alone although there are others. That applies to Huawei too.

    The difference, with regards to some others, is that I just don't automatically assume this delay is related to the Samsung style issues and have pointed out where they might be. That's not PR, it's balance and common sense.

    But but with no competition how is anyone supposed to release a foldable phone?!!?!

    These foldable phones are just rushing to market because Apple patented this years ago. Reminds me of the edge display failure and the galaxy gear watch failure.
    You lost me there. No one is saying they won't release a folding phone. The question is releasing at the most appropriate time for maximum effect.
    The “most appropriate time for maximum effect” being when they can actually make one that doesn’t split  or crack after its been folded/unfolded four times. 
    Once again, facts are entirely absent from the discourse.

    The Mate X is the daily driver of the CEO of the company. Many employees are using it. It has been in the hands of tech journalists in uncontrolled environments.

    These are facts. Facts presented in this very thread. 

    When people claim the Mate X hasn't been in the hands of journalists for example, or has been but only in controlled settings, when there is a video right here in the thread of a journalist giving her opinion in an uncontrolled environment (not a 10 minute hands on) what does that tell you?

    It tells me that providing irrefutable evidence to those claims will not change their minds because their minds are already made up or they simply haven't read the thread. To the point that they made false claims in the first place and when you prove those claims to be baseless they will simply run off to the next false point and try to make us forget about the previous one. And so on. At worst they will try to use the evidence that disproves their claims as a PR exercise! Would you bet against someone making that claim again in this thread.

    What counts is that readers have the information. That they have enough information to see what is out there and what is true or false. That is with reference to facts. Readers will decide.

    When it comes to speculation, readers can decide which line seems more plausible and how the line is argued and form their own opinions.

    'Splitting' or 'cracking' after four folds/unfolds definitely isn't relevant to the Mate X based on what we know so let's say the implication is baseless. One more for the list. Of course if you actually have something to support it you won't waste a second in presenting it. But then again if you had that, surely you would have posted it already.

    Or you are replying to the wrong thread or your comment is one of those gratuitous drive by digs perhaps with a poor element of sarcasm thrown in but like I said, people will form their own opinions.

    Take a look at some of the claims in this thread and how many actually stood up to scrutiny.

    edited June 2019 GeorgeBMac
  • Reply 76 of 86
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,430member
    avon b7 said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    I've seen one of these folding iWannabes break during a demo haha! The video is out there somewhere.

    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.

    The official Huawei spokesperson has spoken. Thanks for the facts bro.

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.
    Holy shit, the Wall Scum anal-yst market spin drivel is strong with this one!!!
    Perhaps you are unaware of the market conditions I mentioned. There is little or nothing to gain in releasing now.

    No competition.
    Component supply issues.
    Government regulatory issues.
    Potential new OS to test.

    Moving to September (conditions permitting) will pit the X (and the Mate 30 series) against the Note 10 and the iPhone 2019 refresh. That makes far more sense from a marketing perspective as neither Apple nor Samsung are likely to have folding options and Apple almost certainly won't have a 5G option (and 5G marketing will be a fever pitch by Christmas).

    "No competition"

    An SNL skit couldn't make this up....

    Firstly. The CEO of Huawei's Consumer Business Unit (not a spokesman) said the Mate X could ship 'tomorrow' if need be (this was before Trump's executive order). 

    Secondly. The Mate X has already been in the hands of select media outlets for early evaluation - without any of the issues that affected the Fold.

    If they have decided to delay the roll out for testing, try to put that into perspective. Try to apply a minimum of common sense and reach a conclusion as to why they are delaying the launch by three months.

    That's what I did. No more. No less.

    Thirdly: "no competition" - please enlighten me as to where the competition is. Right now, there isn't any and that is precisely why they can re-plan but this time taking into account current realities. Realities that simply weren't there when the original launch window was set.

    You might consider changing your AI moniker to Huawei PR b7. 
    It's far removed from PR. I said from the start that folding phones would have to prove themselves in the market in terms of durability. The initial efforts will live or die by that factor alone although there are others. That applies to Huawei too.

    The difference, with regards to some others, is that I just don't automatically assume this delay is related to the Samsung style issues and have pointed out where they might be. That's not PR, it's balance and common sense.

    But but with no competition how is anyone supposed to release a foldable phone?!!?!

    These foldable phones are just rushing to market because Apple patented this years ago. Reminds me of the edge display failure and the galaxy gear watch failure.
    You lost me there. No one is saying they won't release a folding phone. The question is releasing at the most appropriate time for maximum effect.
    The “most appropriate time for maximum effect” being when they can actually make one that doesn’t split  or crack after its been folded/unfolded four times. 
    Once again, facts are entirely absent from the discourse.

    The Mate X is the daily driver of the CEO of the company. Many employees are using it. It has been in the hands of tech journalists in uncontrolled environments.

    These are facts. Facts presented in this very thread. 

    When people claim the Mate X hasn't been in the hands of journalists for example, or has been but only in controlled settings, when there is a video right here in the thread of a journalist giving her opinion in an uncontrolled environment (not a 10 minute hands on) what does that tell you?

    It tells me that providing irrefutable evidence to those claims will not change their minds because their minds are already made up or they simply haven't read the thread. To the point that they made false claims in the first place and when you prove those claims to be baseless they will simply run off to the next false point and try to make us forget about the previous one. And so on. At worst they will try to use the evidence that disproves their claims as a PR exercise! Would you bet against someone making that claim again in this thread.

    What counts is that readers have the information. That they have enough information to see what is out there and what is true or false. That is with reference to facts. Readers will decide.

    When it comes to speculation, readers can decide which line seems more plausible and how the line is argued and form their own opinions.

    'Splitting' or 'cracking' after four folds/unfolds definitely isn't relevant to the Mate X based on what we know so let's say the implication is baseless. One more for the list. Of course if you actually have something to support it you won't waste a second in presenting it. But then again if you had that, surely you would have posted it already.

    Or you are replying to the wrong thread or your comment is one of those gratuitous drive by digs perhaps with a poor element of sarcasm thrown in but like I said, people will form their own opinions.

    Take a look at some of the claims in this thread and how many actually stood up to scrutiny.

    Apple has large numbers of this fall's iPhones that will be "daily drivers" for a whole lot of test engineers before release. Early production means that many of those are already in operation. That's just how the industry works. By the second Tuesday of September, this year the 10th, It is announced, and by that Friday, preorders start for delivery a week later. 

    Like clockwork.

    If Huawei missed the ship date, the the Mate X wasn't ready.

    Now your excuse is that Huawei needs to add its Hong Meng OS (ARK outside of China) to replace Android OS. That's at least believable, but that isn't what you were stating initially.

    Here's theVerge story;

    "The Chinese tech giant told CNBC and The Wall Street Journal that it was doing extensive testing to make sure the device was ready for consumers, and that the company was taking a “cautious” approach following the failed launch of Samsung’s own foldable device, the Galaxy Fold. The Fold debuted in April but shipment of the phone has been indefinitely delayed after devices reviewed by multiple outlets broke in a matter of days. 

    “We don’t want to launch a product to destroy our reputation,” a spokesperson for Huawei told CNBC."

    But this is the rest of the story;

    "Alternatively, the phone might ship with Huawei’s own mobile OS, which it’s been developing for years. A spokesperson for the firm told CNBC that it would prefer to go with Google’s software but added: “If we are forced to do it by ourselves, we are ready. We can do in the next six-to-nine months.”

    Funny, but that's exactly what this AI story stated. Two sources, same report. Go figure.

    edited June 2019 docno42
  • Reply 77 of 86
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,867member
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    I've seen one of these folding iWannabes break during a demo haha! The video is out there somewhere.

    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.

    The official Huawei spokesperson has spoken. Thanks for the facts bro.

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.
    Holy shit, the Wall Scum anal-yst market spin drivel is strong with this one!!!
    Perhaps you are unaware of the market conditions I mentioned. There is little or nothing to gain in releasing now.

    No competition.
    Component supply issues.
    Government regulatory issues.
    Potential new OS to test.

    Moving to September (conditions permitting) will pit the X (and the Mate 30 series) against the Note 10 and the iPhone 2019 refresh. That makes far more sense from a marketing perspective as neither Apple nor Samsung are likely to have folding options and Apple almost certainly won't have a 5G option (and 5G marketing will be a fever pitch by Christmas).

    "No competition"

    An SNL skit couldn't make this up....

    Firstly. The CEO of Huawei's Consumer Business Unit (not a spokesman) said the Mate X could ship 'tomorrow' if need be (this was before Trump's executive order). 

    Secondly. The Mate X has already been in the hands of select media outlets for early evaluation - without any of the issues that affected the Fold.

    If they have decided to delay the roll out for testing, try to put that into perspective. Try to apply a minimum of common sense and reach a conclusion as to why they are delaying the launch by three months.

    That's what I did. No more. No less.

    Thirdly: "no competition" - please enlighten me as to where the competition is. Right now, there isn't any and that is precisely why they can re-plan but this time taking into account current realities. Realities that simply weren't there when the original launch window was set.

    You might consider changing your AI moniker to Huawei PR b7. 
    It's far removed from PR. I said from the start that folding phones would have to prove themselves in the market in terms of durability. The initial efforts will live or die by that factor alone although there are others. That applies to Huawei too.

    The difference, with regards to some others, is that I just don't automatically assume this delay is related to the Samsung style issues and have pointed out where they might be. That's not PR, it's balance and common sense.

    But but with no competition how is anyone supposed to release a foldable phone?!!?!

    These foldable phones are just rushing to market because Apple patented this years ago. Reminds me of the edge display failure and the galaxy gear watch failure.
    You lost me there. No one is saying they won't release a folding phone. The question is releasing at the most appropriate time for maximum effect.
    The “most appropriate time for maximum effect” being when they can actually make one that doesn’t split  or crack after its been folded/unfolded four times. 
    Once again, facts are entirely absent from the discourse.

    The Mate X is the daily driver of the CEO of the company. Many employees are using it. It has been in the hands of tech journalists in uncontrolled environments.

    These are facts. Facts presented in this very thread. 

    When people claim the Mate X hasn't been in the hands of journalists for example, or has been but only in controlled settings, when there is a video right here in the thread of a journalist giving her opinion in an uncontrolled environment (not a 10 minute hands on) what does that tell you?

    It tells me that providing irrefutable evidence to those claims will not change their minds because their minds are already made up or they simply haven't read the thread. To the point that they made false claims in the first place and when you prove those claims to be baseless they will simply run off to the next false point and try to make us forget about the previous one. And so on. At worst they will try to use the evidence that disproves their claims as a PR exercise! Would you bet against someone making that claim again in this thread.

    What counts is that readers have the information. That they have enough information to see what is out there and what is true or false. That is with reference to facts. Readers will decide.

    When it comes to speculation, readers can decide which line seems more plausible and how the line is argued and form their own opinions.

    'Splitting' or 'cracking' after four folds/unfolds definitely isn't relevant to the Mate X based on what we know so let's say the implication is baseless. One more for the list. Of course if you actually have something to support it you won't waste a second in presenting it. But then again if you had that, surely you would have posted it already.

    Or you are replying to the wrong thread or your comment is one of those gratuitous drive by digs perhaps with a poor element of sarcasm thrown in but like I said, people will form their own opinions.

    Take a look at some of the claims in this thread and how many actually stood up to scrutiny.

    Apple has large numbers of this fall's iPhones that will be "daily drivers" for a whole lot of test engineers before release. Early production means that many of those are already in operation. That's just how the industry works. By the second Tuesday of September, this year the 10th, It is announced, and by that Friday, preorders start for delivery a week later. 

    Like clockwork.

    If Huawei missed the ship date, the the Mate X wasn't ready.

    Now your excuse is that Huawei needs to add its Hong Meng OS to replace Android OS. That's at least believable, but that isn't what you were stating initially.

    Here's theVerge story;

    "The Chinese tech giant told CNBC and The Wall Street Journal that it was doing extensive testing to make sure the device was ready for consumers, and that the company was taking a “cautious” approach following the failed launch of Samsung’s own foldable device, the Galaxy Fold. The Fold debuted in April but shipment of the phone has been indefinitely delayed after devices reviewed by multiple outlets broke in a matter of days. 

    “We don’t want to launch a product to destroy our reputation,” a spokesperson for Huawei told CNBC."




    Of course it was/is ready. They announced it and gave a ship date of June or July! Richard Yu said that they could ship 'now' (post MWC2019) if they wanted.

    What they are saying is exactly what they are saying. They are taking a "cautious" approach to release to make it as good as possible given the timeframe, so they have less potential issues to deal with and don't damage their reputation.

    Little to nothing can change in that timeframe on the hardware front. The core design is fixed! 

    Let me support that with a line of yours ;-) 'almost certainly'.

    The product, to meet a June shipment date, will have almost certainly been in production! That means a fixed hardware design.

    I simply cannot foresee any major changes to the design and any core design changes wouldn't get through extensive testing by September and rushing things would fly in the face of the cautious approach.

    Does that seem reasonable to you?

    So, moving away from core hardware design (the fold and screen being the main focus here) what is realistically left? The software. This potentially falls into the bag of what was NOT said.

    Here we have a major, and I mean MAJOR potential hurdle to jump. Although the system has been in the works for some time, releasing it on a completely new device in a totally new device category, and a premium flagship at that, and while racing against the clock would be some feat. If that is the case then, for as cautious as you want to be, you are taking some serious risks. But they have no option, Trump is trying everything in his power to destroy the company. 

    It could also be that they hope to actually ship with Google Android, foreseeing a Trump reversal. Nothing is impossible. However, shipping in June would have been unwise in the current climate for all the reasons I have already gone through.

    In summary. The phone is ready. We know that from the company itself. At least in terms of core hardware design. Taking a little more time (just three months) to make it 'more ready' does make some sense in the overall scheme of things.

    'like clockwork'. Yep, I take it you also see Ray's comment as 100% baseless. I think all the phones in use right now have been folded and unfolded more than four times without breaking. LOL!
  • Reply 78 of 86
    tmaytmay Posts: 6,430member
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    I've seen one of these folding iWannabes break during a demo haha! The video is out there somewhere.

    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.

    The official Huawei spokesperson has spoken. Thanks for the facts bro.

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.
    Holy shit, the Wall Scum anal-yst market spin drivel is strong with this one!!!
    Perhaps you are unaware of the market conditions I mentioned. There is little or nothing to gain in releasing now.

    No competition.
    Component supply issues.
    Government regulatory issues.
    Potential new OS to test.

    Moving to September (conditions permitting) will pit the X (and the Mate 30 series) against the Note 10 and the iPhone 2019 refresh. That makes far more sense from a marketing perspective as neither Apple nor Samsung are likely to have folding options and Apple almost certainly won't have a 5G option (and 5G marketing will be a fever pitch by Christmas).

    "No competition"

    An SNL skit couldn't make this up....

    Firstly. The CEO of Huawei's Consumer Business Unit (not a spokesman) said the Mate X could ship 'tomorrow' if need be (this was before Trump's executive order). 

    Secondly. The Mate X has already been in the hands of select media outlets for early evaluation - without any of the issues that affected the Fold.

    If they have decided to delay the roll out for testing, try to put that into perspective. Try to apply a minimum of common sense and reach a conclusion as to why they are delaying the launch by three months.

    That's what I did. No more. No less.

    Thirdly: "no competition" - please enlighten me as to where the competition is. Right now, there isn't any and that is precisely why they can re-plan but this time taking into account current realities. Realities that simply weren't there when the original launch window was set.

    You might consider changing your AI moniker to Huawei PR b7. 
    It's far removed from PR. I said from the start that folding phones would have to prove themselves in the market in terms of durability. The initial efforts will live or die by that factor alone although there are others. That applies to Huawei too.

    The difference, with regards to some others, is that I just don't automatically assume this delay is related to the Samsung style issues and have pointed out where they might be. That's not PR, it's balance and common sense.

    But but with no competition how is anyone supposed to release a foldable phone?!!?!

    These foldable phones are just rushing to market because Apple patented this years ago. Reminds me of the edge display failure and the galaxy gear watch failure.
    You lost me there. No one is saying they won't release a folding phone. The question is releasing at the most appropriate time for maximum effect.
    The “most appropriate time for maximum effect” being when they can actually make one that doesn’t split  or crack after its been folded/unfolded four times. 
    Once again, facts are entirely absent from the discourse.

    The Mate X is the daily driver of the CEO of the company. Many employees are using it. It has been in the hands of tech journalists in uncontrolled environments.

    These are facts. Facts presented in this very thread. 

    When people claim the Mate X hasn't been in the hands of journalists for example, or has been but only in controlled settings, when there is a video right here in the thread of a journalist giving her opinion in an uncontrolled environment (not a 10 minute hands on) what does that tell you?

    It tells me that providing irrefutable evidence to those claims will not change their minds because their minds are already made up or they simply haven't read the thread. To the point that they made false claims in the first place and when you prove those claims to be baseless they will simply run off to the next false point and try to make us forget about the previous one. And so on. At worst they will try to use the evidence that disproves their claims as a PR exercise! Would you bet against someone making that claim again in this thread.

    What counts is that readers have the information. That they have enough information to see what is out there and what is true or false. That is with reference to facts. Readers will decide.

    When it comes to speculation, readers can decide which line seems more plausible and how the line is argued and form their own opinions.

    'Splitting' or 'cracking' after four folds/unfolds definitely isn't relevant to the Mate X based on what we know so let's say the implication is baseless. One more for the list. Of course if you actually have something to support it you won't waste a second in presenting it. But then again if you had that, surely you would have posted it already.

    Or you are replying to the wrong thread or your comment is one of those gratuitous drive by digs perhaps with a poor element of sarcasm thrown in but like I said, people will form their own opinions.

    Take a look at some of the claims in this thread and how many actually stood up to scrutiny.

    Apple has large numbers of this fall's iPhones that will be "daily drivers" for a whole lot of test engineers before release. Early production means that many of those are already in operation. That's just how the industry works. By the second Tuesday of September, this year the 10th, It is announced, and by that Friday, preorders start for delivery a week later. 

    Like clockwork.

    If Huawei missed the ship date, the the Mate X wasn't ready.

    Now your excuse is that Huawei needs to add its Hong Meng OS to replace Android OS. That's at least believable, but that isn't what you were stating initially.

    Here's theVerge story;

    "The Chinese tech giant told CNBC and The Wall Street Journal that it was doing extensive testing to make sure the device was ready for consumers, and that the company was taking a “cautious” approach following the failed launch of Samsung’s own foldable device, the Galaxy Fold. The Fold debuted in April but shipment of the phone has been indefinitely delayed after devices reviewed by multiple outlets broke in a matter of days. 

    “We don’t want to launch a product to destroy our reputation,” a spokesperson for Huawei told CNBC."




    Of course it was/is ready. They announced it and gave a ship date of June or July! Richard Yu said that they could ship 'now' (post MWC2019) if they wanted.

    What they are saying is exactly what they are saying. They are taking a "cautious" approach to release to make it as good as possible given the timeframe, so they have less potential issues to deal with and don't damage their reputation.

    Little to nothing can change in that timeframe on the hardware front. The core design is fixed! 

    Let me support that with a line of yours ;-) 'almost certainly'.

    The product, to meet a June shipment date, will have almost certainly been in production! That means a fixed hardware design.

    I simply cannot foresee any major changes to the design and any core design changes wouldn't get through extensive testing by September and rushing things would fly in the face of the cautious approach.

    Does that seem reasonable to you?

    So, moving away from core hardware design (the fold and screen being the main focus here) what is realistically left? The software. This potentially falls into the bag of what was NOT said.

    Here we have a major, and I mean MAJOR potential hurdle to jump. Although the system has been in the works for some time, releasing it on a completely new device in a totally new device category, and a premium flagship at that, and while racing against the clock would be some feat. If that is the case then, for as cautious as you want to be, you are taking some serious risks. But they have no option, Trump is trying everything in his power to destroy the company. 

    It could also be that they hope to actually ship with Google Android, foreseeing a Trump reversal. Nothing is impossible. However, shipping in June would have been unwise in the current climate for all the reasons I have already gone through.

    In summary. The phone is ready. We know that from the company itself. At least in terms of core hardware design. Taking a little more time (just three months) to make it 'more ready' does make some sense in the overall scheme of things.

    'like clockwork'. Yep, I take it you also see Ray's comment as 100% baseless. I think all the phones in use right now have been folded and unfolded more than four times without breaking. LOL!
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    I've seen one of these folding iWannabes break during a demo haha! The video is out there somewhere.

    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.

    The official Huawei spokesperson has spoken. Thanks for the facts bro.

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.
    Holy shit, the Wall Scum anal-yst market spin drivel is strong with this one!!!
    Perhaps you are unaware of the market conditions I mentioned. There is little or nothing to gain in releasing now.

    No competition.
    Component supply issues.
    Government regulatory issues.
    Potential new OS to test.

    Moving to September (conditions permitting) will pit the X (and the Mate 30 series) against the Note 10 and the iPhone 2019 refresh. That makes far more sense from a marketing perspective as neither Apple nor Samsung are likely to have folding options and Apple almost certainly won't have a 5G option (and 5G marketing will be a fever pitch by Christmas).

    "No competition"

    An SNL skit couldn't make this up....

    Firstly. The CEO of Huawei's Consumer Business Unit (not a spokesman) said the Mate X could ship 'tomorrow' if need be (this was before Trump's executive order). 

    Secondly. The Mate X has already been in the hands of select media outlets for early evaluation - without any of the issues that affected the Fold.

    If they have decided to delay the roll out for testing, try to put that into perspective. Try to apply a minimum of common sense and reach a conclusion as to why they are delaying the launch by three months.

    That's what I did. No more. No less.

    Thirdly: "no competition" - please enlighten me as to where the competition is. Right now, there isn't any and that is precisely why they can re-plan but this time taking into account current realities. Realities that simply weren't there when the original launch window was set.

    You might consider changing your AI moniker to Huawei PR b7. 
    It's far removed from PR. I said from the start that folding phones would have to prove themselves in the market in terms of durability. The initial efforts will live or die by that factor alone although there are others. That applies to Huawei too.

    The difference, with regards to some others, is that I just don't automatically assume this delay is related to the Samsung style issues and have pointed out where they might be. That's not PR, it's balance and common sense.

    But but with no competition how is anyone supposed to release a foldable phone?!!?!

    These foldable phones are just rushing to market because Apple patented this years ago. Reminds me of the edge display failure and the galaxy gear watch failure.
    You lost me there. No one is saying they won't release a folding phone. The question is releasing at the most appropriate time for maximum effect.
    The “most appropriate time for maximum effect” being when they can actually make one that doesn’t split  or crack after its been folded/unfolded four times. 
    Once again, facts are entirely absent from the discourse.

    The Mate X is the daily driver of the CEO of the company. Many employees are using it. It has been in the hands of tech journalists in uncontrolled environments.

    These are facts. Facts presented in this very thread. 

    When people claim the Mate X hasn't been in the hands of journalists for example, or has been but only in controlled settings, when there is a video right here in the thread of a journalist giving her opinion in an uncontrolled environment (not a 10 minute hands on) what does that tell you?

    It tells me that providing irrefutable evidence to those claims will not change their minds because their minds are already made up or they simply haven't read the thread. To the point that they made false claims in the first place and when you prove those claims to be baseless they will simply run off to the next false point and try to make us forget about the previous one. And so on. At worst they will try to use the evidence that disproves their claims as a PR exercise! Would you bet against someone making that claim again in this thread.

    What counts is that readers have the information. That they have enough information to see what is out there and what is true or false. That is with reference to facts. Readers will decide.

    When it comes to speculation, readers can decide which line seems more plausible and how the line is argued and form their own opinions.

    'Splitting' or 'cracking' after four folds/unfolds definitely isn't relevant to the Mate X based on what we know so let's say the implication is baseless. One more for the list. Of course if you actually have something to support it you won't waste a second in presenting it. But then again if you had that, surely you would have posted it already.

    Or you are replying to the wrong thread or your comment is one of those gratuitous drive by digs perhaps with a poor element of sarcasm thrown in but like I said, people will form their own opinions.

    Take a look at some of the claims in this thread and how many actually stood up to scrutiny.

    Apple has large numbers of this fall's iPhones that will be "daily drivers" for a whole lot of test engineers before release. Early production means that many of those are already in operation. That's just how the industry works. By the second Tuesday of September, this year the 10th, It is announced, and by that Friday, preorders start for delivery a week later. 

    Like clockwork.

    If Huawei missed the ship date, the the Mate X wasn't ready.

    Now your excuse is that Huawei needs to add its Hong Meng OS to replace Android OS. That's at least believable, but that isn't what you were stating initially.

    Here's theVerge story;

    "The Chinese tech giant told CNBC and The Wall Street Journal that it was doing extensive testing to make sure the device was ready for consumers, and that the company was taking a “cautious” approach following the failed launch of Samsung’s own foldable device, the Galaxy Fold. The Fold debuted in April but shipment of the phone has been indefinitely delayed after devices reviewed by multiple outlets broke in a matter of days. 

    “We don’t want to launch a product to destroy our reputation,” a spokesperson for Huawei told CNBC."




    Of course it was/is ready. They announced it and gave a ship date of June or July! Richard Yu said that they could ship 'now' (post MWC2019) if they wanted.

    What they are saying is exactly what they are saying. They are taking a "cautious" approach to release to make it as good as possible given the timeframe, so they have less potential issues to deal with and don't damage their reputation.

    Little to nothing can change in that timeframe on the hardware front. The core design is fixed! 

    Let me support that with a line of yours ;-) 'almost certainly'.

    The product, to meet a June shipment date, will have almost certainly been in production! That means a fixed hardware design.

    I simply cannot foresee any major changes to the design and any core design changes wouldn't get through extensive testing by September and rushing things would fly in the face of the cautious approach.

    Does that seem reasonable to you?

    So, moving away from core hardware design (the fold and screen being the main focus here) what is realistically left? The software. This potentially falls into the bag of what was NOT said.

    Here we have a major, and I mean MAJOR potential hurdle to jump. Although the system has been in the works for some time, releasing it on a completely new device in a totally new device category, and a premium flagship at that, and while racing against the clock would be some feat. If that is the case then, for as cautious as you want to be, you are taking some serious risks. But they have no option, Trump is trying everything in his power to destroy the company. 

    It could also be that they hope to actually ship with Google Android, foreseeing a Trump reversal. Nothing is impossible. However, shipping in June would have been unwise in the current climate for all the reasons I have already gone through.

    In summary. The phone is ready. We know that from the company itself. At least in terms of core hardware design. Taking a little more time (just three months) to make it 'more ready' does make some sense in the overall scheme of things.

    'like clockwork'. Yep, I take it you also see Ray's comment as 100% baseless. I think all the phones in use right now have been folded and unfolded more than four times without breaking. LOL!
    You're spinning so fast it must make you dizzy!

    It's either ready or it isn't, so what does "more ready" even mean?

    If it wasn't shipped, it wasn't ready. That's how it works.
  • Reply 79 of 86
    avon b7avon b7 Posts: 7,867member
    You added something to your post on the OS so I will expand a little on that.

    It's important to remember that we are simply speculating on the OS.

    When you copy/pasted 'we can do it in six to nine months' you failed to follow through to the source link. If you had done that, you would have also seen Richard Yu saying, in the same piece, that they could release it  'this year'.

    As for the option of releasing with Android anyway (due to the three month extension), this has been looked at from different perspectives on many sites. There is nothing really clear to be gleaned as opinions are mixed due to the fact that no one truly knows what the consequences of an Android ban might be. We are literally in uncharted territory here.

    All we can do is speculate. There have been all kinds of rumours flying around. One even suggested that the new Huawei OS is already being tested on a million devices and that Oppo, Xiaomi (?) and Vivo were also involved.

    Those two may be stretching credibility although the first one claims Richard Yu as saying that the new OS could see the light of day as early as autumn.

    What is for sure is that the new OS name is currently being registered around the world. Perhaps another reason to delay a launch.
    edited June 2019
  • Reply 80 of 86
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    avon b7 said:
    Rayz2016 said:
    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    tmay said:
    avon b7 said:
    I've seen one of these folding iWannabes break during a demo haha! The video is out there somewhere.

    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.

    The official Huawei spokesperson has spoken. Thanks for the facts bro.

    avon b7 said:
    avon b7 said:
    The Mate X is ready to go but market conditions are not appropriate. Three months won't change much in key areas of the design but from a marketing perspective, if the market conditions change, a September launch will have far more impact than a June launch.

    More months for testing is a valid justification (especially as there is no real competition at the moment) and avoids them having to mention component bans etc.

    Three months could come in very handy though for testing Ark OS on the device.
    Holy shit, the Wall Scum anal-yst market spin drivel is strong with this one!!!
    Perhaps you are unaware of the market conditions I mentioned. There is little or nothing to gain in releasing now.

    No competition.
    Component supply issues.
    Government regulatory issues.
    Potential new OS to test.

    Moving to September (conditions permitting) will pit the X (and the Mate 30 series) against the Note 10 and the iPhone 2019 refresh. That makes far more sense from a marketing perspective as neither Apple nor Samsung are likely to have folding options and Apple almost certainly won't have a 5G option (and 5G marketing will be a fever pitch by Christmas).

    "No competition"

    An SNL skit couldn't make this up....

    Firstly. The CEO of Huawei's Consumer Business Unit (not a spokesman) said the Mate X could ship 'tomorrow' if need be (this was before Trump's executive order). 

    Secondly. The Mate X has already been in the hands of select media outlets for early evaluation - without any of the issues that affected the Fold.

    If they have decided to delay the roll out for testing, try to put that into perspective. Try to apply a minimum of common sense and reach a conclusion as to why they are delaying the launch by three months.

    That's what I did. No more. No less.

    Thirdly: "no competition" - please enlighten me as to where the competition is. Right now, there isn't any and that is precisely why they can re-plan but this time taking into account current realities. Realities that simply weren't there when the original launch window was set.

    You might consider changing your AI moniker to Huawei PR b7. 
    It's far removed from PR. I said from the start that folding phones would have to prove themselves in the market in terms of durability. The initial efforts will live or die by that factor alone although there are others. That applies to Huawei too.

    The difference, with regards to some others, is that I just don't automatically assume this delay is related to the Samsung style issues and have pointed out where they might be. That's not PR, it's balance and common sense.

    But but with no competition how is anyone supposed to release a foldable phone?!!?!

    These foldable phones are just rushing to market because Apple patented this years ago. Reminds me of the edge display failure and the galaxy gear watch failure.
    You lost me there. No one is saying they won't release a folding phone. The question is releasing at the most appropriate time for maximum effect.
    The “most appropriate time for maximum effect” being when they can actually make one that doesn’t split  or crack after its been folded/unfolded four times. 
    Once again, facts are entirely absent from the discourse.


    It tells me that providing irrefutable evidence to those claims will not change their minds because their minds are already made up or they simply haven't read the thread. To the point that they made false claims in the first place and when you prove those claims to be baseless they will simply run off to the next false point and try to make us forget about the previous one. And so on. At worst they will try to use the evidence that disproves their claims as a PR exercise! Would you bet against someone making that claim again in this thread.

    What counts is that readers have the information. That they have enough information to see what is out there and what is true or false. That is with reference to facts. Readers will decide.


    That doesn't just happen here with Huawei.   It happens anywhere and anytime an argument is based on an agenda or ideology (or theology) rather than facts and reality.

    People use whatever argument they think will sound credible -- and then skip to the next whenever that one is refuted.   Then as they run out of credible sounding arguments, they either round back around to the first one and start it all over again, or distract with a "WhatAboutIsm" -- or simply just attack the messenger.

    It's like telling a Steeler fan that the Patriots are a better team.   Facts don't matter.  It's which side are you on?

    But, while you will never convince them (because that is impossible), it is still important to refute them because, as we have seen, when a lie is told often enough and loudly enough, it becomes the new reality.  It becomes true. 

    (And speaking of Alternative Facts:   Have they found those WMDs yet?  After all, they "knew were there" -- "We have surveillance")
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