Raymond James upgrades Apple stock to $250 on 2020 iPhone promise



  • Reply 41 of 45
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    DAalseth said:
    williamh said:
    Will people care much about 5G in 2019 or even 2020? Most of us won’t have 5G service available for some time still. 
    That feeling ("If I can't use it today, then it is worthless") is only relevant to those who only keep their phones a year -- or two at the longest.
    For the real world, they want a phone that won't obsolete itself a third or quarter of the way through its life-span.
    I can’t speak for anyone but me, but I’m not waiting for 5G. We just started seeing LTE around here in the last couple of years. It will be several years at least before 5G gets here. Plus where I live the distances are long, the rain is heavy, and the trees are thick. So the high frequency band of 5G will do nothing for us. The low frequency band is only slightly better than LTE so it will make little difference. So I can say I definitely won’t care about 5G until the phone after the one I’m getting this fall. Somewhere around 2023. YMMV but for me it’s a non issue.
    Yeh, I get that.
    I am in the opposite boat:   I am in a heavily populated suburb of a major urban area and Verizon just bought all the telephone poles in the area from the local electricity company and is inspecting them and strengthening them so they can safely hold their 5G transmitters.   I have 3 of those poles in line of sight within 100 feet of my house (I live on a corner lot).   So, 5G will likely not only power my smart phone but replace the 40 year old Comcast cable going into my house.

    It is a mistake to judge 5G based on rural areas.
    Like the electrical grid and the cable grid before it, wireless is being rolled out by for-profit companies only in those areas where it generates profit.  Rural areas simply can't generate those profits -- so they get ignored.   You guys will need government to step in.   And, they are making some under the table efforts:  They are demanding that Sprint and T-Mobile service some rural areas as part of their merger -- but they're afraid to make too big a deal of that or the Free-Market Libertarians will start to cry.
  • Reply 42 of 45
    seanjseanj Posts: 319member
    williamh said:
    Will people care much about 5G in 2019 or even 2020? Most of us won’t have 5G service available for some time still. 
    Well those of us who have access are waiting...
    Or considering other manufacturers.
    I expect the iPhone 2019 will have Qualcomm’s 5G modem - hence the legal settlement earlier this year.
    Then iPhone 2020 will have Apple’s own 5G modem, possibly integrated directly into the processor.
  • Reply 43 of 45
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    seanj said:
    williamh said:
    Will people care much about 5G in 2019 or even 2020? Most of us won’t have 5G service available for some time still. 
    Well those of us who have access are waiting...
    Or considering other manufacturers.
    I expect the iPhone 2019 will have Qualcomm’s 5G modem - hence the legal settlement earlier this year.
    Then iPhone 2020 will have Apple’s own 5G modem, possibly integrated directly into the processor.
    By all reports the 2019 phone to be released in September will only have an LTE modem.
    My bet is that Apple will release a 2020 phone with 5G early in 2020.   But, so far, I seem to be the only one who believes Apple won't sit on it tlll September 2020.
  • Reply 44 of 45
    seanjseanj Posts: 319member
    seanj said:
    williamh said:
    Will people care much about 5G in 2019 or even 2020? Most of us won’t have 5G service available for some time still. 
    Well those of us who have access are waiting...
    Or considering other manufacturers.
    I expect the iPhone 2019 will have Qualcomm’s 5G modem - hence the legal settlement earlier this year.
    Then iPhone 2020 will have Apple’s own 5G modem, possibly integrated directly into the processor.
    By all reports the 2019 phone to be released in September will only have an LTE modem.
    My bet is that Apple will release a 2020 phone with 5G early in 2020.   But, so far, I seem to be the only one who believes Apple won't sit on it tlll September 2020.
    I doubt Apple will launch a new iPhone in Sept only to make it redundant 6 months later with a new model with 5G in 2020.

    They might wait until Sept 2020 but they will be lambasted by their competition, the press, and in reviews for only having LTE while all of their competitors offer 5G. The reputation all hit to the iPhone would be costly, not to mention the drift of iPhone owners away...
  • Reply 45 of 45
    GeorgeBMacGeorgeBMac Posts: 11,421member
    seanj said:
    seanj said:
    williamh said:
    Will people care much about 5G in 2019 or even 2020? Most of us won’t have 5G service available for some time still. 
    Well those of us who have access are waiting...
    Or considering other manufacturers.
    I expect the iPhone 2019 will have Qualcomm’s 5G modem - hence the legal settlement earlier this year.
    Then iPhone 2020 will have Apple’s own 5G modem, possibly integrated directly into the processor.
    By all reports the 2019 phone to be released in September will only have an LTE modem.
    My bet is that Apple will release a 2020 phone with 5G early in 2020.   But, so far, I seem to be the only one who believes Apple won't sit on it tlll September 2020.
    I doubt Apple will launch a new iPhone in Sept only to make it redundant 6 months later with a new model with 5G in 2020.

    They might wait until Sept 2020 but they will be lambasted by their competition, the press, and in reviews for only having LTE while all of their competitors offer 5G. The reputation all hit to the iPhone would be costly, not to mention the drift of iPhone owners away...
    Your reasoning is faultless and I would agree with it completely but for one thing:   By all accounts (and I haven't seen any that say otherwise), Apple kissed and made up with Qualcomm too late to get their 5G modem into one or more of their Sept 2019 release Phones.   Now that may be wrong -- and it would be great news for all (except Apple competitors) if it were, but currently that's what the evidence apparently points to.

    So that is why I am predicting that Apple will either hold off till September 2020 -- or release a 5G in the first half of 2020.    I think it will be the latter for a couple reasons:  
    1)  There is no logical reason (either from a technical or marketing point of view) to delay the release.
    2)  Apple not only needs to get away from ther annual September marketing extravaganza but appears that they are already headed in that direction.  That is, in a maturing market the Wow! factor really gets watered down -- which leads to disapointment at these big events.  Plus, the annual September release gives their competition multiple advantages.  And, in other products (most notably the Mac line) they have begun sporadic, unannounced upgrades -- so they are already headed in that direction.
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