2020 iPhone could kill the notch by moving Face ID to the bezel



  • Reply 61 of 75
    NatkoNatko Posts: 8unconfirmed, member
    Now this looks beautiful! 2021. S revision optimal upgrade time from Xs!😉
  • Reply 62 of 75
    jcs2305jcs2305 Posts: 1,338member
    grblade said:
    This would be awesome. I’ve been holding on to my iPhone 7 Plus, and this is one of the reasons.
    Is this a serious comment? 
    I thought the same...
  • Reply 63 of 75
    jcs2305jcs2305 Posts: 1,338member
    gatorguy said:
    apple ][ said:
    I guess this means that other monkey see - monkey do companies will now have to follow suit and get rid of their notches too, if they are able to
    FWIW the Pixel 4 already did...
    From what I have seen the P4 has one large bezel on the top, instead of the notch?  This is better looking than the notch?

    Google Pixel 4 XL Leak Shows Off Improved Google Assistant Face Unlock

  • Reply 64 of 75
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,507member
    jcs2305 said:
    gatorguy said:
    apple ][ said:
    I guess this means that other monkey see - monkey do companies will now have to follow suit and get rid of their notches too, if they are able to
    FWIW the Pixel 4 already did...
    From what I have seen the P4 has one large bezel on the top, instead of the notch?  This is better looking than the notch?

    Google Pixel 4 XL Leak Shows Off Improved Google Assistant Face Unlock

    To me yes. Apparently there's at least a few iPhone owners who feel the same. FWIW the Pixel's bezel is downright svelte compared to the still current iPhone 8, hardly "massive". To paraphrase Crocodile Dundee THAT'S a bezel.  In addition to "the notch" the new iPhone 11 looks like it has a relatively fat border all around the display? To be fair I don't really have an issue with the same fat border all around either, just noting that unlike Google Apple does try to hide the need for a slightly wider top bezel despite the use of "the notch". 

    Those overly rounded corners on the Pixel display? Not so much. They need to go away on the next version. 
    edited September 2019
  • Reply 65 of 75
    19831983 Posts: 1,225member
    If this turns out to be true. Apple are basically going for a miniaturized iPad Pro design for the next iPhone. Which is fine considering that high quality mass produced under-screen Face ID like tech is still a little way off. But while the thicker bezels look fine on a relatively large product like the iPad, on an iPhone there’s the possibility of making it look rather ‘old hat’ so to speak...first world problems aye! 😁
    edited September 2019
  • Reply 66 of 75
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,507member
    As I mentioned in post 65, yes those are relatively fat bezels all around which helps to disguise the area Apple actually needs to reserve for components even using "the notch".  

    edited September 2019
  • Reply 67 of 75
    macguimacgui Posts: 2,396member
    fred1 said:
    I love how the notch was (in part) to make it obvious to others that the phone you had was an iPhone, then everyone copied it, so if the next model is notch-less, that will be what shows that it’s an iPhone. Cue the copycats. Suddenly they’ll be able to produce a phone with no notch too. 
    Really? You have a link for that or just an opinion. I think it was just about design symmetry. Apple didn't have a place to hide it, so they just owned it. Having it located somewhere else or blacking out an area the with of the screen just looks unbalanced to me. Those are my opinions. I'm not trying to present them as Apple inside baseball.

    This will just make it much harder to know the top from the bottom. Something should  distinguish IMO 
    In normal handling, my phone is face down and I realize I see the volume and/or sleep buttons, so I know what. Even if I set it face up, I still have a some sort of muscle memory that I set it down in a particular manner and must be subconsciously using those cues as needed, so I can't remember picking it up, upside down, at least not enough to remember doing so.
  • Reply 68 of 75
    gatorguy said:
    netmage said:
    gatorguy said:

    For now this is an imaginary iPhone design. The Pixel's is real and TBH an improvement over a notch as I see it. 
    I don't see how having a permanent black area at the top of the screen and a almost permanent loss of screen real estate across the top of the screen is preferable to having extra screen spa e at the top to hold the status information meaning most application use gains screen real estate over no notch.
    Isn't it typical that in use the area to the left and right of the iPhone notch is black, attempting to hide the notches existence? 
    Not at all. What on earth gave you that idea?
  • Reply 69 of 75
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,507member
    gatorguy said:
    netmage said:
    gatorguy said:

    For now this is an imaginary iPhone design. The Pixel's is real and TBH an improvement over a notch as I see it. 
    I don't see how having a permanent black area at the top of the screen and a almost permanent loss of screen real estate across the top of the screen is preferable to having extra screen spa e at the top to hold the status information meaning most application use gains screen real estate over no notch.
    Isn't it typical that in use the area to the left and right of the iPhone notch is black, attempting to hide the notches existence? 
    Not at all. What on earth gave you that idea?
    Ummm, well multiple screenshots around the web, some Apple marketing pics, the few times I've looked at a recent iPhone myself...
    Doesn't matter really, just noting what I had observed and asking if it was typical. You're saying it is not which is helpful.
    edited September 2019
  • Reply 70 of 75
    FatmanFatman Posts: 513member
    I just put my order in :-) A little bezel is okay - helps reduce screen fingerprints and gives a protective case something to 'hold on to'.
  • Reply 71 of 75
    Bring back the home button or I ain't buying one
  • Reply 72 of 75
    jslovejslove Posts: 12member
    I would buy one of those in a nanosecond. The grip rejection on the full front phones is so bad I literally could not use my iPhone X without putting it in a case, and the iPhone 11 Pro is no improvement. Grip rejection is something they could have addressed system-wide in the software, but no. Or at least, I've never been able to find such a setting. I don't want a *much* wider bezel, but a wider bezel would be the chief selling point of any model that comes out with one; I almost do not care what other new features it might have. Being able to see the battery percentage at a glance again would be a bonus. A slightly heavier phone with a bigger battery would be nice, too, but Apple doesn't listen. Look how long the keyboard took.
  • Reply 73 of 75
    gcrjordangcrjordan Posts: 3unconfirmed, member
    so much for cases protecting the iPhone bezel \
  • Reply 74 of 75
    This looks really cool, but wouldn't it affect the quality of the photos? Do they make cameras this small these days?
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