New PowerMac pictures leaked



  • Reply 101 of 688
    whoamiwhoami Posts: 301member
    do you guys remember how bad we thought the leaked quicksilver photos looked? they looked nasty and none of us believed that they were real, i hope that this isn't the same!
  • Reply 102 of 688
    nitridenitride Posts: 100member
    Ah hell, I can't tell now if the connector for "FireWire 2" or just some reflections/traces are on that new board photo. Hard to see.

    Plus I just woke up and my eyes are blurry.

    If this is all real (red ebay mobo, this) then damn thats some weird shit Apple. Whoa. Sorry for the cuss word. Thats just a WEIRD looking Mac style. Wow.

    [ 07-21-2002: Message edited by: Nitride ]</p>
  • Reply 103 of 688
    bjnybjny Posts: 191member
    I am waiting for ThinkSecret's take on the .pdf and pictures since they nailed the predictions for MWNY. If you look at their archives, you'll find that they are very accurate.
  • Reply 104 of 688
    nitridenitride Posts: 100member
    Okay unless Apple engineers physically MOVED both USB and FireWire ports over about an inch, there has to be a gap between the Ethernet and FireWire ports.

    The diagram doesn't indicated this. Is this board slightly different? The diagram lists SDRAM - are they just not aware of DDR RAM?

    That would majorly suck if it were not DDR RAM yet.

    And on the CPU daughter card it has the year '2001' on it. If this were a production unit why would it be marked 2001 and not 2002? More questions than answers. Damn it all. <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />
  • Reply 105 of 688
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member
    I informed dePlume of the picutures'/pdfs' existance just a while ago, if it helps.

    <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />

    My take on the pics: they arent airbrushed. Just poor scanning/photos.
  • Reply 106 of 688
    patchoulipatchouli Posts: 402member

    This thing can't be real. It's not very attractive - not very Apple-like. Also, look at the bottom of the this picture. Not only is the bottom of the front of the case fuzzy, but the plastic (loop) bottom stand is uneven and lopsided compared top the top one. Perhaps a photchop job?

    [ 07-21-2002: Message edited by: Patchouli ]</p>
  • Reply 107 of 688
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    they are "speed holes" like in the simpsons....those holes could easily end up being front ports for usb, firewire, firewire2, usb2....there are only 2 usb and 2 firewire ports on the back of this tower...perhaps apple is giving this new tower more...would have to see an unstretched version, but it is not either overly attractive nor overly ugly...liked the iServe themed mockups of a new tower better, but it is easy to make a design, much harder to make one that fits everything, handles heat well, opens and moves easily...g
  • Reply 108 of 688
    You can see another quicksilver being reflected on the metal plate
  • Reply 109 of 688
    sc_marktsc_markt Posts: 1,402member
    What seems fake to me is where it says "next generation G5 ready" in the PDF. If you look at it, the font for G5 is huge. Seems like this would be done by somebody who faked it but wanted us to see it.
  • Reply 110 of 688
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member

    Looks better at only 390 height.

    [ 07-21-2002: Message edited by: G-News ]</p>
  • Reply 110 of 688
    macsrgood4umacsrgood4u Posts: 3,007member
    Whether fake or not, the real deal will be unveiled in md-August. As usual, everyone says "photoshop", yet every photo Apple puts on its website is altered to make it look better. I think this is just an early prototype of a possible design, not what's coming.
  • Reply 112 of 688
    There very likely is a trend at Apple to move ports in as attractive a manner as possible to the front, thanks to the increase in focus of hot pluggable "digital-lifestyle" devices ... which certainly bodes well for this picture.

    The fact that it's butt-ugly unfortunately doesn't. Still, maybe the silver square thingy in the middle is just a proto-type place-holder until something more aesthetically reasonable comes along.


    I wonder if Apple would be willing, just to save face, to come out with a completely unreasonable computer for a kind of separate "super-hi-end" space ... for all those 3-D weenies at Pixar, WETA and the like ... the thing might sell in the $6000+ range, and be completely incapable of booting in classic - because the chip inside the thing is a Power4 of some type which requires huge amounts of heat dissappation, thus the stretch case and stoopidly huge heat sinks - but for places running Shake 'n such, well W.G.A.F. - 6 G's is chump change and all they care about is a super fast 'puter runing some form of compatible Unix anyway.

    The advantage to Apple? They can claim the speed throne, and show the world there's nothing inherintly wrong with Apple's OS as far as speed is concerned.

    Oh, yeah, and they could probably own the 3-D rendering/video/audio production market ... minor point.


    [ 07-21-2002: Message edited by: OverToasty ]</p>
  • Reply 113 of 688
    zazzaz Posts: 177member
    A few things.


    1. It is the red Logic Board. After study there can be no question the basic geometry is next to identical. The dip-switches are still present next to the IDE connectors. I really don' think that is a production element

    2. This is probably a beta or dev seed case. The internal shot looks real but not refined. The IDE cable and such are not organized like normal production models, it contains a full length PCI card which is part of the test seed, and when produced all the PCB boards will be the same color.

    3. If the board is fake it is one hella PS job. Cases are on thing... PCB is a whole other matter to fake.

    5. 7lbs heat sink? WOW. um, either that is one dense mofo and dissipates A LOT of heat big time or the PDF author guessed and didn't weigh it. Ventilation does seem to be a pretty important thing with this case.

    All in all, having tech'd G3/G4s for 3 years I say this is spot on if we include my above comments. The attention to detail is far beyond any hoax. Cases are one thing, electronics are a whole other matter.

    [ 07-21-2002: Message edited by: zaz ]</p>
  • Reply 114 of 688
    xypexype Posts: 672member
    I'm not going to debate whether it's real or a fake - but the quicksilver pic at least had the surrounding deleted so Apple couldn not trace it back as easily.

    Anyway, if that's the "next" design I would definately paint the aluminium drive bays white. It just looks ugly as it is.

    Btw, how hard would it be to hand-assemble such a G3/4/5 tower? I guess painting a G4 quicksilver white wouldn't be that hard, or?
  • Reply 115 of 688
    ezaeza Posts: 2member
    i'm surprised no one's commented on the supposed "turbine cooling". considering fan placement, air intakes on the front, and what looks like a perforated back panel, air flow through the box has got to be sweet.
  • Reply 116 of 688
    zazzaz Posts: 177member
    [quote]Originally posted by OverToasty:


    The fact that it's butt-ugly unfortunately doesn't. Still, maybe the silver square thingy in the middle is just a proto-type place-holder until something more aesthetically reasonable comes along.



    Other way around, I'd bet. The face plate is production and the remainder of the case is the dev seed.

    The rest of the case is what we have not seen. This is an internal El Cap case for hardware testing.

    Only reason the new face plate is on this unit is because there has never been anything like it in Apples parts bin.

  • Reply 117 of 688
    bjnybjny Posts: 191member
    [quote]Originally posted by OverToasty:


    The fact that it's butt-ugly unfortunately doesn't. Still, maybe the silver square thingy in the middle is just a proto-type place-holder until something more aesthetically reasonable comes along.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Shouldn't we expect that the silver square thingy be covered by a plastic faceplate the same color as the rest of the front?
  • Reply 118 of 688
    nitridenitride Posts: 100member
    Someone mentioned that this motherboard may be "older" than the red eBay mobo. I don't think so.

    I think the guy who made the PDF really saw the next G4 and it does NOT have the mystery port plus he drew the back panel out of proportion (happens all the time).

    So this is both good and rather bad news. Nothing really earth shattering in the next G4 other than the front panel now has a big ass metal plate and the internals are completely rearranged to accomodate the exact same stuff as before.

    At least the AirPort card is more accessable to install being on the top of the door panel than down in the bottom (requiring fully open doors to get at it).

    And I can't believe how much STUFF is crammed into the PC mobo that Eugene posted. What a pain it must be, two different RAM styles with only two slots for each, single ports of each style. No wonder they need so many PCI slots, they have to add a bunch of boards to get more ports or invest in hubs all over the place.

    Color be unimpressed. The G4 is definately the most lackluster line ever. Rearranging the internals and replacing the front/back panels 3 times is hardly worthy of Apple. Theres one design that looks somewhat retro (a large rounded corner metallic box up on four posts/legs - I kinda like that for some reason - art-techno stylings).
  • Reply 119 of 688
    nebagakidnebagakid Posts: 2,692member
    the case is obviously a prototype,come on, it is not fake, it is just not going to be ever seen by the public
  • Reply 120 of 688
    [quote]Originally posted by eza:

    <strong>i'm surprised no one's commented on the supposed "turbine cooling". considering fan placement, air intakes on the front, and what looks like a perforated back panel, air flow through the box has got to be sweet.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well, whoever did that doesn't know what a turbine is.
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