Lawmakers target iOS location privacy features in ongoing antitrust probe



  • Reply 21 of 25
    Of course Apple will know more about me than third party Apps. I’m ok with that because I trust Apple infinitely more than developers.

    You know who else knows more about me? My bank. When I use my credit card at a merchant they are limited in only getting enough information to process the payment. Why aren’t regulators going after banks for having greater access to my data than merchants where I use my card? Are banks being anti-competitive by keeping purchase history to themselves and not allowing merchants to see my habits?

    It’s asinine to complain that a single primary entity you deal with has greater access to data about you than other third parties they (or you) may also interact with.
  • Reply 22 of 25
    badmonkbadmonk Posts: 1,326member
    I am so damn proud of all the comments here.  Despite how evil FaceBook is, the biggest threat to privacy are probably these small companies that fly under the radar and transmit data to anyone who gives them a few dollars.  They are even more difficult to police than big tech.  I have to disagree with Elizabeth Warren and her plans to break up big tech for theoretical reasons of monopoly will result in less privacy and data security...not more.
  • Reply 23 of 25
    or in other words, Lawmaker: "Apple should stop making products that protect people privacy because we don't make law to protect people's privacy."
  • Reply 24 of 25
    “As long as there is choice in the marketplace... “ it doesn’t matter if Apple garners a ‘super majority’ of the marketplace. 
    You can only become a monopoly if there is no choice in the marketplace and all consumers HAVE no other choice but to come through Apple.
    If competitors are so unhappy why don’t they develop better choices, instead complaining about what Apple is doing with their products.

    As long as Apple is not telling other apps what to do OUTSIDE of Apple’s development environment, government cannot tell Apple how to design and develop inside their product environment. 
    edited November 2019
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