Long-time Mac developer's apps pulled from Mac App Store because of automated system failu...



  • Reply 41 of 42
    crowleycrowley Posts: 10,453member
    lkrupp said:
    If this is what it seems to be, Apple has become the worst of the most evil phenomenon Steve Jobs attacked in 1984.
    Well, turns out it wasn’t what it seemed to you to be, was it? But we don’t expect a “sorry, I jumped to a conclusion without any information and attacked Apple for skulduggery that never happened”. That will never happen, will it.
    Consider "if".
  • Reply 42 of 42
    chasmchasm Posts: 3,484member
    WarrenBuffduckh, welcome to my ignore list.

    Glad to see it turned out to be exactly what the non-tinfoil-hat crowd correctly called it as: a glitch.

    I hope Apple is taking steps to prevent that sort of thing from happening to anyone else. As the voiceover once said to the tuna, "Sorry Charlie!" (#old)

    May I suggest that AI readers take advantage of Apple's f-up and take a look at the company's offerings? As I mentioned I have two of them already and they're excellent.

    PS for Mr. Linux Butthurt: one can buy the apps directly from Charlie Monroe software OR use the Mac App Store, whatever works for them.
    edited August 2020
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