Smart TV adoption outpacing streaming devices like Apple TV, Roku



  • Reply 41 of 45
    BeatsBeats Posts: 3,073member
    Xed said:
    Beats said:
    Xed said:
    Beats said:
    Beats said:
    Beats said:
    rob53 said:
    Every “smart” TV is android based so no thanks. My Sony has android built in and it’s a pain. Give me a monitor and let me decide what to connect to it. 

    Not even. A lot are WebOS, Roku, and a few other OSes.

    This is really another Apple vs Android kind of thing. Market share is smart TVs, quality is Apple TV. Smart TVs are cheaper, bad UI, updates are questionable, often spy on you or are poor security, thus allowing others to spy on you. We love our Apple TV’s. 

    I want Apple to go all the way and release an A14 Apple TV or even an Apple Silicon based one. If Apple wants to stay relevant and deepen us into their ecosystem they need to start doing something with Apple TV.

    Also maybe Apple can have contracts with certain TV manufacturers to run tvOS with A-chip hardware because everything else is garbage.
    AppleTV has been using Apple silicon for a long time. 

    Thought "Apple Silicon" branding was for Mac SOCs? This family of chips will be faster than the A-series found in Apple TV.

    Unless you're being sarcastic, which is technically correct!
    The branding didn’t come out until this year, however Apple TV’s, and basically everything except Macs have had Apple designed CPUs/silicon for years. The Dev Apple Silicon Mac Mini is not a Mac SOC that you will see in the Macs. Really it is a beefed up iPad SOC. The Apple Silicon bit was part branding, part to get people to understand that Apple’s years of CPU development they used in everything else is going to be used in Macs. 

    Yes, I know this.

    Will "Apple Silicon" be the brand name of future iPhone/iPad chips though? That's the grey area. Never heard the phrase until they mentioned it FOR Mac and when you search "Apple Silicon" only Mac videos and articles appear.
    Probably. Apple has a lot to be proud of with their chip designs and the branding is already powerful despite it being under 2 months old.

    I think it would be a good idea and simplify the naming. "A-series chips" always sounded awkward to me.

    Anyways my point wasn't so much the branding but that I hope Apple takes Apple TV more serious and maybe include an Apple Silicon Mac chip in it. I wanna see it beat PS5 in power but be more fun than Nintendo consoles.
    I'm usually not a big fan of Apple naming conventions, but for their chips I didn't think A-series was bad since it was the first (at least shipping) chip they produced. The others seem to go off in other directions which didn't seem to have much in the way reason. Like why T-series? Or why switch W-series for H-series. M-series for motion seems fine. I do think they should keep those letter designations since they have so many chips, but Apple Silicon has a blanket for all their chips is pleasant sounding.

    I do hope they use Mac-grade ASi chips and take Apple TV gaming more serious, but I have doubts that will happen. There is the potential for the Nintendo Switch controller to start working with the Apple TV. I hope that's at least true as I'd like to try out Apple Arcade but I'm not going to buy a $70 SteelSeries game controller to play it.

    Hey you have a point. They could have at least started at "A" and continued down the alphabet.

    MAybe "Apple Silicon" will be the brand name for ALL series of chips. Would simplify everything.

    "I do hope they use Mac-grade ASi chips and take Apple TV gaming more serious, but I have doubts that will happen. "

    THIS I hope. Wouldn't it automatically be compatible with all Apple Silicon Mac games? Imagine that! This is why I want them to go that route.

    "$70 SteelSeries game controller"

    I paid $50 for mine and it came with Minecraft. Good old days.
  • Reply 42 of 45
    BeatsBeats Posts: 3,073member
    aegean said:
    No doubt Apple TV needs a lot of improvements. One of them is to fix their audio output . If they had to remove optical out, the should have fixed their wireless/bluetooth audio output first,  
    The best audio setup would be to connect the Apple TV to a modern AVR first and from there to a TV. All you need for that is HDMI.

    I highly agree. Asking for optical is like asking for the headphone jack back.

    Modern AVRs have gotten cheaper and are a fu**ing powerhouse now! They support TrueHD and uncompressed audio. They're also very minimal. Remember the old AVRs with 100 inputs?

    zoetmb said:
    95% of consumers won't care that the built-in 'smart' functions are Android based because they don't see it or perceive it.   Apple's UI and graphics is definitely far superior, but when it comes down to it for most consumers, they open the screen, they choose Netflix or Hulu or Amazon or the streaming version of some cable network and once they do that, the UI and graphics become completely irrelevant.  

    The only way Apple can win this is if they fund the cost of the streaming subs to providers other than Apple TV+.  so Hulu or Netflix or whatever is either free or offered at a big discount with the Apple TV box.   Or, they greatly increase the amount of content that's included for free with the service.   Otherwise, the lifespan of the Apple TV box is going to be very limited and determined by the TV replacement cycle.   Virtually every TV today is a "smart" TV.   

    I bought my elderly mother a 42" smart TV for about $219 and the smart TV functions work fine (not that she used any as should could barely change channels).    I think the Roku sticks will pretty much disappear as well, as the Roku functionality is already built in to many (most?) TV's.  

    And why doesn't the AppleTV remember your log-in info?  Why do I have to re-enter it every time I enable another streaming service?  

    The sad thing is "smart TVs" are just stealing a lot of functionality and UI elements that Apple innovated while Apple sits on the sidelines and watches.

    I do not think funding the cost of 3rd party services will help. I think Apple TV+ content needs to be better and getting a free year for buying an Apple device would help. I hope they keep providing a year every time you buy.

    Gaming is another incentive which is why I'm hoping for the latest chips instead of launching new hardware with 3 year old chips.
  • Reply 43 of 45
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,817member
    It's a shame Apple and TV manufacturers couldn't come up with a Car Play type situation whereby Apple TV OS or Android OS can be uploaded to a smart TV.
  • Reply 44 of 45
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,574member
    rob53 said:
    Every “smart” TV is android based so no thanks. My Sony has android built in and it’s a pain. Give me a monitor and let me decide what to connect to it. 
    Hardly. As someone else mentioned, LG uses its own operating system, WebOS. Samsung uses Tizen at least on the high end (I have the 65" Q80). Then there's Roku TV's like those from Hitachi, Sharp, Hisense, Phillips, JVC, TCL and others. I have a 55" Series 5 TCL upstairs and it's pretty good tho certainly not as quick as the Samsung. Anyway all those use RokuOS. ...and yup there's a few Android TV's too.
  • Reply 45 of 45
    pmhpmh Posts: 18member
    tieboy said:
    rob53 said:
    Every “smart” TV is android based so no thanks. My Sony has android built in and it’s a pain. Give me a monitor and let me decide what to connect to it. 
    Not entirely true. Many...possibly even most smart TVs-yes. But, for example, LG makes some fantastic smart TVs and they're webOS based.

    I've got one. After reading an article detailing just how much information LG uploads to it's servers, the LG TV was moved to a VLAN with no access to the internet (except for monthly updates) an ATV4K was purchased and now all programming goes through the ATV.

    Some people don't care about LG/Google/Facebook/Amazon having/using every detail of their lives. I'm not one of them.

    Also, I much prefer the ATV GUI over WebOS.
    edit: added last line
    edited August 2020 watto_cobra
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